=head1 NAME

Net::Postage::App - Perl extension for Postageapp.com API


    use Net::Postage::App;  
    my $postage = Net::Postage::App->new(api_key => 'YOUR_PostageApp_API_KEY_HERE');
    ## first - prepare your message
        from => 'your_name <your_email>',
        subject => 'Hi This is a test message',
        textmessage => 'Hi there this is a TEXT message test',
        htmlmessage => '<b>Hi there this is an HTML message test</b>',
        reply_to => 'no-reply@example.com',
        headers => {
            'x-mailer' => 'Postage-App.pm'
    ## second - add recipients
    ## You can add a single recipient
    ## You can add an array of recipients at once
    ## Or hash of recipients for variable replacement
        'test@example.com' => { first_name => 'Mahmoud', ... },
        'test2@example2.com' => { first_name => 'fName', ... }
    ## Last, do the send
    ## make sure the sending was suucessful
    ## otherwise send again later
    if (!$postage->is_success){
        print $postage->errorMessage . "\n";
    } else {
        print "Your message sent successfully";


Perl interface to the Postageapp.com API

postageapp.com "From their website" Outsource the sending of your application generated email,
so your app can do what it does best... be awesome!

See L<http://postageapp.com>

=head1 METHODS

=head2 new()

    my $postageapp = Net::Postage::App->new( api_key => 'YOUR API KEY' )

=head2 message()

Create a new message to be sebt later

        from => 'Joe <joe.something@domain.com>',
        subject => '...',
        textmessage => '...'

message method accepts the following arguments

=over 4

=item from => 'name <emailAddress>'

Required : your from name and email address

=item subject => 'some text for subject'

Required : your message subject line

=item textmessage => 'text version of your email'

Optional if htmlmessage available

=item htmlmessage => 'html version of your message'

Optional if textmessage available, you can provide both fields

=item reply_to => 'reply_to email address'

Optional : reply to email field

=item attachments => ['/path/to/your/attachment.pdf']

arrayref of files you want to send as an attachment

=item resend => 1

Optional : When sending a message, a unique hash will be created to prevent resending
the same message again, set this to 1 if you want to send the same identical message to
same recipients

=item template => 'Template name'

Optional : name of the template you set at your postageapp dashboard
if you set this then there is no need for other headers

=item variables => { var1 => 'default text', .. }

Optional : hashref of default variables to be used when recipients info is missing

=item headers => { 'x-sender' => '...' }

Optional : hashref of extra headers to include in your email


=head2 to()

Where to send your email

C<to> method accepts one of the following

=over 4

=item scalar

a single email address

    $postageapp->to('email address');

=item arrayref

an arrayref of multi recipients


=item hashref

hashref of multi recipients with customization fields

        'email1' => {
            'name' => 'Joe',
            'age' => 32,
        'email2' => {
            'name' => '',

to use these fields in your email you need to compose a text/html message in C<message> method
by wrapping a word in doubled curly braces like {{name}} and {{age}}


=head2 send

send your email


=head2 is_success

returns true if the send process was successful

    if ( $postageapp->is_success ) {  }

=head2 errorMessage

returns error message if the send process failed


=head2 EXPORT

None by default.

=head1 SEE ALSO

For more information about postageapp API please visit their documentation page

=head1 AUTHOR

Mahmoud A Mehyar, E<lt>mamod.mehyar@gmail.com<gt>


Copyright (C) 2010-2013 by Mahmoud A. Mehyar

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.10.1 or,
at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available.