March, 1990 This is the source code for a POP3 server running under 4.3BSD. This server was written at the University of California at Davis. The server implements the minimal POP3 command list, plus two extension commands. POP3, the Post Office Protocol (version 3), is described in RFC1081. A copy of RFC1081 is included with this distribution. At UC Davis, POP is used to deliver mail to microcomputers using a 4.3BSD system as a mail gateway. This is an addition to the normal model of using the 4.3BSD system as the mailbox and letting the microcomputer merely read the mail from there. If you ever look at the source code, you may see that this server supports two extra commands, "HOST", to allow clients to specify hostnames for gateway service, and "MBOX" to allow clients to specify an alternate mailbox file. Be assured that you can ignore these extra commands, since the server is completely upwards compatible and standard POP3 client programs will not use this command. If you discover bugs or problems with this software, please feel free to contact me. Katie Stevens Compuing Services University of California Davis, CA 95616 (916)752-3426