# $Id: README,v 1.2 2001/06/22 19:08:42 root Exp $

In order to install and use this package you will need Perl version
5.004 or better, mod_perl Crypt::CBC, Crypt::Blowfish and Authen::ACE. 
Installation as usual:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install

There are three components to Apache::AuthenSecurID.



       Apache::AuthenSecurID - Authentication via a SecurID

        # Configuration in httpd.conf or access.conf

       <Location /secure/directory>
        AuthName SecurID
        AuthType Basic

        PerlAuthenHandler Apache::AuthenSecurID

        PerlSetVar AuthCryptKey Encryption_Key
        PerlSetVar AuthCookie Name_of_Authentication_Cookie
        PerlSetVar AuthUserCookie Name_of_Username_Authentication_Cookie
        PerlSetVar AuthCookiePath /path/of/authentication/cookie
        PerlSetVar AuthCookieTimeOut 30
        PerlSetVar AuthCookieHandler /path/of/authentication/handler

        require valid-user

       This module allows authentication against a SecurID
       server.  It detects whether a user has a valid encrypted
       cookie containing their username and last activity time
       stamp.  If the cookie is valid the module will change the
       activity timestamp to the present time, encrypt and send
       the cookie.  If the cookie is not valid the module will
       redirect to the authentication handler to prompt for
       username and passcode.

       o AuthCryptKey
              The Blowfish key used to encrypt and decrypt the
              authentication cookie.  It defaults to my secret if
              this variable is not set.

       o AuthCookie
              The name of the of cookie to be set for the
              authentication token.  It defaults to SecurID if
              this variable is not set.

       o AuthUserCookie
              The name of the of cookie that contains the value
              of the persons username in plain text.  This is
              checked against the contents of the encrypted
              cookie to verify user.  The cookie is set of other
              applications can identify authorized users.  It
              defaults to SecurID_User if this variable is not

       o AuthCookiePath
              The path of the of cookie to be set for the
              authentication token.  It defaults to / if this
              variable is not set.

       o AuthCookieTimeOut
              The time in minute a cookie is valid for.  It is
              not recommended to set below 5.  It defaults to 30
              if this variable is not set.

       o AuthCookieHandler
              The path of authentication handler.  This is the
              URL which request with invalid cookie are
              redirected to.  The handler will prompt for
              username and passcode.  It does the actual
              authentication and sets the initial cookie.  This
              mechanism is used instead of get_basic_auth_pw
              because get_basic_auth_pw will do multiple
              authentication attempt on pages that contain
              frames.  The ACE server will deny simultaneous
              authentication attempts since it considers this a
              type of attack.  It defaults to /ace_init if this
              variable is not set.  Please see
              Apache::AuthenSecurID::Auth to properly configure
              this functionality.

       The module should be loaded upon startup of the Apache
       daemon.  Add the following line to your httpd.conf:

        PerlModule Apache::AuthenSecurID

       For AuthenSecurID you need to enable the appropriate call-
       back hook when making mod_perl:

         perl Makefile.PL PERL_AUTHEN=1

       AuthenSecurID requires Crypt::Blowfish and Crypt::CBC.

       the Apache manpage, the mod_perl manpage, the Authen::ACE
       manpage the Apache::AuthenSecurID::Auth manpage

       o mod_perl by Doug MacEachern <dougm@osf.org>

       o Authen::ACE by Dave Carrigan

       o Apache::AuthenSecurID by David Berk <dberk@lump.org>

       The Apache::AuthenSecurID module is free software; you can
       redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as
       Perl itself.


       Apache::AuthenSecurID::Auth - Authentication handler for

        # Configuration in httpd.conf

       <Location /path/of/authentication/handler>
          SetHandler perl-script
          PerlHandler Apache::AuthenSecurID::Auth

          PerlSetVar AuthCryptKey Encryption_Key
          PerlSetVar AuthCookie Name_of_Authentication_Cookie
          PerlSetVar AuthUserCookie Name_of_Username_Authentication_Cookie
          PerlSetVar AuthCookiePath /path/of/authentication/cookie
          PerlSetVar AuthApacheCookie Apache_Cookie
          PerlSetVar ace_initd_server name.of.ace.handler.server.com
          PerlSetVar ace_initd_port 1969

       This module allows authentication against a SecurID
       server.  A request is redirected to this handler if the
       authentication cookie does not exist or is no longer
       valid.  The handler will prompt for username and passcode.
       It will then construct and encrypt a UDP packet and send
       it to the Ace request daemon.  This is necessary since
       libsdiclient.a needs to persist for NEXT TOKEN MODE and
       SET PIN MODE.  If the authentication is valid an encrypted
       Authentication Cookie is set and the request is redirected
       to the originating URI.  If the user needs to enter NEXT
       TOKEN or set their PIN they will be prompted to do so and
       if valid the request is then redirected to the originating

       o AuthCryptKey
              The Blowfish key used to encrypt and decrypt the
              authentication cookie.  It defaults to my secret if
              this variable is not set.

