#!/usr/bin/env cash
# vim:ft=ocaml 
adobe-font-tool $Id: otftofd 7 2005-09-10 21:25:47Z geoffw $
Copyright Geoffrey Alan Washburn, 2005.

You can redistribute and/or modify this software under the terms of
the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.

This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.

You may obtain the GNU General Public License by writing to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
02111-1307, USA.

#load "str.cma";;
open Cash;;
open Str;;
open List;;


(* Define this here just in case, but we'll overwrite it later *)
let program_name : string ref = ref "otftofd"


(* Small general helper functions *)

(* Print an error message and exit with an error code *)
let error (msg : string) : 'a = 
    print_string ((!program_name) ^ " (error) : " ^ msg ^ "\n"); 
    exit 1

(* Print an warning message *)
let warning (msg : string) : unit = 
    print_string ((!program_name) ^ " (warning): " ^ msg ^ "\n")


(* Define these in case we need to change them later/dynamically *)

let dirsep = "/"
let pathsep = ":"


(* Check whether a programs exists in a given directory *)
let prog_exists_dir (prog : string) (dir : string) =
  if (is_file_directory_fn dir) then
    is_file_executable_fn (dir ^ dirsep ^ prog)
    (error ("Tried to check the existence of program " ^ prog ^ " in non-directory " ^ dir))

(* basename *)
let basename (fn : string) =
  let parts = Str.split (regexp dirsep) fn in
  let rec last (l : string list) : string = 
    (match l with 
     | []     -> (error "Argument to basename doesn't have a basecase?!")
     | [base] -> base
     | h::t   -> last t) in
   last (parts)  
(* Check whether a program exists in the users path *)
let prog_exists_path (prog : string) : bool = 
 exists (prog_exists_dir prog) (exec_path_list ())

(* Run a program and return the output as a string *)
let system (prog : string) (args : string list) : string = 
  run_with_string (fun _ -> exec_path prog args)


(* Define the various datatypes *)

(* Font encodings - not entirely implemented yet FIX *)
type encoding =
  | OML  (* Original TeX math text encoding: ?? *)
  | OMS  (* Original TeX math symbol encoding: ?? *) 
  | OMX  (* Original TeX math extended symbol encoding: ?? *)
  | OT1  (* Original TeX encoding: ?? *)
  | OT2  (* ??: ?? *)
  | OT4  (* ??: ?? *)
  | QX   (* ??: ?? *)
  | T1   (* TeX Cork encoding: cork, tex256 *) 
  | T2   (* ??: ?? *) 
  | T5   (* ??: ?? *) 
  | TS1  (* ??: ?? *) 
  | U    (* Unknown encoding: ?? *)
  | LY1  (* ??: texnansx *)

(* NFSS Weights *)
type weight = 
  | UltraLightWeight 
  | ExtraLightWeight 
  | LightWeight
  | SemiLightWeight
  | MediumWeight
  | SemiBoldWeight
  | BoldWeight
  | ExtraBoldWeight
  | UltraBoldWeight

(* NFSS Widths *)
type width =
  | UltraCondensedWidth
  | ExtraCondensedWidth
  | CondensedWidth
  | SemiCondensedWidth
  | MediumWidth
  | SemiExpandedWidth
  | ExpandedWidth
  | ExtraExpandedWidth
  | UltraExpandedWidth

(* NFSS Shapes *)
type shape = 
  | UprightShape
  | ItalicShape
  | SlantedShape
  | SmallCapsShape
  | UprightItalicShape
  | OutlineShape

(* OpenType features *)
type feature = 
  | Faalt (* access all alternates *)
  | Fc2sc (* small captials from capitals *)
  | Fcalt (* contextual alternatives *)
  | Fcase (* case sensitive forms *)
  | Fcpsp (* captial spacing *)
  | Fcswh (* contextual swash *)
  | Fdlig (* discrentionary ligatures *)
  | Fdnom (* denominators *)
  | Ffina (* terminal forms *)
  | Ffrac (* fractions *)
  | Fhist (* historical forms *)
  | Fkern (* kerning *)
  | Fliga (* standard ligatures *)
  | Flnum (* lining figures *)
  | Fnumr (* numerators *)
  | Fonum (* old style numbers *)
  | Fordn (* ordinals *)
  | Fornm (* Ornaments *)
  | Fpnum (* proportional figures *)
  | Fsalt (* stylistic alternatives *)
  | Fsinf (* scientific inferiors *)
  | Fsize (* optical sizes *)
  | Fsmcp (* small caps *)
  | Fss of int (* Stylistic sets *)
  | Fsups (* superscript *)
  | Fswsh (* swash *)
  | Ftnum (* tabular figures *)
  | Fzero (* slashed zero *)

