\documentclass{article} \usepackage{fontspec} \usepackage[series={},nocritical,noend,nofamiliar,noledgroup,noreledmac]{eledmac} \usepackage{eledpar,hyperref} \usepackage{metalogo} \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \newfontfamily\syriacfont[Script=Syriac,Scale=1.2]{estre.otf} \newcommand{\textsyriac}[1] % Syriac inside LTR {\bgroup\textdir TRT\syriacfont #1\egroup} \newcommand{\n} [1] % for digits inside Arabic text {\bgroup\textdir TLT #1\egroup} \newcommand{\syriacfootnote} [1] % Syriac Footnotes {\footnote{\textsyriac{#1}}} \newenvironment{syriac} % Syriac paragraph {\textdir TRT\pardir TRT\syriacfont}{} \begin{document} \date{} \title{Using \LuaLaTeX\ to typeset RTL text with eledpar} \maketitle \begin{abstract} This file provides an example on how to use eledpar and \LuaLaTeX\ to typeset a right to left text with its translation on the facing page\footnote{The text was provided by Latechneuse on \url{http://tex.stackexchange.com/q/227837/7712}.}. As you can see, the switch to RTL convention is made \emph{before} the \verb+pstart+. It must be also called inside \verb+\eledsection+. For an example with \XeLaTeX, look at \href{./parallel-column-two-languages.tex}{parallel-column-two-languages.tex} file. \end{abstract} \begin{pages} \begin{Leftside} \begin{syriac} \beginnumbering \pstart \eledsection*{\textsyriac{ܡܿܟܪܟÜ}} \pend \pstart 1ܘܟܕ 2ܡܿܟܪܟÜ3ܢܢ Üܪܟ4ÜÜ¢Ü Ü—Ì„ 5ܡܘܪÜ6 Ü—Ü¿Ü Ü©7Ü•Ü¡ÜÜ¬Ü \pend \endnumbering \end{syriac} \end{Leftside} \begin{Rightside} \beginnumbering \pstart \eledsection{English headline} \pend \pstart Some english text. \pend \endnumbering \end{Rightside} \end{pages} \Pages \end{document}