New Feature
RANGER-3815	PolicyItem supports validity period setting
RANGER-4025	Ranger improvement - Roles Import/export API for ranger admin
RANGER-4047	Ranger KMS health metrics 
RANGER-4221	Enable File Sync Source for Ranger Usersync in Docker
RANGER-4230	New REST APIs for force deletes of users & groups
RANGER-4255	Introduce option in Ranger to control retention period of x_auth_sess table data
RANGER-4303	plugin memory sizing

RANGER-4072	setup CI using Github action
RANGER-4116	Define description/topics/merge strategy for the github repository with .asf.yaml
RANGER-4138	Build ranger-react UI and backbone UI code base in webapp
RANGER-4164	Adding contributor name into ranger-site
RANGER-4169	Add pull request template
RANGER-4209	Blog: Adventures in ABAC - part 1
RANGER-4231	Blog: Apache Ranger policy model
RANGER-4350	Remove use of @Xml annotations as Ranger REST APIs only support Json format serde
RANGER-4587	Blog: Apache Ranger - dynamic expressions
RANGER-4616	Updated to committer info
RANGER-4746	Clean up modules in ranger-jdk11 profile 
RANGER-4752	Enable JDK 11 and 17 builds on GitHub PRs and merges to master

RANGER-2846	Add support for resource[volume, bucket, key] look up in ozone plugin
RANGER-2895	Replace c3p0 connection pool with HikariCP, upgrading MySQL connector
RANGER-3100	Upgrade httpclient version from 4.5.6 to 4.5.13+ due to CVE-2020-13956
RANGER-3231	Ranger should use kafka Authorizer from KIP-504
RANGER-3283	Ranger Audit Filter: Basic Default Audit Filter for yarn, kudu, nifi, nifi-registry & schema-registry
RANGER-3359	Upgrade json-smart and nimbus-jose-jwt libraries
RANGER-3409	Update Jackson and remove Codehaus version
RANGER-3470	Ranger - Upgrade commons-io to 2.11.0
RANGER-3471	Upgrade Jetty-client, commons-compress, poi-ooxml jar.
RANGER-3478	 Remove INFO level auditing logs in the Ranger audit frame to reduce verbosity 
RANGER-3520	Upgrade Netty version 
RANGER-3537	Find a viable replacement of Backbone JS for Ranger UI.
RANGER-3622	Docker: Enable Hive MetaStore in ranger-hive image
RANGER-3717	Add surefire report plugin 
RANGER-3727	Create common module for handling authentication
RANGER-3729	Upgrade Jackson-core and Jackson-databind 
RANGER-3733	owasp-java-html-sanitizer impacted with CVE-2021-42575 
RANGER-3739	Add JWT filter in Ranger Admin
RANGER-3758	Decrease log-level when no HBase remote client address is found
RANGER-3821	Update commons-codec version to 1.15
RANGER-3861	Allow service creator user to create users/groups/roles in default policies
RANGER-3896	Update Ozone dependency version to latest 1.3.0
RANGER-3913	Reduce number of calls to FilenameUtils.wildcardMatch() when evaluating resource matching
RANGER-3927	Ranger KMS generates master key on every restart before inserting into DB
RANGER-3937	Docker: Add capability to run ranger plugins and services with their own versions
RANGER-3972	Upgrade jettison version to 1.5.2
RANGER-3974	Upgrade jackson version to 2.14.0
RANGER-3975	Upgrade netty-all version to 4.1.85.Final
RANGER-3981	Upgrade jetty-client version to "9.4.49.v20220914"
RANGER-3998	Support Ranger KMS integration with AWS KMS
RANGER-3999	Implement more efficient way to handle _any access authorization
RANGER-4007	HDFS Authorizer changes to take advantage of support for multiple access-types in the Ranger Access Request
RANGER-4009	Open read access to some Policy Engine objects and metrics
RANGER-4010	Update policy UI to support multiple resource-sets for react ranger.
RANGER-4016	Add row draggable feature for policy Item table in policy form in react UI.
RANGER-4017	Complete Apache Ranger Stack on Docker - automation of existing 
RANGER-4026	Provide option to update group memberships when same users/groups are synced from different sync sources
RANGER-4030	Updating content loader for Ranger React
RANGER-4032	Create node_modules directory under target directory for Ranger react build 
RANGER-4033	Upgrade React version to 18.2.0
RANGER-4050	Session Inactivity Timeout: Ranger react UI part.
