% This file is embedded in datatool-user.pdf version 3.2 2025-03-14 % Example 107 Loading Data With No Parsing % Label: "ex:loadxynoparse" % arara: pdflatex % arara: pdfcrop \documentclass[12pt]{article} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{filecontents}[noheader,overwrite]{xydata.csv} X,Y -3.5,-2.75 -3,3 -2.5,-1 -1,1.5 1,-4.2 2.6,1.8 3.2,-0.4 \end{filecontents} \usepackage{datatool} % This will assume that all data is just text: \DTLread[ name=xydata, format=csv, csv-content=no-parse ]{xydata.csv} \begin{document} % since the columns are identified as strings, this just does a string sort: \DTLsortdata{xydata}{Y} \DTLdisplaydb{xydata} \end{document}