From: (Qi Xia) Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce Subject: ANNOUNCE: mkboot --- a small, easy to install and easy to use booter. Message-ID: <1okktr$jhs@fitz.TC.Cornell.EDU> Date: 22 Mar 93 15:10:51 GMT Approved: (Matt Welsh) I have uploaded mkboot-0.8.1.tar.Z to sunsite and tsx-11 in incoming dir. mkboot is a small, easy to install and easy to use Linux booter. The following is sellected from the README file. For more information see README and ======================================================================= How to install the master booter ? The syntex for installing master booter is like this. # mkboot -M /dev/hda -2 "Linux 0.99.7" -4 "OLD Linux" -1 MS-DOS Where, switch "-M" means dealing with master boot sector. "/dev/hda" specifies which special deivce is the first disk. The switch "-2" "-4" and "-1" specify which partitions are bootable. The partition number ranges from 1 to 4 for the four primary partitions. "Linux 0.99.7", "OLD Linus" and MS-DOS are the names one gives to bootable systems respectively. They will be showed on the menu the master booter displays during booting. To uninstall mkboot do # mkboot -M /dev/hda How the master booter works ? After the BIOS loads the master booter, the booter diskplays a menu. The entries in the memu is specified by the command line options of mkboot as above. For instance, the booter installed above will show a menu looks like this. Frank Xia's Linux Booter v0.8 [1] Linux 0.99.7 [2] OLD Linux [3] MS-DOS Boot: One can choose one of them to boot. If one hit the key other than all the numbers showed on the menu or no key is hit after 15 seconds, the master booter will boot the default partiton. How to install the secondary booter ? If you want install the secondary booter and the kernel image in xiafs filesystem on /dev/hda2, do # mkboot /dev/hda2 < zImage The default root device is the device you installs secondary booter and the kernel image. If you want use other device as root device you can use seitch "-f". For example, If you want install the booter and the kernel image on /dev/hda2 and use /dev/hdb6 as root device, do # mkboot -f /dev/hdb6 /dev/hda2 < zImage If you do not have xiafs, you have to use one partition for the secondary booter and the kernel image (there are better approach, see "Things to do" section). You may make a small partition, 512KB is recommanded, for this purpose. For an example, If you want install booter and kernel image on /dev/hda4 and use /dev/hdb1 as root device, do # mkboot -r /dev/hdb1 /dev/hda4 < zImage How to use mkboot to make a bootable root diskette ? Suppose the size of zImage you made is 180KB, do # mkxfs -k 180 /dev/fd0 1440 # mkboot /dev/fd0 < zImage Where 1440 is the size of filesystem. If your "disk A:" is 1.2MB use 1200. Then you may mount the floppy, make directories and copy necessary file to the floppy. -- Send submissions for comp.os.linux.announce to: