Merge Operator


The Merge Operator blends two or more textures, using a variety of blending modes. The operator blends sequentially from left to right: ((((A % B) % C) % D) % ....)




Any number of textures.





This sets the blending mode.

add: Values are added.

sub: Values of the blend texture are substracted from values of the base color.

mul: Values are multiplied.

diff: The difference between the values in base texture and blend texture is used for the output.

alpha: The color information of the base texture is paired with a grayscale converted version of the blend texture as its alpha channel.

brightness: Pixel by pixel, the base texture brightness is checked. For values over 50%, the blend texture value is added. For values under 50%, the doubled blend texture value is multiplied with it (mul2)

hardlight: Pixel by pixel, the blend texture brightness is checked. For values over 50%, the base texture value is added. For values under 50%, the doubled base texture value is multiplied with it (mul2)

over: Lays the blend texture on top of the base texture. If the alpha channel of the blend texture is completely white, the output will be the blend texture.

addsmooth: This mode inverts both the base color and the blend color and then multiplies them. The result is somewhat like an addition, but overall more forgiving of extreme values.

min: For each pixel, the smaller value between base and blend texture is used.

max: For each pixel, the larger value between base texture and blend texture is used .


Keyboard shortcut


a (when adding texture operators)


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