(* Ranges used to describe optical coverage for a font *)    
type range =
  | Greater of float
  | Less of float
  | Between of (float * float)
  | All 


(* Convert an encoding to a string *) 
let encodingToString (enc : encoding) =
  (match enc with   
    | OML  -> "OML"
    | OMS  -> "OMS"
    | OMX  -> "OMX"
    | OT1  -> "OT1"
    | OT2  -> "OT2"
    | OT4  -> "OT4"
    | QX   -> "QX"
    | T1   -> "T1" 
    | T2   -> "T2" 
    | T5   -> "T5" 
    | TS1  -> "TS1" 
    | LY1  -> "LY1"
    | U    -> "U")

let parseEncoding (enc : string) : encoding =
  (match (String.uppercase enc) with 
   | "OML" -> OML
   | "OMS" -> OMS
   | "OMX" -> OMX
   | "OT1" -> OT1
   | "OT2" -> OT2
   | "OT4" -> OT4
   | "QX"  -> QX
   | "T1"  -> T1
   | "T2"  -> T2
   | "T5"  -> T5
   | "TS1" -> TS1
   | "LY1" -> LY1
   | "U"   -> U
   | _     -> error ("Unknown font encoding " ^ enc))

(* Convert an encoding name to a default encoding file, not entirely correct yet. *) 
let encodingToFile (enc : encoding) =
  let encwarn () = 
    warning ("Presently, encoding " ^ (encodingToString enc) ^ " is not directly supported.\nTry using --encFile=file to specify an encoding file.  ") 
  (match enc with   
    | OML  -> (encwarn (); "-")
    | OMS  -> (encwarn (); "-")
    | OMX  -> (encwarn (); "-")
    | OT1  -> (encwarn (); "-")
    | OT2  -> (encwarn (); "-")
    | OT4  -> (encwarn (); "-")
    | QX   -> (encwarn (); "-")
    | T1   -> "cork" 
    | T2   -> (encwarn (); "-")
    | T5   -> (encwarn (); "-")
    | TS1  -> (encwarn (); "-")
    | LY1  -> "texnansx"
    | U    -> (encwarn (); "-"))

(* Convert a feature to a string *)
let featureToString (feat : feature) =
  (match feat with 
   | Faalt -> "aalt"
   | Fc2sc -> "c2sc"
   | Fcalt -> "calt"
   | Fcase -> "case"
   | Fcpsp -> "cpsp"
   | Fcswh -> "cswh"
   | Fdlig -> "dlig"
   | Fdnom -> "dnom"
   | Ffina -> "fina"
   | Ffrac -> "frac"
   | Fhist -> "hist"
   | Fkern -> "kern"
   | Fliga -> "liga"
   | Flnum -> "lnum"
   | Fnumr -> "numr"
   | Fonum -> "onum"
   | Fordn -> "ordn"
   | Fornm -> "ornm"
   | Fpnum -> "pnum"
   | Fsalt -> "salt"
   | Fsinf -> "sinf"
   | Fsize -> "size"
   | Fsmcp -> "smcp"
   | Fss(n) -> if((n >= 1) || (n<=20)) then "ss" ^ (string_of_int n) else (error "Invalid style set") (* FIX -- this doesn't output leading zeros :-(  *)
   | Fsups -> "sups"
   | Fswsh -> "swsh"
   | Ftnum -> "tnum"
   | Fzero -> "zero")

(* Convert a weight to a string *)
let weightToString (wght : weight) =
  (match wght with
   | UltraLightWeight -> "ul"
   | ExtraLightWeight -> "el"
   | LightWeight      -> "l"
   | SemiLightWeight  -> "sl"
   | MediumWeight     -> "m"
   | SemiBoldWeight   -> "sb"
   | BoldWeight       -> "b"
   | ExtraBoldWeight  -> "eb"
   | UltraBoldWeight  -> "ub")
(* Convert a width to a string *)   
let widthToString (wdth : width) =
  (match wdth with
   | UltraCondensedWidth -> "uc"
   | ExtraCondensedWidth -> "ec"
   | CondensedWidth      -> "c"
   | SemiCondensedWidth  -> "sc"
   | MediumWidth         -> "m"
   | SemiExpandedWidth   -> "sx"
   | ExpandedWidth       -> "x"
   | ExtraExpandedWidth  -> "ex"
   | UltraExpandedWidth  -> "ux")

