%% This is file `tikz-page.sty',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% tikz-page.dtx  (with options: `tikz-page')
%% This is a generated file.
%% Copyright © 2016 by Sébastien Gross <seb•ɑƬ•chezwam•ɖɵʈ•org>
%% This program is free software. It comes without any warranty, to the extent
%% permitted by applicable law. You can redistribute it and/or modify it under
%% the terms of the Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License, Version 2, as
%% published by Sam Hocevar. See http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/COPYING for more
%% details.
%% This file may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of
%% the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c of this license
%% or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this
%% license is in:
%% http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt
%% and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
%% version 2006/05/20 or later.

%% DeclareTCBListing{macrocode} leave a blank line after code.


%% Reset the FancyVerbLine counter to have the correct lines number in front
%% of implementation.

\ProvidesPackage{tikz-page}[\pkgfiledate\space (v\pkgfileversion)]






  \expandafter\newskip\csname tp@#1@#2\endcsname%

\foreach\@@tp@element in {page,body,marginpar,header,footer,top,right,bottom,left}{%
  \foreach\@@tp@len in {xmin,xmax,xmid,ymin,ymax,ymid}{%


  %% Body computation
  %% Margin computation
  %% header
  %% footer
  %% blocks%
}%%    \end{macrocode}

  \anchor{#1 north}{\pgf@x=\csname tp@#1@xmid\endcsname \pgf@y=\csname tp@#1@ymax\endcsname}%
  \anchor{#1 south}{\pgf@x=\csname tp@#1@xmid\endcsname \pgf@y=\csname tp@#1@ymin\endcsname}%
  \anchor{#1 west}{\pgf@x=\csname tp@#1@xmin\endcsname \pgf@y=\csname tp@#1@ymid\endcsname}%
  \anchor{#1 northwest}{\pgf@x=\csname tp@#1@xmin\endcsname \pgf@y=\csname tp@#1@ymax\endcsname}%
  \anchor{#1 southwest}{\pgf@x=\csname tp@#1@xmin\endcsname \pgf@y=\csname tp@#1@ymin\endcsname}%
  \anchor{#1 east}{\pgf@x=\csname tp@#1@xmax\endcsname \pgf@y=\csname tp@#1@ymid\endcsname}%
  \anchor{#1 northeast}{\pgf@x=\csname tp@#1@xmax\endcsname \pgf@y=\csname tp@#1@ymax\endcsname}%
  \anchor{#1 southeast}{\pgf@x=\csname tp@#1@xmax\endcsname \pgf@y=\csname tp@#1@ymin\endcsname}%
  \anchor{#1 center}{\pgf@x=\csname tp@#1@xmid\endcsname \pgf@y=\csname tp@#1@ymid\endcsname}%

  \expandafter\def\csname pgf@anchor@#1@#3\expandafter\endcsname
    \expandafter{\csname pgf@anchor@#1@#2\endcsname}}

  %% basic anchors
  \anchor{north}{\pgf@x=\tp@page@xmid \pgf@y=\tp@page@ymax}%
  \anchor{south}{\pgf@x=\tp@page@xmid \pgf@y=\tp@page@ymin}%
  \anchor{west}{\pgf@x=\tp@page@xmin \pgf@y=\tp@page@ymid}%
  \anchor{northwest}{\pgf@x=\tp@page@xmin \pgf@y=\tp@page@ymax}%
  \anchor{southwest}{\pgf@x=\tp@page@xmin \pgf@y=\tp@page@ymin}%
  \anchor{east}{\pgf@x=\tp@page@xmax \pgf@y=\tp@page@ymid}%
  \anchor{northeast}{\pgf@x=\tp@page@xmax \pgf@y=\tp@page@ymax}%
  \anchor{southeast}{\pgf@x=\tp@page@xmax \pgf@y=\tp@page@ymin}%
  \anchor{center}{\pgf@x=\tp@page@xmid \pgf@y=\tp@page@ymid}
  \anchor{origin}{\pgfpointorigin}%\pgf@x=0pt \pgf@y=0pt}
  %% Body anchors


  \foreach \anchor/\placement in {%
    northwest/below right%
    ,northeast/below left%
    ,southwest/above right%
    ,southeast/above left%
  } \draw[red,shift=(page.\anchor)] plot[mark=tpx%% my plot mark
  ] coordinates{(0,0)}
  node[blue,\placement] {\scriptsize\texttt{(page.\anchor)}};

  \foreach \anchor/\placement in {%
    body northwest/below right%
    ,body north/below%
    ,body northeast/below left%
    ,body west/right%
    ,body center/below%
    ,body east/left%
    ,body southwest/above right%
    ,body south/above%
    ,body southeast/above left%
  } \draw[red,shift=(page.\anchor)] plot[mark=tpx%% my plot mark
  ] coordinates{(0,0)}
  node[blue,\placement] {\scriptsize\texttt{(page.\anchor)}};

