role_types = array( 'rs', 'wp' );
$this->AGP_Config_Items( $arr, $action_hook );
function get_display_name( $role_handle, $context = '' ) {
if ( isset( $this->display_names[$role_handle] ) )
return $this->display_names[$role_handle];
require_once( dirname(__FILE__).'/roles-strings_rs.php' );
return ScoperRoleStrings::get_display_name( $role_handle, $context );
function get_abbrev( $role_handle, $context = '' ) {
if ( isset( $this->abbrevs[$role_handle] ) )
return $this->abbrevs[$role_handle];
require_once( dirname(__FILE__).'/roles-strings_rs.php' );
return ScoperRoleStrings::get_abbrev( $role_handle, $context );
function get_micro_abbrev( $role_handle, $context = '' ) {
if ( isset( $this->micro_abbrevs[$role_handle] ) )
return $this->micro_abbrevs[$role_handle];
require_once( dirname(__FILE__).'/roles-strings_rs.php' );
if( ! $return = ScoperRoleStrings::get_micro_abbrev( $role_handle, $context ) )
$return = ScoperRoleStrings::get_abbrev( $role_handle, $context );
return $return;
function &add($name, $defining_module, $display_name = '', $abbrev = '', $role_type = 'rs', $args = array()) {
if ( $this->locked ) {
$notice = sprintf('A plugin or theme (%1$s) is too late in its attempt to define a role (%2$s).', $defining_module, $name)
. '
' . 'This must be done via the define_roles_rs hook.';
$key = ( $name == ANON_ROLEHANDLE_RS ) ? $name : scoper_get_role_handle($name, $role_type);
if ( 'wp' == $role_type ) {
if ( ! $display_name )
$display_name = ucwords( str_replace('_', ' ', $name) );
if ( ! $abbrev )
$abbrev = $display_name;
if ( $display_name )
$this->display_names[$key] = $display_name;
if ( $abbrev )
$this->abbrevs[$key] = $abbrev;
if ( isset($this->members[$key]) )
$this->members[$key] = new CR_Role($name, $defining_module, $role_type, $args);
return $this->members[$key];
function process( &$role_def ) {
// role type was prefixed for array key, but should remove for name property
foreach ( $this->role_types as $role_type ) {
$role_def->name = str_replace("{$role_type}_", '', $role_def->name);
if ( ! isset($role_def->valid_scopes) )
$role_def->valid_scopes = array('blog' => 1, 'term' => 1, 'object' => 1);
if ( ! isset($role_def->src_name) )
$role_def->src_name = '';
if ( ! isset($role_def->object_type) )
$role_def->object_type = ( 'rs' == $role_def->role_type ) ? $role_def->src_name : '';
function add_role_caps( $user_role_caps ) {
if ( ! is_array( $user_role_caps ) )
foreach( array_keys( $user_role_caps ) as $role_handle ) {
if ( $user_role_caps[$role_handle] ) {
if( isset( $this->role_caps[$role_handle] ) )
$this->role_caps[$role_handle] = array_merge($this->role_caps[$role_handle], $user_role_caps[$role_handle]);
$this->role_caps[$role_handle] = $user_role_caps[$role_handle];
function remove_role_caps( $disabled_role_caps ) {
if ( ! is_array( $disabled_role_caps ) )
foreach ( array_keys($this->role_caps) as $role_handle )
if ( ! empty($disabled_role_caps[$role_handle]) )
$this->role_caps[$role_handle] = array_diff_key($this->role_caps[$role_handle], $disabled_role_caps[$role_handle]);
function get_for_taxonomy($src, $taxonomy = '', $args = array()) {
$defaults = array( 'one_otype_per_role' => true, 'ignore_usage_settings' => false );
$args = array_merge( $defaults, (array) $args );
if ( ! is_object($src) )
$src = $GLOBALS['scoper']->data_sources->get($src);
if ( ! $src)
$otype_roles = array();
if ( ! in_array( $taxonomy, array( 'category', 'post_tag' ) ) && $one_otype_per_role ) {
if ( $tx = get_taxonomy( $taxonomy ) )
if ( ! empty( $tx->object_type ) )
$use_otypes = array_unique( (array) $tx->object_type );
if ( empty( $use_otypes ) )
$use_otypes = array_keys($src->object_types);
foreach ( $use_otypes as $object_type ) {
