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D)valuevalue, 80updatequpdateqxUWPvaluevvalueview}tatomlistatomlist4o)text822vt822view)foldersfoldersD`1Changed the maximum number of folders on a File Into... menu card to %d.Changed the checkpoint interval to %d seconds.Changed the threshhold for the 'narrow' folder list setup to %d pixels.Changed the percentage of caption/body area for bodies to %d.Changed the number of pixels for the folders view to %d.Changed the default font size to %d.Changed the maximum size of the File Into... menu to %d. 2 -CHB4B@@@@K?&?@>>==<<;;;:y:f: 9877,277h5K5$33r3^3 22 R121)///*//.v. .---r-Y- ,,++2<+.+%*~*")b)&((B((]'0'0&{&.& & D%1%$$!_$@$*""W!D! w m 1wV+3"f3pThis option, if turned on, will cause Messages to hide windows by making them vanish completely rather than by shrinking them to an icon (Messages optionally hides the sending window, for example, after a message is sent). This option will only work reliably with window managers that conform to the ICCCM X11 standards. For others, it may or may not do the right thing. Try it and see.Hide by VanishingThis menu allows you to file into a folder by name in such a way that the message is placed at the very end of the folder, rather than being filed into a folder and sorted by date.Append By Name menuThis option tells Messages that when you start up in 'mail-only' mode (the -m option), it should expose a list of all of your personal mail folders.Expose folders on mail-only startupIf you tell Messages to show folder icons, it will place a special icon next to the help icon wherever the name of a folder appears. Clicking with the left button on the folder icon will insert the current message into that folder; clicking with the right button on the folder icon will insert all marked messages into that folder, if you have turned on the option that allows you to mark sets of messages.Show folder iconThese menus can be used to avoid being asked about sending formatted messages to external recipients. Send Formatted should be used only when all of the recipients will be using an AMS interface to read your message; Send Unformatted should be used only when none of them will be doing so.Send Formatted/Unformatted menusThis option tells Messages whether or not to keep a blind (invisible to the recipients) copy of every message you send.Keep blind copyThis option causes the file '.signature' in your home diretory to be appended to your mail before it is sent.Sign mailThis option causes the message composition window to be cleared out after successful delivery.Clear after sendingThis option causes the message composition window to be hidden after successful delivery.Hide after sendingThis option tells Messages where to save a copy (checkpoint) of the mail you are composing. (Using ~ as shorthand for your home directory is OK.) If the ``Checkpoint sendmessage in /tmp'' option is set, it overrides this option. If neither option is set, checkpoint files are written in your home directory.Set checkpoint directoryThis option, if set, tells sendmessage to write its periodic checkpoint files on /tmp. Not using /tmp is more secure, as /tmp files can easily get lost (especially if you're running on a remote machine) but on an AFS system, using /tmp (which is not on AFS) will be notably faster. If this option is off, checkpoint files will be written as guided by the ``Set checkpoint directory'' option, which follows.Checkpoint sendmessage in /tmpThis menu is useful for checking the recipient list to make sure it is valid BEFORE you send the mail.Check Recipients menuThis menu is useful for mail gurus who want to add new headers to outgoing messages.Insert Header menuBy default, only a small set of formatting menus appear in the message composition window. This menu option approximately doubles the number of styles available for formatting the messages you send.Extra style menusThis option determines whether or not you will be allowed to send a message with no content.Allow sending of empty messagesThis option controls whether or not the messages/folders window will be exposed and/or enlarged automatically when the sendmessage window is hidden.Expose/Grow Folders After Hiding SendmessageThis option is a percentage, telling Messages (the single-window version) how much of the startup window NOT already allocated to the folders region should be allocated to the bodies region.Caption/body split in Messages windowThis option controls how much of the startup single-window messages screen, in centimeters (approximately), is devoted to folders.Screen space for foldersThis option tells Messages whether you want your folder lists to appear above the captions area (the default) or to the left of it.Show Folders Next To CaptionsThis option tells Messages whether or not to add an extra button at the top of the screen. The extra button always moves the 'last message seen' marker to the end of the folder, and it also moves on to the next folder if you used the left mouse button.Add Punt buttonThis option tells Messages whether or not to add an extra 'Punt' menu item which marks all of the current folder as 'seen' and takes you on to the next folder.Add Punt menuThis option tells Messages whether or not to show you the first folder on your folder list at normal startup.Don't show first folder at startupThis option controls how narrow (in centimeters, approximately) the folders view can get before changing to its 'narrow' layout, in which the buttons are at the top rather than the side.Set 'narrow' threshholdThis option tells Messages that you want to use a fixed-width caption font. The big advantage of doing so currently is that the subject, date, and sender will line up in neat columns.Fixed-width caption fontThis option allows you to change the default font size.Default font sizeThis option allows you to change the default font family.Default font familyThis option tells Messages to display the captions in a larger font and with more white space between them.More white space in captionsThis option tells Messages how often (in half-minutes) to save a copy of the mail you are composing and other relevant state.Set checkpoint frequencyIf this option is set, then whenever you do something in the messages window to send mail (such as 'reply to sender') the mouse focus will hop to that other window.Warp mouse to sending windowIf you set this option, then whenever messages offers you the option of sending an automatic bug report, it will also offer a second option that will dump core after doing so, so that you may show