Title: totem-pl-parser.tcz Description: Totem playlist parser. Version: 3.4.5 Author: Bastien Nocera Original-site: http://www.gnome.org Copying-policy: LGPL Size: 52KB Extension_by: juanito, Arslan S. Tags: gobject playlist parser Comments: a simple GObject-based library to parse a host of playlist formats ---------- this extension contains: totem-pl-parser-3.4.5 - LGPLv2 - http://ftp.acc.umu.se/pub/GNOME/sources/totem-pl-parser/3.4/totem-pl-parser-3.4.5.tar.xz ---------- Change-log: 2009/11/08 First Version 2.28.1 by juanito, 2010/07/25 Updated to 2.30.1 by Arslan S. 2010/11/05 Updated to 2.32.1 by Arslan S. 2012/07/14 Rebuilt by Arslan S. 2012/10/24 Updated to 3.4.3 by Arslan S. Current: 2013/07/30 updated 3.4.3 -> 3.4.5 (juanito)