$use_term_roles = scoper_get_otype_option('use_term_roles', $src->name, $object_type);
if ( ! $ignore_usage_settings && empty($use_term_roles[$taxonomy]) )
if ( $roles = $this->get_matching( 'rs', $src->name, $object_type ) ) {
if ( $one_otype_per_role )
foreach ( array_keys($otype_roles) as $existing_object_type )
$roles = array_diff_key($roles, $otype_roles[$existing_object_type]);
$otype_roles[$object_type] = $roles;
//note: term roles are defined with src_name property corresponding to their object source (i.e. manage_categories has src_name 'post')
if ( $taxonomy ) {
if ( $roles = $this->get_matching( 'rs', $src->name, $taxonomy ) ) {
if ( $one_otype_per_role )
foreach ( array_keys($otype_roles) as $object_type )
$roles = array_diff_key($roles, $otype_roles[$object_type]);
if ( $roles )
$otype_roles[$taxonomy] = $roles;
return $otype_roles;
function add_containing_roles($roles, $role_type = '') {
$return_roles = $roles;
foreach ( array_keys($roles) as $role_handle )
if ( $containing = $this->get_containing_roles($role_handle, $role_type) )
$return_roles = array_merge($return_roles, $containing);
return $return_roles;
// returns array with role handles as keys
function get_containing_roles($role_handle, $role_type = '') {
if ( ! isset($this->role_caps[$role_handle]) || ! is_array($this->role_caps[$role_handle]) )
return array();
$containing_roles = array();
foreach ( array_keys($this->role_caps) as $other_role_handle )
if ( $other_role_handle != $role_handle )
if ( ! array_diff_key($this->role_caps[$role_handle], $this->role_caps[$other_role_handle]) )
$containing_roles[$other_role_handle] = 1;
if ( $containing_roles && $role_type )
$containing_roles = $this->filter_keys( array_keys($containing_roles), array( 'role_type' => $role_type ), 'names_as_key' );
return $containing_roles;
// returns array with role handles as key
function get_contained_roles($role_handles, $include_this_role = false, $role_type = '') {
if ( ! $role_handles )
return array();
$role_handles = (array) $role_handles;
$contained_roles = array();
foreach ( $role_handles as $role_handle ) {
if ( ! isset($this->role_caps[$role_handle]) )
$role_attributes = $this->get_role_attributes( $role_handle );
foreach ( array_keys($this->role_caps) as $other_role_handle ) {
if ( ( ($other_role_handle != $role_handle) || $include_this_role ) ) {
if ( $this->role_caps[$other_role_handle] ) { // don't take credit for including roles that have no pertinent caps
if ( ! array_diff_key($this->role_caps[$other_role_handle], $this->role_caps[$role_handle]) ) {
// role caps qualify, but only count RS roles of matching object type
if ( 'rs' == $role_attributes->role_type ) {
if ( $role_attributes->object_type != $this->member_property( $other_role_handle, 'object_type' ) )
$contained_roles[$other_role_handle] = 1;
if ( $role_type && $contained_roles )
$contained_roles = $this->filter_keys( array_keys($contained_roles), array( 'role_type' => $role_type ), 'names_as_key' );
if ( $contained_roles && ! $include_this_role )
$contained_roles = array_diff_key( $contained_roles, array_flip($role_handles) );
return $contained_roles;
// returns array of role objects
function add_contained_roles($assigned) {
if ( empty($assigned) )
return array();
$assigned = (array) $assigned;
$roles = $assigned;
foreach ( array_keys($assigned) as $assigned_role_handle ) {
if ( $contained_roles = $this->get_contained_roles($assigned_role_handle) )
$roles = array_merge( $roles, $contained_roles );
return $roles;
// returns array[role_handle] = array of term ids
function add_contained_term_roles($assigned) {
if ( empty($assigned) )
return array();
$assigned = (array) $assigned;
$role_terms = $assigned;
// $assigned[role_key] = array of terms for which the role is assigned.