RANGER-4058	Improvement in Ranger React
RANGER-4063	Editable Search Filter (tokenizer) in Ranger React
RANGER-4066	Add row draggable feature for audit filter table in service form in Ranger React.
RANGER-4069	Add performance tracing instrumentation to Tag Enricher
RANGER-4070	Provide mechanism to manage potentially multiple enrichment of an access request
RANGER-4071	Support for LDAP/AD usernames and group names with special chars
RANGER-4124	Value of -Dlogback.configurationFile in  is not configurable
RANGER-4128	serviceName, if not specified in the resource, should be taken from the ServiceTags.serviceName
RANGER-4130	Improve performance of event processing in agsync by optimizing number of commits to Kafka broker 
RANGER-4137	Add yarn and impala users to audit filter for solr servicedef to avoid logging of audits
RANGER-4139	DOC SITE: - revamp site's look and feel 
RANGER-4152	Create common module for metrics and add metrics in Admin
RANGER-4156	Unit test cases are missing for
RANGER-4158	Update python client README
RANGER-4163	Upgrade spring framework to 5.3.26 and jettison to 1.5.4
RANGER-4165	 Support SELF_OR_PREFIX resource matching scope in Ranger Authorization
RANGER-4168	Improvement :Adding Unit test cases are some of the missing classes
RANGER-4172	Move base and thirdparty image versions to .env
RANGER-4175	REST API to find the security-zone for a given resource
RANGER-4181	Add support for ranger-docker and build to run on java11 using the "ranger_in_docker" dev-support script
RANGER-4182	Ranger Admin - Enable isRecursive option to additional default policies while service creation
RANGER-4185	Improve debugging messages when policy-deltas are enabled
RANGER-4196	Tomcat metrics collection 
RANGER-4204	Upgrade Kerby to 2.0.3
RANGER-4205	Upgrade commons-net to 3.9.0
RANGER-4206	Upgrade Woodstox to 5.4.0
RANGER-4208	Recording DB Read Time while downloading policies,roles and users
RANGER-4212	Upgrade json-smart to 2.4.10 
RANGER-4218	enable users to be designated as service admin via their groups
RANGER-4220	Upgrade spring framework to 5.3.27
RANGER-4226	Upgrade Nimbus-JOSE-JWT and bcpkix-jdk15
RANGER-4229	Add flag based support for mounting db volume in dev-support scripts
RANGER-4232	Upgrade spring-security version to 5.7.8
RANGER-4234	Eliminate need for splitting delimited strings into arrays in policy conditions
RANGER-4235	Optimize security-zone create/update to avoid unnecessary ref table entries
RANGER-4240	Optimize deletion of XXAuthSession while deleting user
RANGER-4245	Upgrade derby, spring-ldap and testng libraries
RANGER-4248	Remove unused conf files for solr audit setup
RANGER-4253	Left Sidebar layout for Ranger Admin UI in react code base
RANGER-4257	Upgrade tomcat to 8.5.89
RANGER-4262	Upgrade aws-java-sdk to 1.12.481
RANGER-4274	Security zone support for using roles to designate admin and audit users
RANGER-4280	Update security-zone UI with addition of admin-roles and audit-roles
RANGER-4284	Additional logging messages to help with debugging  when policy deltas are enabled
RANGER-4285	Ranger Java Patch for adding uiHint in policy condition for upgrade scenario
RANGER-4286	allow security-zone to exist without any services/resources assigned yet
RANGER-4290	Adding uiHint attribute in policy condition
RANGER-4308	Upgrade netty to 4.1.94-final
RANGER-4319	Restricting policy name character to configurable length
RANGER-4336	Configuration to enable audit stats logging
RANGER-4337	Upgrade spring framework and spring-security
RANGER-4347	User name with comma split in old Ranger admin UI
RANGER-4348	Filter audits for cc_metric_reporter user on Kafka service repo
RANGER-4353	Introduce config within Ranger to control retention period of x_trx_log data
RANGER-4354	Improve ChangePassword utility for multiple default password change request
RANGER-4357	Enabling ORC audit for hdfs destination should not require 2 separate configurations
RANGER-4371	Ranger authn - add doAs support for JWT authentication
RANGER-4375	Plugin download activity should be logged asynchronously