  \foreach \anchor/\placement in {%
    marginpar northwest/below left%
    ,marginpar north/left%
    ,marginpar northeast/above left%
    ,marginpar west/below%
    ,marginpar center/below%
    ,marginpar east/above%
    ,marginpar southwest/below right%
    ,marginpar south/right%
    ,marginpar southeast/above right%
  } \draw[red,shift=(page.\anchor)] plot[mark=tpx%% my plot mark
  ] coordinates{(0,0)}
  node[blue,\placement, rotate=90] {\scriptsize\texttt{(page.\anchor)}};

  \foreach \anchor/\placement in {%
    header northwest/above right%
    ,header north/above%
    ,header northeast/above left%
    ,header west/right%
    ,header center/right%
    ,header east/left%
    ,header southwest/below right%
    ,header south/below%
    ,header southeast/below left%
  } \draw[red,shift=(page.\anchor)] plot[mark=tpx%% my plot mark
  ] coordinates{(0,0)}
  node[blue,\placement] {\scriptsize\texttt{(page.\anchor)}};

  \foreach \anchor/\placement in {%
    footer northwest/above right%
    ,footer north/above%
    ,footer northeast/above left%
    ,footer west/right%
    ,footer center/right%
    ,footer east/left%
    ,footer southwest/below right%
    ,footer south/below%
    ,footer southeast/below left%
  } \draw[red,shift=(page.\anchor)] plot[mark=tpx%% my plot mark
  ] coordinates{(0,0)}
  node[blue,\placement] {\scriptsize\texttt{(page.\anchor)}};

  \foreach \anchor/\placement in {%
    top northwest/below right%
    ,top north/below%
    ,top northeast/below left%
    ,top west/right%
    ,top center/below%
    ,top east/left%
    ,top southwest/above right%
    ,top south/above%
    ,top southeast/above left%
  } \draw[red,shift=(page.\anchor)] plot[mark=tpx%% my plot mark
  ] coordinates{(0,0)}
  node[blue,\placement] {\scriptsize\texttt{(page.\anchor)}};

  \foreach \anchor/\placement in {%
    bottom northwest/below right%
    ,bottom north/below%
    ,bottom northeast/below left%
    ,bottom west/right%
    ,bottom center/below%
    ,bottom east/left%
    ,bottom southwest/above right%
    ,bottom south/above%
    ,bottom southeast/above left%
  } \draw[red,shift=(page.\anchor)] plot[mark=tpx%% my plot mark
  ] coordinates{(0,0)}
  node[blue,\placement] {\scriptsize\texttt{(page.\anchor)}};

  \foreach \anchor/\placement in {%
    left northwest/below left%
    ,left north/left%
    ,left northeast/above left%
    ,left west/below%
    ,left center/below%
    ,left east/above%
    ,left southwest/below right%
    ,left south/right%
    ,left southeast/above right%
  } \draw[red,shift=(page.\anchor)] plot[mark=tpx%% my plot mark
  ] coordinates{(0,0)}
  node[blue,\placement, rotate=90] {\scriptsize\texttt{(page.\anchor)}};

  \foreach \anchor/\placement in {%
    right northwest/below left%
    ,right north/left%
    ,right northeast/above left%
    ,right west/below%
    ,right center/below%
    ,right east/above%
    ,right southwest/below right%
    ,right south/right%
    ,right southeast/above right%
  } \draw[red,shift=(page.\anchor)] plot[mark=tpx%% my plot mark
  ] coordinates{(0,0)}
  node[blue,\placement, rotate=90] {\scriptsize\texttt{(page.\anchor)}};


  \draw[fill=blue!50, opacity=.3, draw] (page.bottom northwest) rectangle (page.bottom southeast);
  \draw[fill=yellow!50, opacity=.3, draw] (page.top northwest) rectangle (page.top southeast);
  \draw[fill=red!50, opacity=.3, draw] (page.left northwest) rectangle (page.left southeast);
  \draw[fill=green!50, opacity=.3, draw] (page.right northwest) rectangle (page.right southeast);

  \node [outer sep=0,inner sep=0, anchor=mid] at (page.header center) {};
  \node [outer sep=0,inner sep=0, anchor=mid east] at (page.header east) {\tpflip{\sl\leftmark}{\sl\rightmark}};
  \node [outer sep=0,inner sep=0, anchor=mid west] at (page.header west) {\tpflip{\sl\rightmark}{\sl\leftmark}};
  \node [outer sep=0,inner sep=0, anchor=base east] at (page.footer east) {};
  \node [,outer sep=0,inner sep=0,anchor=base] at (page.footer center) {\thepage};
  \node [outer sep=0,inner sep=0, anchor=base west] at (page.footer west) {};

      \clip (0,0) rectangle (\paperwidth, \paperheight);
      \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]%
      \node[anchor=origin,shape=page] (page) {};
      \node[anchor=origin,shape=page] (page) at (current page.south west) {};



%% End of file `tikz-page.sty'.