// Add contained roles directly into the provided assigned_roles array
foreach ( $assigned as $assigned_role_handle => $terms ) {
// if a user has role assigned for term(s), he also effectively has all its contained roles assigned for same term(s)
foreach ( array_keys( $this->get_contained_roles($assigned_role_handle, true) ) as $contained_role_handle ) {
// may or may not already have roles assigned explicitly or via containment in another assigned role
if ( ! isset($role_terms[$contained_role_handle]) )
$role_terms[$contained_role_handle] = $terms;
$role_terms[$contained_role_handle] = array_unique( array_merge($role_terms[$contained_role_handle], $terms) );
return $role_terms;
// reqd_caps: array of cap names and/or role handles. Role handle format is {$role_type}_{role_name}
function role_handles_to_caps($reqd_caps, $find_unprefixed_wproles = false) {
foreach ( $reqd_caps as $role_handle ) {
if ( isset($this->role_caps[$role_handle]) ) {
$reqd_caps = array_merge( $reqd_caps, array_keys($this->role_caps[$role_handle]) );
$reqd_caps = array_diff( $reqd_caps, array($role_handle) );
if ( $find_unprefixed_wproles ) {
global $wp_roles;
foreach ( $reqd_caps as $role_name ) {
if ( isset($wp_roles->role_objects[$role_name]->capabilities ) ) {
$reqd_caps = array_merge( $reqd_caps, array_keys($wp_roles->role_objects[$role_name]->capabilities) );
$reqd_caps = array_diff( $reqd_caps, array($role_name) );
return array_unique($reqd_caps);
function get_role_attributes( $role_handle ) {
$attribs = (object) array( 'role_type' => '', 'src_name' => '', 'object_type' => '' );
if ( isset( $this->members[$role_handle] ) ) {
$attribs->role_type = $this->members[$role_handle]->role_type;
if ( 'rs' == $attribs->role_type ) {
$attribs->src_name = $this->members[$role_handle]->src_name;
$attribs->object_type = $this->members[$role_handle]->object_type;
return $attribs;
// returns array of Role_Defs objects which match the specified parameters
function get_matching($role_types = '', $src_names = '', $object_types = '' ) {
if ( $role_handles = $this->qualify_roles( '', $role_types, $object_types, array( 'src_name' => $src_names ) ) )
return array_intersect_key( $this->members, $role_handles );
return array();
// $reqd_caps = single cap name string OR array of cap name strings
// returns array of role_handles
function qualify_roles($reqd_caps, $role_type = 'rs', $object_type = '', $args = array()) {
$defaults = array( 'src_name' => '', 'all_wp_caps' => false );
$args = array_merge( $defaults, (array) $args );
$good_roles = array();
if ( $reqd_caps )
$reqd_caps = $this->role_handles_to_caps( (array) $reqd_caps, true); // arg: also check for unprefixed WP rolenames
if ( $role_type )
$role_handles = $this->filter_keys( array_keys($this->members), array( 'role_type' => $role_type ) );
$role_handles = array_keys($this->members);
foreach ( $role_handles as $role_handle ) {
if ( $reqd_caps ) {
if ( $all_wp_caps && ( 0 === strpos( $role_handle, 'wp_' ) ) ) {
if ( empty( $GLOBALS['wp_roles']->role_objects[ substr($role_handle, 3) ]->capabilities )
|| array_diff( $reqd_caps, array_keys( $GLOBALS['wp_roles']->role_objects[ substr($role_handle, 3) ]->capabilities ) ) ) // note: this does not observe "false" value in capabilities array
} else {
if ( empty( $this->role_caps[$role_handle] ) || array_diff( $reqd_caps, array_keys( $this->role_caps[$role_handle] ) ) )
// The required caps test passed or was not applied. Now verify data source and/or object type, if specified...
if ( 'rs' == $this->members[$role_handle]->role_type ) {
// data source and object type matching only apply to RS roles, which always have a single data source and object type defined
if ( $src_name && ! in_array( $this->members[$role_handle]->src_name, (array) $src_name ) )
// the role qualifies unless its object type is a mismatch
if ( $object_type && ! in_array( $this->members[$role_handle]->object_type, (array) $object_type ) )
$good_roles[$role_handle] = 1;
return $good_roles;
// Currently, new custom-defined post, page or link roles are problematic because objects or categories with all roles restricted
// will suddenly be non-restricted to users whose WP role contains the newly defined RS role.
// TODO: make all custom-defined roles default restricted
function remove_invalid() {
if ( $custom_members = array_diff_key( $this->members, array_fill_keys( array( 'rs_post_reader', 'rs_private_post_reader', 'rs_post_contributor', 'rs_post_author', 'rs_post_revisor', 'rs_post_editor', 'rs_page_reader', 'rs_private_page_reader', 'rs_page_contributor', 'rs_page_author', 'rs_page_revisor', 'rs_page_editor', 'rs_page_associate', 'rs_link_editor', 'rs_category_manager', 'rs_group_manager' ), true ) ) ) {
foreach ( $custom_members as $role_handle => $role_def ) {
if ( ( 'post' == $role_def->src_name ) && in_array( $role_def->object_type, array( 'post', 'page' ) )
|| ( ( 'link' == $role_def->src_name ) && ( 'link' == $role_def->object_type ) ) )
unset( $this->members[$role_handle] );
} // end class CR_Roles
class CR_Role extends AGP_Config_Item {
var $role_type;
var $src_name;
var $object_type;
var $valid_scopes;
var $objscope_equivalents;
function CR_Role($name, $defining_module, $role_type = 'rs', $args = array() ) {
$this->AGP_Config_Item($name, $defining_module, $args);
$this->role_type = $role_type;