php8-test-8.2.26-150600.3.9.1<>,gH"p9|IqGz6g4K.5wOE떴6 q`2+J1ߢmGI?6ވ|6 jHa5tPjupnUC9,6GʿS9A_ N9DLMk_WR:t/ۯX7Sqk YoVXXۉP<>;?d   Utx  (0 4 8 @  k(8!9!:!F G H(I0X4Y<\d]l^ކbckdeflu vzfx|Cphp8-test8.2.26150600.3.9.1Interpreter for the PHP scripting language version 8Run php upstream testsuite.gH"h03-ch2bnESUSE Linux Enterprise 15SUSE LLC MIT AND PHP-3.01큤gH"gH" 83839a84c4b0d67a5d82a308bbdc50a9b23e52484cd6fc608d03e0359712c6d1rootrootrootrootphp8-test-8.2.26-150600.3.9.1.src.rpmphp8-testphp8-test(x86-64)    php-clirpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz) @fb@f@^^^t@^p^j$@^M#@^AE^)]]]@]߶]@]ʞ]]4@]@]]ja@]Ew@]@\\t@\\\O\\\Y@\~d\w@\w@\s\d\\\R@\Q\Q\P@@\G\G\G\replaceChild). Fixed bug GH-16595 (Another UAF in DOM -> cloneNode). EXIF: Fixed bug GH-16409 (Segfault in exif_thumbnail when not dealing with a real file). FFI: Fixed bug GH-16397 (Segmentation fault when comparing FFI object). Filter: Fixed bug GH-16523 (FILTER_FLAG_HOSTNAME accepts ending hyphen). FPM: Fixed bug GH-16628 (FPM logs are getting corrupted with this log statement). GD: Fixed bug GH-16334 (imageaffine overflow on matrix elements). Fixed bug GH-16427 (Unchecked libavif return values). Fixed bug GH-16559 (UBSan abort in ext/gd/libgd/gd_interpolation.c:1007). GMP: Fixed floating point exception bug with gmp_pow when using large exposant values. (David Carlier). Fixed bug GH-16411 (gmp_export() can cause overflow). Fixed bug GH-16501 (gmp_random_bits() can cause overflow). Fixed gmp_pow() overflow bug with large base/exponents. Fixed segfaults and other issues related to operator overloading with GMP objects. LDAP: Fixed bug GHSA-g665-fm4p-vhff (OOB access in ldap_escape). (CVE-2024-8932) MBstring: Fixed bug GH-16361 (mb_substr overflow on start/length arguments). MySQLnd: Fixed bug GHSA-h35g-vwh6-m678 (Leak partial content of the heap through heap buffer over-read). (CVE-2024-8929) OpenSSL: Fixed bug GH-16357 (openssl may modify member types of certificate arrays). Fixed bug GH-16433 (Large values for openssl_csr_sign() $days overflow). Fix various memory leaks on error conditions in openssl_x509_parse(). PDO DBLIB: Fixed bug GHSA-5hqh-c84r-qjcv (Integer overflow in the dblib quoter causing OOB writes). (CVE-2024-11236) PDO Firebird: Fixed bug GHSA-5hqh-c84r-qjcv (Integer overflow in the firebird quoter causing OOB writes). (CVE-2024-11236) PDO ODBC: Fixed bug GH-16450 (PDO_ODBC can inject garbage into field values). Phar: Fixed bug GH-16406 (Assertion failure in ext/phar/phar.c:2808). PHPDBG: Fixed bug GH-16174 (Empty string is an invalid expression for ev). Reflection: Fixed bug GH-16601 (Memory leak in Reflection constructors). Session: Fixed bug GH-16385 (Unexpected null returned by session_set_cookie_params). Fixed bug GH-16290 (overflow on cookie_lifetime ini value). SOAP: Fixed bug GH-16429 (Segmentation fault access null pointer in SoapClient). Sockets: Fixed bug with overflow socket_recvfrom $length argument. SPL: Fixed bug GH-16337 (Use-after-free in SplHeap). Fixed bug GH-16464 (Use-after-free in SplDoublyLinkedList::offsetSet()). Fixed bug GH-16479 (Use-after-free in SplObjectStorage::setInfo()). Fixed bug GH-16478 (Use-after-free in SplFixedArray::unset()). Fixed bug GH-16588 (UAF in Observer->serialize). Fix GH-16477 (Segmentation fault when calling __debugInfo() after failed SplFileObject::__constructor). Fixed bug GH-16589 (UAF in SplDoublyLinked->serialize()). Fixed bug GH-14687 (segfault on SplObjectIterator instance). Fixed bug GH-16604 (Memory leaks in SPL constructors). Fixed bug GH-16646 (UAF in ArrayObject::unset() and ArrayObject::exchangeArray()). Standard: Fixed bug GH-16293 (Failed assertion when throwing in assert() callback with bail enabled). Streams: Fixed bug GHSA-c5f2-jwm7-mmq2 (Configuring a proxy in a stream context might allow for CRLF injection in URIs). (CVE-2024-11234) Fixed bug GHSA-r977-prxv-hc43 (Single byte overread with convert.quoted-printable-decode filter). (CVE-2024-11233) SysVMsg: Fixed bug GH-16592 (msg_send() crashes when a type does not properly serialized). SysVShm: Fixed bug GH-16591 (Assertion error in shm_put_var). XMLReader: Fixed bug GH-16292 (Segmentation fault in ext/xmlreader/php_xmlreader.c). Zlib: Fixed bug GH-16326 (Memory management is broken for bad dictionaries.) (cmb) - version update to 8.2.25 Calendar: Fixed GH-16240: jdtounix overflow on argument value. Fixed GH-16241: easter_days/easter_date overflow on year argument. Fixed GH-16263: jddayofweek overflow. Fixed GH-16234: jewishtojd overflow. CLI: Fixed bug GH-16137: duplicate http headers when set several times by the client. Core: Fixed bug GH-15712: zend_strtod overflow with precision INI set on large value. Fixed bug GH-15905 (Assertion failure for TRACK_VARS_SERVER). Fixed bug GH-15907 (Failed assertion when promoting Serialize deprecation to exception). Fixed bug GH-15851 (Segfault when printing backtrace during cleanup of nested generator frame). Fixed bug GH-15866 (Core dumped in Zend/zend_generators.c). Fixed bug GH-16188 (Assertion failure in Zend/zend_exceptions.c). Fixed bug GH-16233 (Observer segfault when calling user function in internal function via trampoline). Date: Fixed bug GH-15582: Crash when not calling parent constructor of DateTimeZone. Fixed regression where signs after the first one were ignored while parsing a signed integer, with the DateTimeInterface::modify() function. DOM: Fixed bug GH-16039 (Segmentation fault (access null pointer) in ext/dom/parentnode/tree.c). Fixed bug GH-16151 (Assertion failure in ext/dom/parentnode/tree.c). GD: Fixed bug GH-16232 (bitshift overflow on wbmp file content reading / fix backport from upstream). Fixed bug GH-12264 (overflow/underflow on imagerotate degrees value) (David Carlier) Fixed bug GH-16274 (imagescale underflow on RBG channels / fix backport from upstream). LDAP: Fixed bug GH-16032 (Various NULL pointer dereferencements in ldap_modify_batch()). Fixed bug GH-16101 (Segfault in ldap_list(), ldap_read(), and ldap_search() when LDAPs array is not a list). Fix GH-16132 (php_ldap_do_modify() attempts to free pointer not allocated by ZMM.). Fix GH-16136 (Memory leak in php_ldap_do_modify() when entry is not a proper dictionary). MBString: Fixed bug GH-16261 (Reference invariant broken in mb_convert_variables()). OpenSSL: Fixed stub for openssl_csr_new. PCRE: Fixed bug GH-16189 (underflow on offset argument). Fixed bug GH-16184 (UBSan address overflowed in ext/pcre/php_pcre.c). PHPDBG: Fixed bug GH-15901 (phpdbg: Assertion failure on i funcs). Fixed bug GH-16181 (phpdbg: exit in exception handler reports fatal error). Reflection: Fixed bug GH-16187 (Assertion failure in ext/reflection/php_reflection.c). SAPI: Fixed bug GH-15395 (php-fpm: zend_mm_heap corrupted with cgi-fcgi request). SimpleXML: Fixed bug GH-15837 (Segmentation fault in ext/simplexml/simplexml.c). Sockets: Fixed bug GH-16267 (socket_strerror overflow on errno argument). SOAP: Fixed bug #62900 (Wrong namespace on xsd import error message). Fixed bug GH-16237 (Segmentation fault when cloning SoapServer). Fix Soap leaking http_msg on error. Fixed bug GH-16256 (Assertion failure in ext/soap/php_encoding.c:460). Fixed bug GH-16259 (Soap segfault when classmap instantiation fails). Standard: Fixed bug GH-15613 (overflow on unpack call hex string repeater). Fixed bug GH-15937 (overflow on stream timeout option value). Fixed bug GH-16053 (Assertion failure in Zend/zend_hash.c). Streams: Fixed bugs GH-15908 and GH-15026 (leak / assertion failure in streams.c). Fixed bug GH-15980 (Signed integer overflow in main/streams/streams.c). TSRM: Prevent closing of unrelated handles. XML: Fixed bug GH-15868 (Assertion failure in xml_parse_into_struct after exception).- version update to 8.2.24 [bsc#1231358], [bsc#1231382], [bsc#1231360] CGI: Fixed bug GHSA-p99j-rfp4-xqvq (Bypass of CVE-2024-4577, Parameter Injection Vulnerability). (CVE-2024-8926) Fixed bug GHSA-94p6-54jq-9mwp (cgi.force_redirect configuration is bypassable due to the environment variable collision). (CVE-2024-8927) Core: Fixed bug GH-15408 (MSan false-positve on zend_max_execution_timer). Fixed bug GH-15515 (Configure error grep illegal option q). Fixed bug GH-15514 (Configure error: syntax error). Fixed bug GH-15565 (--disable-ipv6 during compilation produces error EAI_SYSTEM not found). Fixed bug GH-15587 (CRC32 API build error on arm 32-bit). Fixed bug GH-15330 (Do not scan generator frames more than once). Fixed uninitialized lineno in constant AST of internal enums. Curl: FIxed bug GH-15547 (curl_multi_select overflow on timeout argument). DOM: Fixed bug GH-15551 (Segmentation fault (access null pointer) in ext/dom/xml_common.h). Fileinfo: Fixed bug GH-15752 (Incorrect error message for finfo_file with an empty filename argument). FPM: Fixed bug GHSA-865w-9rf3-2wh5 (Logs from childrens may be altered). (CVE-2024-9026) MySQLnd: Fixed bug GH-15432 (Heap corruption when querying a vector). Opcache: Fixed bug GH-15661 (Access null pointer in Zend/Optimizer/zend_inference.c). Fixed bug GH-15658 (Segmentation fault in Zend/zend_vm_execute.h). SAPI: Fixed bug GHSA-9pqp-7h25-4f32 (Erroneous parsing of multipart form data). (CVE-2024-8925) SOAP: Fixed bug #73182 (PHP SOAPClient does not support stream context HTTP headers in array form). Standard: Fixed bug GH-15552 (Signed integer overflow in ext/standard/scanf.c). Streams: Fixed bug GH-15628 (php_stream_memory_get_buffer() not zero-terminated). - modified patches % php-systzdata-v23.patch (refreshed)- version update to 8.2.20 * This is a security release.- version update to 8.2.19 * This is a bug fix release.- version update to 8.2.18 * This is a security release.- version update to 8.2.17 * This is a bug fix release.- Use the system default cipher list instead of hardcoded values by using crypto-policies. [bsc#1211301] * Use the --with-system-ciphers configure option.- version update to 8.2.16 * This is a bug fix release. - modified patches % php-build-reproducible-phar.patch (refreshed)- version update to 8.2.15 * This is a bug fix release. - modified patches % php-ar-flags.patch (refreshed) % php-build-reproducible-phar.patch (refreshed)- version update to 8.2.14 * This is a bug fix release. version update to 8.2.13 * This is a bug fix release. version update to 8.2.12 * This is a bug fix release. version update to 8.2.11 * This is a bug fix release. * add missing references to rpm changelog - 15sp4 only: [bsc#1200772], [jsc#SLE-24723] add pecl, pear [jsc#SLE-23639] version update- Use %make_build macro- version update to 8.2.10 * This is a bug fix release. * version update to 8.2.9 * This is a security release. * Fixes CVE-2023-3824 [bsc#1214103] and CVE-2023-3823 [bsc#1214106] * - deleted patches - php-unicode-allow-redistribution.patch (upstreamed) - deleted