       o AuthCookie
              The name of the of cookie to be set for the
              authentication token.  It defaults to SecurID if
              this variable is not set.

       o AuthUserCookie
              The name of the of cookie that contains the value
              of the persons username in plain text.  This is
              checked against the contents of the encrypted
              cookie to verify user.  The cookie is set of other
              applications can identify authorized users.  It
              defaults to SecurID_User if this variable is not

       o AuthCookiePath
              The path of the of cookie to be set for the
              authentication token.  It defaults to / if this
              variable is not set.

       o AuthApacheCookie
              The name of the mod_usertrack cookie.  The
              mod_usertrack module must be compile and enabled in
              order to track user sessions.  This is set by the
              CookieName directive in httpd.conf.  It defaults to
              Apache if this variable is not set.

       o ace_initd_server
              The name of the server running the ACE request
              daemon.  This daemon is the actual process that
              communicates with the ACE Server.  If the user is
              in NEXT TOKEN MODE due to repeated failures or SET
              PIN MODE the Authen::ACE object must persist beyond
              the initial request.  A request packet is
              constructed with a random number, type of
              transaction, username, passcode and session
              identifier.  The request packet is then encrypted
              using Blowfish and sent to the ACE request daemon.
              The ACE request daemon decrypts and parses the
              packet.  The request if forwarded to the ACE server
              and the response is sent back to the handler.  The
              random number originally sent is returned to
              prevent attacks.  It defaults to localhost if this
              variable is not set.

       o ace_initd_port
              The port the that the Ace request daemon listens
              on.  It defaults to 1969 if this variable is not

       The module should be loaded upon startup of the Apache
       daemon.  Add the following line to your httpd.conf:

        PerlModule Apache::AuthenSecurID::Auth

       For AuthenSecurID::Auth you need to enable the appropriate
       call-back hook when making mod_perl:

         perl Makefile.PL PERL_AUTHEN=1

       AuthenSecurID::Auth requires Crypt::Blowfish and

       For AuthenSecurID::Auth to properly track users
       mod_usertrack must be compiled and enabled.

       the Apache manpage, the mod_perl manpage, the Authen::ACE
       manpage the Apache::AuthenSecurID::Auth manpage

       o mod_perl by Doug MacEachern <dougm@osf.org>

       o Authen::ACE by Dave Carrigan

       o Apache::AuthenSecurID by David Berk <dberk@lump.org>

       o Apache::AuthenSecurID::Auth by David Berk

       The Apache::AuthenSecurID::Auth module is free software;
       you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same
       terms as Perl itself.

ACE_INITD(1)   User Contributed Perl Documentation   ACE_INITD(1)

       ace_initd -  ACE Authentication daemon for

        # Configuration in /etc/ace_initd.conf

        VAR_ACE /the/ace/data/directory
        port 1969
        AuthCryptKey Encryption_Key
        syslog local2

       This daemon handles the ACE authentication requests for
       the Apache::SecurID::Auth module.  It is a single
       threaded, single fork server that listens on a specified
       UDP port.  Incoming requests are decrypted and requests
       forwarded to the ACE server.  If a specific request is in
       either in NEXT TOKEN MODE or SET PIN MODE the Authen::ACE
       object is not deleted.  It is instead kept in memory to
       handle those specific requests later.

       o VAR_ACE
              Specifies the location of the sdconf.rec file.  It
              defaults to /opt/ace/data if this variable is not

       o AuthCryptKey
              The Blowfish key used to encrypt and decrypt the
              authentication cookie.  It defaults to my secret if
              this variable is not set.

       o ace_initd_port
              The port the that the Ace request daemon listens
              on.  It defaults to 1969 if this variable is not

       o syslog
              The syslog facility ace_initd logs to.  It defaults
              to local2 if this variable is not set.

       Either run from the command line;

       prompt$ nohup ./ace_initd &

       or write the appropriate scripts in the /etc/rc

       ace_initd requires Crypt::Blowfish, Crypt::CBC and

       the Authen::ACE manpage the Apache::AuthenSecurID manpage
       the Apache::AuthenSecurID::Auth manpage

       o mod_perl by Doug MacEachern <dougm@osf.org>

       o Authen::ACE by Dave Carrigan

       o Apache::AuthenSecurID by David Berk <dberk@lump.org>

       o Apache::AuthenSecurID::Auth by David Berk

       ace_initd is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
       modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Copyright 2001, David Berk <dberk@mobygames.com>

The Apache::AuthenSecurID module is free software; you can redistribute 
it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.