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CCC{t+SC C{ vwoSCsu:s uC L{'MSC" Ee[^_]ÐUWVS] u1;xt(xt j VP V6_Nj@P7_xt @P7_xt @P6_ƒx0tЋP0JH0R6_z0u Q6_e[^_]ÐUS] tw;trxt @P6_xt @Ps6_xt @P_6_ƒx0tЋP0JH0R?6_z0u Q,6_1]]ÐUWVS}Et8uDž P* Dž }t Dž HDž$DžDžM 9M}$<\t < t^<@t:<{t<} t \ @Ft'WQ4_)$DžDž  t.  tzG9Gwj@W@0_ G@GG9Gwj*W0_xG*G=G9Gwj W/_1 G GG9Gwj W/_ G G F9 u 9} 9\^9v~ tK9v; u; u%C; t }Kƅƅ WQ2_  +u5 ujWh2_JC; tG9Gw"j WJ._G GSQ;_)މDž9s; uC9r19t M}a~4W$P1_u[^_]ÐUjURURU RURF]ÐUWVSE1ۅuq=otozh2_Ãt޿u=3_%P2_tXt3jdSho:_$< `P2_tX؍e[^_]Ðlibc.so.4DLL Jump 4.5pl26$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/atkams/messages/lib/RCS/amsn.c,v 1.14 1994/03/31 16:05:30 rr2b Exp $_iamsams)tracedtraced observeobservableqgraphicgraphic0;)viewview0M30imim PHmessagemessage_mhamsnamsnX p @ 0 @ ` p 0P`p Pp 0@`p @Pp 0@`  @`p@ 0 `P @ ` P0xQL_HDXamsamsamsnamsnIncompatible version of amsn requested! Could not allocate amsn object! Incompatible version of amsn requested! Initializing Internal Message Server...$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/atkams/messages/lib/RCS/stubs.c,v 1.38 1994/03/31 16:04:29 rr2b Exp $)tracedtraced observeobservableqgraphicgraphic0;)viewview0Mimim $proctblproctable9F@eventevent1$d\environenviron_i|amsams amsutilamsutil messagemessage\HlpairlpairlV)frameframeErrorDialogGeometry400x300+1+1messagemessageConnection to message server timed out; retrying...Reconnecting to message server; please wait...Reconnected to Message Server!((prog messages %d %d))Cannot open temporary file to send bug mail!Not dumping core, eitherReallyAutomatic bug mail failed--sorry! (%s!)Sent automatic bug mail to %sDumping core in directory %sDescribe bug briefly: ...wTo: Subject: CORE BUG -- Subject: BUG -- Unreported Messages Error This bug report was generated automatically as the result of an AMS error message. This error could not be reported to the user, so he did not describe it. The user's description of this message follows: The primary error reported was: There was no primary error text reported. The secondary explanatory text was: There was no secondary explanatory text reported. A core file will be dumped in the directory: No core file is being dumped (I hope). ---------------------------------------- nT8/usr/andrew/etc/AndrewSetup/usr/andrew/etc/AndrewSetup/usr/vice/etc/AndrewSetup/etc/AndrewSetup/AndrewSetup The following bug report information was prepared automatically by the program `%s', %s, at %s (More information on version number and CPU type should be visible in the Received: headers.)This workstation is apparently not running the Andrew File System. The current user is %s in mail domain %s. Known tokens: local, non-local, primary, non-primary, (%d) ``%s'', %s%svid %d (user %s) (home %s) (wperr %d), expires %s. Can't find a next cell: %d This program is configured with ANDREWDIR %s /usr/andrew/usr/andy/usr/andrew/usr/andyThis program is configured with LOCALDIR %s /usr/local/usr/localThe AndrewSetup file used may have been [%d] %s Probably no AndrewSetup file was found; last index %d, errno %d ~/preferences~/.preferences~/.Xdefaults~/.AMS.flames~/.MS.spec~/MS-Errorsxset qThe user's environment variable settings are as follows:%s Here are the open files known to the file descriptor plumber:%s(No malloc plumber statistics without DEBUG_MALLOC_ENV and AMS_DEBUG_MALLOC_ENV.) This is not a messages bug report; the plumber statistics are omitted. The file %s does not exist. is unreadable. causes lstat to fail (%s). is a symbolic link but the readlink call failed (%s). to the file %s. is not a symbolic link. is not a symbolic link. Could not resolve tilde in %s (%d). Could not stat file %s (%s). File %s is not a regular file, but has mode %#o. rCould not open file %s (%s). File: %s YESNOProtection Mode (octal): %#o On Vice: %s Owner: User # %d, AFS Cell %s File Size: %d Last Modified: %sThe file contents are enclosed by separating lines:%sq`UE:/$yhWF5& ymaTG9)EXP_VANISHEXP_NOFIRSTFOLDEREXP_SIGNMAILEXP_GROWFOLDSEXP_WARPWINDOWEXP_SENDEMPTYOBSOLETE 45EXP_FORMATMENUSEXP_FORCESENDEXP_CKPONTMPEXP_DUMPCOREOBSOLETE 40OBSOLETE 39EXP_SIDEBYSIDEEXP_PUNTMENUEXP_SHOWALLBUTKEYSOBSOLETE 35EXP_PUNTBUTTEXP_CHECKRECIPEXP_BIGSTYLESOBSOLETE 31EXP_KEYSTROKESEXP_INSERTHEADEREXP_KEEPBLINDEXP_HIDEAFTEREXP_CLEARAFTEREXP_MARKEDEXTRASEXP_APPENDBYNAMEEXP_MARKASUNREADEXP_SHOWMORENEXTEXP_SETQUITHEREEXP_MARKINGEXP_SHOWNOHEADSEXP_THREEREPLIESOBSOLETE 17OBSOLETE 16EXP_WHITESPACEOBSOLETE 14EXP_SUBSEXPERTEXP_PURGEONQUITEXP_FIXCAPTIONSOBSOLETE 10OBSOLETE 9OBSOLETE 8OBSOLETE 7EXP_SHOWCLASSESOBSOLETE 5EXP_FILEINTOMENUEXP_FILEICONCAPTIONSOBSOLETE 2OBSOLETE 1EXP_FILEINTOHere are the current messages binary option settings: ONOFFONOFFOption %s: permanent %s current %s TildeResolve %s %s/%s%s/%sReportError %s (%d, %d) AMS RPC error: %serrnum %d out of rangeerrcause %d out of rangeerrvia %d out of rangeError: %s (in Unknown error %d (in Error: %s (in Unknown error %d (in (in unknown call %d in in unknown caller %d)Error %d (%s) *may* have been encountered internally.A file server or the network is down.A file server or the network is down.Your Vice authentication has apparently expired.You are out of virtual memory!Someone else has a file or directory locked; try again soon.A file operation failed because it would overflow your disk quota.Send automatic bug reportSend automatic bug report & dump coreQuit the programQuit the program (cannot continue)ContinueHelp! I have an error and cannot ask a question! %s (%s)ReportSuccess %s OUT OF MEMORY IN TRYING TO SAVE ERROR MESSAGE HISTORY! ()There have been NO user messages. Here are the %d most recent user messages: %d: %s -- %suntyped-The compound command component '%s' is not a '%s' commandThe name %s is not in the proc table.The name %s is in the proc table but the function is undefined.Error in compound command component; compound command terminated.Executed a null compound operation.NoYes?? Private BBLocal BBExternal BBOfficial BBEditable BBBB you administerMailUnreadable(?)Here is the output of the command '%s': The output is enclosed by separating lines:%s/bin/sh-crtopen failed! The tclose call timed out! $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/cui/RCS/cuilib.c,v 2.64 1994/03/31 07:06:50 rr2b Exp $unknownunknownunknown%s.%s.%sNo.Snap.version.number.%s.CUILIB.%d.%d.SNAP.%s]XQuitContinue Anyway (just reading messages)Cross-cell configuration will prevent you from sending any mail in this session.QuitContinue AnywayCross-cell configuration will delay delivery of mail you send in this session for hours.expireInitialization failed; program terminated.An element of your mspath does not exist. Please check and fix your mspath preference.Unreadable mspath element; if you're authenticated, please check & fix your mspath preference.Your mspath preference refers to an unknown variable. Please check & fix it.Initializing CUI Machine initialization problemCould not initialize connection to messageserver.Talking to message server on remote host %sCUI %d.%d (AMS %d.%d, SNAP %s)Could not get configuration parameters.numbercauselocationRPCInconsistent error %s codes for RPC -- amserr.o miscompiled?Creating new message directory: %s Invalid message folder name: %sThat folder already appears to exist!Cannot create new message folder %sCreated empty message folder %sCUI_CheckMailboxes %s Cannot check mailbox %sEntering CheckNewMessages file~/MailboxdirectoryLooking for new mail in %sSome messages could not be deleted from %s after being readMessages in %s could not be properly read and delivered (%d successes, %d failures (%d locked, %d in progress))Messages in %s could not be properly read and delivered (%d successes, %d failures (%d locked, %d in progress), some cleanup failures)Messages in %s could not be properly read and delivered (%d successes, %d failures (%d locked, %d in progress)) s were was%d message%s read in from %s.%d messages in %s were temporarily locked; try again in a moment.%d messages in %s were deliveries in progress; try again in a moment.%d messages could not be properly parsed from %s.%d messages were read in from %s.1 message was read in from %s.No new messages in %sEntering CUI_GetHeaders dir %s date %s limit %d startbyte %ld Picked up %ld bytes status %ld HashAmsID %s GetCUID %s %s %dHashed to %d Already had this value, returning old index Ignoring a hash conflict (%d conflicts, %d cuids in use) Already had this value, returning old index Allocating a new node Adding new hash entry # %d Allocating room for more cuids, sigh... GetAMSID %d Looking for body of message %d There is no such message number as %dThis message appears to have been recently deleted and purged.Unexpected error: cannot read the body of message %dSorry; there is no such printer as '%s'.Error: could not set printerOut of memory!Future prints will be sent to printer ''.your default printer.Trying to print message %d Illegal message number: %dThere is no such message number as %dPrinting is temporarily locked; try again in a moment.Could not print the message; sorryMessage queued for printing as requestedTrying to construct reply to message %d Message server could not build reply fileAltering snapshot of message %d Illegal message number: %dThere is no such message number as %dThis message has already been deleted AND purged.Could not delete message %dCould not undelete message %dSomeone else has the folder locked; the message was not marked as 'seen'.Could not mark message %d as 'seen'Could not mark message %d as unseenAdded to directory cache: %s folderCannot purge deleted messages from '%s'.Purged deleted messages from '%s'.Obsolete call -- CUI_UnmarkDirectoryForPurging %s Cannot mark folder %s for later purging._J8Purge selectivelyNo; do not purge anyYes; purge them allDo you want to purge all %s folders with deletions?Do you want to purge both folders with deletions?Do not quitPurge deleted messages from '%s'?YesNoDo not quitCannot purge deleted messages from %sPurged deleted messages from folder %sIllegal message number: %dThere is no such message number as %dThis message appears to have been recently deleted and purged.Could not get the snapshot for message %dTrying to get header contents %d Illegal message number: %dThere is no such message number as %dCould not get the contents of the headerMessage server could not generate temporary file name/tmp/AMS.%dUnknown.InterfaceUnknown.Machine.NameUnknown.Machine.TypeYou must specify one or more recipients.You must specify a subject.Your message contains unprintable characters. Send it anywayYour message has lines too long for many network mailers. Send anywayMessage submission probably failed -- results not guaranteedSubmission failed: %sYour message has been sent.You must supply the name of a message folderfolderReconstructing %s; please wait...Cannot reconstruct message folder %sTo reconstruct, you need full access to the directory, its parent, and the root of the tree (.MESSAGES dir).Mostly reconstructed folder %s: %d entries, %d failuresReconstructed folder %s with %s entriesEmpty folder after reconstructing %s: %d files could not be enteredReconstructed EMPTY message folder %s   i V C B A @ '    ~ 6 5 $   iBAl/.-,+*)(' Could not determine groupness of name; errors were encountered)Requires an AFS groupname)Ambiguous name; temporary failure listing possibile matches)Address fuzzy and ambiguous; temporary failures also occurred)Very fuzzy name match)Directory to insert in is a file)Directory to insert in is read-protected)Bad file name specified for directory insertion)Distribution list file is a directory)Personal alias has non-printing characters)Distribution list file is read-protected)Bad file name specified as distribution list)Good address of unknown type)No such message folder)No such user ID)External bboard posting not enabled -- type 'help externalbb' for help)Address ambiguous; temporary failures also occurred)Address probably valid, but not certain)Temporary failure to validate host name)Temporary address lookup failure)Unknown network address)Recipient unknown)No direct posting)Would create new message folder)RewriteHeaderLine %s, maxaliases %d, numfound %d There appears to be a loop in your personal alias definitions!Syntactically incorrect address: #%d in '%s'.The address you typed is syntactically incorrect and could not be parsed.Cannot decode address #%d in '%s'.Cannot decode the address specification (Address Validation Error: Get vice file %s to string rCannot open local fileCannot determine local file sizeLocal file is too bigOut of memory!Cannot read from local fileThe file %s could not be readProblem with mallocs that expect ints.Out of memory!The file %s could not be read completelyHandleAddress %s code %d maxdealiases %d numfound %d that address%s: good address of unknown type%s: would create new message folderDo you really want to create %sYou are not authorized to post on external bboards such as %sTry 'help networks-access' or see the 'externalbb.help' help file for help.You are not allowed to post on %sAmbiguous name; temporary failure listing possibile matches: %sUnrecognized recipient: %sUnknown distribution file: %sUnknown insertion directory: %sNot an AFS group name: '%s'Bad definition of personal alias: %sProtection violation on distribution file: %sDistribution file is a directory: %sDirectory to insert in is a file: %sProtection violation on directory insertion: %sInvalid user ID: %sInvalid message folder name: %sCannot check validity of hostname (network or file servers may be down)Are you sure the host '%s' really existsThe host '%s' is unknown; try sending anywayThe name '%s' is very ambiguous.Very ambiguous name; do you want a full list of matchesCould not get complete list of matches(Address Validation Error: %s %sAll matches listed in file %s)(Address Validation Error: %s %sAmbiguous address; too many matches)Unparsable ambiguous name: %sTemporary validation failure; '%s' is probably ambiguous.The name '%s' is ambiguous.Temporary validation failure; what is '%s'?What did you mean by '%s'?None of the Above (Address Validation Error: ambiguous name)Temporary failure; an AFS server or the network may be down.Temporary validation failure; please confirm :Name match was uncertain; please confirm:Unrecognized validation code %d; please confirm:None of the aboveTrying to clone message %d into %s code %d Illegal message number: %dfolderfolderWarning: %s is not a message folder.