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(y/n/a) %c %cUnable to open file %s Checksum pos: 0x%lX Checksum 0x%X should be 0x%X PLEXTOR CD-R PX-R412C PLEXTOR LANSING 000PLEXTOR LINCOLN 000PLEXTOR MILANO 000PLEXTOR MUNCHEN 000PLEXTOR NEWYORK 000PLEXTOR QUEBEC 000PLEXTOR PITSBRG 000PLEXTOR SEATTLE 000PLEXTOR WINCHES 000PLEXTOR OTTAWA 000PLEXTOR WINDSOR 000TRNT 002PARIS202WLG 003Found drive type: %d You need to install a jumper to enable upgrade . Rear side of view of PX-R412C : BLOCK SCSI-ID | FLASH | | | | | . . . . . . . . . . . . . .|. .| SCSI connector PCB side ----- <- jumper %s (HA:%d ID:%d) WARNING! Firmware updates should be done in single user mode. If you cannot put your machine into single user mode, unmount and remove any media from the drive and stop volume management. Continue? (y/n) No %s found at HA:%d ID:%d Please remove medium from drive and try again. %.4sCurrent firmware version: %s Upgrade %s (HA:%d ID:%d) in progress...Done New firmware version: %s New firmware version : %s . %s%sCannot open SCSI driver. Ilegal HA/ID spec. Ommit -ha / -id and use correct dev= option Illegal option 'dev=%s', must use Lun 0 Cannot get sufficient memory for DMA Cannot get SCSI I/O buffer. %.8sPLEXTOR %.16sPlextor drive %.16s not recognized. Contact Plextor for an update.%.8s%.16s V%.4stest unit readyrezero unitrequest_senseinquiryInquiry Data :modesense modeselect write_bufferRead CPU Write RAM erase_romwrite_romread_romREMOTE%syyesYYESCurrently running '%s' command. SCSI ALREADY RUNNING !!Cannot send SCSI cmd via ioctl ret < 0 errno: %d ux_errno: %d error: %d Executing '%s' command on Bus %d Target %d, Lun %d timeout %ds DMA overrun, resid: %d SCSI command name not set by callerno errorretryable errorfatal errorcmd timeout after %ld.%03ld (%d) serror: %d%s: scsi sendcmd: %s CDB: Sending %d (0x%X) bytes of data. Write Data: Got %d (0x%X), expecting %d (0x%X) bytes of data. Received Data: cmd finished after %ld.%03lds timeout %ds status: 0x%x 0x%x GOOD STATUSCHECK CONDITIONCONDITION MET/GOODBUSYINTERMEDIATE GOOD STATUSINTERMEDIATE CONDITION MET/GOODRESERVATION CONFLICTReserved host adapter detected error(%s%s) #`0`7```@```````G```P```W %02X Sense Bytes:Removable not present reserved unsupported unsupported vendor specific %d DiskTapePrinterProcessorWORMCD-ROMScannerOptical StorageJuke BoxCommunicationIT8 1IT8 2Storage arrayEnclosure servicesunknown/no deviceunit not presentunknown device type 0x%x"0@P`p%rIllegal value for busno, target or lun '%d,%d,%d'PP Bus: %d /dev/pg%dCannot open '%s'Cannot open '/dev/pg*'PZCan't do %d byte command. scgo_send(%s) wrote %d bytes (expected %d). DMA (read) overrun by %d bytes (requested %d bytes). %d.%d.%dATAPI/dev/sg%dCannot open '/dev/sg*'/dev/sg%cBus: %d cookie: %X file (%d,%d,%d): %d Linux sg driver version: %d.%d.%d SCSI Bus: %d (mapped from %d) Warning Linux Bus mapping botch. l1: 0x%lX l2: 0x%lX Bus: %d Target: %d Lun: %d Chan: %d Ino: %d Target (%d,%d,%d): DMA max %d old max: %ld scgo_getbuf: %ld bytes Cannot set SG_SET_TIMEOUT. ioctl ret: %d host_status: %02X driver_status: %02X DMA addr: 0x%8.8lX size: %d - using copy buffer Allocted DMA copy buffer, addr: 0x%8.8lX size: %ld pack_len: %d, reply_len: %d pack_id: %d result: %d sense[0]: %02X Warning: Using ATA Packet interface. Warning: The related libscg interface code is in pre alpha. Warning: There may be fatal problems. Illegal value for bus, target or lun '%d,%d,%d'INFO: scan_internal(...) failedINFO: do scgo_open openbydev/dev/cdroms/cdrom%itry open(%s) return %i, errno %i, cancel try open(%s) return %i, errno %i DEVFS not detected, continue with old dev errno (EACCESS), you have'nt right for device, referenced by %s try open(%s) return %i, errno %i, try next cdrom try open(%s) return %i errno %i do sg_mapdev(...) /dev/sr%i/dev/hd%c%s is not a cdrom, skip ERROR: in scgo_get_first_free_shillybus(...). Too much CDROMs, more as %iIncrease MAX_SCHILLY_HOSTS in cdrom-linux.c and recompile again!