(* Convert a shape to a string *)
let shapeToString (shp : shape) =
  (match shp with
   | UprightShape       -> "n"
   | ItalicShape        -> "it"
   | SlantedShape       -> "sl"
   | SmallCapsShape     -> "sc"
   | UprightItalicShape -> (error "FIX")
   | OutlineShape       -> (error "FIX"))

(* Convert a range to a string *)
let rangeToString (rng : range) : string =
  (match rng with
    | Greater f -> "<" ^ (string_of_float f) ^ "->"
    | Less f -> "<-" ^ (string_of_float f) ^ ">"
    | Between (s,e) -> "<" ^ (string_of_float s) ^ "-" ^ (string_of_float e) ^ ">"
    | All -> "<->" )

(* Compare to ranges -- kind of broken, but works well enough at the moment *)
let compareRngs (rng1 : range) (rng2 : range) : int =
  (match (rng1, rng2) with
    (* Slapdash comparison heurisitic *)
    | (All, All) -> 0  
    | (_, All)   -> -1
    | (All, _)   -> 1
    | (Greater f1, Greater f2) -> compare f1 f2
    | (Less f1, Less f2) -> compare f1 f2
    | (Greater f1, Less f2) -> compare f1 f2 
    | (Less f1, Greater f2) -> compare f1 f2 
    | (Less f, Between (s,e)) -> 
      if (f < e) then -1
        if (f >= e) then 1
    | (Between (s,e), Less f) -> 
      if (f < e) then -1
        if (f >= e) then 1
    | (Greater f, Between (s,e)) -> 
      if (f < e) then -1
        if (f >= e) then 1
    | (Between (s,e), Greater f) -> 
      if (f < e) then -1
        if (f >= e) then 1
    | (Between (s1, e1), Between (s2, e2)) ->
      if (e1 < s1) then -1
        if (s1 >= e2) then 1
          if (e1 < e2) then -1
            if (e1 >= e2) then 1
(* Create a series string from width and weight *)
let createSeries (wght : weight) (wdth : width) =
  (match wght with
   | MediumWeight ->
     (match wdth with 
      | MediumWidth -> "m" 
      | _ -> widthToString wdth)  
   | _ -> 
     (match wdth with 
      | MediumWidth -> weightToString wght
      | _ -> (weightToString wght) ^ (widthToString wdth)))


(* Global configuration constants *)

let encoding : encoding ref = ref T1 
let encodingFile : (string option) ref = ref None 

(* Should we show the usage information instead of doing anything? *) 
let showUsage : bool ref = ref false 

(* Generate a version of the fonts with swashes *)
let swashVersion : bool ref = ref false 

(* Generate a version of the fonts with just ornaments *)
let ornamentVersion : bool ref = ref false 

(* Should we print more info about what we are doing? *)
let verbose : bool ref = ref false 


(* Heuristics *)

(* Try to infer a weight from the attribute string in the filename *)
let parseWeight (attr : string) = 
    if (string_match (regexp ".*\\(Black\\|Bold\\|Bd\\|Semibold\\|Regular\\|ExtraLight\\|Light\\|Lt\\).*") attr 0) then
      (match (matched_group 1 attr) with 
      (* We assume black is ExtraBold rather than UltraBold *)
       | "Black"        -> Some (ExtraBoldWeight)
       | ("Bold"|"Bd")  -> Some (BoldWeight)  
       | "Semibold"     -> Some (SemiBoldWeight)
       | "Regular"      -> Some (MediumWeight)
       (* Disambiguate *)
       | ("Light"|"Lt") ->
          if (string_match (regexp ".*ExtraLight.*") attr 0) then
            Some (ExtraLightWeight)
            Some (LightWeight)
       | _              -> (error "Shouldn't have matched!"))

(* Try to infer a width from the attribute string in the filename *)
let parseWidth (attr : string) = 
    if (string_match (regexp ".*\\(Regular\\|Cond\\|SemiCn\\|Cn\\|SemiExt\\).*") attr 0) then
      (match (matched_group 1 attr) with 
       | "SemiExt"      -> Some (SemiExpandedWidth)
       | "Regular"      -> Some (MediumWidth)
       | ("Cond"|"Cn")  -> 
         (* Disambiguate *)
         if (string_match (regexp ".*SemiCn.*") attr 0) then
           Some (SemiCondensedWidth)
           Some (CondensedWidth)
       | _              -> (error "Shouldn't have matched!"))

