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200 361 200 361 200 353 200 353 200 353 192 353 192 345 192 345 192 345 14 CBSpl End Begin %I CBSpl none SetB %I b n %I cfg Red 1 0 0 SetCFg %I cbg White 1 1 1 SetCBg %I p 0 SetP %I t [ -3.01992e-07 4 4 3.01992e-07 -866 -590 ] concat %I 14 184 345 184 345 184 345 184 361 200 361 200 361 200 361 200 353 200 353 200 353 192 353 192 345 192 345 192 345 14 CBSpl End Begin %I Rect none SetB %I b n %I cfg Red 1 0 0 SetCFg %I cbg White 1 1 1 SetCBg %I p 0 SetP %I t [ 1 0 0 1 162 -31 ] concat %I -64 705 96 737 Rect End Begin %I CBSpl none SetB %I b n %I cfg Red 1 0 0 SetCFg %I cbg White 1 1 1 SetCBg %I p 0 SetP %I t [ 3.01992e-07 4 -4 3.01992e-07 1766 -590 ] concat %I 14 184 345 184 345 184 345 184 361 200 361 200 361 200 361 200 353 200 353 200 353 192 353 192 345 192 345 192 345 14 CBSpl End Begin %I Rect none SetB %I b n %I cfg Red 1 0 0 SetCFg %I cbg White 1 1 1 SetCBg %I p 0 SetP %I t [ 1 0 0 1 130 17 ] concat %I 192 193 224 361 Rect End Begin %I Rect none SetB %I b n %I cfg Red 1 0 0 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361 200 361 200 353 200 353 200 353 192 353 192 345 192 345 192 345 14 CBSpl End Begin %I CBSpl none SetB %I b n %I cfg Red 1 0 0 SetCFg %I cbg White 1 1 1 SetCBg %I p 0 SetP %I t [ -3.01992e-07 4 4 3.01992e-07 -1162 -582 ] concat %I 14 184 345 184 345 184 345 184 361 200 361 200 361 200 361 200 353 200 353 200 353 192 353 192 345 192 345 192 345 14 CBSpl End Begin %I Rect none SetB %I b n %I cfg Red 1 0 0 SetCFg %I cbg White 1 1 1 SetCBg %I p 0 SetP %I t [ 1 0 0 1 162 -31 ] concat %I -128 249 -96 673 Rect End Begin %I Rect none SetB %I b n %I cfg Red 1 0 0 SetCFg %I cbg White 1 1 1 SetCBg %I p 0 SetP %I t [ 1 0 0 1 170 -31 ] concat %I -8 281 48 313 Rect End Begin %I Rect none SetB %I b n %I cfg Red 1 0 0 SetCFg %I cbg White 1 1 1 SetCBg %I p 0 SetP %I t [ 1 0 0 1 162 -31 ] concat %I 0 377 120 409 Rect End Begin %I Rect none SetB %I b n %I cfg Red 1 0 0 SetCFg %I cbg White 1 1 1 SetCBg %I p 0 SetP %I t [ 1 0 0 1 170 -31 ] concat %I -72 185 48 217 Rect End Begin %I Rect none SetB %I b n %I cfg Red 1 0 0 SetCFg %I cbg White 1 1 1 SetCBg %I p 0 SetP %I t [ 1 0 0 1 418 -31 ] concat %I -64 705 96 737 Rect End Begin %I Pict %I b u %I cfg u %I cbg u %I f u %I p 0 SetP %I t u Begin %I CBSpl none SetB %I b n %I cfg Black 0 0 0 SetCFg %I cbg White 1 1 1 SetCBg %I p 0 SetP %I t [ 4 0 0 4 -638 -802 ] concat %I 14 184 345 184 345 184 345 184 361 200 361 200 361 200 361 200 353 200 353 200 353 192 353 192 345 192 345 192 345 14 CBSpl End Begin %I CBSpl none SetB %I b n %I cfg Black 0 0 0 SetCFg %I cbg White 1 1 1 SetCBg %I p 0 SetP %I t [ 3.01992e-07 4 -4 3.01992e-07 1542 -326 ] concat %I 14 184 345 184 345 184 345 184 361 200 361 200 361 200 361 200 353 200 353 200 353 192 353 192 345 192 345 192 345 14 CBSpl End Begin %I CBSpl none SetB %I b n %I cfg Black 0 0 0 SetCFg %I