/..ERROR: by link merging! base %s link %s, result of merging %i ERROR: by link reading! link %s, result of readlink %i INFO: %s -> %s devERROR: unknow format EXAMPLE: /dev/scsi/host1/bus2/target3/lun4/cd EXAMPLE: /dev/ide/host0/bus0/target1/lun0/cd EXAMPLE: /dev/hda or /dev/sr0 scsiidehdsrERROR: unknow subsystem (%s) in (%s) INFO: subsystem %s: h %i, b %i, t %i, l %i ERROR: this cdrom is already mapped %s(%d,%d,%d) INFO: /dev/%s, (host%d/bus%d/target%d/lun%d) will be mapped on the schilly bus No %d (%d,%d,%d) INFO: l1: 0x%lX l2: 0x%lX INFO: Bus: %d Target: %d Lun: %d Chan: %d Ino: %d NOT IMPELEMENTED: scgo_initiator_id ioctl(CDROM_SEND_PACKET) ret: %d No remote SCSI transport available. SCSI open usage error. No memory for SCSI structureREMOTEInvalid lun specifier '%s'WARNING: device not valid, trying to use default target... scsidev: '%s' devname: '%s' scsibus: %d target: %d lun: %d scg__open(%s) %d,%d,%d Invalid bus or target specifier in '%s'Invalid target or lun specifier in '%s'Invalid lun specifier in '%s'Invalid value for bus, target or lun (%d,%d,%d)/adapter parity error.scsi parity error-initiator detected error,error counter overflow+set limit violation#volume overflowdefective trackself test failedbad format on driveinterleave errorECC error during verifysprogram memory area is fullsprogram memory area update failurespower calibration area errorspower calibration area is fullspower calibration area almost fullscd control errorrempty or partially written reserved trackrsession fixation error - incomplete track in sessionrsession fixation error writing lead-outrsession fixation error writing lead-inrsession fixation errorqdecompression exception long algorithm idncommand to logical unit failedmrecalculate failure occurredlrebuild failure occurredkredundancy level got worsekredundancy level got betterkstate change has occurredjinformational, refer to logiparity/data mismatchimultiple logical unit failuresidata loss on logical unithlogical unit not configuredgcreation of logical unit failedgattachment of logical unit failedgremove of logical unit failedgexchange of logical unit failedgmodification of logical unit failedgadd logical unit failedgconfiguration of incapable logical units failedgconfiguration failurefdocument miss feed automatic in document feederfdocument jam in automatic document feederfautomatic document feeder lift upfautomatic document feeder cover upevoltage faultdinvalid packet sizedillegal mode for this trackcpacket does not fit in available spacecend of user area encountered on this trackbscan head positioning erroraout of focusaunable to acquire videoavideo acquisition error`lamp failure^standby condition activated by command^idle condition activated by command^standby condition activated by timer^idle condition activated by timer^low power condition on]failure prediction threshold exceeded (false)]failure prediction threshold exceeded\spindles not synchronized\spindles synchronized\rpl status change[log list codes exhausted[log counter at maximum[threshold condition met[log exceptionZoperator selected write permitZoperator selected write protectZoperator medium removal requestZoperator request or state change inputYupdated block readXgeneration does not existWunable to recover table-of-contentsUsystem buffer fullUsystem resource failureTscsi to host system interface failureSmedium removal preventedSunload tape failureSmedia load or eject failedRcartridge faultQerase failurePposition error related to timingPwrite append position errorPwrite append errorNoverlapped commands attemptedLlogical unit failed self-configurationKdata phase errorJcommand phase errorIinvalid message errorHinitiator detected error message receivedGscsi parity errorFunsuccessful soft resetEselect or reselect failureDinternal target failureCmessage errorBpower-on or self-test failure (should use 40 nn)Adata path failure (should use 40 nn)@ram failure (should use 40 nn)?inquiry data has changed?changed operating definition?microcode has been changed?target operating conditions have changed>timeout on logical unit>logical unit failure>logical unit has not self-configured yet=invalid bits in identify message;medium magazine unlocked;medium magazine locked;medium magazine inserted;medium magazine removed;medium magazine not accessible;end of medium reached;medium source element empty; medium destination element full; position past beginning of medium; position past end of medium; read past beginning of medium; read past end of medium;reposition error;failed to sense bottom-of-form;failed to sense top-of-form;paper jam;slew failure;tape or electronic vertical forms unit not ready;tape position error at end-of-medium;tape position error at beginning-of-medium;sequential positioning error:medium not present - tray open:medium not present - tray closed:medium not present9saving parameters not