RANGER-4378	Expand implied grants in the policy-items for being able to compare policy-cache dumps from server and client
RANGER-4379	Assorted debugging help : save policy-cache at Ranger-admin and policy-cache as well as downloaded policy-deltas on plugin side
RANGER-4380	support purging of policy download logs
RANGER-4382	Improve exportCSV download time
RANGER-4387	optimize loading of userstore from the database
RANGER-4389	extend ABAC to use few internal attributes of users and groups, like syncSource, isInternal, emailAddress
RANGER-4391	updated plugins to support using user-groups from Ranger admin
RANGER-4398	Security-zone API enhancements to support incremental updates and resource pagination
RANGER-4401	Configurable Graalvm features
RANGER-4403	update security-zone validation to prevent duplicate resource entries
RANGER-4421	Ranger - Upgrade Tomcat to 8.5.93/9.0.80 due to CVE-2023-41080
RANGER-4424	[Ranger React UI] Security zone: Should be able to create security zone without any resource
RANGER-4440	option to store compressed json text in x_security_zone.jsonData
RANGER-4451	RANGER-4286 allows security-zone to exist without any services/resources assigned yet, so when the last service is removed from zone, the zone should not get deleted
RANGER-4461	 Implement best coding practices for validating user input
RANGER-4465	Python client update with APIs to manage users/groups/user-group associations
RANGER-4482	Upgrade Tomcat to 8.5.94 (for CVE fixes) in all Ranger services
RANGER-4483	SearchField to support NOT_EQUALS search-type
RANGER-4484	security-zones for the resource should be available in the request context
RANGER-4485	refactor condition evaluator instantiation to avoid duplicate code
RANGER-4492	Optimize "plugins/definitions" API Call for Initial Load in Multiple Ranger-React Modules
RANGER-4495	Upgrade netty to 4.1.100-final
RANGER-4507	refactor PolicyEngine to move out methods that find security-zone for a resource
RANGER-4511	Enable Parallel Compilation for Multiple Modules in Ranger
RANGER-4515	Enhance perf-tracer to get CPU time when possible
RANGER-4516	move getResourceACLs() implementation from RangerPolicyEngineImpl to RangerPolicyEvaluator
RANGER-4519	Update ServiceDef icons in service manager page
RANGER-4524	FIx TestRangerMetricsContainerSource class UT
RANGER-4525	Upgrade spotbugs plugin to
RANGER-4526	RangerBasePlugin configuration to optionally disable GDS refresher
RANGER-4529	optimize script evaluator to avoid creation of multiple bindings
RANGER-4532	Optimize policy listing  loader after session timeout  and  Audit Admin session ID modal loader
RANGER-4533	REST API to retrieve service-headers, with optional prefix-filter
RANGER-4561	Adding the mechanism to  eanble/disable Ranager Access logs based on property
RANGER-4565	Enhance Ranger's performance tracing module to optionally collect statistical information
RANGER-4568	Upgrade Spring Security to 5.7.11 and spring framework to 5.3.32
RANGER-4571	update handling of expressions that return null
RANGER-4585	Support multiple columns policy creation in ranger for Grant / Revoke request
RANGER-4593	Upgrade react-bootstrap library
RANGER-4604	Need to add query param createdBy for security-zone GET API
RANGER-4609	Support in File-based Tag Retriever to provide tag-deltas
RANGER-4613	GDS : Need filter of objectId in /assets/report api to filter out history specific to a dataset/datashare
RANGER-4618	Need to add displayName field in zoneSummary Object
RANGER-4630	Need to add pagination support and searchFilters for tag related APIs
RANGER-4639	Provide an option to bypass evaluation of chained plugin if the parent plugin has applicable policy
RANGER-4641	Handling empty values while displaying ActivationTime  & implementing Column Hide/Show functionality in Audit Plugin Status Module 
RANGER-4650	Column type should be available in Hive masking expression
RANGER-4656	Filtering the resources in the search filter options on the policy listing page based on policy type.