sources - (not needed)- version update to 8.2.8 * This is a bug fix release. * - modified patches % php-sort-filelist-phar.patch (refreshed)- version update to 8.2.7 * Readonly classes * Disjunctive Normal Form (DNF) Types * Allow null, false, and true as stand-alone types * New "Random" extension * Constants in traits * Deprecate dynamic properties * for details, see - modified patches % php-ar-flags.patch (refreshed) % php-build-reproducible-phar.patch (refreshed) % php-date-regenerate-lexers.patch (refreshed) % php-ini.patch (refreshed) % php-systzdata-v23.patch (refreshed) - CVE-2023-3247 [bsc#1212349]- version update to 8.1.20 * This is a security release. * - force to repack tarball after update - session.save_path set to /var/lib/php8/sessions in mod_php8.conf and www.conf php-fpm pool example - modified sources % mod_php8.conf - added sources + + php-unicode-allow-redistribution.patch- repack the tarball temporarily [bsc#1211648]- also MIT license (systzdata patch, ext/date/lib/parse_posix.c) []- version update to 8.1.19 * This is a bug fix release. * - modified patches % php-ar-flags.patch (refreshed) % php-build-reproducible-phar.patch (refreshed) % php-ini.patch (refreshed) % php-systzdata-v23.patch (refreshed)- downgrade back to 8.1.18 version update to 8.2.5 * Readonly classes * Disjunctive Normal Form (DNF) Types * Allow null, false, and true as stand-alone types * New "Random" extension * Constants in traits * Deprecate dynamic properties * for details, see - modified patches % php-ar-flags.patch (refreshed) % php-build-reproducible-phar.patch (refreshed) % php-ini.patch (refreshed) - deleted patches - php-crypt-tests.patch (not needed) - modified sources % php8.keyring- The %_restart_on_update macro was removed from systemd-rpm-macros. Remove %posttrans for FPM as it wasn't working as intended anyway. [boo#1210576]- version update to 8.1.18 * This is a bug fix release. - modified patches % php-ar-flags.patch (refreshed) % php-build-reproducible-phar.patch (refreshed) % php-ini.patch (refreshed)- version update to 8.1.17 * This is a bug fix release. update to newest systzdata patch [bsc#1208199] - deleted patches - php-systzdata-v21.patch (upstreamed) - added patches fix use of the system timezone database + php-systzdata-v23.patch- add "/usr/share/php" to include_path- allow to specify load order of extensions in %{php_sysconf}/conf.d [bsc#1205162]- change to %bcond conditional build dependencies- version update to 8.1.16 * This is a security release that addresses CVE-2023-0567, CVE-2023-0568, and CVE-2023-0662. ([bsc#1208366], [bsc#1208367], [bsc#1208388]) * version update to 8.1.15 * This is a bug fix release. * version update to 8.1.14 * This is a security release. * fixed: CVE-2022-31631 [bsc#1206958] * amend %preun to fix [bsc#1205782]- version update to 8.1.13 * This is a bug fix release. * version update to 8.1.12 * This is a security release. * fixed: CVE-2022-31630 [bsc#1204979], CVE-2022-37454 [bsc#1204577] * version update to 8.1.11 * This is a security release. * CVEs fixed: CVE-2022-31628 [bsc#1203867], CVE-2022-31629 [bsc#1203870] version update to 8.1.10 * This is a bug fix release. version update to 8.1.9 * This is a bug fix release. version update to 8.1.8 * This is a security release. - fixes CVE-2022-31627 [bsc#1201499]- version update to 8.1.7 * This is a security release. * CVE-2022-31625 [bsc#1200645] * CVE-2022-31626 [bsc#1200628]- version update to 8.1.6: * This is a bug fix release. version update to 8.1.5: * This is a bug fix release. * [bsc#1197644]- fpm %postrans: check whether sytemctl is available- Disable build with '-z now' as it breaks the php-mysql extension [boo#1197994]- build PHP-FPM with libacl support (boo#1196870)- updated to 8.1.4: This is a bug fix release. See Fix boolean dep supplements: add parantheses. Without parantheses, this results in three separate supplements, against 'php-fpm', 'and', and 'apache2' (boo#1196492).- updated to 8.1.3: This is a security release (CVE-2021-21708 [bsc#1196252]) which also contains several bug fixes. See provide an Apache configuration for PHP-FPM + php8-fpm.conf- update keyring to include PHP 8.1 release managers signing keys % php8.keyring- updated to 8.1.2: This is a bug fix release. See - updated to 8.1.1: This is a bug fix release. See - update to 8.1.0: This release marks the latest major release of the PHP language. See - cleanup php8.rpmlintrc - build ffi extension (experimental) - enable avif support for gd extension - rebased patches % php-ar-flags.patch % php-crypt-tests.patch % php-ini.patch % php-build-reproducible-phar.patch - deleted patches - php-systzdata-v20.patch - php8-gd-removed-unused-constants.patch - added patch + php-systzdata-v21.patch- updated to 8.0.15: This is a bug fix release. See use /tmp to store session information (boo#1194414) % php-ini.patch- updated to 8.0.14: This is a bug fix release. See provide configuration for PHP-FPM out of the box (boo#1192414) - package missing php.ini for PHP-FPM (boo#1192672)- updated to 8.0.13: This is a security release (CVE-2021-21707 [bsc#1193041]) which also contains several bug fixes. See updated to 8.0.12: This is a security release (CVE-2021-21703 [bsc#1192050]) which also contains several bug fixes. See updated to 8.0.11: This is a security release fixing CVE-2021-21706. See added patches fix + php8-gd-removed-unused-constants.patch- updated to 8.0.10: This is a security release which also contains several bug fixes. See - deleted patch - php-systzdata-v19.patch - added patch + php-systzdata-v20.patch- fix apparmor support: seems it requires a configure flag now.