RotateMul Operator
The RotateMul Operator creates multiple transformed copies of a texture and blends them in a variety of ways. The controls set the maximum value of transformations while the count controls how many steps in between are blended.
One texture.
Controls copy rotation.
Zoom (X, Y)
Controls copy zoom.
Scroll (X, Y)
Controls copy position.
Border clamp
off/x/y/both: Off: border pixels wrap. On: border pixels clamp.
The original texture is multiplied with this color.
add/sub/mul/diff/alpha: Sets the blend mode. add: Adds copies sequentially. sub: Subtracts copies sequentially. mul: Multiplies copies sequentially. diff: Sequentially takes the differences between one state and the next copy. alpha: Overlays the copies according to the alpha channel.
linear/recursive: Sets the count mode. linear: Creates the number of copies specified in count. recursive: Create 2count copies.
Influences the amount of copies as outlined above.
The copies are sequentially multiplied with this color.
Keyboard shortcut
Shift + R (when adding texture operators)