RANGER-4659	Add eye icon for password visibility in Ranger Login Page
RANGER-4672	Tagsync log file name is not containing hostname and user
RANGER-4684	Need to update createdBy ,updatedBy field for gds objects in case the creator is deleted
RANGER-4687	Updating the "Something went wrong" page in Ranger React UI 
RANGER-4729	Upgrade commons-compress to 1.26.0
RANGER-4734	Docker setup for trino plugin 
RANGER-4741	Hive plugin optimization to avoid excessive metastore API calls
RANGER-4745	Enhance handling of subAccess authorization in Ranger HDFS plugin
RANGER-4749	Tag: Create an api to check if a resource is already available in database by resource input. And send tag list along with the resource list in response of GET /service/tags/resources/paginated API
RANGER-4753	Upgrade Spring Security to 5.7.12 and spring framework to 5.3.33
RANGER-4760	Implement case insensitive search filter for Security Zone name in Data Domain summary API
RANGER-4761	Reduce memory footprint of hbase plugin
RANGER-4763	Send user friendly message in Test Connection response if validateConfig is not implemented for the serviceDef
RANGER-4780	Ranger - Upgrade json-smart to 2.4.10
RANGER-4783	Prevent duplicate users/groups/roles in policy items while creating/updating policies via REST
RANGER-4787	reduce plugin memory footprint by avoiding creation of unnecessary collections
RANGER-4805	Disable Atlas service under the policy permission of Tag-based policy
RANGER-4807	Upgrade Hadoop to 3.3.3
RANGER-4817	Optimize Ranger HDFS Authorization by combining multiple authorization calls
RANGER-4819	 Proposal to Upgrade All React.js Dependent Libraries
RANGER-4820	Support authorization of multiple accesses grouped by access groups in one policy engine call
RANGER-4821	Fix bugs and code smell reported by sonarqube
RANGER-4824	Remove ACL-based policy engine unit test code
RANGER-4831	Replace dependency on large aws-java-sdk-bundle with smaller libraries
RANGER-4835	RangerHiveAuthorizer  audit enhancement for metadata operation like show table and databases
RANGER-4845	Remove guava dependency with use of guava included in hadoop-common
RANGER-4849	[dependabot] update Python library versions referenced in ranger-tools module
RANGER-4855	Update logback to 1.3.14
RANGER-4857	Upgrade HBASE version to 2.6.0
RANGER-4858	Remove usage of htrace-core4
RANGER-4866	Dependabot suggested version updates: testng, json-path, jetty-server, jettison
RANGER-4870	update version of libthrift 0.14.0, protobuf -> 3.19.6, Solr -> 8.11.3
RANGER-4871	update shim modules to remove unnecessary dependencies
RANGER-4873	update zookeeper version from 3.5.5 to 3.9.2
RANGER-4877	Upgrade requireJS to 2.3.6 to 2.3.7
RANGER-4878	Upgrade webpack version to latest 5.93.0
RANGER-4882	update dependent library version: fasterxml.jackson, jersey
RANGER-4884	updated dependent library version: hadoop, aws sdk, avro, snakeyaml

RANGER-2847	Add support/Fix Test connection with Ozone service
RANGER-3136	NullPointException found when import policies form web side and "isOverride" is selected
RANGER-3137	Lookup user should has 'Select' permission for all resource in hive-agent
RANGER-3421	Key getting logged in
RANGER-3452	Other attributes and sync source are not shown when user is converted from internal to external
RANGER-3453	Avoid logging sensitive information in
RANGER-3457	[Session Timeout-Ranger]With multiple tabs if one tab encounters session idle timeout other active tab still continues with old/invalid session cookie.
RANGER-3463	Use apt logger to log messages
RANGER-3503	Make "" config as an optional config in cm_ozone service definition
RANGER-3718	Script exceptions are not considered in ranger-docker
RANGER-3722	Fix Test-case failure
RANGER-3748	Fix healthcheck in postgres docker compose file 
RANGER-3749	Fix healthcheck in mysql docker compose file
RANGER-3752	Restrict duplicate access types entries in policy creation
RANGER-3754	Chained plugins access evaluation result is not considered in some cases
RANGER-3795	Fix java patch J10033 and J10046 failure
RANGER-3797	Not able to create security zone for solr service after upgrade
RANGER-3858	On dev-support, service creation and ranger-kafka-plugin setup are failed
RANGER-3864	Spurious creation of service-resource objects in Ranger
RANGER-3916	Ranger UI fails to open when the Ranger admin domain name includes "service" keyword in it.