~/.MESSAGESCannot identify your root mail directoryas a top-level mail folderunder'%s' does not exist. Create it %s %sNothing was created or filed./Initial notice worked; parental notice failed.Cannot install initial notice in new folderMoved message %s into %s.Copied message %s into %s.There is no such message number as %dMessage %d is already in %s. No change was necessary.Message %d was already in %s; no change was necessary.You do not have write-access to the '%s' folder.Cannot copy message from %s to ()Moved message %s into %s.Copied message %s into %s.%s: temporarily unavailable (net/server problem)The folder %s is not readable.Couldn't get associated time for %sCould not print all of the messages.Printing %dCouldn't print all of the messages.Couldn't set associated time for %srCannot open local file %sMessage server cannot store fileMessage server cannot store fileGet local file %s %s wCould not create the local file %sCould not write out file %s (%d)The file %s could not be read completelyNo folder is allowed to be nameless.folderYou cannot make a folder a subfolder of itself!It is meaningless to rename a folder to itself!Rename failed: '%s' is not a valid folder nameCould not rename folderRenamed %s to be Cannot get information about folder %s.them allitsFolder %s has %s message%s; remove %sSomeone apparently added a message to the folder right before you tried to remove it.That folder cannot be deleted while it still has sub-folders inside it.Could not remove folder %s.Deleted folder %s and all %s messages in it.Deleted empty folder %sThis message announces a new bboard, but it has apparently already been deleted.This is a private bboard and you are not authorized/authenticated to subscribe.Bogus new folder announcement -- cannot subscribe to %s!Cannot get subscription information for %sSubscribe to %s'%s' is private; you don't have read-access or are unauthenticated.%s: temporarily unavailable (net/server problem)Sorry; %s no longer exists, so you cannot subscribe to it.Cannot set subscription entry to %sSubscribed to %sNo subscription added.Write-in VotesA vote is requested. Your vote is optional and *NOT* secret.Badly-quoted string in vote headerBadly-quoted string in vote headerToo many choices in vote header!Badly-quoted string in vote header*Too many choices in vote header!**The message server thinks this is a VOTE message, but I disagree.Not enough choices in vote header!Not VotingPlease enter your write-in vote:No vote was registered.wCould not open local file to compose answer to voteTo: %s Subject: %s (My Vote on '%s') My vote on '%s' is '%s'. Cannot store your vote on AFSCould not mail your voteMailed your vote (%s) to %s.This message requests a receipt acknowledgement; Send oneCould not generate acknowledgement messageCould not mail the acknowledgementAcknowledgement sent as requested.Someone else has the folder locked; the message was not marked as 'acknowledged'.Could not mark message %d as 'acknowledged'This Message contains an 'enclosure' inside it. Action?Take no actionStore it in a filePipe it through a command   Unformat it and use the plain text versionUse the Formatted versionThis enclosure has Andrew formatting informationPipe enclosure through what command: Write enclosure into what file: file I've lost track of what message had the enclosure.Could not remove formatting from the messageCould not copy file from AFSrCould not open local copy of message filewwCould not write out enclosure (%d)Enclosure is improperly formatted\begindata\textdsversion\templateWarning -- no end delimiter on enclosureClose of enclosure output failed (%d)Filtered enclosure through command ``%s''Wrote file ``%s''Resend this message to '%s'Someone else has the folder locked; the message was not marked as 'redistributed'.Could not mark message %d as 'redistributed'Parsing ~/.headmagic ~/.headmagicThe file ~/.headmagic can not be readrGot line %sGot customization header %s filter %s Could not open pipe to filter messageFiltering message through command '%s' arguments '%s'.Could not fork!Could not execute filter! wCould not run filter '%s'.rFilter '%s' apparently failed.Filtered message through '%s'.This interface cannot specially handle the '%s' header.%s/+%sThere is no such message number as %dwCannot open temporary local file for message bodyWrite of local message body file failedIllegal message number: %dThere is no such message number as %dCannot check for missing folder subscription informationThe folder %s does not exist.Cannot check for missing folder change informationCannot check for new folder subscription information'%s' has been moved to '%s'. Action?Change your subscription accordinglyJust delete the subscription entirelyDo Nothing%s has been merged into %s. Unsubscribe to %s'%s' no longer exists. Delete your subscriptionCannot set profile entry; you may see some duplicatesCannot set new subscription entry for %s; sorry!You are now subscribed to %s.Cannot unsubscribe to old folder %s; sorry!You are now unsubscribed from %s.Message Re-Sent to '%s'.)(((Send with formattingRemove formatting & sendCancel resendingThe readers of this message may not recognize Andrew formatting.There is no such message number as %dcontent-typex-be2Trust the delivery system to remove it as neededwCannot open temporary local file for message bodyReSent-To: %s Write of local message body file failedCannot store re-sent message on AFSResend failedMessage Re-Sent.There is no %s named '%s'.Could not get preference from messageserverCould not get preference from messageserverCould not get preference from messageserverCould not get preference from messageserverMessage server cannot store file'%s' is too long for an attribute name. (The limit is %d characters.)There is no such message number as %dCould not get attribute informationThere is no such attribute as %s. Create itCould not create new user-defined attributeFix attribute by number cuid %d attnum %d set %d Attribute number out of rangeCould not get attribute informationCould not get attribute informationCould not copy file %s toCould not mark message %d as `replied to'MUnmCould not %sark message %d as 'urgent'------X-Andrew-Redistribution-To:X-Andrew-DirectoryCreation:Vote-To:Ack-To:Cc:To:Validated as: %s Validating message from %s Cannot read draft mail being validated.Read %d bytes at %ld with %ld to go. Please leave a blank line before the start of your message text.You have more than one '%s' line.You have not included a '%s' line.isare%d of the names you entered %s invalid.isare%d of the directories you entered %s invalid.Message server cannot store file$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/cui/RCS/andmchs.c,v 2.36 1994/03/29 03:32:35 rr2b Exp $@`This machine has a bad floating point board. If desperate, try 'rem'.i386_LinuxYou are not authenticated in your designated AMS home domainCan't find AMS home cell: %sPossible problem with AMS Home %s: %sAMS_RemoteUserAMS_RemoteLoginAMS_RemoteLoginName of host to run message server for youUser id on host %sYou are not authenticated in your AMS Home domainCan't find AMS home cell: %sEDITORwmTERMWarning: If your editor starts a new window, it might not communicate properly with this program.Error editing local file '%s' with editor '%s'cuimslogw/tmp/cuims.logidle start done elapsed Function %d %d %d %d %s /dev/consolewwWarning: cui cannot open /dev/consoleWarning: cui cannot open /dev/consolePassword for user %s on host %sCould not update message server stateHangupInterruptQuitBus ErrorSegmentation ViolationTerminateStopContinuing... XFSZXCPUUnknown%s signal received.ams$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/nosnap/RCS/nosnap.c,v 2.10 1992/12/15 21:21:37 rr2b R6tape $ 5NOT LINKED05Messageserver initialization failed. Program can not run.An element of your mspath does not exist. Please check and fix your mspath preference.Unreadable mspath element. If you're authenticated, please check & fix your mspath preference.Your mspath preference refers to an unknown variable. Please check & fix it.Could not open your personal mailbox%s [%s].$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/altsnap.c,v 2.7 1992/12/15 21:17:22 rr2b R6tape $MS_AlterSnapshot %s %s code %d Snapshot: 0x%02x) Altering snapshot of message %d %s $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/apndfile.c,v 2.14 1992/12/15 21:17:22 rr2b R6tape $MS_AppendFileToFolder %s %s %s/+%s$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/autherr.c,v 2.10 1992/12/15 21:17:22 rr2b R6tape $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/authuid.c,v 2.18 1992/12/15 21:17:22 rr2b R6tape $UIDReset authorized uid to %d, cell %s, auth name %s X-Andrew-Authenticated-As: $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/bldattr.c,v 2.12 1992/12/15 21:17:22 rr2b R6tape $Building Attributes field ptrs Return receipt Parcel Post Directory creation Vote!!! Scribe Format Redistribution UnauthenticatedFrom remote senderThis one has multiple reply fields! rephash %d Put hash values in snapshot -- mid %d, reply %d $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/bldcapt.c,v 2.26 1992/12/15 21:17:22 rr2b R6tape $BuildCaption Buf is %s %2d-%s-%02d %2d-%s-%02d ..Buf is %s User (*)Uncertain user %dUnknown user %d@: (*)Unknown user (%s/%s@%s: out of memory)=> Buf is %s (%d*%d)Buf is %s Caption field is %s $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/blddate.c,v 2.11 1992/12/15 21:17:22 rr2b R6tape $Build date field $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/bldreply.c,v 2.11 1993/09/21 21:51:22 gk5g Exp $Building Reply field Reply to field is <%s> $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/ckmiss.c,v 2.8 1992/12/15 21:18:15 rr2b R6tape $r$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/clonemsg.c,v 2.11 1992/12/15 21:18:15 rr2b R6tape $MS_CloneMessage source %s obj %s id %s code %d %s/+%s%s/+%s%s/+%srw$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/crtdir.c,v 2.6 1992/12/15 21:18:15 rr2b R6tape $MS_CreateNewMessageDirectory %s %d $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/dbgprntf.c,v 2.6 1992/12/15 21:18:15 rr2b R6tape $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/dbgmode.c,v 2.8 1993/01/14 21:40:32 rr2b Exp $MS_DebugMode %d %d %d $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/disambig.c,v 2.25 1993/05/06 18:02:17 susan Exp $Disambiguating %s... //Trying resolved tilde %s .MS_MsgDir%s/%sreturning tilde resolved %s .MS_MsgDir%s/%s%s/%sTrying %s .MS_MsgDir%s/%sAFS/network error; can't check existence of %sPermission denied; can't check existence of %sreturning %s //.SubscriptionMapr$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/findmbox.c,v 2.17 1992/12/15 21:18:15 rr2b R6tape $mailboxdir%s/%sMailbox/.MESSAGES$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/freemsg.c,v 2.9 1993/09/21 21:55:29 gk5g Exp $FreeMessage Warning! FreeMessage is closing file descriptor zero, which is *probably* a mistake!$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/gentname.c,v 2.8 1992/12/15 21:19:11 rr2b R6tape $AMStempfilelocation/tmp%s/%s$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/getasct.c,v 2.4 1991/09/12 15:43:41 bobg R6tape $GMS_GetAssociatedTime %s $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/getbody.c,v 2.9 1992/12/15 21:19:11 rr2b R6tape $MS_GetPartialBody %s %s $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/getdiri.c,v 2.16 1993/05/06 18:01:40 susan Exp $Entering MS_GetDirInfo %s Checking mailbox %s %s/.MESSAGES/$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/getfile.c,v 2.11 1993/08/25 20:35:52 susan Exp $MS_GetPartialFile %s $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/gethdr.c,v 2.10 1992/12/15 21:19:11 rr2b R6tape $NULLMS_GetHeaderContents %s %s %s $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/getnmct.c,v 2.9 1992/12/15 21:19:11 rr2b R6tape $In MS_GetNewMessageCount with dirname %s Short cut -- we don't have new notices %d <= %d Do it the long way, mtime %d AssTime %d Empty message directory, let's say we read it $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/getnth.c,v 2.7 1992/12/15 21:19:11 rr2b R6tape $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/getpathe.c,v 2.7 1992/12/15 21:19:11 rr2b R6tape $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/getsnap.c,v 2.7 1992/12/15 21:19:11 rr2b R6tape $MS_GetSnapshot %s %s $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/getsubs.c,v 2.3 1991/09/12 15:44:21 bobg R6tape $M$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/getvconf.c,v 1.9 1992/12/15 21:19:11 rr2b R6tape $(null)(null)/debug.getvconfigMS_GetVConfig:key=%s,vers=%smotd/etc/motdexpire0,$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/hdlpref.c,v 2.7 1992/12/15 21:19:11 rr2b R6tape $%s.