Q<,.M[jz` ~?w3*7Z5Z =\9"wZen,& : nX!c!+#4#8##3##$ "$0$%/$%3T%%%%!%c%kA'''Ir((@C)s))x** ** **5*++3+1,:,,,---,x...v/?|////N/ 0 50nB0$000~0m1*222 2 3g33+33h32474F4K4 N5Y55b66&8+9kG:;;W; %< /< :< D<bQ<<]<(=F?===;>$M>"r>>!>>?&??@@0 @U;@k@ABTBqBUBpBUXCC`UD0D D?D<1EnE7EjE&FDFbFYFF F FF GG9GG G:G"H;HQH(I3@I(tI'IIqIPPPPQxRwSSS S'SS!T &TGT^TjtTbTBUl VyVVVVVV*VW) W5WbKW[W X7XrMXMX8YGYZ/Z[\+]]p^^e}__ ``*`/`.a3Ha|aaaaaAKc"c\c dddfd\ejle?eDf\flf'g<.gZkg*gg:hX.ii{jFk\k+llqsm(mnE$nojoLo 'q4q|8qq1q q r r)rs-s:DsssssUsW%u}uuK`v~v9+whewkw:x Mx Zxgx nx{x7xxx2y0yyzzp{w{~{$|5|K| |E}M}T}[}Kb}}}g}?~_~ d~q~~Um Z ! o*ɂNP8>ROW Tʈ & 0 =]JTI)s=!P!r!Ջ3Č  9WJPOc>{Q: Gf$Q v*8(d$dؒ= D Q^ mqw<& -B:}Q1d!$ݕrWgzypws\6`"$ >I kx -:PafQȟ\?HW ^h%-ա'ܡ\_u բ-l9}-.>j7>wŨ=Mĩ#ߪ33()\) ī˫hQ\r7ym$'3t2"s9<x ON {R?YgpXSi8(zo,M:vH *jf^C_bE/k`1a=c[KD!T#P )n.V >BZW|e6u 0J}5-IA%4@wq;lFG~&U]d+L Make sure they appear before any existing WordPress rules. %1$s is Digg proof thanks to caching by %2$s%1$s is maintained and developed by %2$s with contributions from many others.%1$s really makes your blog go faster. Make it go faster* by buying me an Amazon gift card! Make it out to "%3$s" for whatever amount you want. Every penny helps!%s Cached Pages%s Expired Pages%s is writable. Please make it readonly after your page is generated as this is a security risk.%s removed!%s.htaccess has been updated with the necessary mod_rewrite rules. Please verify they are correct. They should look like this:%s/advanced-cache.php does not exist or cannot be updated.(1 = less, 5 = more, may cause severe server load.)(Experimental)(Only half-on caching supported, disabled compression and requires Bad Behavior in "%s/plugins/bad-behavior/") (may not always be accurate on busy sites)(only log requests from this IP address. Your IP is %s)(requires friendsadverts.php too) 1. If it already exists please delete the file first.2. Make %1$s writable using the chmod command through your ftp or server software. (chmod 777 %1$s) and refresh this page. This is only a temporary measure and you’ll have to make it read only afterwards again. (Change 777 to 755 in the previous command)3. Refresh this page to update %s/advanced-cache.phpNo Adverts for Friends plugin is %s.

WP_CACHE constant added to wp-config.php

If you continue to see this warning message please see point 5 of the FAQ. The WP_CACHE line must be moved up.

  • 1. Open %1$s$wp_cache_file in a text editor.
  • 2. Change the text CACHEHOME to %2$s
  • 3. Save the file and copy it to %3$s and refresh this page.
