OS/Net (ON) Buildable Source

This delivery of the Buildable Source consists of 5 pieces:

1. encumbered binaries tarball (on-closed-bins-DATE.PLATFORM.tar.bz2)
2. signed cryptographic binaries (on-crypto-DATE.PLATFORM.tar.bz2)
3. ON build tools package (SUNWonbld-DATE.PLATFORM.tar.bz2)
4. Pre-built BFU archives (on-bfu-DATE.PLATFORM.tar.bz2)
5. source tarball (on-src-DATE.tar.bz2; numbered builds only)

If you just want to install the pre-built archives, you'll need the ON
build tools and the BFU archives.  The tar file will unpack the
archives into archives-DATE/PLATFORM/ (e.g., archives-20050612/i386/).
You should review the Known Issues section (below) before following
the BFU instructions in the Developer's Reference

If you want to build the entire source tree, you will need the source,
the ON build tools, the encumbered binaries, and the cryptographic

The encumbered binaries tarball contains complete binaries (libraries,
kernel modules, commands) that are compatible with the source.  These
are binaries that cannot be built using only the source tarball for
one reason or another.

The cryptographic binaries have been signed with a certificate and key
that enables their use.  The cryptographic binaries that you build
from source will not be usable unless you have obtained your own
certificate and key.  See elfsign(1) for more information related to
signing binaries.

To obtain source, you can download the on-src-DATE.tar.bz2
tarball if you are downloading a build-synchronised delivery.  Or, you
can checkout from the Mercurial repository; please see instructions
at: http://hub.opensolaris.org/bin/view/Project+onnv/.

Build Environment

To build from source, you will also need the proper compiler, and you
must be running a recent build.

The standard compiler for building OpenSolaris code is Sun Studio,
which is free to download and use.  You can also use gcc.  See the
section "Installing from Source" (below) for details.

Build machines are expected to be running an OpenSolaris build that is
no more than 2 builds behind the source that you're building.  For
example, if you're building snv_120, your build machine should be
running snv_118 or later.

Other Important Information

The buildable source contains the source for our high key-strength
crypto, known as the Encryption Kit (SUNWcry, SUNWcryr, SUNWcryptoint).
Please note that certain countries restrict the redistribution of
high key-strength crypto.  If you live in one of these countries,
it is your responsibility to ensure that you are complying with your
country's laws in this area.

For general questions on the buildable source, please ask on the
OpenSolaris Help discussion list (opensolaris-help <at> opensolaris
<dot> org).  For detailed comments about the code, please use the
on-discuss list.  Please note that the mailing lists are configured to
only allow posts from list subscribers.  The Help list also has a web
forum that is gatewayed with the mailing list.  More information about
OpenSolaris lists is available at

Currently Known Issues
	These were some of the major known issues at the time of this
delivery.  The most recent list is available on the OpenSolaris.org
website in the ON community at:

* Builds 124 and 125 of OpenSolaris cannot be used to build ON.
  Workaround: build on snv_126 or later, or build on SXCE.

* The sources cannot be used to generate Solaris (pkgadd(1m))
  packages.  (CRs 6414822, 6370204.)

* "Install -i" has not been tested on all platforms.  It is known not
  to work for the lw8 platform (CR 4818202).

* Cross-compilation between SPARC and x86 is not supported.  But
  builds on x86 systems (amd64 or i386) will build both amd64 and
  i386 binaries.

  This is unlikely to be fixed any time soon.  If you want to build
  both SPARC and x86, your choices are (a) create two workspaces, or
  (b) access a single workspace using NFS.  If you use a single
  workspace, you'll want to do a "make clean" or "make clobber"
  before building the other platform.  Note that nightly(1) will do a
  "make clobber" for you.

* bfu should handle flag days in a way that is friendlier to
  developers who are not on Sun's internal network.  While there is
  an open CR for this issue (4865419), it probably won't be addressed
  any time soon.  Instead, bfu will go away when we move to IPS-based

* Zones depends on SVR4 packaging data, so Zones will not work unless
  your distribution vendor provides packages.  Note that BFU understands
  Zones, so that BFUing on top of a distribution, such as Solaris Express,
  that includes package support will work and will also update any
  existing Zones you may have configured.