%s$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/headers.c,v 2.18 1993/08/25 20:35:56 susan Exp $In MS_HeadersSince with dirname %s Short cut -- we don't have new notices %d <= %d Do it the long way, mtime %d datefield %d Empty message directory, let's say we read it 000000000000Setting file time, hope to short cut next time Setting modifiable attribute bit Unsetting modifiable attribute bit Returning, %d bytes remain unsent $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/init.c,v 2.59 1993/10/25 21:42:50 gk5g Exp $SSSSSSSSSSSSSSStShSRSFSPATH=%s/bin:%s/bin:%s/bin:/usr/ucb:/usr/bin:/bin/usr/andrew/usr/localHOME=%sANDREWDIR=%sHOME=PATH=ANDREWDIR=BOGUS=BOGUSEnvironment param %d: %s MS %d.%d (AMS %d.%d, SNAP %s)MS version %s HangupInterruptQuitBus ErrorSegmentation ViolationTerminateStopContinuing.../tmp/ms_plumber_stats.%d.%dwWriting malloc table in %s. (Permanent waste: %d)Permanent-malloc waste for process %d: %d (Malloc table not available without DEBUG_MALLOC_ENV.) Messageserver fdplumb table: cannot open /tmp/plumber_stats; sorry. (Permanent waste: %d)Unknowns were was%d message%s read in from %s.cui%s signal caught; checkpointed server state...ms/usr/andrew$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/instinfo.c,v 2.12 1993/05/04 00:58:50 susan Exp $MS_InstallWelcome Message %s %s %s %s/%s%s/+%srwDate: %sFrom:%s Subject: Welcome to %s Content-type: X-BE2; 12 $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/inventid.c,v 2.5 1991/09/12 15:45:07 bobg R6tape $laInvent ID $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/logging.c,v 2.11 1992/12/15 21:20:00 rr2b R6tape $arrBBOARDMAILX-StatTrace: %s READ %d bytes %s %s ; %s$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/merge.c,v 2.19 1993/09/21 21:57:44 gk5g Exp $Entering MS_MergeDirectories %s %s Can't open source directory %s ...%s/%s.MS_MsgDir%s/%s.merge.MS_MsgDir%s/%s...%s/%s%s/%sa%s %s %sEntering MS_EditMessage dir %s id %s newfile %s reparse %d r%s/+%s.tmpw$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/msdir.c,v 2.46 1993/08/25 20:36:01 susan Exp $CheckOpenMSDirectory code %d dir code %d .MS_MsgDir%s/%sDirectory %s is up to date Directory %s has changed; I will reread it now AppendMessageToMSDir Date in message %s, %d=%s, seems bogus.New message is older than LastMsgDate, bumping both... Dates in folder %s, %d=%s, are bogus; folder needs reconstruction.New message is older than LastMsgDate, bumping both... Dates in folder %s, %d=%s, are bogus; folder needs reconstruction.Set LastMsgDate to %sAlmost done appending message; writing out head again Setting chain field from hashed values Found a match in message %d Chose chain %d Considering merging chain %d... queued. already considered it. No hashed matches, but we're advance-merging this chain (%d) Merging a missed message in chain %d We should have just finished merging %d chains Dir size %d: %d attempts, %d cache misses, %d overwrite-misses Bumped chain count: writing out dir head , Adding hash value %d, which is a hash for %s Also adding hash value %d (for message id %s) Not adding a hash entry for the message id Unexpectedly found folder %s open; close FAILED! (%d, %d, %d).Unexpectedly found folder %s open; closed it satisfactorily.Consistency check found %d open folders Consistency check found %d open foldersHashDir Searching in directory cache for %s Hash collison: %s and %s Adding %s to directory cache Hash collison: %s and %s Error: trying to add a cache entry that's already there ReadOrFindMSDir %s (%d) Skipping close of %s due to low open mode (%d, %d) The directory %s had two Dirnodes -- this shouldn't happen!Caching %s to close as %d but it is really %d!I've found a bug! Please send the automatic bug report!MS directory %s was closed prematurely; everything should still be OK.Could not close directory %s; some state may have been lost (%d %d %d).Deleting %s from dir cache Message-id %s hashed to %d; looking for a match Got a match with snapshot %d hash; looking more carefully Comparing message-id %s to message-id %s Message %s was already in %s and won't be put there again.A message was already in a directory and was not duplicated.Found: had to read %d of %d (%d total) Not found: had to read %d of %d $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/msparse.c,v 2.8 1992/12/15 21:20:00 rr2b R6tape $ $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/msprint.c,v 2.35 1993/09/21 21:58:07 gk5g Exp $MS_PrintMessage %s %s flags %d printer %s .MS.ToPrint%s/%s.%d.%d_rra\begindata{text822, %d} Printed-For: %s Printed-From: %s Printed-Date: %sX-Andrew-Text822Mode: %d \enddata{text822, %d} ____________________________________________________________ 2yes@begin(bold)\bold{@end(bold)}@begin(bigger)\bigger{@end(bigger)} @begin(smaller)\smaller{@end(smaller)}@FormatNote( .vs 6 )@begin(smaller)@begin(smaller)@begin(smaller)@begin(smaller)\formatnote{ .vs 6 }\smaller{\smaller{\smaller{\smaller{@end(smaller)@end(smaller)@end(smaller)@end(smaller)@FormatNote( .vs 14 ) }}}}\formatnote{ .vs 14} @FormatNote( .bp) \formatnote{ .bp } @begin(typewriter)\typewriter{@end(typewriter)}/bin/ezprint-oMessages_You_Wanted_To_Print.MS.ToPrint-zPrinter %s is unrecognized; using default of %s instead.Using default printer: %s Printing %s on printer %s -S%s%s/%sToo many prints to do all at once; saving some for later.Now printing messages as requestedmsCould not exec ezprint! (, )-zValidating printer name %s Checking in spool directories /Checking for existence of directory %s Bingo! It is fine. Looking in /etc/printcap for printer %s r/etc/printcapOpened /etc/printcap Found it! Didn't find anything useful in /etc/printcap Checking for NamedValidPrinters It isn't %s %s is NOT a valid printer name. Treating %s as OK, since there was no way to validate it. $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/mswp.c,v 2.62 1994/01/16 01:11:22 rr2b Exp $%s/%sTrying %s Cross-cell, looking in cell %s; %s isn't in that cell nohow. AFS/network error checking %s; continuing...You are apparently unauthenticated and cannot access directory %s.Checking external postability %s %s ../extenable/ext.enable%s/%sChecking for access to file %s Nope, inhibit posting .TurnOnExternalPosting%s/%sChecking for access to file %s Nope, inhibit posting /.MESSAGES.MS.DirectPostrscannoscanpostnopostcreatesubnocreatesubCCUnrecognized flag text ``%s'' in file %s%s/%s%s/.AMS_aliasesYour personal alias file is suddenly unreadable!Alias file has changed: %d > %d $force$forceformat$forcestrip$forcetrustUnparsable $force line '%0.700s': ignoredUnparsable alias line '%0.700s': ignored (length %d)CheckPersonalAlias %s Validating %s (type %d) in domain %s %s+%s%s+%s(Address Validation Error: This site is misconfigured with a negative value for an AMS_XXXValidation value in AndrewSetup or mailconf.cnoDomainAddrRewrite localpart %s/%s prevailing domain %s recdepth %d Distribution list %s is in cell %s, which does not support AMDS.distdir-insert+%s+%s@Considering recursion: recdepth %d, given dom %s, prevail %s Recursion result is %d/%d (%s)%s+%sBefore validation: *ErrCode %d, IsCertain %d, SawTempFail %d LookupLocalName returns WpCode=%d, IsVacuous=%d Using code %d from global alias. Checking for special identity between '%s' and '%s' (, ), ()local_RewriteAddress old %s newsize %d domain %s local_RewriteAddress returns code %d, address %s MS_RewriteAddress old %s newsize %d MS_ValidateAndReplaceChunk file %s inaddr %s which %d Not cached, sorry... %d %d %s %s In list is %s Bingo, cached! Entering MS_WriteAllMatchesToFile %s w rCheckGlobalAlias: given %s/%s, returning %d ExternalForcingCode: given %s, code %d ExternalForcingCode: returning %d ExternalForcingCode: returning %d ExternalForcingCode: found no mapping (returning input=%d) $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/mungenew.c,v 2.33 1993/09/21 21:57:19 gk5g Exp $|Entering MS_ProcessNewMessages %s/MailboxMAILmailboxfile%s/%sPersonal mail collection command %s failed with code %dSystem mail collection command %s failed with code %dReading directory %s AMS_NO_MAILBOX_SORTINGNot sorting mail files in %sCan't open source directory %s Considering %s Ignoring a dot file %s/%ssubdirectorystrange fileMailbox %s has a %s %s which I will ignore.AMS.flamesError: errno %d errcause %d errvia %d Can't open source directory %s Considering %s Ignoring a dot file %s/%sMailbox %s has a subdirectory %s which I will ignoreError: errno %d errcause %d errvia %d All done with directory %s, cleaning up now... $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/mvinvice.c,v 2.6 1992/12/15 21:20:00 rr2b R6tape $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/namechg.c,v 2.22 1993/05/05 19:49:43 susan Exp $%s%sProcessing subs entry %s status %d .MS.Master/Update%s/%sTrying to open %s rGoing into do loop compared %s to %s; code is %d Slowpoke: %s ..even though there IS a master update file! %s is not in the master update file.It has CHANGED! Bingo! key is %s mupname %s auxstuff %s 000000It has CHANGED! profile says %s w%s:%s %d %d $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/namemap.c,v 2.16 1993/08/29 16:23:57 rr2b Exp $MS_NameSubscriptionMapFile %s .SubscriptionMap%s/%sNow it is time for my private map file rRebuilding public map file wHave to rebuild in a temporary spot: %s (errno %d) wrw$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/newmail.c,v 2.20 1992/12/15 21:20:00 rr2b R6tape $FLAMES seems to have satisfactorily handled this file, I'll unlink %s $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/nonfatal.c,v 2.6 1992/12/15 21:20:00 rr2b R6tape $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/papanote.c,v 2.20 1993/06/22 22:06:57 gk5g Exp $Add parental message: pdir %s bbname %s bbpath %s This is top-level, no parent note will be added rwSubject: %s (new message group) X-Andrew-DirectoryCreation: %s Boundary_%sContent-type: multipart/mixed; boundary=%s --%s A new message group, %s, has been created as a subdirectory of this message group. A copy of the first message in the new group is reproduced below. If it interests you, you may want to subscribe to the new message group. --%s Content-type: message/rfc822 --%s $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/parseraw.c,v 2.15 1992/12/15 21:20:00 rr2b R6tape $Entering OnlyParseMessageFromRawBody with body: %s Last header has no colon Ignoring a header with no colon , Header body is REALLOCATING THE HEADERS - %d so far!! (Parsed: new, type %s) (Duplicate %s header) (Parsed: standard %s header) $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/pfmsg.c,v 2.12 1992/12/15 21:20:00 rr2b R6tape $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/prettyn.c,v 2.21 1993/05/05 19:49:43 susan Exp $Finding prettiest in %s Illegal address, returning %s RealFrom is %s Choosing between %s and %s OK, I'm working with %s @?$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/purge.c,v 2.26 1993/08/25 20:36:06 susan Exp $MS_PurgeDeletedMessages %s Unlinked: %s .MS_MsgDir%s/%s.pPurging %s: reading FD is %d, writing FD is %d. Lock failed -- Closed dir %s .MS_MsgDir%s/%s$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/rawdb.c,v 2.73 1993/09/21 21:58:29 gk5g Exp $Maximum number of files per directory may have been exceeded closing %s OverwriteSafeCreateNewMSDirectory (%s) %s Setting up directory parameters 000000.MS_MsgDir%s/%sWould overwrite Cannot lock Calling destructive write In destructively write directory head BINARY FILE -- DO NOT EDIT!!! `The mail transport mechanism is trivial.' --Jim Morris %s%s%s%sPlaced LastMsgDate into raw head; date is %sWrote raw head out BINARY FILE -- DO NOT EDIT!!! `The mail transport mechanism is trivial.' --Jim Morris major version %d Found attribute named %s LastMsgDate for %s is %sLastMsgDate for %s is not set... Number of user attribute names: %d Attribute #%d is named %s Set LastMsgDate for %s to %sNo messages in %s, not setting LastMsgDate. File mod date is %ld %d;%s;Write pure file %s X-Andrew-Authenticated-As: %s Warning! Message amt read in is %d but should be at least %d, reading %s..MS_MsgDir%s/%sOpened dir %s Lock failed -- Closed dir %s Could not handle 'in progress' mail in directory %sSkipping close of %s due to low open mode (%d, %d) Close failed on dir %s Unmark in progress failed on dir %s; next append may be needlessly slow.Closed dir %s Checking hint dropping permission. /.MS.Masterunknown-hostDropping hint for %s /.MS.Master/Possible update file name is %s /other/HINT_OK: Hint file '%s' already exists; things should be fine. Cannot open hint file '%s'OK: Left hint file '%s', things should be fine. Trying to lock master update file %s Update.LOCK%s/%sUpdate file %s is locked (%d); sleeping %d seconds (%d retries remain)...Taking ALL hintsTaking hintsALLMYChecking for %s MUF hints in tree %s. /.MS.MasterPlanHint %s /%s %s /%s %s/%s%s/%sAha! Would have hit a duplicate! Hint found for non-existent folder %s; ignoring...000000ClearUpdates %s /.MS.Master/Updater.NEWw%s %s %d Mis-ordered MUF line (discarding & hinting): %s (PrevLine is %s), in %sIllegal character in update file %s: ASCII %d (decimal)Discarding illegal MUF %s entry: %s%s %s %d %s %s %d Looking for hints in directory %s HINT_Considering recursion into %s /Cannot stat %s/%s; may be missing some hintsIgnoring %s Handling update hint for %s. The folder '%s' is corrupted & needs reconstruction.User %d in domain %s.AMS_DIRMODshhh /ONOFFTurning %s in-progress mark file %s /file,snapshotLorphanhmissingChecking for hidden messages in folder %s.