(* Try to infer a shape from the attribute string in the filename *)
let parseShape (attr : string) = 
    if (string_match (regexp ".*\\(Regular\\|It\\|Italic\\|Slanted\\).*") attr 0) then
      (match (matched_group 1 attr) with 
       | ("Italic"|"It")  -> Some (ItalicShape)
       | "Regular"        -> Some (UprightShape)
       | "Slanted"        -> Some (SlantedShape)
       | _                -> (error "Shouldn't have matched!"))

(* Try to infer a design size from the attribute string in the filename *)
let parseDesign (attr : string) = 
    if (string_match (regexp ".*\\(Regular\\|Capt\\|Disp\\|Headline\\|Subh\\).*") attr 0) then
      (match (matched_group 1 attr) with 
      (* otfinfo gives slightly different numbers for different fonts, so just
         use these as an estimate if otfinfo is unavailable or doesn't provide
         feedback *)
       | ("Disp"|"Headline")  -> Some (20.1,72.0)
       | "Subh"               -> Some (13.1, 20.0)
       | "Regular"            -> Some (9.0, 13.0)
       | "Capt"               -> Some (6.0, 8.9)
       | _                    -> (error "Shouldn't have matched!"))

(* Attempt to figure out stuff about the font just from the name *)
let parseFileName (fn : string) = 
    let parts = Str.split (regexp "[-\\.]") fn in
      (match parts with
       | [name; attr; ext] -> if (ext = "otf") then
                                 parseWeight attr, 
                                 parseWidth attr, 
                                 parseShape attr,
                                 parseDesign attr)
                                 error ("Filename \"" ^ fn ^ "\" does not appear to be an OpenType file")
       | [name; ext]       -> if (ext = "otf") then
                                 error ("Filename \"" ^ fn ^ "\" does not appear to be an OpenType file")
       | _ -> error ("Error parsing filename \"" ^ fn ^ "\""))


(* Constants used when optimizing ranges *)
let minrange = 1.0
let maxrange = 144.0

(* Optimize font ranges *)
let optRanges (rngs : (range * (string * string list)) list) :
              (range * (string * string list)) list =
    (* First sort them *)          
    let sorted = sort (fun (rng1, _) (rng2, _) ->  compareRngs rng1 rng2)  
                 rngs in
    (* Extend the ranges so that we have everything as small as minrange pt *)             
    let cover_bottom rngs = 
      (match rngs with
       | [] -> (error "Font must have at least one range!")
       | (Greater f, stf)::tl     -> (Greater minrange, stf)::tl
       | (Less f, stf)::tl        -> (Less f, stf)::tl
       | (Between (s,e), stf)::tl -> (Between (minrange, e), stf)::tl
       | (All, stf)::tl           -> (All, stf)::tl)
    (* Extend the ranges so that we have everything as large as maxrange pt *)
    let rec cover_top rngs =
      (match rngs with 
       | [] -> (error "Font must have at least one range!")
       | [(Greater f, stf)] -> [(Greater f, stf)]
       | [(Less f, stf)] -> [(Less maxrange, stf)]
       | [(Between (s,e), stf)] -> [(Between (s, maxrange), stf)]
       | [(All, stf)] -> [(All, stf)]
       | hd::tl -> hd::(cover_top tl))
    let rec remove_gaps rngs =
      (match rngs with 
       | [] -> (error "Font must have at least one range!")
       | [(rng, stf)] -> [(rng, stf)]
       | (rng1, stf1)::(rng2, stf2)::tl ->
         (match (rng1, rng2) with
          (* All can't have a gap *)
          | (All, _) -> (rng1, stf1)::(remove_gaps ((rng2,stf2)::tl))
          (* Greater can't have a gap *)
          | (Greater _, _) -> (rng1, stf1)::(remove_gaps ((rng2,stf2)::tl))
          (* Less followed by less or all can't have a gap *)
          | (Less _, Less _) -> (rng1, stf1)::(remove_gaps ((rng2,stf2)::tl))
          | (Less _, All) -> (rng1, stf1)::(remove_gaps ((rng2,stf2)::tl))
          | (Less f1, Greater f2) -> (Less f2, stf1)::(remove_gaps ((rng2,stf2)::tl))
          | (Less f, Between (s,e)) -> (Less s, stf1)::(remove_gaps ((rng2,stf2)::tl))
          (* Between followed by less or all can't have a gap *)
          | (Between (s, e), Less f) -> (rng1, stf1)::(remove_gaps ((rng2,stf2)::tl))
          | (Between (s, e), All) -> (rng1, stf1)::(remove_gaps ((rng2,stf2)::tl))
          | (Between (s, e), Greater f) -> (Between(s, f), stf1)::(remove_gaps ((rng2,stf2)::tl))
          | (Between (s1,e1), Between (s2,e2)) -> 
              (Between (s1,s2), stf1)::(remove_gaps ((rng2,stf2)::tl))
      remove_gaps (cover_bottom (cover_top sorted))