RANGER-3932	Modifying the security zone name should also change the resourcesignature of their policy.
RANGER-3947	Thread leak because of retry loop in SolrCollectionBootstrapper
RANGER-3967	Service creation failing for Trino
RANGER-4023	UserStoreEnricher is not enabled if only mask conditon has attribute based expression
RANGER-4034	Start and End date fix in validity schedule of Policy Form  in Ranger React
RANGER-4042	Cleanup unused usersync poc package
RANGER-4052	Zone filter not  getting cleared in landing page after deleting the  zone from zone listing page in Ranger React
RANGER-4073	Groups are not visible in mask and row level policy listing tables.
RANGER-4074	assignPermissionToUser in XUserMgr creates entries with NULL moduleId in x_user_module_perm
RANGER-4078	[Ranger UI] [React JS] Error displayed on page when navigating to audits tab and clicking on clear search button
RANGER-4081	[Ranger UI] [React JS] If the url to edit a policy, service or permissions for a module, and the url to view user/group/roles contains an invalid id, then page should display an error
RANGER-4084	Login id which is available on left most corner coming as Camel case 
RANGER-4085	Search filter hint is not available where you search for policy
RANGER-4087	Loader is still loading for resource field for policy creation even after Resource lookup API gives 200/204
RANGER-4088	While editing policy All permissions & and other resource fields are getting disappered
RANGER-4089	Getting browser specific pop-up message if try to delete policy after edit 
RANGER-4090	Resouce lookup exception message is not available in react UI
RANGER-4091	Policy condition  & Permission window should close by any click events
RANGER-4092	[Ranger UI] [React JS] Showing multiple msg prompts for multiple users/groups visibility toggle with same msg.
RANGER-4094	[Ranger UI] [React JS] User_name/ group_name/ roles field of their tables clipping names more that 14-15 characters long.
RANGER-4095	[Ranger UI] [React JS] On users/groups/roles page in settings - The page number can be decreased to zero and negative and can be increased beyond max pages available to show.
RANGER-4096	[Ranger UI] [React JS] "show all users" button is not available in the show users prompt of groups table even if the users list is longer than 100.
RANGER-4097	[Ranger UI] [React JS] Deletion of all services inside a zone in resource based policy page leads to disappearance of all the other services before refreshing the page.
RANGER-4099	[Ranger UI] [React JS] Focus remains on last hovered element in the dropdown of security zone search bar of resource based policy page.
RANGER-4103	[Ranger-react] Fix for improving logout mechanism in Ranger react code base.
RANGER-4115	Tags containing attributes not processed correctly by tagsync
RANGER-4119	[UI] Syntax check button missing in policy level condition
RANGER-4129	ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception may be thrown while processing events
RANGER-4131	clientIP is not logged for create/grant/revoke role operations via hive beeline
RANGER-4132	[Ranger UI] If view policy button is clicked for a policy which is deleted, then the page gets stuck in loading state
RANGER-4135	Regression caused by Ranger-3920
RANGER-4136	Incorrect processing of tag-deltas by RangerTagEnricher
RANGER-4146	[Ranger UI] [React JS] Tag-based policy UI to not show permissions in deny/exception for services that don't support deny/exception
RANGER-4157	implicit expression condition not added to service-defs having existing conditions
RANGER-4167	Kafka Test Suite Issues (RANGER-4144 on 3.0.0 branch)
RANGER-4173	Ozone_key tag based policies are not working
RANGER-4176	Failed to collect dependencies at org.apache.hbase:hbase-server:jar:2.4.6 -> org.glassfish.web:javax.servlet.jsp:jar:2.3.2 -> org.glassfish:javax.el:jar:3.0.1-b06-SNAPSHOT
RANGER-4177	policy create/update should fail when it references non-existing user/group/role
RANGER-4178	NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/hadoop/hive/ql/exec/vector/ColumnVector
RANGER-4180	Log Dir for gc-worker.log is not using same VAR as logs dir for other ranger logs
RANGER-4183	Upon creating a zone, in zone details under Service section table, Service Type column value loads after some millisecond
RANGER-4187	Not able to search using multiple user filter in access audit tab
RANGER-4192	A higher priority Data-masking policy is not considered when computing Datamask type
RANGER-4193	ServiceTagsProcessor fails to handle update of an existing Service-Resource
RANGER-4194	For Hive service def resources not supporting exclude and recursive are showing this option in service view detail
RANGER-4197	Encryption Tab's key manager table show blank data.
