[](https://travis-ci.org/yowcow/p5-Log-Dispatch-CronoDir) # NAME Log::Dispatch::CronoDir - Log dispatcher for logging to time-based directories # SYNOPSIS use Log::Dispatch::CronoDir; my $log = Log::Dispatch::CronoDir->new( dirname_pattern => '/var/log/%Y/%m/%d', permissions => 0777, filename => 'output.log', mode => '>>:unix', binmode => ':utf8', autoflush => 1, ); # Write log to file `/var/log/2000/01/01/output.log` $log->log(level => 'error', message => 'Something has happened'); # DESCRIPTION Log::Dispatch::CronoDir is a file log dispatcher with time-based directory management. # METHODS ## new(Hash %args) Creates an instance. Accepted hash keys are: - dirname\_pattern => Str Directory name pattern where log files to be written to. POSIX strftime's conversion characters `%Y`, `%m`, and `%d` are currently accepted. - permissions => Octal Directory permissions when specified directory does not exist. Optional. When not specified, creating directory's permissions are based on current umask. Note that this won't work on Windows OS. - filename => Str Log file name to be written in the directory. - mode => Str Mode to be used when opening a file handle. Default: ">>" - binmode => Str Binmode to specify with `binmode`. Optional. Default: None - autoflush => Bool Enable or disable autoflush. Default: 1 ## log(Hash %args) Writes log to file. - level => Str Log level. - message => Str A message to write to log file. # SEE ALSO [Log::Dispatch](https://metacpan.org/pod/Log::Dispatch) # LICENSE Copyright (C) yowcow. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. # AUTHOR yowcow <yowcow@cpan.org>