  • Error: WP_CACHE is not enabled in your wp-config.php file and I couldn’t modify it.Garbage Collection
    Last GC was %s minutes ago
    Warning! You attempted to enable compression but zlib.output_compression is enabled. See #21 in the Troubleshooting section of the readme file.A custom url or permalink structure is required for this plugin to work correctly. Please go to the Permalinks Options Page to configure your permalinks.A simple way of doing that is by changing the permissions temporarily using the CHMOD command or through your ftp client. Make sure it’s globally writeable and it should be fine.Accepted Filenames & Rejected URIsAdd direct page:Add here strings (not a filename) that forces a page not to be cached. For example, if your URLs include year and you dont want to cache last year posts, it’s enough to specify the year, i.e. ’/2004/’. WP-Cache will search if that string is part of the URI and if so, it will not cache that page.Add here those filenames that can be cached, even if they match one of the rejected substring specified above.Add the rules yourself. Edit %s.htaccess and find the block of code enclosed by the lines # BEGIN WPSuperCache and # END WPSuperCache. There are two sections that look very similar. Just below the line %{HTTP:Cookie} !^.*(comment_author_|wordpress|wp-postpass_).*$ add this line: (do it twice, once for each section)AdvancedAgeAlternatively, you can edit your %s.htaccess file manually and add the following code (before any WordPress rules):ArchivesBad Behaviour not found. Please check your install.Bad Behaviour support is %s.Cache ContentsCache PluginsCache rebuild. Serve a supercache file to anonymous users while a new file is being generated. Recommended for very busy websites with lots of comments. Makes "directly cached pages" and "Lockdown mode" obsolete.Cached %s seconds agoCached pages since %1$s : %2$sCannot continue... fix previous problems and retry.Cannot update .htaccessCategoryChange ExpirationCheck front page every 5 minutes.Checking for and deleting expired files is expensive, but it’s expensive leaving them there too. On a very busy site you should set the expiry time to 300 seconds. Experiment with different values and visit this page to see how many expired files remain at different times during the day. Aim to have less than 500 cached files if possible.Clear all cache files when a post or page is published. (This may significantly slow down saving of posts.)Clear cache on error.Coarse file locking. You probably don’t need this but it may help if your server is underpowered. Warning! May cause your server to lock up in very rare cases!Comment moderation is enabled. Your comment may take some time to appear.Compression is disabled by default because some hosts have problems with compressed files. Switching this on and off clears the cache.Compression is enabled by default when in HALF ON mode.Configuration file changed, some values might be wrong. Load the page again from the "Settings" menu to reset them.Configuration file missing and %1$s directory (%2$s) is not writable by the Web server.Check its permissions.Currently logging to: Debug SettingsDebuggingDeleteDelete CacheDelete ExpiredDelete Super Cache cached files (opens in new window)Delete cached fileDelete the plugin mod_rewrite rules in %s.htaccess enclosed by # BEGIN WPSuperCache and # END WPSuperCache and let the plugin regenerate them by reloading this page.Deleting supercache file: %s
    Deleting wp-cache file: %s
    Developers: Make your plugin lock down compatible by checking the "WPLOCKDOWN" constant. The following code will make sure your plugin respects the WPLOCKDOWN setting.Directly Cached FilesDirectly cached files are files created directly off %s where your blog lives. This feature is only useful if you are expecting a major Digg or Slashdot level of traffic to one post or page.DisableDisabledDo not cache the following page types. See the Conditional Tags documentation for a complete discussion on each type.Don’t cache pages for logged in users.Don’t show me this again.Edit %s and add the following line:
    define('WP_CACHE', true);