RANGER-4198	[BUILD] [JDK11] - failed - ranger-master-snapshot-publish : Unix Native Authenticator #773' does not have a result yet.
RANGER-4199 has log error
RANGER-4214	Build broken on JDK11 - 
RANGER-4219	Grant permission in Impala engine not working with {user} in ranger policy
RANGER-4225	Possible Jackson serialization issue due to not comply with Java bean standards
RANGER-4233	DOC SITE : Recent revamp of doc site has some issues when accessed via mobile or ipad
RANGER-4241	Fix sql patch 65 syntax issue for oracle db
RANGER-4242	Ranger Upgrade is failing while executing the PatchPreSql_057_ForUpdateToUniqueGUID_J10052
RANGER-4244	security zone REST API status code
RANGER-4250	Ranger throws BAD Request Error when we are not passing exec user to the getRoles (/public/v2/api/roles/name/{name})
RANGER-4258	Ranger: Instead of limiting the listing to only 25, Ranger should provide a comprehensive list of maximum service definitions, services, and zones.
RANGER-4260	In trino service while creating policy add permission is rendering incorrectly.
RANGER-4261	Support for DEBUG logs in admin, usersync and tagsync
RANGER-4263	LookupResource give blank response in new react UI
RANGER-4273	Fix to maintain the zone search while editing the filtered policy on Report page
RANGER-4276	Millions of logs getting generated with text "No context-enrichers!!!"
RANGER-4288	User with ROLE_ADMIN_AUDITOR not able to view zone policy on Ranger Admin UI
RANGER-4291	If a ROW_FILTER type policy resources match, then an audit log record with Result=Denied is created
RANGER-4292	[Ranger UI] [React JS] Long zone names are not showing perfectly in the zone search dropdown of service manager
RANGER-4293	[Ranger UI] [React JS] Long User/group/role name overflowing from delete confirmation dialog box
RANGER-4294	Delete message alert box should have message specific to delete activity
RANGER-4295	[Ranger UI] [React JS] Option might require to clear all filter at once for resource policy side bars
RANGER-4296	[Ranger UI] [React JS] Dropdown option in the access audits must display "User" instead of "Users"
RANGER-4297	[Ranger UI] [React JS] Scroll to Newly added row functionality in listing tables is not working.
RANGER-4299	Zone resource validator handling of resources at different levels
RANGER-4301	Ranger Access Audit doesn't show callerContext in the audit as hover over button for HDFS audits
RANGER-4305	Two api requests for single export request triggered from Reports page
RANGER-4316	Path resource matcher handling of resource ending with separator
RANGER-4317	[Ranger UI] Error message displayed when resource lookup fails is not formatted properly
RANGER-4320	createPrincipalsIfAbsent parameter is not recognized by importPoliciesFromFile REST API
RANGER-4322 fails due to missing commons-lang3 jar
RANGER-4328	matching scope SELF_OR_PREFIX doesn't handle few wildcard cases
RANGER-4329	Tagsync fails to start due to missing jars
RANGER-4331	Fixes for search filter on Audits tabs
RANGER-4332	AuditBatchQueue.log() should block instead of throwing 'Queue full' exception
RANGER-4339	[Ranger React UI] Spelling of delegate admin has to be corrected in policy form
RANGER-4341	Logout api call through idle timeout gets aborted
RANGER-4342	RangerJSONAuditWriter creates new log file for writing ranger audits as JSON every time there is an Error/Exception
RANGER-4343	Atlas default policy is showing 2 "admin" users in policy items
RANGER-4349	AtlasTagSource is hardcoded to commit offset to ATLAS_ENTITIES
RANGER-4356	Ranger CSV Report extract may fail with Null pointer exception
RANGER-4358	Keep the usersync details popup names same as the backbone js names
RANGER-4360	 Error page 'Go back' button not redirecting to the right page
RANGER-4367	[Ranger React UI] User with access on Key manager tab not able to view the "Encryption" tab on the React UI
RANGER-4368	Audit filter in Tag base service display wrong value for resources
RANGER-4369	[Ranger React UI] Options for permissions pop up for knox policies are not the same in Backbone UI and React JS
RANGER-4370	[Ranger UI] [React JS]"Select All permissions for all components." checkbox missing in tag based policy permission popup
RANGER-4373	Deleting a role which is already present in policy is giving incorrect message.