- updated to 8.0.9: This is a bug fix release. See updated to 8.0.8: This is a security release which also contains several bug fixes. See updated to 8.0.7: This is a bug fix release. See updated to 8.0.6: This release reverts a bug related to PDO_pgsql that was introduced in PHP 8.0.5.- updated to 8.0.5: This is a bug fix release. See Do not hard-depend on systemd: use systemd_ordering instead of systemd_requires.- instead of [bsc#1183180] - modified sources % mod_php8.conf- updated to 8.0.3: This is a bug fix release. See updated to 8.0.2: This is a bug fix release. See - suppress warning for all flavors not equal to "" in multibuild and obsoletes for php7 % php8.rpmlintrc- add conflicts with earlier versions of php (boo#1181292)- update contents of configuration file (still referenced php7) % mod_php8.conf- require this PHP version of subpackages in Recommends/Suggests - run apache-rex tests in php8:test as packages need to be build first (otherwise tests run with previous version)- add conflicts with earlier version of php-devel and php-phar - add obsoletes for all subtargets that don't have conflicts yet - add php_cfgdir and php_extdir macros- replace php8.keyring with signatures for PHP-8 release managers- deleted patch (redundant cast, both sides are already signed int) - php-odbc-cmp-int-cast.patch- install php8-cli if no sapi is selected upon php8 installation - add conflicts with earlier version of php-cli, php-fastcgi and php-fpm- put CLI binary in -cli subpackage so that other moduldes can depend on the php base package that remains (and provides files and maps common for all) - remove Obsoletes: php5-*- updated to 8.0.1: This is a bug fix release. See - use pkgconfig() to resolve BuildRequires where upstream uses it too - since php-7.4.0 when using --with-external-gd the configure options - -with-xpm, --with-freetype and --with-jpeg are not needed anymore (and neither are the respective BuildRequires) - build the MySQL Native Driver as a shared module (rather than builtin) to prevent a hard requirement for OpenSSL in the CLI - add Recommends: php-openssl as many modules can optionally use it - use new %ldconfig macros in Tumbleweed - change PEAR dir to /usr/share/php/PEAR- install mod_php8 directly - note it provides php_module instead of php8_module per upstream change- install embed's directly - deleted patches - php-embed.patch (not needed)- deleted patches - php-openssl.patch (undocumented and not upstreamed patch for a long time) - php7-arm-build-fixes.patch (do not build for SLE12 anymore) - php-pts.patch (undocumented and not upstreamed patch for a long time) - imporved patch documentation- use cli sapi php-config --libs- php-phar requires the php-zlib extension - trim specfile lint- install macros.php in %{_rpmconfigdir}/macros.d- build devel subpackage in embed subpackage (where it previously was built)- don't build with CPU specific instructions as it can't be guaranteed these are available at runtime + php-no-check-cpu.patch - remove obsolete patch (replaced by SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH) - php-no-build-date.patch- add D(eterministic) flag to AR_FLAGS to (php-ar-flags.patch) - modified sources % _multibuild- restart php-fpm.service in %posttrans fpm (extensions may need to be updated too, so restart must be delayed to after all RPM transactions have completed)- do not add mod_php to httpd.conf during %install (better fix for new apache2 from Apache development repo) + php-install-mod_php.patch - do not build php-cgi when not needed - only build extensions in cli- fix building with new apache2 from Apache development repo- do not build firebird extension in any case- update to 8.0.0 See - modified patches % php-date-regenerate-lexers.patch- update to 8.0.0 RC 4 - modified patches % php-crypt-tests.patch (refreshed) % php-fix_net-snmp_disable_MD5.patch (refreshed) % php-no-build-date.patch (refreshed) % php-odbc-cmp-int-cast.patch (refreshed) % php-openssl.patch (refreshed)- update to 8.0.0 RC 3- update to 8.0.0 RC 2 - modified patches % php-ini.patch (refreshed) % php-phpize.patch (refreshed) % php-php-config.patch- update to 8.0.0 RC 1 - modified patches % php-no-build-date.patch (refreshed) - deleted patches - php-pts.patch (upstreamed)- updated to 7.4.11: This is a security release which also contains several bug fixes. See do not rely on apr-devel to pull db-devel- updated to 7.4.10: This is a bug fix release. See updated to 7.4.9: This is a security release which also contains several bug fixes. See updated to 7.4.8: This is a security release which also contains several bug fixes. See Use /run/php-fpm instead of /run/php - modified sources % php-fpm.tmpfiles.d- do not install %{_tmpfilesdir}, %{_tmpfilesdir}/php-fpm.conf in test favour- added tmpfiles.d for php-fpm to provide a base base for a socket (boo#1173786)- updated to 7.4.7: This is a security release which also contains several bug fixes. See updated to 7.4.6: This is a security release which also contains several bug fixes. See added patches build fixes in SLE12 + php7-arm-build-fixes.patch- added to SLE-12 [jsc#SLE-12474]- spec file usable under SLE12 again and better prepared for phpM -> phpMN transition- added to SLE-15-SP2 [jsc#SLE-12482], including fixes for: CVE-2020-7063 [bsc#1165289] CVE-2020-7062 [bsc#1165280] CVE-2019-11046, CVE-2019-11050, CVE-2019-11047, CVE-2019-11045- updated to 7.4.5: This is a security release which also contains several bug fixes. See remove Berkeley DB Database support [jsc#SLE-12210]- build firebird extension in any case- updated to 7.4.4: This is a security release which also contains several bug fixes. See Enable LTO as it works now (boo#1133275).