%s/%sThere is a bogus file '%s' in folder %s.There is a bogus file '%s' (type %#o) in folder %s.The %s checklist now has %d/%d entries. //+%d messages in directory %s. %d snapshots in its .MS_MsgDir file. Automatically using the file Automatically using the snapshot Comparing the file and snapshot They are the same Adding from snapshot: %s Adding from files: %s The directory %s DOES have hidden mail in it-- %d messages! The directory %s DOES have hidden mail in it -- %s! ...finished adding %d of %d hidden files Finished adding all %d hidden files. The directory %s has %d orphaned snapshots in it! The directory %s has an orphaned snapshot in it -- %s! Deleted message: Caption will disappear with next purge.Finished fixing %d of %d snapshots Finished fixing all %d snapshots. Found %d old hidden messages in %s (%d orphaned snapshots, %d processing errors).%s/.amsalien%s/+%s$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/rawfil.c,v 1.13 1993/08/25 20:36:11 susan Exp $Entering ReadRawFile %s File in mailbox, %s, is lockedSet auth user to %d Stat of file %s said it had %d bytes, but I could only read %d bytes!From: Message Server Subject: Empty file found in mailbox. 6%sAn empty file was found in your mailbox. This can occur when an attempt to deliver mail to you is unsuccessful. Although the delivery attempt was unsuccessful, the mail is not lost. Further attempts to deliver the piece of mail will be made until it is successfully delivered. Note that delivery attempts will continue to fail if delivery of the mail will put you over your File System quota. The message system will not be able to successfully deliver your mail until you have enough space for the message. %sTo reduce disk usage, you might want to compress some of your files (using the compress or compact commands) and/or delete old mail and unnecessary files such as 'core', checkpoint, and backup files. Other reasons for delivery failure are transient in nature, and will clear up without action on your part. In fact, you may already have received the mail that caused the empty file to appear. unknown userFile name: %s Written by: user %s (%d) Date and time of file writing: %s The header size for this message seems to be %d $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/recon.c,v 2.36 1993/09/21 21:59:16 gk5g Exp $, +%s/%s%s.MS_MsgDir%s/%s.r.MS_MsgDir%s/%s%sBINARY FILE -- DO NOT EDIT!!! `The mail transport mechanism is trivial.' --Jim Morris %s%s%s%s%s/%s%s/%s%s/+%s%s/%s%s/+%s000000$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/redslash.c,v 2.6 1992/12/15 21:20:51 rr2b R6tape $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/rmvdir.c,v 2.18 1993/09/21 21:59:37 gk5g Exp $Entering MS_RemoveDirectory %s Can't open source directory %s ...%s/%s...%s/%srm %s/.nfs*Checking for stupid NFS tmp file bug...messages.CrucialClasses,*,*crucialclassesmessagesCould not rewrite your CrucialClasses preference; sorry!$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/renadir.c,v 2.12 1993/08/29 16:23:57 rr2b Exp $/Changing Tree from %s to %s /.SubscriptionMapr.NEWwa.NEW2wGoing through subscription map file Handling line %s This is a change! New full name should be %s %s:%s %s %s %s%s:%s %s There were %d errors in the rename -- rebuild/reindex may be necessary .MERGEDrrw$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/reply.c,v 2.30 1994/03/31 20:18:19 rr2b Exp $---------- Forwarded message begins here ---------- MS_NameReplyFile %s %s %d wParsing message Fwd: Re: Distribution: Message from %s dated Writing out file To: Subject: Confirming: Ack-type: explicit Ack: This message confirms the receipt by ``%s'' of a message from ``''with no ``from'' header on the subject ``'' with no ``subject'' header dated ``''. with no ``date'' header. This is an ``explicit'' receipt, which means that the user saw the message and agreed to send this confirmation. X-Andrew-ScribeFormat: Content-Type: If-Type-Unsupported: To: Subject: CC: Reply-To: Sender: Enclosure: X-Andrew-WideReply: X-Andrew-DirectoryCreation: Vote-Request: Vote-To: Vote-Choices: In-Reply-To: References: Distribution: To: Subject: CC: References: To: Subject: %s CC: %s%s%s ---Forwarded.message.boundary.line.%sContent-type: multipart/mixed; boundary = %s This is a forwarded message in MIME format. Please do NOT delete the funny-looking boundary and header lines, or this message may not end up being readable to the recipients. Place your prefix between the two lines that begin with ==== below. --%s Content-type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII ====User Forwarding Prefix goes below this line: ====User Forwarding Prefix ends here --%s Content-type: message/rfc822 --%s-- References: To: %s Subject: %s CC: %s In-Reply-To: %s%s%s%s References: To: %s Subject: %s CC: In-Reply-To: %s%s%s%s fwdheaders:Content-Type$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/rsndhdr.c,v 2.11 1992/12/15 21:20:51 rr2b R6tape $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/restilde.c,v 2.14 1993/05/05 19:49:43 susan Exp $ResolveTildes %s %s/%s%s/%s$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/fixsub.c,v 2.8 1993/09/21 21:54:48 gk5g Exp $ΫʫFwd:fwd: re:Re:re: fwd:Fwd:fwd: fwd:Re:re: re:%s%s$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/site.c,v 1.7 1992/12/15 21:20:00 rr2b R6tape $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/safeexit.c,v 2.10 1992/12/15 21:20:51 rr2b R6tape $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/setasct.c,v 2.10 1994/03/01 23:08:05 rr2b Exp $MS_SetAssociatedTime %s %s 0Last message or later, writing time stamp Was not the last message (Dir %d count %d date %s), not writing time stamp $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/setknell.c,v 2.9 1992/12/15 21:20:51 rr2b R6tape $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/setsubs.c,v 2.7 1992/12/15 21:20:51 rr2b R6tape $.MESSAGES%s/%s$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/shrkdate.c,v 2.7 1992/12/15 21:21:37 rr2b R6tape $|DecNovOctSepAugJulJunMayAprMarFebJanParseAndShrinkDate %s Bad Date%2d-%s-%02d$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/shrkname.c,v 2.12 1992/12/15 21:21:37 rr2b R6tape $Shrinking name %s Checking for double quotes Double quote removal leaves %s at , $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/storfile.c,v 2.9 1993/08/25 20:36:15 susan Exp $MS_StorePartialFile %s pos %d len %d mode %d $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/strpself.c,v 2.20 1993/05/05 19:49:43 susan Exp $ $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/submsg.c,v 2.25 1993/08/25 20:36:16 susan Exp $<%s@%s>unknown-hosti386_LinuxReceived: from %s via MS.%d.%d.%s.%s; %sAdding names from list %s Adding %s to submission vector Submitting message from file %s options %d unknown submission failureBad submission file Deleting a user-supplied 'From' header line.Deleting a user-supplied 'Sender' header line.Deleting a user-supplied authentication header line.If-Type-Unsupported: sendIf-Type-Unsupported: alter%sReSent-Message-ID: %s ReSent-Date: %sReSent-From: %s%sMessage-ID: %s Date: %sFrom: %sNo recipients %s/+%sSending your BCC through the mail after error in direct insertion. (%d, %d, %d)There were no recipients specified, but a blind copy was kept.waX-StatTrace: %s SENT %d bytes ; %sThere were no recipients specified, but a blind copy was queued.$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/subs.c,v 2.44 1993/05/05 19:49:43 susan Exp $FindSubsEntry %s Entering main comparison loop looking for %s nickname %s path %d priority %d comparing with %s Too low, check upper half Too high, check lower half Found it! ~/.AMS.profWriteSubs .OLDCouldn't stat your old profile; no backup being made..OLDRLink failed for %s (%d) Link failed for %s (%d) TOO SOON TO DO ANOTHER BACKUP -- %d - %d = %d seconds! %s.NEWWriting out Subs %s w.MESSAGES$mail %s/%s $official %s $local %s $external %s .MESSAGES%s/%s/mailmailmail %s %d %s %d recovered as ``mail''NOT RECORDEDNull subscription name for ``%s''--%s%s %s %d %s %d Could not write profile before refreshing it; some profile information may have been lostReadSubs Subs file is %s Parsing new raw Subscription AMS profileIgnoring an illegal profile line: %sProfile line for %s is out-of-date; discarding it. Parsed entry: path elt %d key %s status %d time64 %s filedate %d priority %d NO MEMORY TO HANDLE PATH CHANGESIgnoring unrecognized profile line %smaillocalexternalofficial.MESSAGES%s/%s.SubscriptionMap.MESSAGESCould not rebuild subscription map %s/%s/%s (%d, %d, %d).MESSAGES%s/%sChanging profile entry for %s to %sRemoveSubsEntry %s SetProfileEntry %s to %s (%ld) zzzzzzWarning -- profile date for %s is dubious (%s); using current time insteadSetFullProfileEntry %s nickname %s status %d time64 %s filedate %d It is a new one! 000000Path element is %d New addition to subs list: %s nick %s position %d GetSubsEntry %s Key not found, returning null value Key not found, returning null value w%s:%s %d GetNextSubsEntry %s Good job! A trivial caching mechanism wins big! %s.LOCKrwNo need to re-sort by path order; not changed since last sort Computing subs priority for %s, pathelt %d SubsOrderElts[%d].pattern is %s, wild %d, pathelt %d Bestmatchscore is now %d, bestmatch %d Priority is %d Out of memory in subscription ordering -- things may appear in a strange orderAsubsorderProcessing subs priority element %s Ignoring unrecognized mspath element in subsorder preference: '%s'*Parsed: Is wild %d pattern %s pathelt %d Skipping %d $mail.MESSAGES%s/%s$local$external$officialr%s/.MS.profileCould not check your old .MS.profile; hope that's OK.%s/OLD.MS.profileCould not delete your outdated .MS.profile.Renamed your outdated .MS.profile.%s/.MS.subscriptions%s/OLD.MS.subscriptionsCould not delete your outdated .MS.subs.Renamed your outdated .MS.subs..OLDCould not delete your outdated .AMS.prof.Renamed your outdated .AMS.prof.%s/.MS.subscriptionsrold-fashioned subscription fileIgnoring a corrupted old subscription line%s/.MS.profilerold-fashioned MS profileIgnoring a corrupted old profile lineIgnoring illegal profile line %ssubscription mapmaster update fileIllegal character in %s: ASCII %d (decimal)$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/subswalk.c,v 2.19 1993/09/21 22:00:33 gk5g Exp $SubsTreeWalk %s %s/%s%sSkipping non-directory file %s full name is %s :%s $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/uattrs.c,v 2.8 1992/12/15 21:21:37 rr2b R6tape $***UNUSED***<$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/unlnfile.c,v 2.6 1992/12/15 21:21:37 rr2b R6tape $Entering MS_UnlinkFile %s $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/unscrib.c,v 2.19 1993/08/25 20:36:15 susan Exp $w$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/update.c,v 2.15 1992/12/15 21:21:37 rr2b R6tape $There were %d different errors in updating messagserver state!$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/util.c,v 2.19 1992/12/15 21:21:37 rr2b R6tape $/.MESSAGES$LOCAL:$EXTERNAL$default$mail$local$external$other$officialmspath%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%sThe mspath variable %s is unknownSearch path is %s Your mspath has an empty element in it which I am ignoring.Square brackets in mspath preference do not match.Ignoring duplicate mspath element: %s.The mspath element %s is unknown (%d)externalofficiallocal%s%smailAFS/network error checking %s; continuing...You are apparently unauthenticated and cannot access mspath element %s.The mspath element %s does not exist.The mspath element %s is protected so that you can not read it.Unexpected error %d checking path entry %s; hoping for the best...$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/mtchfold.c,v 1.20 1993/09/21 21:50:20 gk5g Exp $w/%s/%s .SubscriptionMap%s/%srUnreadable directory on mspath, ignoring! $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/muclient.c,v 1.10 1993/10/12 18:56:00 gk5g Exp $externalofficiallocal000000)unknown errorH>70,&           }wpha+WRLE@<9630(!! !!  ######### # # # # ######$x$r$k$e$_$W$Q$K$ E$ <$ 4$ )$ $$ $$$$%&'(      )*e----L--.--L-----\-- -\{-w-r-m-h-Xb-]-:W-vR-L-H-xD-<@-<-<8-<3-x/-<*-x(-&-$-"-L ----\- ---l-0-< -x ---,-h----X--YXWVUTSRQPONMLKIHGFEDCBAZCESTCETMESZMEZBSTWETMETEETAWSSTAWSTACSSTACSTAESSTAESTAHDTAHSTHDTHSTPDTPSTMDTMSTCDTCSTEDTESTADTASTNSTGDTGSTUTCGMTUTNEWCHRISTMASP.M.PMA.M.AMTHRDNDSTNINETEENTHEIGHTEENTHSEVENTEENTHSIXTEENTHFIFTEENTHFOURTEENTHTHIRTEENTHTWELFTHELEVENTHTENTHNINTHEIGHTSEVENTHSIXTHFIFTHFOURTHTHIRDSECONDFIRSTNINETEENEIGHTEENSEVENTEENSIXTEENFIFTEENFOURTEENTHIRTEENTWELVEELEVENTENNINEEIGHTSEVENSIXFIVEFOURTHREETWOONEMIDNIGHTNOONNIGHTEVENINGAFTERNOONMORNINGOFINONATTHELASTBEFOREAFTERFROMFORTNIGHTYEAR*SMONTH*SWEEK*SDAY*STHISNEXTTOMORROWAGONOWTONIGHTTODAYYESTERDAYSAT*URDAYFRI*DAYTHU*RSDAYWED*NESDAYTUE*SDAYMON*DAYSUN*DAYDEC*EMBERNOV*EMBEROCT*OBERSEP*TEMBERAUG*USTJUL*YJUN*EMAYAPR*ILMAR*CHFEB*RUARYJAN*UARYnth_daythe_nth_day_ofnthnumbersecminwhourhourstdmonthdaymonthdaymonthyearmonth_namezonehm_timeopt_hundredthsnumber4ttimetimekeysimple_timestimetimerelative_yeardaynonrelative_yeardaydaysyearsmonthstodayrel_dateadjusted_dateforward_rec_datesholidayholidayweekdayrelative_partial_datepartial_daterelative_partial_dtmrelative_partial_beforeyeardaystddatedaterec_datefull_datesdate_timedate_time'+''.'':''/''-'ZONEJUNKYEARNEWCHRISTMASTHRDNDSTNTHWORDNWORDANDTIMEKEYAMPMNOONWORD_MONTHAGOOFINAFTERLASTONATATHEBEFOREFROMEVERYFORTNIGHTWEEKDAYTHISNEXTTONIGHTNOWTODAYSHOURHOURMONTHWEEKDAYNUMBER2NUMBER4YEARNUMBER4NUMBER$illegal.error$$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/prsdate.gra,v 1.5 1994/04/13 20:56:44 rr2b Exp $" ,-+:/.