

\newcommand{\textsyriac}[1] % Syriac inside LTR
           {\bgroup\textdir TRT\syriacfont #1\egroup}
\newcommand{\n}         [1] % for digits inside Arabic text
           {\bgroup\textdir TLT #1\egroup}
\newcommand{\syriacfootnote} [1] % Syriac Footnotes
\newenvironment{syriac}     % Syriac paragraph
           {\textdir TRT\pardir TRT\syriacfont}{}


\title{Using \LuaLaTeX\ to typeset RTL text with eledpar}
This file provides an example on how to use  eledpar and \LuaLaTeX\ to typeset a right to left text with its translation on the facing page\footnote{The text was provided by Latechneuse on \url{http://tex.stackexchange.com/q/227837/7712}.}.  

As you can see, the switch to RTL convention is made \emph{before} the \verb+pstart+.
It must be also called inside \verb+\eledsection+.

For an example with \XeLaTeX, look at \href{./parallel-column-two-languages.tex}{parallel-column-two-languages.tex} file.

        1ܘܟܕ 2ܡܿܟܪܟܝ3ܢܢ ܐܪܟ4ܐܢܐ ܗ̄ 5ܡܘܪܐ6 ܗܿܝ ܩ7ܕܡܝܬܐ

       \eledsection{English headline} 

        Some english text. 