- updated to 7.4.3: This is a security release which also contains several bug fixes. See add %apache_rex_deps- updated to 7.4.2: This is a security release which also contains several bug fixes. See updated to 7.4.1: This is a security release which also contains several bug fixes. See - deleted patches - php-fix-mysqlnd-compression-library.patch - php-fpm-service-fails-to-start.patch- php7-devel requires glibc-devel, libxml2-devel, pcre2-devel again- relax systemd restrictions for FPM as they were too strict in some applications - change leftover Requires php7- to php- - remove external libraries from -devel subpackage - added patches + php-fpm-service-fails-to-start.patch- update to 7.4.0: * Typed Properties * Arrow Functions * Limited Return Type Covariance and Argument Type Contravariance * Unpacking Inside Arrays * Numeric Literal Separator * Weak References * Allow Exceptions from __toString() * Opcache Preloading * The interbase and wddx extensions are removed and now available through PECL * PEAR is now packaged separately in php7-pear source package ( * See for a complete list of changes - deleted patches - - php-systzdata-v18.patch - added patches + php-fix-mysqlnd-compression-library.patch + php-systzdata-v19.patch + mod_php7.conf - modified files/patches % php-no-build-date.patch % php-systemd-unit.patch % php7.keyring (use keys of the PHP-7.4 release managers) % php7.rpmlintrc- added to SLE-15-SP2 [SLE-10860], fixes CVE-2019-11043 [bsc#1154999] CVE-2019-11041 [bsc#1146360] CVE-2019-11042 [bsc#1145095] CVE-2019-11039 [bsc#1138173] CVE-2019-11040 [bsc#1138172] CVE-2019-11036 [bsc#1134322] CVE-2019-11034 [bsc#1132838] CVE-2019-11035 [bsc#1132837] CVE-2019-9637 [bsc#1128892] CVE-2019-9675 [bsc#1128886] CVE-2019-9638 [bsc#1128889], CVE-2019-9639 [bsc#1128887] CVE-2019-9640 [bsc#1128883] CVE-2019-9024 [bsc#1126821] CVE-2019-9020 [bsc#1126711] CVE-2018-20783 [bsc#1127122] CVE-2019-9021 [bsc#1126713] CVE-2019-9022 [bsc#1126827] CVE-2019-9023 [bsc#1126823] CVE-2019-9641 [bsc#1128722] CVE-2018-19935 [bsc#1118832] CVE-2018-17082 [bsc#1108753] CVE-2018-1000222 [bsc#1105434] CVE-2018-14851 [bsc#1103659] CVE-2017-9120 [bsc#1103661] CVE-2018-12882 [bsc#1099098] [bsc#1151793]- Do not add the generic provides to the php7-test package.- version update to 7.3.11: This is a security release which also contains several bug fixes. See provide test results via multibuild :test - added sources + _multibuild- remove pcre.jit=0 setting default as is solved on pcre2 side [bsc#1124446] - modified patches % php-ini.patch (amended)- updated to 7.3.10: This is a security release which also contains several bug fixes. See updated to 7.3.9: This is a security release which also contains several bug fixes. See updated to 7.3.8: This is a security release which also contains several bug fixes. See updated to 7.3.7: This is a bug fix release. See updated to 7.3.6: This is a security release which also contains several bug fixes. See check via apache-rex- build for 42.3- updated to 7.3.5: This is a security release which also contains several bug fixes. See Disable LTO (boo#1133275).- updated to 7.3.4: This is a security release which also contains several bug fixes. See upstream bug #41631 is already fixed [bsc#1129032] - deleted sources - README.default_socket_timeout (not needed)- updated to 7.3.3: This is a security release which also contains several bug fixes. See - deleted patches - php-systzdata-v17.patch (upstreamed) - added patches + php-systzdata-v18.patch (thanks to remirepo)- asan_build: build ASAN included - debug_build: build more suitable for debugging- Disable tests that do deadlock now with curl update, this is fixed in next release 7.3.3 thus reenable here when released- rename php7-*.patch to more general php-#1.patch why: this aligns with maintenance patch names, which are in changelogs comfortably copied over php72, php7, php5, php53; moreover, php$N prefix causes issues when package is renamed, e. g. php7 to php72 - deleted patches - php7-crypt-tests.patch - php7-date-regenerate-lexers.patch - php7-embed.patch - php7-fix_net-snmp_disable_MD5.patch - php7-ini.patch - php7-no-build-date.patch - php7-odbc-cmp-int-cast.patch - php7-openssl.patch - php7-php-config.patch - php7-phpize.patch - php7-pts.patch - php7-systemd-unit.patch - php7-systzdata-v17.patch - added patches + php-crypt-tests.patch + php-date-regenerate-lexers.patch + php-embed.patch + php-fix_net-snmp_disable_MD5.patch + php-ini.patch + php-no-build-date.patch + php-odbc-cmp-int-cast.patch + php-openssl.patch + php-php-config.patch + php-phpize.patch + php-pts.patch + php-systemd-unit.patch + php-systzdata-v17.patch- fix wrongly ported patch, using the one from remirepo (Thanks!) [bsc#1126449] - modified patches % php7-systzdata-v17.patch- updated to version 7.3.2: This is a bugfix release, with