(* Feature parsing *)

(* This is a list of regexps and handler functions *)
let featureHandlers = 
  [ ("aalt", (fun _ -> Faalt));
    ("c2sc", (fun _ -> Fc2sc));        
    ("calt", (fun _ -> Fcalt));        
    ("case", (fun _ -> Fcase));        
    ("cpsp", (fun _ -> Fcpsp));        
    ("cswh", (fun _ -> Fcswh));        
    ("dlig", (fun _ -> Fdlig));        
    ("dnom", (fun _ -> Fdnom));        
    ("fina", (fun _ -> Ffina));        
    ("frac", (fun _ -> Ffrac));        
    ("hist", (fun _ -> Fhist));        
    ("kern", (fun _ -> Fkern));        
    ("liga", (fun _ -> Fliga));        
    ("lnum", (fun _ -> Flnum));        
    ("numr", (fun _ -> Fnumr));        
    ("onum", (fun _ -> Fonum));        
    ("ordn", (fun _ -> Fordn));        
    ("ornm", (fun _ -> Fornm));        
    ("pnum", (fun _ -> Fpnum));        
    ("salt", (fun _ -> Fsalt));        
    ("sinf", (fun _ -> Fsinf));        
    ("size", (fun _ -> Fsize));        
    ("smcp", (fun _ -> Fsmcp));        
    ("smcp", (fun _ -> Fsmcp));        
      (fun str -> 
        let numstr = (last_chars str 2) in
            let n = int_of_string numstr in
              if((n >= 1) || (n<=20)) then 
                (error "Invalid style set while parsing features")
          with Failure msg -> (error "Invalid style set while parsing features")));
    ("sups", (fun _ -> Fsups));        
    ("swsh", (fun _ -> Fswsh));        
    ("tnum", (fun _ -> Ftnum));        
    ("zero", (fun _ -> Fzero)) ]        

(* Call otfinfo to obtain a list of features for the specified filename *)
let parseOTFFeatures (fn : string) : feature list =
  let result = system "otfinfo" ["-f"; fn] in
  let rec buildFeatures handlers features =
    (match handlers with
      | [] -> (rev features)
      | (rx, handlerFun)::hs -> 
        if (string_match 
             (regexp ("\\(.\\|\n\\)*\\(" ^ rx ^ "\\)\\(.\\|\n\\)*")) result 0) then
          buildFeatures hs ((handlerFun (matched_group 2 result))::features)
          buildFeatures hs features)
    buildFeatures featureHandlers []


(* Parsing design size *)

(* See if otfinfo can give us a design size as well as a size range *)
let parseOTFSize (fn : string) : (float * float * float) option =
  let result = system "otfinfo" ["-z"; fn] in
  (* Abstract out the regex for a decimal number *)
  let dec_num = "[0-9]+\\(\\.[0-9]+\\)?" in
  if (string_match (regexp 
    ("design size \\(" ^ dec_num ^ 
     "\\) pt, size range \\((\\|\\[\\)\\(" ^ dec_num ^ "\\) pt, \\(" ^ dec_num ^
     "\\) pt\\()\\|\\]\\), .*")) result 0) 
     Some (float_of_string (matched_group 1 result),
           float_of_string (matched_group 4 result),
           float_of_string (matched_group 6 result))