Installing from Source

Once you have downloaded the tarballs that you need, here are the
steps to build the sources.

Suppose you are using /export/testws as your workspace.

1. cd to /export/testws and unpack the sources and encumbered
   binaries, e.g.,

    $ bzcat on-src-DATE.tar.bz2 | tar xf -
    $ bzcat on-closed-bins-DATE.PLATFORM.tar.bz2 | tar xf -

   The sources will unpack into "usr/src" and the binaries will unpack
   into "closed/root_PLATFORM" (i.e., closed/root_i386 or
   closed/root_sparc).  Don't unpack the crypto tarball (but see Step
   5 below).

2. Install the compiler according to the instructions at the download
   site.  (Of course, if the compilers have not changed since you last
   installed them, there is no need to install them again.)  The result
   should have the compilers installed in /opt/SUNWspro.

   Please note that the compiler that comes bundled with OpenSolaris
   releases is probably not the correct compiler for building
   OpenSolaris components.

3a. Remove the existing onbld tools, if any.

   - If this is the first time you are installing build tools, skip ahead
     to step 3b.

   - Otherwise, use pkgrm(1M) to remove the old package.

3b. Install the current onbld tools.

   - The SUNWonbld package is a pkgadd-format directory that has been
     archived using tar and bzip2.  Unpack it in a temporary directory and
     use pkgadd(1M) to install it.  For example:

        # cd /var/tmp
        # bzip2 -dc /path/to/SUNWonbld-DATE.PLATFORM.tar.bz2 | tar xf -
        # pkgadd -d onbld SUNWonbld

4. Update your environment and login dot-files if this is the first
   time you have installed the compiler and/or build tools.

   - Add /opt/SUNWspro/bin and /opt/onbld/bin to your $PATH. 
   - Either remove /usr/ucb from your $PATH, or put it at the end.

5. Create an environment file to guide tools like nightly(1) and

   - copy /export/testws/usr/src/tools/env/opensolaris.sh to
     /export/testws.  It doesn't have to go in /export/testws, but
     that's a convenient place to put it.  Nor do you have to keep the
     name opensolaris.sh, but that's the name we'll use in these notes.

     Then make the following changes in your opensolaris.sh:

   - change GATE to the name of the top-level directory (e.g.,

   - change CODEMGR_WS to the top-level path (e.g., "/export/testws").

   - change STAFFER to your login.

   - change ON_CRYPTO_BINS to point to your crypto tarball.

   - (optional) customize VERSION.  This is the string that "uname -v"
     will print.

6. To build a complete set of archives, cd to /export/testws, utter

    nightly ./opensolaris.sh &

   and find something else to work on for a few hours.  You can
   monitor the build's progress using ptree(1).  nightly(1) will send
   mail to $MAILTO when it has finished.  

   The results mail from nightly(1) will have an overview of the build
   results.  A copy of the mail text and a more detailed log file will
   be available in the workspace (/export/testws/log/log.YYYY-MM-DD.HH:MM).
   Pieces of the detailed log are also available under usr/src.  For
   example, usr/src/install-i386.out will have the log from the x86
   "make install" part of the build.

   By default nightly(1) will do a "clobber" build, which includes a
   "make clobber" and blowing away any files that earlier builds
   installed into $ROOT (/export/testws/proto/root_PLATFORM).  To
   bypass these steps, do an incremental build with "nightly -i
   ./opensolaris.sh &".

7. To build a specific component, first use bldenv(1) to set up
   various environment variables, then cd to the subtree that you want
   to build.  For example:

    $ cd /export/testws
    $ bldenv -d ./opensolaris.sh
    [status information from bldenv]
    $ cd usr/src/cmd/vi
    $ dmake all

   To build the kernel, run dmake(1) from usr/src/uts.

If you encounter errors, try running with a clean environment:
/opt/onbld/bin/bldenv ./opensolaris.sh

Please see the Developer's Reference for information on how to install
kernels (using Install(1)) and archives (using BFU).