error on line 10 at column 13: Entity 'brandDTD' not defined
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error on line 162 at column 72: Entity 'brandShortName' not defined
Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.
If you have set up an account on a
newsgroup server, you can join (subscribe) to newsgroups (also called
discussion groups).
To subscribe to a newsgroup, begin from the Mail window:
Open the File menu and choose Subscribe. You see the Subscribe dialog
If necessary, click the Account drop-down list to choose another
newsgroup account.
Select a newsgroup. To select more than one newsgroup,
CmdCtrl-click additional
Click Subscribe or click in the Subscribe column next to the newsgroup.
You see a checkmark next to each newsgroup to which you subscribe. Click
Unsubscribe to cancel a selection.
Click OK. The list of your subscribed newsgroups appears in the Mail
If you are an IMAP mail user, you can also subscribe to message folders
located on an IMAP server. (Your Inbox is a type of message folder.) Follow
the instructions above for subscribing, but select an IMAP account from the
Account drop-down list. For more information on sharing folders and
subscribing to folders, see
Folders With Other Users (IMAP Only).
When you open your newsgroup server, you see the list of newsgroups to which
you subscribe. The server downloads the headers of new messages in
each newsgroup.
To read newsgroup messages, begin from the Mail window:
Double-click a newsgroup server icon to see its newsgroups. (If there are
no newsgroups, you may need to subscribe to one.)
Click a newsgroup name to see its messages.
Click a message to read it. Click the thread button to display all the
responses below the original message. You can click any header to display
its message. You can start a new
thread or post a
message in response.
To monitor unread messages in threads that are of interest to you:
Select a message in a thread.
Open the Message menu, and choose Watch Thread.
If you want to monitor additional threads, repeat steps 1 and 2 for
messages in additional threads.
When you're ready to monitor messages in these threads, open the
View menu, choose Messages, and then choose Watched Threads with Unread.
Mail & Newsgroups only displays the watched threads
that contain unread messages.
Open the View menu, choose Messages, and then choose All to return to
viewing all messages in the newsgroup.
To ignore a message thread:
Select a message in the thread.
Open the Message menu, and choose Ignore Thread. Mail
& Newsgroups marks all messages in the thread as read, and new replies
posted to the thread will appear as read.
To view ignored threads, open the View menu, choose Messages, and then
choose Ignored Threads.
If the newsgroup you want to subscribe to is on a different server, you must
first set up access to that server.
To set up an additional newsgroup server, open the File menu in the Mail
window and choose New, then Account.
Using the Account Wizard, indicate that the new account you want to set
up is a newsgroup account.
Once you've set up access to the new server, you can
subscribe to newsgroups on that
server. In the Mail window, open the File menu, and choose Subscribe.