@()[] <[y1On4.-^l< b6 $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/abspath.c,v 2.10 1994/03/31 20:13:45 rr2b Exp $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/addhdr.c,v 2.15 1993/05/04 00:58:50 susan Exp $Addheader Delete header $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/bldpvmap.c,v 2.11 1992/12/15 21:17:22 rr2b R6tape $BuildPrivateSubscriptionMap Path index is %d Initial subs index is %d Looking for %s in subscription cache Did not find it found it! It is not the same as %s Skipping over my subs entry %s %s:%s %d %s %d $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/bldwide.c,v 2.13 1993/09/21 21:52:15 gk5g Exp $BuildWideReply Wide Reply field is <%s> , , , , Wide Reply field is <%s> $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/cmpfts.c,v 2.7 1992/12/15 21:18:15 rr2b R6tape $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/cvtold.c,v 2.22 1994/04/05 13:43:53 rr2b Exp $.lockrsetunsethold/usr/lib/Mail.rc%s/.mailrcr%s/%sFrom Return-Path: <> Could not Zero-out %s (%d)...continuing anywayFrom$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/criterr.c,v 2.7 1992/12/15 21:18:15 rr2b R6tape $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/dfltdir.c,v 2.6 1992/12/15 21:18:15 rr2b R6tape $mail%s/%sYour mail directory was corrupted and is being automatically reconstructed. Please wait...%s/miscYour misc directory was corrupted and is being automatically reconstructed. Please wait...$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/direx.c,v 2.19 1992/12/15 21:18:15 rr2b R6tape $The 'Welcome to Andrew' mail file is missing, so you'll get no 'welcome' mail.Could not give you the 'Welcome to Andrew' mail (%d, %d, %d)/.MESSAGESAFS/network down; cannot check the existence of your mail directory; hoping for the best...Protection error checking your own mail directory; are you authenticated?Cannot create your mail directory!Creating your mail directories; please wait.../.AMS.flamesAFS/network down; cannot check the existence of your mail directory; hoping for the best...Protection error checking for your mail directory; are you authenticated?mail%s/%sCreating your mail directories; please wait...AFS/network down; cannot check the existence of your Mailbox; hoping for the best...Protection error in checking your own Mailbox; are you authenticated?Cannot create your mail directory!Creating your mail directories; please wait...Mail directories created. Welcome to Andrew!$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/enssubs.c,v 2.12 1992/12/15 21:18:15 rr2b R6tape $EnsureSubMapCorrect %s %d /.SubscriptionMapMap file name is %s, nickname %s .NEWwr%s:%s First entry in subscription map file. CheckSubMapCorrect %s %d %s:%s r$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/fatalerr.c,v 2.6 1992/12/15 21:18:15 rr2b R6tape $Message server terminating: %s msAbort failed! $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/flush.c,v 2.11 1992/12/15 21:18:15 rr2b R6tape $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/flushdir.c,v 2.11 1993/05/04 00:58:50 susan Exp $nonePlanToCloseDir %s (%d), myopen is %s (%d) oldname is %s, newname is %s, IsLast is %d Flush closables, MyOpenDir %d Unlinking %s Unlink failed Unlinking %s Unlink failed Close failed -- renaming things back as they were rename failed -- invisible mail is left in file %sRenamed %s to %s Everything worked out fine on the close $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/getascft.c,v 2.4 1991/09/12 15:43:38 bobg R6tape $MS_GetAssociatedFileTime %s $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/getfmt.c,v 2.8 1992/12/15 21:19:11 rr2b R6tape $x-be2$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/hdlnew.c,v 2.61 1993/08/25 20:35:53 susan Exp $(%s (currentmessage))FLAMES ERROR: %s in %s <%s> BACKTRACE: () FLAMES ERROR: %s in %s {} <...>default-%s-prog.MESSAGES/mailmisc(defun %s (msg) (finalappendmsgtodir msg "%s"))getheaderlistFLAMES-PRIMITIVE [GETHEADERLIST (allocating array)](("" ""))Definition of %s from %s is permanent. Definition of %s from %s appears up-to-date. Found old entry for file %s. Apparently the initial function definition has changed from %s to %s. Found old entry for function %s. %s is defined in both %s and (inefficient). Nuking the old entry. Created new SlurpHistList entry for function %s in file %s. (read %s) *** FLAMES ERROR: %s in %s *** Expression: ELI-PRIMITIVE [LOADELI-PRIMITIVE [READFLAMES [Flames_SlurpFlamesFile (READ didn't return a list)]FLAMES [Flames_SlurpFlamesFile (1st item in file not a DEFUN)]FLAMES [FLAMES_TranslateArgs (allocating arg array)]FLAMES [FLAMES_TranslateArgs (wrong # of args)]FLAMES primitive %s was called with the wrong number of arguments (expected range: %d-%d FLAMES primitive %s was evaluated with %d arguments but the evaluation of argument #%d failed. Mismatched type codes in argument #%d in call to FLAMES function %s FLAMES [FLAMES_TranslateArgs (bad arg type)]Argument #%d is an int (the current message) Argument #%d is (int) %d Argument #%d is (char *) %s Argument #%d is a list. Argument #%d is a symbol. Unrecognized type code in evaluating argument %d to FLAMES call %s FLAMES [FLAMES_TranslateArgs (unknown arg type requested)]Successfully got %d arguments to FLAMES primitive %s .MS_MsgDirFLAMES-PRIMITIVE [FINALAPPENDMSGTODIR (checking arglist size)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [APPENDMSGTODIR (checking arglist size)]FINALAPPENDMSGTODIRAPPENDMSGTODIRFLAMES-PRIMITIVE [%s (arg %d is of the wrong type)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [FINALAPPENDMSGTODIR (finding dir for appending)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [APPENDMSGTODIR (finding dir for appending)]%s/+%sFLAMES-PRIMITIVE [FINALAPPENDMSGTODIR (can't cache dir for closing)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [APPENDMSGTODIR (can't cache dir for closing)]Going the long route of writing out the file anew FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [FINALAPPENDMSGTODIR (couldn't write body)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [APPENDMSGTODIR (couldn't write body)]Renamed the file instead of rewriting it. Fingers crossed. FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [FINALAPPENDMSGTODIR (couldn't append to dir)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [APPENDMSGTODIR (couldn't append to dir)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [FINALAPPENDMSGTODIR (can't cache dir for closing)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [APPENDMSGTODIR (can't cache dir for closing)]getheadercontentsfindfolderFLAMES-PRIMITIVE [FINDFOLDER (allocating folder-name buffer)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [FINDFOLDER (bad file mode given)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [FINDFOLDER (can't check creatability of folder)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [FINDFOLDER (can't disambiguate folder name)].MS_MsgDir%s/%sFLAMES-PRIMITIVE [FINDFOLDER (accessing dir)]/addheaderFLAMES-PRIMITIVE [ADDHEADER (internal error)]deleteheaderFLAMES-PRIMITIVE [DELETEHEADER (internal error)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [REJECTMESSAGE (checking arglist size)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [REJECTMESSAGE (arg %d is of the wrong type)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [REJECTMESSAGE (arg 2 is of the wrong type)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [REJECTMESSAGE (arg 3 is of the wrong type)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [REJECTMESSAGE (internal error)]resendmessageFLAMES-PRIMITIVE [RESENDMESSAGE (internal error)]tracelessresendmessageFLAMES-PRIMITIVE [TRACELESSRESENDMESSAGE (internal error)]setcaptiongetcaptiongetpartialbodyFLAMES-PRIMITIVE [GETPARTIALBODY (allocating body buffer)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [GETPARTIALBODY (bad file portion specified)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [GETPARTIALBODY (finding requested file portion)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [GETPARTIALBODY (reading requested file portion)]createfolderFLAMES-PRIMITIVE [CREATEFOLDER (internal error)]getparameterhomeuidmaildomainuidsuffix+andrewdirdatetimeFLAMES-PRIMITIVE [GETPARAMETER (getting the time)]%ldgetenvfilelengthFLAMES-PRIMITIVE [FILELENGTH (can't stat file)]readfileFLAMES-PRIMITIVE [READFILE (opening file)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [READFILE (finding requested file portion)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [READFILE (allocating result buffer)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [READFILE (reading requested file portion)]writefileFLAMES-PRIMITIVE [WRITEFILE (opening file)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [WRITEFILE (finding requested file portion)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [WRITEFILE (writing data)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [WRITEFILE (closing file)]createfolderfrommessageFLAMES-PRIMITIVE [CREATEFOLDERFROMMESSAGE (creating new dir)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [CREATEFOLDERFROMMESSAGE (adding announcement to parent)]bodylengthgetauthsenderreplyaddrFLAMES-PRIMITIVE [REPLYADDR (constructing reply-to-all addresses)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [REPLYADDR (bad mode specified)]unformatmessageFLAMES-PRIMITIVE [UNFORMATMESSAGE (internal error)]getauthsendercellFLAMES-PRIMITIVE [GETAUTHSENDERCELL (allocating result)]dropoffmessageFLAMES-PRIMITIVE [DROPOFFMESSAGE ("to" list is empty)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [DROPOFFMESSAGE (Couldn't allocate memory for copy of recipients)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [DROPOFFMESSAGE (Destination address is not a string)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [DROPOFFMESSAGE (Couldn't allocate memory for copy of address)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [DROPOFFMESSAGE (Couldn't get a temporary filename)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [DROPOFFMESSAGE (Couldn't open a temporary file)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [DROPOFFMESSAGE (writing data)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [DROPOFFMESSAGE (closing file)]dropofffileFLAMES-PRIMITIVE [DROPOFFFILE ("to" list is empty)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [DROPOFFFILE (Couldn't allocate memory for copy of recipients)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [DROPOFFFILE (Destination address is not a string)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [DROPOFFFILE (Couldn't allocate memory for copy of address)]FLAMES-PRIMITIVE [GENID (checking arglist size)]validateaddrFLAMES-PRIMITIVE [VALIDATEADDR (Couldn't get user's pw entry)]# @     ` @ 0  0   | Нl ^ @uQ 9 p/ "     `0ШVALIDATEADDRGENIDDROPOFFFILEDROPOFFMESSAGEGETAUTHSENDERCELLGETHEADERCONTENTSCURRENTMESSAGEWRITEFILEREADFILEFILELENGTHGETENVGETPARAMETERREPLYADDRCREATEFOLDERFROMMESSAGECREATEFOLDERGETHEADERLISTUNFORMATMESSAGEGETAUTHSENDERBODYLENGTHGETPARTIALBODYGETCAPTIONSETCAPTIONTRACELESSRESENDMESSAGERESENDMESSAGEREJECTMESSAGEDELETEHEADERADDHEADERFINDFOLDERFINALAPPENDMSGTODIRAPPENDMSGTODIR/lib/flamesflamesFLAMESPATH$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/itops.c,v 2.5 1992/12/15 21:20:00 rr2b R6tape $0123456789$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/prsdlib.c,v 2.7 1992/12/15 21:20:51 rr2b R6tape $ $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/rebldmap.c,v 2.13 1992/12/15 21:20:51 rr2b R6tape $MS_RebuildOneSubscriptionMap: %s .MESSAGES.SubscriptionMap%s/%s.NEWRebuilding file %s w$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/ms/RCS/chzdirs.c,v 2.25 1993/08/25 20:35:51 susan Exp $X-Rejection-Message: Message Server for %s rejected this message for the following reason: %s%s/+%sMessage sender BBoard.Maintainer@%swContent-Type: X-BE2; %s If-Type-Unsupported: alter Date: %sFrom: Message Server for %s To: %s Subject: Rejected Message CC: %s The following message was delivered properly, but was automatically rejected by the recipient's message server for the following reason: >>> <<< -- The rejected message is shown below -- <>wReSent-Message-ID: %s ReSent-Date: %sReSent-From: %s ReSent-To: %s $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/eli/lib/RCS/node.c,v 2.8 1992/12/15 21:01:25 rr2b R6tape $INTERNAL [eliSexp_GetNew (allocating block)]$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/eli/lib/RCS/cons.c,v 2.7 1992/12/15 21:01:25 rr2b R6tape $INTERNAL [eliCons_GetNew (allocating block)]$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/eli/lib/RCS/ecommon.c,v 2.12 1994/04/01 21:17:53 rr2b Exp $INTERNAL [EliInit (allocating parse buffer)]NILNILTTQUOTEQUOTELAMBDALAMBDALAMBDAQLAMBDAQLAMBDAVLAMBDAVLAMBDAVQLAMBDAVQ(lambdaq (x) x)%ld%s%s;;;%ld%s%s;;;%s (state id = %d) %s (state id = %d) $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/eli/lib/RCS/eerror.c,v 2.10 1992/12/15 21:01:25 rr2b R6tape $% tUser ErrorSystem ErrorWrong Number of Arguments to FunctionSymbol Does Not ExistBad ArgumentBad Function ParameterUndefined FunctionUnbound AtomBad SyntaxOut of MemoryError from ELI clientfatal flex scanner internal error--no action foundfatal flex scanner internal error--end of buffer missedfatal error - scanner input buffer overflowflex scanner push-back overflowunexpected last match in input()out of dynamic memory in eliyy_create_buffer()out of dynamic memory in eliyy_create_buffer()out of memory expanding start-condition stackstart-condition stack underflow%s $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/eli/lib/RCS/elil.flex,v 1.3 1994/05/09 21:21:08 rr2b Exp $quotespecialsexpslistatomsexptopsexp@1tiptopsexpSTRINGSQUOTERPARENLPARENSYMBOLINTEGER$illegal.error$INTERNAL [eliyyparse (syntax error)]$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/eli/lib/RCS/eliy.gra,v 1.2 1994/04/20 16:40:18 rr2b Exp $ \Tt8&b$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/eli/lib/RCS/errnode.c,v 2.8 1992/12/15 21:01:25 rr2b R6tape $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/eli/lib/RCS/errops.c,v 2.8 1992/12/15 21:01:25 rr2b R6tape $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/eli/lib/RCS/errstk.c,v 2.7 1992/12/15 21:01:25 rr2b R6tape $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/eli/lib/RCS/errstkop.c,v 2.8 1992/12/15 21:01:25 rr2b R6tape $INTERNAL [eliStr_GetNew_trace (tracing allocation)]INTERNAL [eliSym_GetNew_trace (tracing allocation)]INTERNAL [eliCons_GetNew_trace (tracing allocation)]INTERNAL [eliSexp_GetNew_trace (tracing allocation)]INTERNAL [eliFn_GetNew_trace (tracing allocation)]INTERNAL [eliBucketNode_GetNew_trace (tracing allocation)]INTERNAL [eliGetSexp_trace (tracing allocation)]INTERNAL [eliFGetSexp_trace (tracing allocation)]INTERNAL [eliSGetSexp_trace (tracing allocation)]$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/eli/lib/RCS/eval.c,v 2.13 1992/12/15 21:01:25 rr2b R6tape $INTERNAL [eliEval (looking for symbol)]INTERNAL [eliEval (returning symbol value)]INTERNAL [eliEvalList (bad atom type at list car)]INTERNAL [eliEvalList (functionless symbol at list car)]INTERNAL [eliEvalList (empty functionnode at list car)]INTERNAL [eliEvalLambdav (lambdav list has bad format)]INTERNAL [eliEvalLambdav (lambdav requires parameter list)]INTERNAL [eliEvalLambdav (parameter list requires exactly 1 element)]INTERNAL [eliEvalLambdav (non-symbol in parameter list)]INTERNAL [eliEvalLambdav (pushing symbol)]INTERNAL [eliEvalLambdavq (lambdavq list has bad format)]INTERNAL [eliEvalLambdavq (lambdavq requires parameter list)]INTERNAL [eliEvalLambdavq (parameter list requires exactly 1 element)]INTERNAL [eliEvalLambdavq (non-symbol in parameter list)]INTERNAL [eliEvalLambdavq (pushing symbol)]$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/eli/lib/RCS/ht.c,v 2.6 1992/12/15 21:01:25 rr2b R6tape $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/eli/lib/RCS/intrface.c,v 2.7 1992/12/15 21:01:25 rr2b R6tape $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/eli/lib/RCS/prims1.c,v 1.16 1994/04/21 16:27:16 rr2b Exp $$$p$p$n$q$tt$w$tx$y$y$d{$}$d~$$$d$$$D$$D}$y$Čt$Čp$)k$/e$1]$2X$x3P$x4J$X5C$6=$7;$75$83$8/$H:($;"$>$(@$A$E#(F#G#I#hK#N#O#P#T#U#V####ě{#p#di#Dd#]#dV#$P#$J#A#Ħ8#41#)##### #T#W"CATCHERRFILTERVERSIONDEFUNVQDEFUNVERRORDISCARDUNBINDUNBINDFNUCSTRINGEQUALDEBUGGETENVSYSTEMPUTSPRINTFINT-TO-STRSTR-TO-INTSYM-TO-STRDOLETRE-STRDECOMPOSE+LOADFUNCTIONGENSYMRE-STRDECOMPOSEPLUMBERSYMBOLPSUBSTRINGRE-STRCONTAINSAPPENDLCSTRINGSTRLENSTRDECOMPOSERINDEXINDEXSTRCATDIV*TIMES-MINUSBOUNDPLESSPNUMBERPATOMSTRINGPCONSPREADDO*NULLNOTORANDLET*STRSTARTSASSOCSTRCONTAINSEQTERPRIPRINTCONDLISTCDRCAREVALPROGNCONSDEFUNQDEFUNSETQ+PLUSTRACEELIPATH/lib/elieli/.(read "%s")ELI-PRIMITIVE [LOAD (error opening file)]Entering primitive DO*ELI-PRIMITIVE [DO* (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DO* (1st arg not a list)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DO* (2nd arg not a list)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DO* (2nd arg not 1 or 2 elements long)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DO* (1st arg contains a non-list element)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DO* (1st arg contains a list with wrong size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DO* (1st arg contains a binding to a non-symbol)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DO* (pushing symbol)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DO* (1st arg contains a non-list element [in update])]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DO* (1st arg contains a list with wrong size [in update])]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DO* (1st arg contains a binding to a non-symbol [in update])]Entering primitive READELI-PRIMITIVE [READ (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [READ (arg is not a string)]rELI-PRIMITIVE [READ (error opening file)]Entering primitive CONSPELI-PRIMITIVE [CONSP (checking arglist size)]Entering primitive STRINGPELI-PRIMITIVE [STRINGP (checking arglist size)]Entering primitive ATOMELI-PRIMITIVE [ATOM (checking arglist size)]Entering primitive NUMBERPELI-PRIMITIVE [NUMBERP (checking arglist size)]Entering primitive LESSPELI-PRIMITIVE [LESSP (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [LESSP (1st arg not an int)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [LESSP (2nd arg not an int)]Entering primitive BOUNDPELI-PRIMITIVE [BOUNDP (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [BOUNDP (arg is not a symbol)]Entering primitive MINUSELI-PRIMITIVE [MINUS (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [MINUS (1st arg not an int)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [MINUS (2nd arg not an int)]Entering primitive TIMESELI-PRIMITIVE [TIMES (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [TIMES (an arg is not an int)]Entering primitive DIVELI-PRIMITIVE [DIV (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DIV (1st arg not an int)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DIV (2nd arg not an int)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DIV (division by zero)]Entering primitive STRCATELI-PRIMITIVE [STRCAT (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [STRCAT (allocating object array)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [STRCAT (allocating type array)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [STRCAT (allocating eval array)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [STRCAT (arg %d is not a string)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [STRCAT (allocating result string)]Entering primitive INDEXELI-PRIMITIVE [INDEX (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [INDEX (1st arg not a string)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [INDEX (2nd arg not a string)]Entering primitive RINDEXELI-PRIMITIVE [RINDEX (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [RINDEX (1st arg not a string)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [RINDEX (2nd arg not a string)]Entering primitive STRDECOMPOSEELI-PRIMITIVE [STRDECOMPOSE (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [STRDECOMPOSE (1st arg is not a string)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [STRDECOMPOSE (2nd arg is not a string)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [STRDECOMPOSE (allocating space for 1st result string)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [STRDECOMPOSE (allocating space for 2nd result string)]Entering primitive STRLENELI-PRIMITIVE [STRLEN (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [STRLEN (arg is not a string)]Entering primitive LCSTRINGELI-PRIMITIVE [LCSTRING (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [LCSTRING (arg is not a string)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [LCSTRING (allocating result string)]Entering primitive APPENDELI-PRIMITIVE [APPEND (an arg is not a list)]Entering primitive RE-STRCONTAINSELI-PRIMITIVE [RE-STRCONTAINS (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [RE-STRCONTAINS (1st arg not a string)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [RE-STRCONTAINS (2nd arg not a string)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [RE-STRCONTAINS (compiling regular expression)]Entering primitive SUBSTRINGELI-PRIMITIVE [SUBSTRING (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [SUBSTRING (1st arg not a string)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [SUBSTRING (2nd arg not an int)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [SUBSTRING (3rd arg not an int)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [SUBSTRING (attempt to start past end of string)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [SUBSTRING (attempt to extract beyond end of string)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [SUBSTRING (2nd arg less than zero)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [SUBSTRING (3rd arg less than zero)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [SUBSTRING (allocating result string)]Entering primitive SYMBOLPELI-PRIMITIVE [SYMBOLP (checking arglist size)]Entering primitive PLUMBERELI-PRIMITIVE [PLUMBER (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [PLUMBER (arg is not a string)]wELI-PRIMITIVE [PLUMBER (error opening file)] THIS MODULE WAS COMPILED WITH DEBUG_MALLOC_ENV or ELI_DEBUG_MALLOC_ENV UNDEFINED. Entering primitive RE-STRDECOMPOSEELI-PRIMITIVE [RE-STRDECOMPOSE (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [RE-STRDECOMPOSE (1st arg not a string)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [RE-STRDECOMPOSE (2nd arg not a string)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [RE-STRDECOMPOSE (compiling regular expression)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [RE-STRDECOMPOSE (allocating space for 1st result string)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [RE-STRDECOMPOSE (allocating space for 2nd result string)]Entering primitive GENSYMELI-PRIMITIVE [GENSYM (checking arglist size)]G#%XEntering primitive FUNCTIONELI-PRIMITIVE [FUNCTION (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [FUNCTION (arg is not a symbol)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [FUNCTION (symbol has no function bound to it)]Entering primitive LOADELI-PRIMITIVE [LOAD (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [LOAD (arg is not a string)]ELI_PRIMITIVE [FILTER (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [FILTER (invalid timeout value specified)]ELI_PRIMITIVE [FILTER (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [FILTER (`stdin' arg must be NIL or string)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [FILTER (allocating `argv' array)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [FILTER (`stdin' arg must be NIL or string)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [FILTER (command arg must be a string)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [FILTER (a command option is not a string)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [FILTER (opening stdin pipe)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [FILTER (opening stdout pipe)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [FILTER (opening stderr pipe)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [FILTER (creating stdout buffer)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [FILTER (creating stderr buffer)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [FILTER (subprocess timed out)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [FILTER (setting up timeout)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [FILTER (subprocess unexpectedly closed stdin)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [FILTER (setting up broken-pipe catcher)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [FILTER (write to subprocess failed!)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [FILTER (select on write failed!)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [FILTER (growing stdout buffer)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [FILTER (read from subprocess' stdout failed!)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [FILTER (growing stderr buffer)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [FILTER (read from subprocess' stderr failed!)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [FILTER (select on read failed!)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [FILTER (wait failed!)