several bug fixes included. See - php7-systzdata-v16.patch modified and renamed to php7-systzdata-v17.patch- set pcre.jit=0 until is solved [bsc#1124446]- spec file cleanup * add BuildRequires gpg2 * remove outdated README.SUSE-pear - Squirrelmail uses PDO instead of DB now by default * remove outdated php7-depdb-path.patch - Horde packages no longer build so need to be fixed anyway - update php7.rpmlintrc to suppress warnings that aren't fixable and drown out other warnings- provide the version of PEAR, rather than the PHP version in php-pear- configure cache_dir, metadata_dir and sig_bin through PHP_PEAR_* exports- remove install-pear-nozlib.phar (the bundled and tested version from the PHP sources is fresh enough for our purposes) - merge back php7-pear-Archive_Tar in php7-pear - rename cache_dir to pear and create it- fix php7.spec typos- verify install-pear-nozlib.phar- update install-pear-nozlib.phar to version 1.10.10 * switch source to GitHub * provides Archive_Tar 1.4.4 (fixes CVE-2018-1000888)- update to 7.3.1: This is a security release which also contains several bug fixes. See - remove suhosin stuff- Support LMDB in php7-dba, it is advisable to use it instead of bdb.- Update php7-pts.patch: open slave_pty using TIOCGPTPEER if available instead of the name returned by ptsname() so it is safe to use when interacting with namespaces.- update install-pear-nozlib.phar to its latest version, otherwise pecl stops working due to protocol switch http -> https- Mark testresults package as noarch- Enable testsuite during build time and save log to subpackage testresults (boo#1119396)- update to pcre2 broke building third party modules, php7-devel needs pcre-devel --> pcre2-devel change.- update to 7.3.0: * Improved PHP GC * Add net_get_interfaces() * Implemented flexible heredoc and nowdoc syntax * Added support for references in list() and array destructuring * Added syslog.facility and syslog.ident INI entries for customizing syslog logging * The declaration and use of case-insensitive constants has been deprecated * Added syslog.filter INI entry for syslog filtering * Added the 'add_slashes' sanitization mode * Added support for WebP in imagecreatefromstring() * Export internal structures and accessor helpers for GMP object. * Added gmp_binomial(n, k) * Added gmp_lcm(a, b) * Added gmp_perfect_power(a) * Added gmp_kronecker(a, b) * Added JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR flag * Added ldap_exop_refresh helper for EXOP REFRESH operation with dds overlay * Added full support for sending and parsing ldap controls * Removed support for ODBCRouter * Removed support for Birdstep * Added openssl_pkey_derive function * Add min_proto_version and max_proto_version ssl stream options as well as related constants for possible TLS protocol values * Migrated to PCRE2 * Expose TDS version as \PDO::DBLIB_ATTR_TDS_VERSION attribute on \PDO instance * Treat DATETIME2 columns like DATETIME * Added is_countable() function * Added support for the SameSite cookie directive, including an alternative signature for setcookie(), setrawcookie() and session_set_cookie_params() * Many bugfixes and other changes, see - patch changes % php7-ini.patch % php7-no-build-date.patch % php7-odbc-cmp-int-cast.patch - php7-honor-re2c-flags.patch (upstreamed)- update to 7.2.13: This is a security release. core package recommends instead of requires smtp_daemon [bsc#1115213]- update to 7.2.12: This is a bugfix release. - forward ported: % php7-crypt-tests.patch % php7-honor-re2c-flags.patch % php7-odbc-cmp-int-cast.patch- update to 7.2.11: This is a bugfix release. updated to 7.2.10: This is a security release which also contains several minor bug fixes. reenable php7-dba support of Berkeley DB [bsc#1108554]- remove Supplements: packageand(%{apache_mmn}:%{name}) from Apache httpd module as I do not see the reason why system that have php7 and apache2 installed should get the module automatically as well. This had a drawback of selecting apache2-prefork while [#] zypper in apache2-worker The following 5 NEW packages are going to be installed: apache2 apache2-mod_php7 apache2-prefork apache2-utils apache2-worker [#] because apache2-mod_php7 Requires: apache2-prefork.- updated to 7.2.9: This is a bugfix release. updated to 7.2.8: This is a security release which also contains several minor bug fixes. updated to 7.2.7: A Bugfix release which includes a segfault fix for opcache. actually build against system gd for 42.3, made a bold comment [bsc#1074025c#5]- fix build for SLE12, where %license does not exist- updated to 7.2.6: Bugfix release which includes a memory corruption fix for EXIF. Remove php7-freetype-pkgconfig.patch as it seems to break Freetype detection on some systems bsc#1094534- main package requires wwwrun:www user [bsc#1093025]- better workaround for [bsc#1089487]: build instead of rename freetype-pkgconfig.patch to php7-freetype-pkgconfig.patch to align with the rest of patch names- Add freetype-pkgconfig.patch to fix build with new Freetype: use pkg-config to find Freetype libraries- updated to 7.2.5: This is a security release which also contains several minor bug fixes. generic spec file name- apache2-mod_php7 does not provide [bsc#1089487]- updated to 7.2.4: This is a security release with also contains several minor bug fixes. - php7-no-build-date.patch refreshed- build firebird extension only for openSUSE (sle15 requirement)- Fix build for %arm and aarch64- drop imap extension [bsc#1084461]- BuildRequire pkgconfig(enchant) instead of enchant-devel: enchant is moving to version 2.2, with an enchant-1 as compatibility package. By using the pkgconfig symbol, we don't have to care for the actual package name.