Installation ------------------ Unpack the IMAGE file and copy the image an SD card: (assuming SD card at /dev/mmcblk0): # zstd -d slarm64-current-*-server-*-build-*.img # dd if=slarm64-current-*-server-*-build-*.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1M or unpack directly to the card # zstdcat slarm64-current-*-server-*-build-*.img.zst > /dev/mmcblk0 Default Login ------------------ login: root password: password Odroid-HC4 Support ------------------ After first boot, edit /boot/uEnv.txt and change: fdtfile=meson-sm1-odroid-c4.dtb to fdtfile=meson-sm1-odroid-hc4.dtb Note ------------------ It may take a while before you see the login as HDMI isn't initialized until late in the boot and because the first boot resizes the root filesystem to the size of the SD card.