cbg White 1 1 1 SetCBg %I p 0 SetP %I t [ -4 6.03983e-07 -6.03983e-07 -4 1058 1854 ] concat %I 14 184 345 184 345 184 345 184 361 200 361 200 361 200 361 200 353 200 353 200 353 192 353 192 345 192 345 192 345 14 CBSpl End Begin %I CBSpl none SetB %I b n %I cfg Black 0 0 0 SetCFg %I cbg White 1 1 1 SetCBg %I p 0 SetP %I t [ 4 6.03983e-07 6.03983e-07 -4 -446 1854 ] concat %I 14 184 345 184 345 184 345 184 361 200 361 200 361 200 361 200 353 200 353 200 353 192 353 192 345 192 345 192 345 14 CBSpl End Begin %I Rect none SetB %I b n %I cfg Black 0 0 0 SetCFg %I cbg White 1 1 1 SetCBg %I p 0 SetP %I t [ 1 0 0 1 162 -31 ] concat %I 0 641 96 673 Rect End Begin %I CBSpl none SetB %I b n %I cfg Black 0 0 0 SetCFg %I cbg White 1 1 1 SetCBg %I p 0 SetP %I t [ -3.01992e-07 4 4 3.01992e-07 -930 -326 ] concat %I 14 184 345 184 345 184 345 184 361 200 361 200 361 200 361 200 353 200 353 200 353 192 353 192 345 192 345 192 345 14 CBSpl End Begin %I CBSpl none SetB %I b n %I cfg Black 0 0 0 SetCFg %I cbg White 1 1 1 SetCBg %I p 0 SetP %I t [ 4 6.03983e-07 6.03983e-07 -4 -382 1950 ] concat %I 14 184 345 184 345 184 345 184 361 200 361 200 361 200 361 200 353 200 353 200 353 192 353 192 345 192 345 192 345 14 CBSpl End Begin %I CBSpl none SetB %I b n %I cfg Black 0 0 0 SetCFg %I cbg White 1 1 1 SetCBg %I p 0 SetP %I t [ -4 0 0 4 1250 -906 ] concat %I 14 184 345 184 345 184 345 184 361 200 361 200 361 200 361 200 353 200 353 200 353 192 353 192 345 192 345 192 345 14 CBSpl End Begin %I CBSpl none SetB %I b n %I cfg Black 0 0 0 SetCFg %I cbg White 1 1 1 SetCBg %I p 0 SetP %I t [ 9.05975e-07 -4 -4 -9.05975e-07 1798 1370 ] concat %I 14 184 345 184 345 184 345 184 361 200 361 200 361 200 361 200 353 200 353 200 353 192 353 192 345 192 345 192 345 14 CBSpl End Begin %I Rect none SetB %I b n %I cfg Black 0 0 0 SetCFg %I cbg White 1 1 1 SetCBg %I p 0 SetP %I t [ 1 0 0 1 418 -39 ] concat %I 0 641 96 673 Rect End Begin %I Rect none SetB %I b n %I cfg Black 0 0 0 SetCFg %I cbg White 1 1 1 SetCBg %I p 0 SetP %I t [ 1 0 0 1 178 -7 ] concat %I 240 513 272 545 Rect End Begin %I Rect none SetB %I b n %I cfg Black 0 0 0 SetCFg %I cbg White 1 1 1 SetCBg %I p 0 SetP %I t [ 1 0 0 1 170 17 ] concat %I 184 393 280 425 Rect End Begin %I Rect none SetB %I b n %I cfg Black 0 0 0 SetCFg %I cbg White 1 1 1 SetCBg %I p 0 SetP %I t [ 1 0 0 1 162 -31 ] concat %I -64 505 -32 609 Rect End Begin %I Rect none SetB %I b n %I cfg Black 0 0 0 SetCFg %I cbg White 1 1 1 SetCBg %I p 0 SetP %I t [ 1 0 0 1 178 -23 ] concat %I 112 497 144 665 Rect End Begin %I Rect none SetB %I b n %I cfg Black 0 0 0 SetCFg %I cbg White 1 1 1 SetCBg %I p 0 SetP %I t [ 1 0 0 1 178 -31 ] concat %I 112 705 144 737 Rect End Begin %I Rect none SetB %I b n %I cfg Black 0 0 0 SetCFg %I cbg White 1 1 1 SetCBg %I p 0 SetP %I t [ 1 0 0 1 162 -31 ] concat %I 0 441 96 473 Rect End End %I eop End %I eop End %I eop %%Trailer showpage