supported7rounded parameter6ribbon, ink, or toner failure5enclosure services transfer refused5enclosure services transfer failure5enclosure services unavailable5unsupported enclosure function5enclosure services failure4enclosure failure3tape length error2defect list update failure2no defect spare location available1format command failed1medium format corrupted0 current session not fixated for append0cannot write - application code mismatch0cleaning failure0cannot format medium - incompatible medium0cannot write medium - incompatible format0cannot write medium - unknown format0cleaning cartridge installed0cannot read medium - incompatible format0cannot read medium - unknown format0incompatible medium installed/commands cleared by another initiator-overwrite error on update in place,current program area is empty,current program area is not empty,invalid combination of windows specified,too many windows specified,command sequence error+copy cannot execute since host cannot disconnect*reservations preempted*log parameters changed*mode parameters changed*parameters changed)transceiver mode changed to lvd)transceiver mode changed to single-ended)device internal reset)bus device reset function occurred)scsi bus reset occurred)power on occurred)power on, reset, or bus device reset occurred(import or export element accessed(not ready to ready change, medium may have changed'permanent write protect'persistent write protect'associated write protect'logical unit software write protected'hardware write protected'write protected&invalid release of active persistent reservation&threshold parameters not supported&parameter value invalid&parameter not supported&invalid field in parameter list%logical unit not supported$invalid field in cdb"illegal function (use 20 00, 24 00, or 26 00)!invalid element address!logical block address out of range invalid command operation codepartial defect list transferrecovered id with ecc correctionmiscompare during verify operationgrown defect list not foundprimary defect list not founddefect list not foundsynchronous data transfer errorparameter list length errordefect list error in grown listdefect list error in primary listdefect list not availabledefect list errorrecovered data with ecc - data rewrittenrecovered data - recommend rewriterecovered data - recommend reassignmentrecovered data with l-ecrecovered data with circrecovered data - data auto-reallocatedrecovered data with error corr. & retries appliedrecovered data with error correction applied recovered data without ecc - data rewrittenrecovered data without ecc - recommend rewriterecovered data without ecc - recommend reassignmentrecovered data without ecc - data auto-reallocatedrecovered data using previous sector idrecovered data with retries and/or circ appliedrecovered data with negative head offsetrecovered data with positive head offsetrecovered data with retriesrecovered data with no error correction applieddata sync error - recommend reassignmentdata sync error - data auto-reallocateddata sync error - recommend rewritedata sync error - data rewrittendata synchronization mark errorpositioning error detected by read of mediummechanical positioning errorrandom positioning errorrecord not found - data auto-reallocatedrecord not found - recommend reassignmentblock sequence errorend-of-data not foundfilemark or setmark not foundrecord not foundrecorded entity not foundaddress mark not found for data fieldaddress mark not found for id fieldread error - loss of streamingerror reading isrc numbererror reading upc/ean numbercannot decompress using declared algorithm de-compression crc error unrecovered read error - recommend rewrite the data unrecovered read error - recommend reassignment miscorrected error no gap foundincomplete block readdata re-synchronization errorcirc unrecovered errorl-ec uncorrectable errorunrecovered read error - auto reallocate failedmultiple read errorserror too long to correctread retries exhaustedunrecovered read errorid crc or ecc error write error - padding blocks added write error - loss of streaming write error - recovery failed write error - recovery needed block not compressible data expansion occurred during compression compression check miscompare error write error - recommend reassignment write error - auto reallocation failed write error - recovered with auto reallocation write error warning - enclosure degraded warning - specified