RANGER-4374	Getting page not found when wrong password is send in 'Old Password'
RANGER-4376	Need to show Tag Policies for user when it has permission in "Tag Based Policies" module
RANGER-4377	Fix to use "public/v2/api/zone-headers" api to get list of zones in Access Logs and Report pages
RANGER-4381	[Ranger React UI] Difference in user lookup API request in permissions module page between React UI and BackBone UI
RANGER-4383	In Audit, Plugin Status tab if the record of respective service is in second page then Service Type filter for that service would show no result
RANGER-4390	ORC audit fails with null pointer exception when filequeue buffer size and orc buffer size are not equal
RANGER-4392	Tag based policy with boolean expression is not working
RANGER-4399	Need to fix zone drop-down option in policy listing for user not having 'Security Zone' module permission
RANGER-4400	RangerKafkaAuditHandler broken and multiple authorizations audited 
RANGER-4402	Active role version is not updated while plugin download
RANGER-4407	Add server side validation for service audit filter
RANGER-4419	In Tag-based policy from Ranger Admin UI, Allow Conditions permissions item is not showing services permissions which have enableDenyAndExceptionsInPolicies flag false.
RANGER-4422	Searching for users/groups with Sync source filter on the users/groups page leads to error on Oracle DB
RANGER-4437	incorrect error log from ResourceMatcher.isMatch()
RANGER-4438	Read JAVA_OPTS in ranger db setup python script
RANGER-4439	Duplicate resource IDs are create while updating security zone
RANGER-4467	User Agent info not logged under "Login sessions" when login fails
RANGER-4472	getResourceACL() API updates
RANGER-4475	Security-Zone summary API ranger Admin should have access for all zones
RANGER-4477	RangerOzoneAuthorizer doesn't set the resource owner
RANGER-4478	Incorrect trie updates when processing deltas
RANGER-4486	ZoneV2 partial update allows duplicate principals and tagServices
RANGER-4493	Keep the UI behaviour for tag based and resource based services filtering for zone without any service
RANGER-4502	Getting Error to load  backbone.js latest UI.
RANGER-4513	Policy listing page experiences an unexpected reset to Access tab when attempting to filter the service and zone dropdown options 
RANGER-4542	Need to add support of search by zoneNamePartial and sort by zoneName,createTime query params in zone-summary api
RANGER-4544	Implement best coding practices for policy resources
RANGER-4556	policy creation without resource is being allowed through rest api
RANGER-4584	Default EXPIRES_ON policy is not loading while editing
RANGER-4600	Add improvement for /xaudit/access_audit API based on user role
RANGER-4601	/xaudit/access_audit/count API does not return the proper value
RANGER-4605	/assets/resources/count does not return proper count if policies are greater than 200
RANGER-4606	/assets/assets/count API does not return the proper count if the number of services is greater than 200
RANGER-4610	API calls for zones and services on initial landing in ZoneListing page is being called twice
RANGER-4611	Security zone form not populate resources value properly while creating and editing zone.
RANGER-4612	Fix to use correct service for resource lookup API in security zone
RANGER-4615	Keep the LDAP usersync details popup names same as the backbone js names
RANGER-4625	Need to add required dependencies for plugin-yarn
RANGER-4628	Need to add Validations for Security-Zone partial update API
RANGER-4632	Security Zone policies version increases by +2 when we update its policy
RANGER-4636	/public/api/repository/count does not return the proper value if the number of repositories is greater than 200
RANGER-4645	Unit test failures in TestSecurityZoneDBStore
RANGER-4653	[Ranger React UI] Add inline assertions for displayName length in service creation / update form
RANGER-4655	Execute and read permissions granted to a user in different HDFS policies does not take effect. 