the core dump to the local messages maintainer. At some sites, the program may be configured so that this option has no effect.Offer core dump with bug reportThe terse version of the 'subscribe to ' question assumes that you understand the meaning of unusual subscription types like ask-subscribed. By default, you get a short question and then a very verbose question, explaining the types of subs. The terse question is simpler if you already understand the subscription types.Terse subscription questionIf you set 'Automatically purge', then deleted messages will ALWAYS be purged whenever you quit Messages. Ordinarily, you are asked if you want to purge.Automatically purgeThis option turns off all header highlighting, leaving all of the bodies area for the message bodies themselvesHighlight NO headersBy default, most of a message's headers are hidden from you, and you have to scroll backwards to see them. You can alter the list of those few headers that ARE highlighted, using the previous option. Using THIS option, you can change it so that the list of headers below is a list of those headers that do NOT get highlighted by default.Highlight non-listed headersThis option alters the list of headers that are highlighted (not hidden) when you display a message. Your entry should be a list of words separated by colons, with no spaces. The default list is "From:Date:Subject:To:CC:ReSent-From:ReSent-To". The option after this one can be used to alter the meaning of THIS option, so that it is a list of those headers NOT to highlight, and all non-specified headers WILL be highlighted.Special headers to highlightThis option adds two menus to the 'This Message' card which allow you to easily put the message on display in fixed width, to scramble it with the 'rot13' algorithm.Descramble/Fixed Width menusNormally, the 'Reply to All' menu makes a 'best guess' as to whether or not to send the mail to the sender as well. If you choose, you can have two menus in its place, 'Reply to Readers' and 'Reply to Both', which let you make the decision explicitly.Reply to Readers/Both menusThis menu can be used to tell Messages that, when you leave the current folder and look at another one, then the next time you come back to the current folder, messages below where you are now should be shown to you again as 'new'. In response to 'Set Quit Here', Messages will re-position the little line that indicates how far you have read.Set Quit Here menuThis option adds 'Append To Folder', 'Append To File', and 'Copy All Into' to the 'Send/File Marked' menu card.Extra Marked Messages MenusThis menu item allows you to mark messages as 'never seen', but this information will only be remembered permanently (that is, beyond this Messages session) for your personal messages.Mark as Unseen menuThese menus items are useful for paging though messages in sequence via menu options. They are equivalent to the and 'n' keystrokes, if you have keyboard commands turned on.Show More/Show Next menusYou can specify a special ordering or set of extra items to appear on your 'File into...' menu.File into... menu contentsThis option tells Messages how big you will allow each individual 'File into...' menu card to grow; by default, it is limited to 25 items, setting it to anything larger will have no effect. This is primarily of interest to people with MANY mail folders.File into... folders per menu cardThis option tells Messages how big you will allow your 'File into...' menu to grow when it is in the shrunken (default) state; by default, it is limited to 8 items. This is primarily of interest to people with MANY mail folders.File into... total number of foldersThese menus allow you to insert messages into your personal folders with a simple menu item. You can control the contents of the 'File into...' menus with other options, explained below.File into... menusThe basic menus include 'Create Folder', 'Rename folder', 'Delete Folder', and 'Expose/Hide Personal Folders'.Basic folder menus/featuresIf you turn on marking of messages, then Messages will allow you to mark a set of messages and act on them as a group. You mark messages by clicking on the captions with the right mouse button once you have turned on message marking. When you have marked messages, two new menu cards ('Marked Messages' and 'Send/File Marked') appear, offering you several ways to act on all the messages at once.Marking of messagesIf you turn on keystroke commands, Messages will make a wide variety of its features available by typing single-letter commands at the keyboard. See the help on 'messages-keys' for a listing of the keystroke commands available.Keystroke commandsBinaryOptionsmessages (starting next time)ONOFFTurned %s the "%s" option%s.MaxTotalClassMenuMaxClassMenuFontSizeFolderPixelsHeadBodySplitVeryNarrowFoldersCheckpointFrequency%dmessagesbogusbogusCrucialClassesEnter the list of folders you want on the 'File Into...' menu: FontFamilyEnter the name of the font family you want to use: CheckpointDirEnter the name of the directory where you want to write checkpoint files: KeyHeadersEnter or edit the list of 'special' highlighting headers: messagesmaxclassmenu%dMaxClassMenumessagesSet %s preference to %sSetting Messages OptionsE The Messages program has a large number of options that you can alter to tailor the program's behavior to suit your needs. A list of the options appears in the caption area, above. Clicking on an option in the list above will scroll in this area to show you that option. To set an option, you need to either left click a switch On or Off, change a slider value by dragging the slider or by clicking on the slider with the left button to increase the value or the right to decrease the value, or click on the Alter button which will prompt you to change the option's value. EmajorheadingbuttonV.labelsliderV.labelbottom labeltop labellongstringmax_valuemin_valueOnOffAlterAdjust onoffVsliderVmessages.MaxTotalClassMenumessages.MaxClassMenumessages.FontSizemessages.FolderPixelsmessages.HeadBodySplitmessages.VeryNarrowFoldersmessages.CheckpointFrequencybuttonV Warning: this change will not take effect until you next run messages. Warning: could not rewrite your preferences file (%d, %d)Your '%s' preference has been permanently changed."``#',[jq| (.4AJP\akx} $(1AQaq+0:DK} &+0<G^sz+0AFamr|"->Q[e{(-27AKQWejq"u ! j     D o        / A [ e v                # 3 A Q y      d    &AFQcot~       $ 8<@ TX\ x|       48< X\` x|       <@D X`hlp   48< X\` | hx|,0@DTXhl|  04DHX\lp   $ 4 8 H L \ ` p t                 $ l68::_class_RoutineStruct