- updated to 7.2.3: This is a security release with also contains several minor bug fixes. - removed upstreamed php7-pgsql-memory-leak.patch - php7-systzdata-v15.patch refreshed and renamed to php7-systzdata-v16.patch- php7-honor-re2c-flags.patch: honor RE2C_FLAGS everywhere. - remove generated lexers so they are recreated at build time- php7-date-regenerate-lexers.patch: honor RE2C_FLAGS- Support password_hash("...", PASSWORD_ARGON2I), buildrequire libargon2 in supported products.- Remove buildRequires on: * libevent-devel: php7-fpm does not use it. * pam-devel: not used - Add buildrequire on zlib-devel explicitly. - libvpx is not needed but libwebp is, only when not building against system gd. xft likewise.- fixed memory leak in pgsql extension, php function pg_escape_bytea [bsc#1076970] (internal) + php7-pgsql-memory-leak.patch- updated to 7.2.2: This is a bugfix release, with several bug fixes included. do not build against system gd when suse_version < 1500- fix build for SLE12*- updated to 7.2.1: Several security bugs were fixed in this release. build against newer webp [bsc#1074121]- build with SLE12*- updated to 7.2.0: features and improvements: * Convert numeric keys in object/array casts * Counting of non-countable objects * Object typehint * HashContext as Object * Argon2 in password hash * Improve TLS constants to sane values * Mcrypt extension removed * New sodium extension - patches: . php7-systzdata-v14.patch transformed to php7-systzdata-v15.patch . removed upstreamed php7-aarch64-mult.patch- updated to 7.1.12: This is a bugfix release, with several bug fixes included.- Add php-cli as provides to php7- updated to 7.1.11: This is a bugfix release, with several bug fixes included.- fixed installation of wrong cli [bsc#1061555]- Update not-so-useful repeated package summaries. Update the descriptions to have a bit more explanation. Replace old tar syntax.- build and ship embed SAPI + php7-embed.patch- updated to 7.1.10: Several bugs have been fixed, see for details- aarch64-mult.patch renamed to php7-aarch64-mult.patch- php7-devel requires php7-pear [bsc#1057104]- Changes related to boo#1056822 - New packaging macros in macros.php: %php_pearxmldir, %pear_phpdir, %pear_phpdir, %pear_testdir, %pear_datadir, %pear_cfgdir, %pear_wwwdir, %pear_metadir, %pecl_phpdir, %pecl_docdir, %pecl_testdir, %pecl_datadir - Updated packaging documentation in README.macros- Updated to 7.1.9: Several bugs have been fixed. * ChangeLog added /usr/bin/php7 [bsc#734176]- php7-pear should explicitly require php7-pear-Archive_Tar otherwise this dependency must be declared in every php7-pear-* package explicitly. [bnc#1052389]- Updated to 7.1.8: Several bugs have been fixed. * ChangeLog Replace %__-type macro indirections.- date extension: regenerate lexers when needed + php7-date-regenerate-lexers.patch- dropped mcrypt extension [fate#323673]- updated to 7.1.7: This is a security release with several bug fixes included.- Drop sle11 support as we are not building against it anymore - Remove php7-BNC-457056.patch that was applied on sle11 only - Remove dependency on imap-devel, it is not used - Switch spell from aspell to enchant, dropping pspell subpackage - Remove unknown switch options from php cli build - Drop support for berkleydb format, by default there are more supported solutions built in php - Use %configure macro in the build phases- updated to 7.1.6: Several bugs have been fixed.- Updated to 7.1.5: Several bugs have been fixed. * ChangeLog Updated to 7.1.4: Several bugs have been fixed. * ChangeLog Updated to 7.1.3: Several bugs have been fixed. * ChangeLog Don't install the init script if we use systemd- updated to 7.1.2: Several bugs have been fixed. - deleted php7-getrandom-test.patch, upstreamed- updated to 7.1.1: This release is the first point release in the 7.x series. PHP 7.1 comes with numerous improvements and new features such as * Nullable types * Void return type * Iterable pseudo-type * Class constant visiblity modifiers * Square bracket syntax for list() and the ability to specify keys in list() * Catching multiple exceptions types * Many more features and changes… - migration: - php7-systzdata-v13.patch replaced by php7-systzdata-v14.patch- suggest php7-* instead of php-* [bsc#1022158c#4] - do not suggest php-suhosin at all as we do not build it (not ported to php7 yet)- updated to 7.0.15: Several security bugs were fixed in this release.- Replace pkgconfig(libsystemd-*) with pkgconfig(libsystemd) Nowadays pkgconfig(libsystemd) replaces all libsystemd-* libs, which are obsolete.- updated to 7.0.14: Several security bugs were fixed in this release.- updated to 7.0.13: This is a security release. Several security bugs were fixed in this release.- adjust firebird dependency- updated to 7.0.12: This is a security release. Several security bugs were fixed in this release.- updated to 7.0.11: Several security bugs were fixed in this release.- php7-getrandom-test.patch: Fix incorrect test for the getrandom syscall.- updated to 7.0.10: Several security bugs were fixed in this release.