RANGER-4660	While creating service, ranger logs show error if service name does not have underscore ('_') in it.
RANGER-4663	Though tag service is selected while creating new service , it will get override with the new tag service created
RANGER-4666	getResourceACL() API does not account for tags assigned to ANCESTOR resource
RANGER-4668	Need to have new local storage item  for column show hide functionality in plugin status table
RANGER-4673	Pagination on the Ranger Admin - Plugin Status page
RANGER-4675	CheckboxĂ‚  selection issue when clicking on permission labelĂ‚  in tag-based permissions policy
RANGER-4680	Inconsistent resource lookup behaviour with newly created service
RANGER-4681	Audit logs for Mask & Row policy does not show policy condition under policy item
RANGER-4688	Display query information for show roles/databases/schemas/grant role commands on Ranger Admin UI
RANGER-4689	Fix Ranger Javapatch failure even if service-defs do not exist in ranger DB
RANGER-4690	Access Audits - Resource policy version used for mask policy leading to Error page
RANGER-4695	API to find zones for a resource doesn't handle deleted service
RANGER-4698	[Ranger React UI] Audit UI improvements with respect to values overflowing into other columns
RANGER-4699	Update the execution of setServiceDef call in App.jsx
RANGER-4700	Audit logs for Masking policy is missing data mask type entry
RANGER-4711	Show grant on table command is not audited by ranger
RANGER-4717	Skip showing 'Page not found' for wrong value is provided to a api parameter in Login Session Tab
RANGER-4718	Skip showing 'Page not found' page for INVALID_INPUT_DATA validation in User Profile
RANGER-4719	 Policy condition expressions are split by the Ranger UI on commas
RANGER-4720	Ranger Admin server gives empty response when user with user-role tries to update lastname or email address
RANGER-4722	HDFS authorization logic for directory hierarchy rooted at "/" is incorrect
RANGER-4723	USE <database> fails even when the user has permission on some tables in the database
RANGER-4724	ImportServiceTags api fails when the response json from tags/download/{serviceName} is used
RANGER-4727	When tagDef delete fails, error message is not returned
RANGER-4737	The inactivityTimeout is getting reset when user updates its profile from UserProfile page
RANGER-4747	[docker]: Exception handling in
RANGER-4762	REST endpoints do not prevent duplicate values for a resource resulting in multiple policies for a resource
RANGER-4767	Deleted policies are still taking effect if all policies for a security zone are deleted
RANGER-4774	Ranger react UI some modules shown hardcoded  time zone string "Indian Standard Time"
RANGER-4782	Implement best coding practices for validating service configs
RANGER-4784	Tag-Based - default policy is not created for tag added to security zone
RANGER-4786	Ranger override policy is not working
RANGER-4804	Encountering a '404 Not Found' page when assigning two or more groups to a user during editing
RANGER-4806	 With java 17 the audit spool exception is seen if solr is not reachable.
RANGER-4818	[usersync] Users undergoing role reset to ROLE_USER from ROLE_SYS_ADMIN
RANGER-4822	Policy creation/updation fails when validity period is added
RANGER-4823	Incorrect processing of downloaded policies in plugin when policy-deltas are enabled
RANGER-4830	Ranger KMS startup failure in database initialization
RANGER-4834	Remove "Switch to latest UI" option from Ranger Admin Backbone classic UI
RANGER-4836	Ranger Usersync failing due to java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
RANGER-4837	Intermittent test failures in org.apache.ranger.audit.TestAuditQueue
RANGER-4851	Upon editing an User we are seeing some discrepancy in its Audit Admin logs 
RANGER-4852	De-duplicated tags do not work correctly when tag-deltas are enabled.
RANGER-4853	Some code changes are missing during commit merge to ranger-2.5 branch
RANGER-4854	Policy Import from UI is failing.
RANGER-4862	HBase plugin initialization failure in HBase 2.6.0
RANGER-4864	Upon performing Policy Import some of Audit Admin logs are improper
RANGER-4868	ranger-mem-sizing fails with NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/gson/GsonBuilder
RANGER-4874	Ranger UI inaccessible after login 
RANGER-4885	upgrade from 2.4.0 to 2.5.0 fails due to missing column