Multiply 2 Operator


The Multiply 2 Operator is a three-stage three-dimension multi-input pseudorandom 3D object multiplier with optional weighting bias (phew!). It generates a 3-dimensional grid of positions onto which a pseudorandomly distributed selection from its input objects is then placed. Warning: the poly count can rise very quickly with this operator.




Any number of 3D meshes.





A unique identifier for the pseudorandom pattern of which input is assigned to which position.


Emphasize last

Selection bias toward to rightmost input.


Count (global X, Y, Z)

Sets the amount of positions to be generated.


Translate (global X, Y, Z)

Sets the amount of translation between generated positions, with each transform only applying to the count in that direction.


Count, Translate (2)

Behaves the same as above, except with the already generated object positions as the base.


Count, Translate (3)

Third stage, using the positions generated in stage 2 as the base.


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