temperature exceeded warning error log overflow head select fault spindle servo failure focus servo failure tracking servo failure track following errorlogical unit communication crc error (ultra-dma/32)logical unit communication parity errorlogical unit communication time-outlogical unit communication failuremultiple peripheral devices selectedno reference position foundlogical unit does not respond to selectionlogical unit not ready, long write in progresslogical unit not ready, operation in progresslogical unit not ready, recalculation in progresslogical unit not ready, rebuild in progresslogical unit not ready, format in progresslogical unit not ready, manual intervention requiredlogical unit not ready, initializing cmd. requiredlogical unit is in process of becoming readylogical unit not ready, cause not reportableexcessive write errorsno write currentperipheral device write faultno seek completeno index/sector signalcleaning requestedoperation in progressno current audio status to returnaudio play operation stopped due to erroraudio play operation successfully completedaudio play operation pausedaudio play operation in progressi/o process terminatedend-of-data detectedbeginning-of-partition/medium detectedsetmark detectedend-of-partition/medium detectedfilemark detectedno additional sense informationtemperature alarmlaser tracking coil over-currentlaser focus coil over-currentlimited laser life=defect list not available:defect list update failed9write error recovery failed8recoverable write error#illegal function for medium typebias magnet failuretracking failure focus failure spindle failure load/unload failure disk not insertedReservedMiscompareVolume OverflowEqualAborted CommandCopy AbortedVendor UniqueBlank CheckData ProtectUnit AttentionIllegal RequestHardware ErrorMedium ErrorNot ReadyRecovered ErrorNo Additional Sense7read defect datadoor lockstart/stopmode sensecopyreleasereservemode selectinquiry seek writereadreassignformatrequest senserezerotest unit readydiagnostic failure on component 0x%Xtagged overlapped commands, queue tag is 0x%Xdecompression exception short algorithm id of 0x%Xinvalid sense code 0x%Xvendor unique sense code 0x%X[]no senseinvalid sensekey, deferred error%sSense Key: 0x%X %s%s, Segment %d [No matching qualifier])(Sense Code: 0x%02X Qual 0x%02X %s%s%s%s Fru 0x%X illegal block length end of medium file mark detected (valid) (not valid) Sense flags: Blk %d %s%s%s%s (valid)(not valid)commanddataerror refers to %s part, bit ptr %d %s field ptr %dactual retry count %doperation %d%% donep  p p  %s: %rError %d%s: %s. %r%rCondition not caught: . Raisecond: not implemented. %s: %rError %d%s: %s. %rUCSILCSILZODXCSILZODXudioxX0-+ 0x0XP3dPGP g                 `!a$a$a$a$a$a$a$a$a$a$"#a$a$a$a$J"a$a$#a$$a$a$a$a$a$a$a$a$a$a$a$a$a$a$a$a$a$a$a$a$a$#a$a$a$a$a$a$a$#(NULL POINTER)@(#)pxupgrade.c 1.27 02/02/09 J. Schilling (1999) from PlextorCD-ROM PX-4XCH CD-ROM PX-4XCS CD-ROM PX-4XCE CD-ROM PX-6XCS CD-ROM PX-8XCS CD-ROM PX-12CS CD-ROM PX-12TS CD-ROM PX-20TS CD-ROM PX-32TS CD-ROM PX-32CS CD-R PX-R412C *Program Mode1* CD-ROM PX-40TS CD-R PX-R820T CD-ROM PX-40TW CD-R PX-W4220TCD-R PX-W8220TCD-ROM PX-xxTS CD-R PX-W8432TCD-R PX-W124TSCD-R PX-W1210ACD-R PX-W1210SCD-R PX-W1610ACD-R PX-W2410ACD-R PX-S88TCD-R PX-W4012A@(#)pcmd.c 1.9 01/06/27 Copyright 1999 J. Schilling@(#)scsitransp.c 1.82 02/03/08 Copyright 1988,1995,2000 J. Schilling0.6schily@(#)scsihack.c 1.40 01/11/27 Copyright 1997,2000,2001 J. Schillingschilyp`%Z%%M% %I% %E% Copyright 1997 J. Schilling%M%-%I%atapi-%I%0Pp` P@(#)scsi-linux-pg.c 1.40 01/10/07 Copyright 1997 J. Schillingscsi-linux-pg.c-1.40P@ 0P` 0scsihack.c-1.40@(#)scsiopen.c 1.89 01/03/18 Copyright 1995,2000 J. Schilling@(#)scgsettarget.c 1.1 00/08/25 Copyright 2000 J. Schilling@(#)scsierrs.c 2.27 01/10/27 Copyright 1987-1996 J. Schilling 5R"R RQQQQQQwQ`Qi@@̂hO ` ` @~~e~L~6~~ ~}}}}}`} }||`|@| ||{{W{>{%{ {zzzz`z6z'zzyymy@y yyxx`x3x xxwww`w?w wvv`v vuu`u+uutt@ttss@ssrrerJr rqqqdq@qqppppEp pooo@oonnnn_nEn nmmmmJm/mmll`l?l%llkk`k?k%k kjjjkj@jjii`i@iihh`h hggg`g=g%ggffff`f feeebe@e#eedd`d dcccccZc@c cbbbYbAb baaaaa@a%a a`````` `___z_`_L_ _^^^^^a^C^ ^^]]]]][]F] ]\\\\@\\[[[[|[d[H[ [ZZZ`Z ZYYYYYmY@YYXXXX@XXWW`WFW WVVV@VVVUUUuUWU:UUUTTIT TSS`SES SRRRORn\L9#˅u`@[KA4%߆҆†߇؇҇ɇo@(#)scgtimes.c 1.1 00/08/25 Copyright 1995,2000 J. Schilling@(#)rdummy.c 1.1 00/08/26 Copyright 2000 J. 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