(* The primary datastructure that we use to construct all of the necessary output 
   familes          -- table of all the font families we have encountered
     shapes         -- each family has a table of shapes that it supports
       weights      -- each shape table has a table of weights it supports
         widths     -- each weight table has a table of widths it supports
          ranges    -- each width table has a list of optical ranges,
                       should not overlap.  
            impl    -- each range has an associated implementation with 
                       it, that is a pair of the file that we are using to 
                       get this particular instance and the options that 
                       we need to pass to otftotfm to generate it                    
(* Create one of size five, don't expect to run this on more than a couple families *)
let families = Hashtbl.create 5  

let allocate_family (fam : string) : unit = 
  (* Check to see if this family already exists *)
  if (not (Hashtbl.mem families fam)) then
    (* Create seven entries for shapes, as we don't recognize any more than six 
       at this point *)
    Hashtbl.add families fam (Hashtbl.create 7)

(* Allocate an entry in the font table *)
let allocate_entry (fam : string) 
                   (shp : shape) 
                   (wght : weight)
                   (wdth : width)
                   (rng : range)
                   (fn : string)
                   (opts : string list) =
  let shpTable = 
    (* Check to see if this family already exists *)
      Hashtbl.find families fam 
    (* If not, create it *)  
    with Not_found ->  
    (* Create seven entries for shapes, as we don't recognize any more than six 
       at this point *)
      let tbl = Hashtbl.create 7 in
        (Hashtbl.add families fam tbl; tbl) in
  let wghtTable =        
    (* Check to see if this table already exists *)
      Hashtbl.find shpTable shp 
    (* If not, create it *)  
    with Not_found ->  
    (* Create ten entries for weights, as we don't recognize any more than nine 
       at this point *)
      let tbl = Hashtbl.create 10 in
        (Hashtbl.add shpTable shp tbl; tbl) in
  let wdthTable =        
    (* Check to see if this table already exists *)
      Hashtbl.find wghtTable wght
    (* If not, create it *)  
    with Not_found ->  
    (* Create ten entries for widthd, as we don't recognize any more than nine 
       at this point *)
      let tbl = Hashtbl.create 10 in
        (Hashtbl.add wghtTable wght tbl; tbl) in
   let rngList = 
    (* Check to see if there is already a list of ranges *)
      Hashtbl.replace wdthTable wdth ((rng,(fn, opts))::(Hashtbl.find wdthTable wdth))
    (* If not, create it *)  
    with Not_found ->  
      Hashtbl.add wdthTable wdth [(rng, (fn, opts))] in


(* Check for a specified feature *)
let rec checkFeature (feat : feature) (feats : feature list) : bool = 
  (match feats with
   | [] -> false
   | hd::tl -> 
     if (hd = feat) then
       checkFeature feat tl)

(* Given the fonts features and the shape we inferred from the filename, 
   figure out what shapes it supports and the options necessary to generate them *)
let decideShapes (shpopt : shape option) (feats : feature list) : 
  (shape * string list) list =
  (* Look at what we decided from the filename *)
  (match shpopt with
    (* If it is upright we might also want to check for smallcaps *)
    | Some(UprightShape) ->
      if (checkFeature Fsmcp feats) then
        [(UprightShape, []); (SmallCapsShape, ["-fsmcp"])]
        [(UprightShape, [])]
    (* OpenType allows "other" shapes to also have smallcaps shapes, 
       but NFSS doesn't support mixing shapes like that at the moment, 
       so we will just ignore the smallcaps capabilities *)    
    | Some(shp) -> [(shp, [])]
    (* If we didn't get a shape from the filename, assume upright, and
       check for smallcaps *)
    | None -> 
      if (checkFeature Fsmcp feats) then
        [(UprightShape, []); (SmallCapsShape, ["-fsmcp"])]
        [(UprightShape, [])])
(* Decide the weight of a font, not very interesting because 
   we only rely upon what we guessed from the filename *)
(* FIX: Should also attempt to consult otfinfo *)   
let decideWeight (wghtopt : weight option) : weight =
  (match wghtopt with
   (* If we inferred a weight, use it *)
   | Some(wght) -> wght
   (* If we didn't assume that this is a medium weight font *)
   | None -> MediumWeight)

(* Decide the width of a font, not very interesting because 
   we only rely upon what we guessed from the filename *)
(* FIX: Should also attempt to consult otfinfo *)   
let decideWidth (wdthopt : width option) : width =
  (match wdthopt with
   (* If we inferred a weight, use it *)
   | Some(wdth) -> wdth
   (* If we didn't assume that this is a medium weight font *)
   | None -> MediumWidth)

