SOME UNSUPPORTED PARTS OF: FRANKENSTEIN A Collection of Macros for LaTeX and BibTeX ------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONTENTS NOTES general non-support PACKAGE DESCRIPTIONS includex bits drama DISTRIBUTION CONDITIONS TERMINOLOGY AUTHOR ------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTES general Three LaTeX packages are part of the Frankenstein bundle but are unsupported. They are distributed on CTAN in a subdirectory of the directory containing the supported Frankenstein filesets (i.e., CTAN:/macros/latex/contrib/supported/frankenstein/unsupported/). In a TeX installation, however, supported and unsupported macros, sources, and documentation should be placed together, (e.g., in TDS:/texmf/{doc,source,tex}/latex/frankenstein). If you wish to use the unsupported packages, download the entire "frankenstein" directory from CTAN (which will include the "unsupported" subdirectory). To use the Makefile on the unsupported filesets, you must do two things. 1. Copy all the files in the "unsupported" subdirectory into its parent directory ("frankenstein"). 2. Set the variable USE_UNSUP to something nonempty either by: a. uncommenting the line in the file Makefile, or b. setting it in your environment, or c. set the variable on the Make command line, e.g., "make USE_UNSUP=t all". Descriptions of the four unsupported packages are below. Further important information about the Frankenstein bundle may be found in the file README. Installation instructions are in the file INSTALL. The bits and drama packages depend on the non-Frankenstein package "relsize.sty". Please see INSTALL for further information. Both the README and INSTALL files are located in the parent directory of this file (on CTAN) or in the same directory as this file (in a TeX installation). non-support The package filesets in this directory are UNSUPPORTED. They are furthermore possibly INCOMPLETE and NOT fully DOCUMENTED. I hope one day to complete these packages, document them, and support them. I will gladly listen to feedback on them, but I do not take the same level of responsibility for them as for the packages I call "supported". In the meantime, they are made public under the conditions stated below so that I can refer interested individuals to them. These packages are indeed valuable in certain ways, such as sometimes working as advertised, but of course I offer no guarantees. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ PACKAGE DESCRIPTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ bits (Frankenstein's guts) Bits provides a programmer's interface for a new idea called a "bit", which is like an environment but has a title, author, and other attributes usually only associated with the "document" environment. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ drama production-format stage script (Frankenstein's heart) Drama defines macros for typesetting a basic production-style stage script. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ includex extra ways to include files Includex allows you to include just the contents of one source file into another, ignoring the text outside the \begin{document} ... \end{document} in the included file. See also the supported "newclude" package, which is intended to supersede includex, though until I ensure that it is a satisfactory replacement I will keep includex around. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DISTRIBUTION CONDITIONS All Frankenstein files are copyrighted by Matthew Swift and released under the conditions of the GNU General Public License contained in the file COPYING, which should be in the parent directory or the same directory as this file. The unsupported filesets in the same directory as this file ought to be distributed WITH the supported ones. They are useless without the supported ones. I am willing to specially license this code; please simply contact me with your proposal. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ TERMINOLOGY fileset: A group of files related to a single LaTeX package, LaTeX class, or BibTeX bibliography style and any accompanying option or configuration files. The files in a package or class fileset have the same root name but different filename extensions. In bibstyle filesets, some root names differ by a "-bst" suffix. CTAN: Comprehensive TeX Archive Network: a system of TeX-related file archives available via FTP (see and often reproduced on CDROMs. TDS: TeX Directory Structure: a recommended directory structure for TeX installations. See ------------------------------------------------------------------------ AUTHOR Matt Swift <>