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [FILTER (couldn't fork)]$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/eli/lib/RCS/prims2.c,v 1.7 1993/02/04 15:32:52 rr2b Exp $Entering primitive SETQELI-PRIMITIVE [SETQ (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [SETQ (1st arg not a symbol)]Entering primitive PLUSELI-PRIMITIVE [PLUS (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [PLUS (an arg is not an int)]Entering primitive DEFUNELI-PRIMITIVE [DEFUN (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DEFUN (1st arg not a symbol)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DEFUN (2nd arg not a list)]Entering primitive DEFUNQELI-PRIMITIVE [DEFUNQ (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DEFUNQ (1st arg not a symbol)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DEFUNQ (2nd arg not a list)]Entering primitive CONSELI-PRIMITIVE [CONS (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [CONS (2nd arg not a list)]Entering primitive PROGNEntering primitive EVALELI-PRIMITIVE [EVAL (checking arglist size)]Entering primitive CARELI-PRIMITIVE [CAR (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [CAR (arg not a list)]Entering primitive CDRELI-PRIMITIVE [CDR (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [CDR (arg not a list)]Entering primitive LISTEntering primitive CONDELI-PRIMITIVE [COND (an arg is not a list)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [COND (an arg is not a 2-element list)]Entering primitive PRINTEntering primitive TERPRIEntering primitive EQELI-PRIMITIVE [EQ (checking arglist size)]Entering primitive STRCONTAINSELI-PRIMITIVE [STRCONTAINS (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [STRCONTAINS (1st arg not a string)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [STRCONTAINS (2nd arg not a string)]Entering primitive ASSOCELI-PRIMITIVE [ASSOC (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [ASSOC (2nd arg not a list)]Entering primitive STRSTARTSELI-PRIMITIVE [STRSTARTS (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [STRSTARTS (1st arg not a string)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [STRSTARTS (2nd arg not a string)]Entering primitive LET*ELI-PRIMITIVE [LET* (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [LET* (1st arg not a list)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [LET* (1st arg contains a non-list member)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [LET* (1st arg contains a non-2-element list)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [LET* (1st arg contains a binding to a non-symbol)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [LET* (pushing symbol)]Entering primitive ANDEntering primitive OREntering primitive NOTELI-PRIMITIVE [NOT (checking arglist size)]Entering primitive RE-STRDECOMPOSE+ELI-PRIMITIVE [RE-STRDECOMPOSE+ (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [RE-STRDECOMPOSE+ (1st arg not a string)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [RE-STRDECOMPOSE+ (2nd arg not a string)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [RE-STRDECOMPOSE+ (compiling regular expression)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [RE-STRDECOMPOSE+ (allocating space for 1st result string)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [RE-STRDECOMPOSE+ (allocating space for 2nd result string)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [RE-STRDECOMPOSE+ (allocating space for a submatch)]Entering primitive LETELI-PRIMITIVE [LET (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [LET (1st arg not a list)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [LET (1st arg empty)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [LET (non-list in bindings list)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [LET (a binding in bindings list does not have 2 elements)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [LET (bindings list contains a binding to a non-symbol)]Entering primitive DOELI-PRIMITIVE [DO (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DO (1st arg not a list)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DO (2nd arg not a list)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DO (2nd arg does not have 2 elements)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DO (1st arg empty)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DO (non-list in bindings list)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DO (a binding in bindings list does not have 2 or 3 elements)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DO (bindings list contains a binding to a non-symbol)]Entering primitive SYM-TO-STRELI-PRIMITIVE [SYM-TO-STR (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [SYM-TO-STR (arg is not a symbol)]Entering primitive STR-TO-INTELI-PRIMITIVE [STR-TO-INT (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [STR-TO-INT (arg is not a string)]Entering primitive INT-TO-STRELI-PRIMITIVE [INT-TO-STR (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [INT-TO-STR (arg is not an integer)]%ldEntering primitive PRINTFELI-PRIMITIVE [PRINTF (1st arg not a string)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [PRINTF (format requires more args than were supplied)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [PRINTF (format requires an integer)]%ldELI-PRIMITIVE [PRINTF (format requires more args than were supplied)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [PRINTF (format requires a string)]%sELI-PRIMITIVE [PRINTF (format requires more args than were supplied)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [PRINTF (bad % directive in format)]Entering primitive PUTSELI-PRIMITIVE [PUTS (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [PUTS (arg is not a string)]%sEntering primitive SYSTEMELI-PRIMITIVE [SYSTEM (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [SYSTEM (arg is not a string)]Entering primitive GETENVELI-PRIMITIVE [GETENV (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [GETENV (arg is not a string)]Entering primitive DEBUGELI-PRIMITIVE [DEBUG (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DEBUG (1st arg is not an int)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DEBUG (2nd arg is not a string)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DEBUG (debug level must be 1 or greater)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DEBUG (allocating debugging message string)]Entering primitive EQUALELI_PRIMITIVE [EQUAL (checking arglist size)]Entering primitive UCSTRINGELI-PRIMITIVE [UCSTRING (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [UCSTRING (arg is not a string)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [UCSTRING (allocating result string)]Entering primitive UNBINDFNELI-PRIMITIVE [UNBINDFN (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [UNBINDFN (arg is not a symbol)]Entering primitive UNBINDELI-PRIMITIVE [UNBIND (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [UNBIND (arg is not a symbol)]Entering primitive DISCARDELI-PRIMITIVE [DISCARD (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DISCARD (arg is not a symbol)]Entering primitive ERRORELI-PRIMITIVE [ERROR (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [ERROR (1st arg not a string)]Entering primitive DEFUNVELI-PRIMITIVE [DEFUNV (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DEFUNV (1st arg not a symbol)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DEFUNV (2nd arg not a list)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DEFUNV (2nd arg must have exactly one element)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DEFUNV (non-symbol in parameter list)]Entering primitive DEFUNVQELI-PRIMITIVE [DEFUNVQ (checking arglist size)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DEFUNVQ (1st arg not a symbol)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DEFUNVQ (2nd arg not a list)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DEFUNVQ (2nd arg must have exactly one element)]ELI-PRIMITIVE [DEFUNVQ (non-symbol in parameter list)]Entering primitive VERSIONEntering primitive TRACEELI-PRIMITIVE [CATCHERR (checking arglist size)]$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/eli/lib/RCS/stack.c,v 2.7 1992/12/15 21:02:39 rr2b R6tape $INTERNAL [eliEvalAndBind (non-symbol in var list)]INTERNAL [eliEvalAndBind (pushing symbol)]INTERNAL [eliBind (non-symbol in var list)]INTERNAL [eliBind (pushing symbol)]$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/eli/lib/RCS/stk.c,v 2.7 1992/12/15 21:02:39 rr2b R6tape $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/eli/lib/RCS/str.c,v 2.7 1992/12/15 21:02:39 rr2b R6tape $INTERNAL [eliStr_GetNew (allocating block)]INTERNAL [eliStr_GetNew (allocating string buffer)]$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/eli/lib/RCS/strtab.c,v 2.6 1992/12/15 21:02:39 rr2b R6tape $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/eli/lib/RCS/sym.c,v 2.7 1992/12/15 21:02:39 rr2b R6tape $INTERNAL [eliSym_GetNew (allocating block)]$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/eli/lib/RCS/symtab.c,v 2.6 1992/12/15 21:02:39 rr2b R6tape $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/eli/lib/RCS/fnnode.c,v 2.8 1992/12/15 21:01:25 rr2b R6tape $INTERNAL [eliFn_GetNew (allocating block)]$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/eli/lib/RCS/bucket.c,v 2.7 1992/12/15 21:01:25 rr2b R6tape $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/eli/lib/RCS/buktnode.c,v 2.8 1992/12/15 21:00:33 rr2b R6tape $INTERNAL [eliBucketNode_GetNew (allocating block)]$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/rxp/RCS/regexp.c,v 2.8 1993/02/08 21:40:34 rr2b Exp $NULL argumentregexp too bigout of spacetoo many ()unmatched ()unmatched ()junk on end*+ operand could be emptynested *?+invalid [] rangeunmatched []internal urp?+* follows nothingtrailing \^$.[()|?+*\internal disasterNULL parametercorrupted programmemory corruptioncorrupted pointersinternal foulup$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/rxp/RCS/regerror.c,v 2.9 1993/02/04 15:31:15 rr2b Exp $regexp: %s $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/ams/libs/shr/RCS/amserr.c,v 2.15 1992/12/15 21:21:37 rr2b R6tape $kkkkk}kokCk(kjjjSjCj1j!j jiiiuiLiihhhhuh]h5hhggggag;g ggffffnfRf;f!ffeeeeeie\eGe eeddddfd7dddccccbc>ccbbbkbCbbaaaTa+aaA Lisp call encountered a system errorClock values appear totally out-of-range'set hold' in .mailrc or Mail.rc prevents consuming mailMS_EliEval called with bogus result listProgram version you are running is unsupportedCross-cell configuration prevents all mail submissionUser's Lisp function signalled an errorWrong # of arguments to a Lisp functionA referenced Lisp symbol doesn't existA Lisp function was called with bad argumentsA Lisp function defined with bad parametersA Lisp call was made to an undefined functionA referenced Lisp symbol is unboundA Lisp syntax error was encounteredA file could not be read in its entiretyToo many print requests have been queuedSNAP Client Initialization failedWhite pages database is corruptedNot a valid printer nameOut of memoryNot a message tree rootYou have no primary authenticated AFS identitySnap authentication failureGuardian ErrorAttribute already existsMessage has lines too long for some mail systemsMessage has non-printable charactersEnd of destination list reachedYou can not unsubscribe to this folderLock file is too newSyntax errorIllegal name for message folderMessage has too many headersPremature end of fileWhite pages lookup failedSyntax error in local nameUnknown operating system errorBad message fileTemporary dropoff failureBad dropoff parametersMessage could not be queuedMessage queued locallyMail dropoff warningUnknown variableNo .AMS.flames file and cannot find default directoryWould copy message onto itselfPersonal mail alias is too longFailure in delivery systemAll outgoing mail must have a subjectError reading or writing fileMessage directory reconstruction failedMessage directory contains a subdirectoryFeature not yet implementedYou have lost your AFS AuthenticationWhite pages answer makes no senseFailed to close more than one directoryWhite pages read failedWhite pages setup failedCannot remove quotes from addressCannot open white pagesMessage directory is already openMessage directory should already be openLock file is very new; simultaneous actions in progress?Unrecognized output from trymail programMessage server returned explanatory textMessage destined for too many directoriesDirectory has no parentRisky delivery -- watch console for resultsCannot print messageNo such messageNo home directoryUser is unknownA line of your message server user profile is too longTwo different message directories have the same path nameImproperly nested mail distribution specificationNew mail distribution specification line too longNew mail has nowhere to goInvalid new mail distribution specificationUnknown errorBad message directory formatBad message formatAction would overwriteBuffer too smallBogus return from system callProblem with AFSU[qUqNqIqCq>q9q3q-q&qqqqpppppp}p]p?$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/mail/lib/RCS/locname.c,v 2.19 1992/12/15 21:03:27 rr2b R6tape $LF;0fs-membersdir-insertdlistdist[%s]lost+foundؖʖ|invalid text after plus signwhite pages errorunrecognized typesyntax errorout of memoryno errorlocal-address error %d$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/mail/lib/RCS/locnamex.c,v 2.7 1992/12/15 21:04:17 rr2b R6tape $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/mail/lib/RCS/mailconf.c,v 2.68 1994/05/19 16:24:15 rr2b Exp $mailqsprintingconfiguration Postmaster name-separator0AMS-ServerDqTsq\dt/usr/spool/MailErrorsp/usr/tmp/tmp/usr/spool/MailErrors/usr/spool/ViceMsgQueue̘%a/etc/vicemail%a/etc/switchmail%a/etc/trymail/etc/queuemail(%a/bin/log<%a/etc/arpadateL%a/etc/nntpxmit`/usr/lib/sendmailt/usr/spool/logSENTNNTPCaptured/usr/mailؙ/usr/tmp/AMS_XXXXXX/usr/spool/locksHX/usr/postman/MailboxdAndrew Message Systemnews.yoursite.edupostmasterAnytown, AnywhereĚFup%l/lib/RequiredSubscriptions/usr/postman/ChangedSubscriptionspostmaster@%l/lib/HelloT%l/lib/eli/ms_startup.elih.forward.OutgoingPostmasterЛܛMailboxpostman/usr/lib/aliasespostmaster0/afs/andrew.cmu.edu/usr0/bb/.MESSAGESD/cmu/itc/bb/.MESSAGESp/afs/andrew.cmu.edu/usr0/netbb/.MESSAGES/cmu/itc/netbb/.MESSAGES/afs/andrew.cmu.edu/usr0/bb/off/.MESSAGESܜ/cmu/itc/bb/off/.MESSAGES $mail,$o]L,28'$ 8H\pҠƠęyg|ZQH2ؚ!