(* See if we can determine an optical size *)
let decideSize (dsnopt : (float * float) option) 
               (feats : feature list) 
               (otfsize : (float * float * float) option) : range = 
  (* Does this font include an optical size feature? *)
  if (checkFeature Fsize feats) then
    (* Yes, use it *)
    (match otfsize with 
     | Some(_, s, e) -> Between (s, e)
     | None -> (error "Shouldn't be possible!")
    (* Turn this off for now, doesn't seem to really work well 
    (* Nope, try guessing based upon the name *)
    (match dsnopt with
     | Some (s, e) -> Between (s, e)
     | None -> All)

(* Table building inner loop *)
let build_table_inner (fn : string)
                      (family : string) 
                      (wghtopt : weight option)
                      (wdthopt : width option)
                      (dsnopt : (float * float) option) 
                      (shp : shape)  
                      (features : feature list)
                      (opts : string list) =                       
  let otfsize = parseOTFSize fn in
  (* Always add default ligatures, kerning, and terminal forms if they are available *)
  let opts = if (checkFeature Fliga features) then "-fliga"::opts else opts in
  let opts = if (checkFeature Fkern features) then "-fkern"::opts else opts in
  let opts = if (checkFeature Ffina features) then "-ffina"::"--boundary-char= "::opts else opts in
      (* Allocate entries in the table *)
      allocate_entry family 
                     (decideWeight wghtopt) 
                     (decideWidth wdthopt) 
                     (decideSize dsnopt features otfsize)

(* Fill in the appropriate entries in the family table for the given filename *)
let build_table (swash : bool) (orn : bool) (fn : string) = 
  let (family, wghtopt, wdthopt, shpopt, dsnopt) = parseFileName fn in
  let features = parseOTFFeatures fn in
      (* For each shape we have ... *)
       (fun _ (shp, opts) ->
         if swash then
           if ((checkFeature Fswsh features) && (checkFeature Fcswh features)) then
             let opts = "-fswsh"::"-fcswh"::opts in
               build_table_inner fn family wghtopt wdthopt dsnopt shp features opts
             (* No swashes, so don't do anything *)
         else if orn then
           if (checkFeature Fornm features) then
             let opts = "-fornm"::opts in
               build_table_inner fn family wghtopt wdthopt dsnopt shp features opts
             (* No ornaments, so don't do anything *)
           build_table_inner fn family wghtopt wdthopt dsnopt shp features opts)
       (decideShapes shpopt features)

(* Generate the "Texname" for a given font from the filename and options *)
let genTexname (fn : string) (enc : encoding) (opts : string list) = 
    let rec filteropts (opts : string list) : string list =
      (match opts with
       | []   -> []
       | h::t -> 
         if (string_match (regexp "-f.*") h 0) then h::(filteropts t) else (filteropts t))
    let fopts = filteropts opts in 
    let parts = Str.split (regexp "\\.") fn in
      (match parts with
       | [name; ext] -> if (ext = "otf") then
                          (encodingToString enc) ^ "-" ^ name ^ (String.concat "" fopts) 
                          error ("Filename \"" ^ fn ^ "\" does not appear to be an OpenType file")
       | _ -> error ("Error parsing filename \"" ^ fn ^ "\""))


(* Generate a list of NFSS font descriptor files *)
let genFdFile (enc : encoding) : (string * string) list = 
    (fun family shpTable files -> 
      (((encodingToString enc) ^ family ^ ".fd"), 
      "\\DeclareFontFamily{" ^ (encodingToString enc) ^ "}{" ^ family ^ "}{}\n" ^ 
        (fun shp wghtTable accum ->
            (fun wght wdthTable accum ->
                (fun wdth rngs accum ->
                  ("\\DeclareFontShape{" ^ (encodingToString enc) ^ 
                   "}{" ^ family ^ "}{" ^ (createSeries wght wdth) ^ 
                   "}{" ^ (shapeToString shp) ^ "}{" ^
                    (fun accum (rng, (fn, opts)) ->
                       accum ^ " " ^ (rangeToString rng) ^ " " ^ 
                       (genTexname fn enc opts) ^ " ")
                    (optRanges rngs)
                  ) ^ "}{ }\n" ^ accum)


type map_special = 
  | SlantFontSpecial of float 
  | ExtendFontSpecial of float

type std_psfont =
  | TimesRomanPS
  | TimesItalicPS
  | TimesBoldPS
  | TimesBoldItalicPS
  | HelveticaPS
  | HelveticaObliquePS
  | HelveticaBoldPS
  | HelveticaBoldObliquePS
  | CourierPS
  | CourierObliquePS
  | CourierBoldPS
  | CourierBoldObliquePS
  | SymbolPS

type map_embed =
  | PartialEmbed
  | FullEmbed
  | NoEmbed

(* tfmname, psbasename, fontflags, specials, encoding file *)
type map_entry = 
  | MapFile of string * 
               string option * 
        (*       map_fontflags option * FIX *)
               map_special list *
               string option *
               map_embed *
  | PSFile  of string *
               std_psfont *
       (*        map_fontflags option * FIX *)
               map_special list *
               string option