- updated to 7.0.9: Several security bugs were fixed in this release, including the HTTP_PROXY issue.- updated to 7.0.8: This is a security release. Several security bugs were fixed in this release. - removed: php7-mbstring-missing-return.patch (upstreamed)- systemd unit: remove from After [bsc#983938]- updated to 7.0.7: This is a security release. Several security bugs were fixed in this release.- updated to 7.0.6: This is a security release. Several security bugs were fixed in this release. * removed upstreamed php7-no-reentrant-crypt.patch- aarch64-mult.patch: fix asm constraints in aarch64 multiply macro- build for sle12- correct public key- updated to 7.0.5- firebird builds now- update to 7.0.4- updated to 7.0.3- require postgresql-devel < 9.4 for sle12 to fix build- more versioned provides- update to 7.0.2: 31 reported bugs has been fixed, including 6 security related issues.- update to 7.0.1- php5-pear-Archive_Tar provides 1.4.0 - install .depdb and .depdblock files along metadata * php5-depdb-path.patch - versioned provides in subpackages- Provide obsoletes for sub-packages to improve upgrade process.- Obsolete php5 since php7 conflicts and should replace.- marcello at fix path php-fpm.conf- set pear's metadata dir to %{peardir}- Spec cleanup * Split Archive_Tar from -pear sub packge to allow updating this part via rpm * Added "Provides: php-firebird" to -firebird sub package * Added "Provides: mod_php_any" to server api module packages - fastcgi and -fpm- test mod_php with %apache_test_module_curl - restart apache during mod_php upgrade- add php5-fix_net-snmp_disable_MD5.patch [bnc#944302]- fixed segfault in odbc extension when result set is containing NULL (php bugs #52554, #53007) [bnc#935074] (internal) + php7-odbc-cmp-int-cast.patch- updated to 7.0.0 * see NEWS for changes * see UPGRADING for 5.6.x -> 7.0.x transition - removed unneded or not upstreamed patches for long time: * php5-cloexec.patch * php5-missing-extdeps.patch * php5-format-string-issues.patch * php5-per-mod-log.patch * php5-apache24-updates.patch * php5-crypto-checks.patch * php5-systzdata-r12.patch (new: php7-systzdata-v13.patch)- updated to 5.6.11: Five security-related issues in PHP were fixed in this release, including CVE-2015-3152.- php5-systemd-unit.patch: set Killmode=mixed in order to ensure fpm and children forked by script can terminate cleanly.- executable- use apache-rpm-macros- updated to 5.6.10: Several bugs have been fixed as well as several security issues into some bundled libraries (CVE-2015-3414, CVE-2015-3415, CVE-2015-3416, CVE-2015-2325 and CVE-2015-2326).- enable apparmor support: new BR libapparmor-devel- update to 5.6.9: Several bugs have been fixed. - systzdata patch updated to r12 - php5-systzdata-r10.patch + php5-systzdata-r12.patch- update to 5.6.8: Several bugs have been fixed some of them beeing security related, like CVE-2015-1351 and CVE-2015-1352. - refreshed php5-crypto-checks.patch- configure php-fpm with --localstatedir=/var [bnc#927147]- systzdata patch updated to r10 - php5-systzdata-v7.patch + php5-systzdata-r10.patch- build against system gd and libzip only for 13.2 and above- update to 5.6.7: Several bugs have been fixed as well as CVE-2015-0231, CVE-2015-2305 and CVE-2015-2331.- build against system gd [bnc#923946]- build against system libzip [bnc#922894]- update to 5.6.6: fixes several bugs and addresses CVE-2015-0235 and CVE-2015-0273.- added README.default_socket_timeout [bnc#907519]- fix sle_11_sp3 build- update to 5.6.5: This release fixes several bugs as well as CVE-2015-0231, CVE-2014-9427 and CVE-2015-0232. - removed patches: * php-CVE-2014-9426.patch * php-CVE-2014-9427.patch * php-CVE-2015-0231.patch- added php-CVE-2015-0231.patch [bnc#910659]- added php-CVE-2014-9426.patch [bnc#911663] - added php-CVE-2014-9427.patch [bnc#911664]- update to 5.6.4: This release fixes several bugs and one CVE related to unserialization.- update to 5.6.3: This release fixes several bugs and one CVE in the fileinfo extension.- update to 5.6.2: Four security-related bugs were fixed in this release, including fixes for CVE-2014-3668, CVE-2014-3669 and CVE-2014-3670.- upgraded to 5.6.1: * Several bugs were fixed in this release (including CVE-2014-3622).h03-ch2b 17327805748.2.26-150600. -grecord-gcc-switches -O2 -Wall -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fstack-protector-strong -funwind-tables -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -gobs:// Unicode text, with CR, LF line terminators, with escape sequences68طutf-8350eb754028a04c0f1a03857957872e850c1304a123a64bfbd128c8e0c4a2b63?P7zXZ !t/J]"k%:yarNn=^%mJi>ocl%ql*pY ψVVgJڊ$+7TDa^]CB*Np&_|! ]Rc\ 8clO !C>K߼y,~Tfz@>)u% :8:e,+$#ʮYfd֢;JdXS_a6!8Zb@XǪŤ Z8=nCN`#cggß!҅b;,i+|=Rc*omnݼ 4\$csHw+@Omm 1hf8yqܖ/n)bSbgopC/~]x7Z9=8 @cu K{؄T? z(x`.Ui(!5X5o-`ш'lsh/gTI}%j八W-e쟲P4uJ[3)XX wCQS,6(ࠐ#L-ME[nbT;@`ZXD^{@fcNJ!,Atz1QXvޘl ;0<9vjz a6HÚ=]XD$A"f/;]1RJFO5Wߔ\?d,[, C>S(.t)bgc+Plwiiie˜˖$Џ<\ +Y&6YuB%ap͊lĪonW1fZGUhbA/ajtJQO6BA憨!!v qϥF8lPf2 m,\o rB+g@?i8j~vXW0E|Uq*Ń2f?W<K_2)gR*Ո)<w3,_'OCۈD{p[L bs/^Ͻ9b sơ<-L;7",l( ㅚtD (E\$&HF@wtu#su z{ )~M̜K 'L5u[iM#;^A (LvuqR f|vzH;m !KHG{Ьupq0@xDa 0oM؀'u] d^hfTh\?^^VVtRX*XOE_>UV9ZcO$'&"(K>aρ2g,F7b~+ob*wLA"x~C({#&Ě|,1~U~i/ RtBj}eiP͡&7Ήr:65wҨg]큑1SHOٓ'Is}#1\m g0nkN$WAdF~m *ژ2dx>F!],qE0rk&/ ]Ѕ6=qH$8⽌kųb8nsvi7F5{MkM Jr#L8mňN/Qs g8ySu5$z&:b?. 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