<Ldߟӟğ<l}jT؜>(04DefaultMSPathOldOfficialBboardRootOldExternalBboardRootOldLocalBboardRootOfficialBboardRootExternalBboardRootLocalBboardRootWPIUpdateReqAddrPostmasterNameMailboxNameEliStartupFileWelcomeMailFileMessagesBugAddressChangedSubsFileRequiredSubsFileDefaultSurfaceAddressNNTPuserNNTPhostOrganizationPostmasterMailboxPostmasterTitleOutgoingNameForwardingNameCaptSuffixNNTPSuffixSentSuffixDuplicateDBOldSendmailProgramnntpxmitarpadatepgmlogpgmqueuemailswitchmailtrymailvicemailLocalQueueAMS_MailCollectionCommandSpoolMailLockDirSpoolMailLockTempAMS_MailBoxPrefixAMS_AliasFileName̙ԙѤsW0H42șЙDݣTУPܚiLě/ț̛(Ԣ@AMS_UseridPlusWorksAMS_AliasesValidationAMS_UUCPSupportedAMS_UsersHandleFormattingAMS_DeliveryViaHostTableAMS_DeliveryViaGethostbynameAMS_DeliveryViaDomainAddressAMS_DeliveryViaDomainMXAddressAMS_HardHostValidationErrorsAMS_ValidateDestHostsAMS_UsersAreGrownupsAMS_OnlyMailAMS_PrinterNamesInPrintcapAMS_PrinterNamesInSpoolDirectoriesAMS_DevConsoleIsSacredAMS_UseShortFileNamesAMS_GecosHacksAMS_StrictStandaloneLockingAMS_AllowColonInSeparatingFromAMS_CheckDateInSeparatingFromAMS_CheckAddressInSeparatingFromAMS_DemandSeparatingCharacterAMS_WSRunsQueuemailAMS_NoDomainPreferredOnLocalMailĦ<@ycH/ҥ ,AMS_NameSeparatorAMS_LocalDatabaseValidationAMS_PasswdValidationAMS_WPValidationAMS_CrossCellQueueLifetimeAMS_ViceQueueLifetimeCapAMS_ExtraViceQueueLifetimeAMS_ViceQueueLifetimeAMS_DeleteLinesWithSeparatorAMS_SeparatingCharacterAMS_MaximumDeathKnellAMS_InitialDeathKnellhdlpۧĘȘLHP\X`ԛЛ؛|ܛAMS_ValidDomainRelaysAMS_ValidDomainSuffixesAMS_NamedValidPrintersAMS_PrintSpoolDirectoriesbailoutPrefixeslastDitchPrefixesAMS_MasterUpdateHosts/Warning: Bad Boolean value '%s' for '%s' in configuration file; ignored AndrewSetupWarning: Value for configuration integer %s was specified as %s (in %s), which will be interpreted as zero. AndrewSetupWarning: No %%-escape ``%%%c'' defined (to interpret the value of %s in %s); passing ``%s'' through unchanged. $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/mail/lib/RCS/parseadd.c,v 2.22 1994/04/23 17:33:53 rr2b Exp $ MakeHostfatal flex scanner internal error--no action foundfatal flex scanner internal error--end of buffer missedfatal error - scanner input buffer overflowflex scanner push-back overflowunexpected last match in input()out of dynamic memory in mail_parseyy_create_buffer()out of dynamic memory in mail_parseyy_create_buffer()out of memory expanding start-condition stackstart-condition stack underflow%s $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/mail/lib/RCS/parsel.flex,v 1.1 1994/04/23 17:33:53 rr2b Exp $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/mail/lib/RCS/parseutl.c,v 2.8 1992/12/15 21:04:17 rr2b R6tape $[PARSEADDR] Out of storage in routine %s StrCopyStrCat3MakeAddressMakeCommentemptywordsubDomaindomainwordPhrasephraserouteAddrrouteSeproutemailboxListmailboxoptSemigroupdomainListlocalPartaddrSpecaddressaddrListgoal'.''>''<'';'':''@'','BADTOKENDOMAINLITDOTLISTDOTWORDATOMLISTQUOTEDSTRINGATOM$illegal.error$ ..$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/mail/lib/RCS/parsey.gra,v 1.1 1994/03/28 02:56:51 rr2b Exp $+<;P<@3?@LABCABBBB,D$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/mail/lib/RCS/scan822.c,v 2.12 1993/05/04 00:51:42 susan Exp $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/mail/lib/RCS/valhost.c,v 2.18 1993/08/25 20:34:47 susan Exp $/etc/hostsr# rdomain/.translationr[ %d . %d . %d . %d ] %[^ ]$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/mail/lib/RCS/canon.c,v 2.7 1992/12/15 21:03:27 rr2b R6tape $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/mail/lib/RCS/rsearch.c,v 2.15 1993/08/25 20:34:46 susan Exp $.HOSTALIASESr$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/mkparser/RCS/cparser.c,v 1.7 1994/04/08 17:42:03 wjh Exp $%s %s *** Warning:*** Error:*** Syntax error:*** Fatal error:*** unknown error:errorsettokr n f t bv ""''\\?eER N F T BV                       (%d,--)(%d,%s)(%d,#%d) {err:%d}: shift to state %d : reduce %d->%d rule %d produces non-terminal: %s use rule %d, %s : %s pop state %d Stack underflowSyntax error$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/errors/RCS/errprntf.c,v 2.7 1992/12/15 21:02:39 rr2b R6tape $<%%s%%s%%s%%s%%s%%s%%s>%s criticalwarningmonitordebug:::w/dev/console$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/abbrpath.c,v 1.8 1992/12/15 21:07:26 rr2b R6tape $~~/~~/~~~/---$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/andrwdir.c,v 2.9 1992/12/15 21:08:11 rr2b R6tape $ANDREWDIRAndrewDir/usr/andrew$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/cellauth.c,v 2.26 1993/05/04 00:53:32 susan Exp $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/cawp.c,v 1.14 1993/05/04 00:53:32 susan Exp $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/config.c,v 2.20 1993/07/08 19:09:23 Zarf Exp $ؼ/usr/andrew/etc/AndrewSetup/usr/andrew/etc/AndrewSetup/usr/vice/etc/AndrewSetup/etc/AndrewSetup/AndrewSetupi386_Linuxi386_Linuxr$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/desym.c,v 1.9 1993/05/04 00:53:32 susan Exp $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/fdplumb.c,v 2.15 1993/05/04 00:53:32 susan Exp $openfopenpopenqopentopent2opencreatduppipesocketopendirunknownFile '%s' (opened by %s) is still open. Cannot check open files -- never initialized! Total of %d open files. Opened '%s'. Out of memory for file descriptor tables!Illegal file number in file opening! (%d, %s, %d) File descriptor replaced! Did you close %s? (%d, %s, %d)Attempt to close fd %d before any opens!Attempt to close fd %d before it is opened!Closed '%s'. via-dupvia-dup2pipe-rpipe-wsocketsocketpair-0socketpair-1$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/fdplumb2.c,v 2.7 1992/12/15 21:09:01 rr2b R6tape $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/fdplumb3.c,v 2.7 1992/12/15 21:09:01 rr2b R6tape $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/fdplumb4.c,v 2.7 1992/12/15 21:09:01 rr2b R6tape $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/fdplumb6.c,v 2.14 1993/09/21 21:11:45 gk5g Exp $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/foldedeq.c,v 2.7 1992/12/15 21:09:01 rr2b R6tape $  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~$Header: d$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/gtime.c,v 1.5 1992/12/15 21:10:10 rr2b R6tape $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/fwrtallc.c,v 2.7 1992/12/15 21:09:01 rr2b R6tape $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/getaddr.c,v 2.12 1993/08/25 20:35:21 susan Exp $lo0$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/getla.c,v 2.20 1993/11/30 20:02:44 gk5g Exp $_avenrun/dev/kmem/vmunix$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/getmyhom.c,v 1.7 1992/12/15 21:09:01 rr2b R6tape $HOME$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/hname.c,v 1.11 1992/12/15 21:10:10 rr2b R6tape $ThisDomainSuffix..$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/lcappend.c,v 2.6 1992/12/15 21:10:10 rr2b R6tape $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/lineprom.c,v 2.7 1992/12/15 21:10:10 rr2b R6tape $\begindata{\enddata{ begindata{enddata{define{$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/localdir.c,v 2.8 1992/12/15 21:10:10 rr2b R6tape $LOCALDIRLocalDir/usr/local$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/newstr.c,v 2.10 1993/05/04 00:53:32 susan Exp $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/nicetime.c,v 2.12 1992/12/15 21:10:10 rr2b R6tape $xtplhd`\XTPLDecNovOctSepAugJulJunMayAprMarFebJan%d %s %04d at %d:%02d:%02d %s$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/profile.c,v 2.16 1992/12/15 21:10:49 rr2b R6tape $~/preferences:~/.preferences:~/.XdefaultsPROFILES/lib/global.prfGLOBALPROFILES~/preferences:~/.preferences:~/.XdefaultsPROFILES/lib/global.prfGLOBALPROFILES~/preferences:~/.preferences:~/.XdefaultsPROFILES/lib/global.prfGLOBALPROFILES~{wspnl01noyesoffonfalsetrue~/preferences:~/.preferences:~/.XdefaultsPROFILES/lib/global.prfGLOBALPROFILES$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/svcconf.c,v 2.20 1993/05/04 00:53:32 susan Exp $*V^\/afs/./service/wp**d`TKX:'CellCommonWPDirSuffixCellCommonSuffixCellCommonRWSuffixCellCommonPrefixViceFileWorkstationCellThisDomainCh0l&ptx|AMS_ThisDomainAuthFromWSAMS_DefaultToAFSCellMailAMS_LocalMailSystemExistsAMS_OnAIXAMS_UseWPAMS_NonAMSDeliveryAMS_NonViceHostBad Boolean value '%s' for '%s' in configuration file; ignored */afs***&*^***$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/setprof.c,v 2.19 1992/12/15 21:10:49 rr2b R6tape $*/lib/global.prfNo write access on file '%s'. %s.NEWrYou have no '%s' file; creating one. wrwr%s.%s:%s $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/tfail.c,v 2.10 1992/12/15 21:10:49 rr2b R6tape $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/thiscell.c,v 2.15 1993/05/04 00:53:32 susan Exp $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/times.c,v 1.25 1993/10/25 21:04:44 gk5g Exp $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/topen.c,v 2.26 1993/11/11 19:45:43 gk5g Exp $sigprocmask$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/uerror.c,v 2.10 1992/12/15 21:10:49 rr2b R6tape $Error number %d$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/ulstlmat.c,v 2.7 1992/12/15 21:10:49 rr2b R6tape $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/ulstrcmp.c,v 2.11 1992/12/15 21:10:49 rr2b R6tape $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/vclose.c,v 2.19 1993/11/11 19:45:43 gk5g Exp $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/writeall.c,v 2.6 1992/12/15 21:11:36 rr2b R6tape $$Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/unscribe.c,v 1.8 1993/11/30 20:05:02 gk5g Exp ${vngbZRG=6/$ xncZN@8captionsyntaxexampleinputoutputverbatimleftindentunderlineflushrightflushleftcentersubheadingformatnotemajorheadingheadingsmallersuperscriptsubscriptquotationprogramexampleenumeratedescriptionitemizeexampledisplaytypewriterindentbiggerparagraphsubsectionsectionchapterbolditalicliteralviewbegindatadsversionenddatatextdsversiontemplatedefine Yes21012Popped too far! enddatabpv[An Andrew ToolKit view (fadviewan animated drawingrasterviewa raster imagezipviewa drawingfigviewa drawingtextviewembedded textspreada spreadsheetfnoteva footnotelinkviewa hyperlink) was included here, but could not be displayed.]enddatabegindata\ $Header: /afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/atk-dist/auis-6.3/overhead/util/lib/RCS/gethome.c,v 2.9 1992/12/15 21:09:01 rr2b R6tape $HOME/`` 2;G Ln u{4=c <XdtD\x (8Pd| 4H\|(4Ll0Pd4Ll ( 4 H \       $ 8 P d x        0 L l             # , 9 D N X m r              # - : G R i s }           .4EJTo",1Ych % *cns AGS_du'-6;@Fip{ */>CMZ_| $8>SX]cirw$-BK`ix~#AO_jpy *17@HVdr&,5:ETZbk} 8=O\aj$16@lr!'?EQ[agms &/7=CQWv+0NTdjz!*y-AITYj|  * ; E K Z f p z             !!!!-!4!%J%O%i%v%%%%%%& &&s&&&&&&&&&&&&&''''"'('/'6'<'B'K'u'}''''''''''''(U(z(((((((((((( ))+)T)b))))***0*<*A*M*X*g*|**** ***+ +++?+r+w+}++++++++,*,B,_,,-R-{--------------- ..<.B.H.N.T.^.h........./ ///3/C/L/R/[/f//////////0 0000$0J0R0X0v00000000000011161?1E1^1c1q11111112 222;2n2s222223#3A3n3t33333333333333334 4434:4A4H4R4b4n4w4444 44444444 5555#5(585=5N5X5]5l5~555555555555666<6E6J6S6]6l6{666666666667 77$707:7N7W7]7c7o7u7777777788%8/8@8u88888 99/949@9R9a9f9r999999::T:`::::: ;;&;^;d;r;;;;;;;;;; <<$<><V<t<z<<<<<===4=:=F=O=^=x=========>>>.>3>>>>>>>??#?(?8?A?T?`?f?w?}?????????????@@,@8@=@^@f@k@u@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ AAA)A8A]AfAkAqAAAAAAB!BIBNB[BcBhB~BBBBBBBBBCC#C>CGCMCjCoCCCCCCCCCCCCDDD)D8D{DDDDDDDEE!E.E:EQEVEmErEEEEEEEEFF?FHFMFZFFFFFFFG G%G.G:GDGGGGGH8H@HEHNHZHdHHHHHdIjIII J@JHJmJuJJJJJ@K`KwKKKKKKKLLLLzLLLLLLLL MMM%M_M}MMM/NMNNNN5OQOuO{OOOPPP#P9PIPMP^PiPnPPPPPP&Q2QBQLQcQQQQQQQQR+RYReRRRRRRRRR;SDSISVSbSSSSSSST8TUTZTkTsTxT~TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTUU U.U6UDULU_UsUxUUUUUUUUUUUUUVV V%V>VHVMVnVzVVVVVVVVW0W5WAWpWvWWWWWWWWWWWW(X1X=X[XhXqX}XXXXXXXXYYYZZZZZZZZZZZ[[#[-[A[F[S[x[[[[[[\0\]\k\w\\\\\\\\](]D]V]_]w]]]]]]]^^^ ^M^b^g^^^^^^_ __%_a_{_______` ````` `$`(`,`0`4`8`<`@`D`H`L`P`T`X`\```d`h`l`p`t`x`|```````````````` a)aAaMaSasaaaaaaaabbb bAbMbqbbbbbbbbbcc!c1cCc[ccc~ccccccccccd!d-d3d:d?dVd[dkdpdddddddddeeeDeQe]eleeeeeeef"f(f-f6f;fDffgOgTg_ggggggh-h>hChUhuhhhhhhhiii:i@iLiRi~iiiiiiiiiii!j&j,j3jjjjjjjjjk kkkDkQk]kckkkkkkkkk&l+lwFwKw^wdwpwzwwwwwwwwwxx5xIxgxxxxxxxxJyPyny{yyyyyyyz zzz&z+zDzJzVz`zzzzzzz{#{4{={C{_{e{x{~{{{{{{{{{| ||-|2|^|c|||'}}}~~-Bgt%;WtĀɀ-=MRlx~FKQ]b2KPz?Dt<HZ_uȅ΅څ,8=CxÆц׆16^l~‡·؇gs{ɈΈ#+JW_duzԉ 4Tdr~̊0DWbދ(KY_rO&27Wdp|Ҏ%:Tw֏ߏ$0>OUv{cp|Βג)C^gpuړ=BRWw}coЕܕGL`eqvޖ (5;GQ^g{+ǘmŚњ".5Ouʛ֛-2AnuDIafƝ!&OTajoY ɠϠ!V[kߡ$49У',ڤߤ(18Bǥ)`io{ɦ  8g&+>Fd!&x/G^t/6<CIQwЫdݬ$>DNT`~ǭ٭ &4AMqvҮ#+AFsЯ '6Da˰Ѱְ۰  )6Lh  DZױ &:?ENTYkpyɲβӲܲ (.7<puzϳ  !'-FVkxܴEJQsxݵ+05:FLYchq{öɶζڶ "3;IPYjqz 9CIX]jo|Ҹ߸+48<@DHLPTX\`dhlptx|Źչ&5EU[fks|ź̺Ժۺ&+2Laû/AH_qx~ܼ@\mrw|̽ $(GSZvξ!BYyʿ׿&9J[l&5q}&/    3Hp x  "8To/<Znz #)8>D_v$?GLmuz Ln%+AF~ B_luz!+7zHNej8h +<Tgm ?KX^{fr!*/dc k #09Wr{'Fx>MSYqw}  @\oCP  &<Uajw #)/P,Da-;C\o $*0>DVr *0BZgt{LV[n{5CHNT  7Q _    p+0Six} 3F5T`lyP_ek!06<4m  -6?DMh!6RX^dv<FOpv7Wv J W\bgmrx !5DQns <Odp{(5BIOVc BJOcht+ $(/6<EYbgx%IRW{ 6Y"5;GZinajo&-3:G^kq~/Tcns}| -F^-3Kjw(4ainDbO\n|.6hqw  .4:U _ %.5:HMRZ_iw-<JPVrx&:@LSY`m~7Ld| "7PX]n ; 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