(* Generate a list of map files by running otftotfm*)
let genMapFile () : (string * string) list = 
    (fun family shpTable files ->
      ((family ^ ".map"), 
        (fun shp wghtTable accum ->
             (fun wght wdthTable accum ->
                (fun wdth rngs accum ->
                    (fun accum (rng, (fn, opts)) ->
                       let tname = genTexname fn (!encoding) opts in
                       (match (!encodingFile) with 
                         | Some(file) ->
                           let mapline = 
                             system "otftotfm" (("-e"::file::fn::opts)@[tname]) in
                           accum ^ mapline
                         | None -> error "should be impossible!")  
                  ) ^ accum


(* Print the usage information for the program *)
let usage () : 'a = 
  print_string ("Usage: " ^ (!program_name) ^ "\n" ^
                "          [--help]\n" ^ 
                "          [--verbose]\n" ^ 
                "          [--swash]\n" ^ 
                "          [--ornaments]\n" ^ 
                "          [--enc=ENCODING]\n" ^ 
                "          [--encFile=FILE]\n" ^ 
                "          files ...\n\n" ^ 
                "Construct NFSS font descriptor files and PostScript map files\n" ^ 
                "for the specified OpenType fonts.\n\n" ^ 
                "    -h, --help        print this message\n" ^ 
                "     --verbose        print more information about what is happening\n" ^ 
                "     --swash          generate a swashy version (experimental)\n" ^ 
                "     --ornaments      generate ornaments (experimental)\n" ^ 
                "     --enc=ENCODING   set the encoding type (default T1) \n" ^ 
                "     --encFile=FILE   set the encoding definition (default cork)\n\n" ^ 
                "Version $Id: otftofd 7 2005-09-10 21:25:47Z geoffw $\n" ^ 
                "Report bugs to <washburn@acm.org>.\n")

let rec parseArgs (args : string list) : string list =
  (match args with
   | []               -> []
   | "--h"::t         -> (showUsage := true); parseArgs t
   | "--verbose"::t   -> (verbose := true); parseArgs t
   | "--help"::t      -> (showUsage := true); parseArgs t
   | "--swash"::t     -> (swashVersion := true); parseArgs t
   | "--ornaments"::t  -> (ornamentVersion := true); parseArgs t
   | (h::t)            
     (string_match (regexp "--enc=\\(.*\\)") h 0) -> 
      (encoding :=  parseEncoding (matched_group 1 h)); 
      parseArgs t
   | (h::t)            
     (string_match (regexp "--encfile=\\(.*\\)") h 0) -> 
      (encodingFile := Some (matched_group 1 h)); 
      parseArgs t
   | h::t            -> h :: (parseArgs t))


(* Should convert to basename *)
let _ = (program_name := basename (hd (command_line ())))

let options = (tl (command_line ()))

let _ = map (fun prog -> if not (prog_exists_path prog) then
             error ("Could not find the program " ^ prog ^ " in your path!"))
        ["otfinfo"; "otftotfm"]     


(* Do the work *)
let filtered_args = (parseArgs options) in
  let _ = (match (!encodingFile) with
           | None -> (encodingFile := Some (encodingToFile (!encoding)))
           | _    -> ()) in
  if ((length filtered_args) > 0) && not (!showUsage) then
    ignore (map (build_table (!swashVersion) 
    ignore (map 
        (fun (fn, contents) -> 
           let _ = if (!verbose) then 
              print_string ((!program_name) ^ ": creating " ^ fn ^ "\n")
             let channel = open_out fn in
             let _ = output_string channel contents in
               close_out channel)
          (genFdFile (!encoding)));
    ignore (map
        (fun (fn, contents) -> 
           let _ = if (!verbose) then 
              print_string ((!program_name) ^ ": creating " ^ fn ^ "\n")
             let channel = open_out fn in
             let _ = output_string channel contents in
               close_out channel)
        (genMapFile ()))
   usage ()