    Otherwise, WP-Cache will not be executed by WordPress core. EmailEmail the blog admin when checks are made. (useful for testing)EnableEnabledErrorError: GZIP compression is enabled, disable it if you want to enable wp-cache.Existing direct pageExpire time:Expired files are files older than %s seconds. They are still used by the plugin and are deleted periodically.Expiry Time & Garbage CollectionFeedsFix ConfigurationFix problems with the plugin by debugging it here. It can send you debug emails or log them to a file in your cache directory.For best performance you should enable "Mobile device support" or delete the mobile rewrite rules in your .htaccess. Look for the 2 lines with the text "2.0\ MMP|240x320" and delete those.For example: to cache %1$sabout/, you would enter %1$sabout/ or /about/. The cached file will be generated the next time an anonymous user visits that page.Fresh Super Cached FilesFresh WP-Cached FilesFront PageFront page textGZIP compression is enabled in WordPress, wp-cache will be bypassed until you disable gzip compression.Garbage CollectionGzip encoding rules in %s.htaccess created.HALF ONHe blogs at %1$s, posts photos at %2$s and wishes he had more time to read and relax.HideHide file listHomeI’m 99% certain that they aren’t bugs in WP Super Cache and they only happen in very rare cases but you can run a simple check once every 5 minutes to verify that your site is ok if you’re worried. You will be emailed if there is a problem.IP AddressIf Amazon isn’t your thing, there’s also PayPal. Click the "Donate" button below or take a quick peek at my wishlist.If expiry time is more than 1800 seconds (half an hour), garbage collection will be done every 10 minutes, otherwise it will happen 10 seconds after the expiry time above.If that doesn’t work, make sure the file %s/advanced-cache.php doesn’t exist:If uninstalling this plugin, make sure the directory %s is writeable by the webserver so the files advanced-cache.php and cache-config.php can be deleted automatically. (Making sure those files are writeable too is probably a good idea!)In very rare cases two problems may arise on some blogs:
    1. The front page may start downloading as a zip file.
    2. The wrong page is occasionally cached as the front page if your blog uses a static front page and the permalink structure is /%category%/%postname%/.
    It appears that mod_rewrite is not installed. Sometimes this check isn’t 100% reliable, especially if you are not using Apache. Please verify that the mod_rewrite module is loaded. It is required for serving Super Cache static files. You will still be able to use half-on mode.It looks like your blog has URLs that end with a "/". Unfortunately since you installed this plugin a duplicate content bug has been found where URLs not ending in a "/" end serve the same content as those with the "/" and do not redirect to the proper URL. To fix, you must edit your .htaccess file and add these two rules to the two groups of Super Cache rules:KeyList all cached filesList the newest cached pages (may be expensive to run on busy sites, use with caution.)Lock DownLock Down:Log levelLogging TypeLogging to a file is easier but faces the problem that clearing the cache will clear the log file.Make WordPress FasterMake the textbox blank to remove it from the list of direct pages and delete the cached file.Missing Apache ModulesMobile device support using WordPress Mobile Edition.Mobile rewrite rules detectedMobile support requires extra rules in your .htaccess file, or you can set the plugin to half-on mode. Here are your options (in order of difficulty):Mod Rewrite RulesMod Rewrite rules cannot be updated!Mod Rewrite rules must be updated!Mod Rewrite rules updated!Mod rewrite may not be installed!Need help? Check the Super Cache readme file. It includes installation documentation, a FAQ and Troubleshooting tips. The support forum is also available. Your question may already have been answered.Newest Cached Pages:Next GC in %s minutesNote:OFFONObject cache in use. No cache listing available.Ok, it won’t go any faster but you’ll make this plugin author very happy!PHP is compressing the data sent to the visitors of your site. Disabling this is recommended as the plugin caches the compressed output once instead of compressing the same page over and over again. Also see #21 in the Troubleshooting section. See this page for instructions on modifying your php.ini.PagesPermlink Structure ErrorPlease create %s /wp-cache-config.php from wp-super-cache/wp-cache-config-sample.phpPlease say hi to him on %s too!Please see entry 16 in the Troubleshooting section of the readme.txtPlease visit %1$s to clear the cache as the front page of your site is not correct and missing the text, "%2$s"!Please visit %s to clear the cache as the front page of your site is now downloading!Prepare your server for an expected spike in traffic by enabling the lock down. When this is enabled, new comments on a post will not refresh the cached static files.Proudly tell the world your server is Digg proof! (places a message in your blog’s footer)Read Only Mode. Configuration cannot be changed.Readonly:Refresh this page when the file permissions have been modified.Refresh this page when you have updated your .htaccess file.Rejected User AgentsRequired to serve compressed supercache files properly.Required to set caching information on supercache pages. IE7 users will see old pages without this module.Restore Default ConfigurationRewrite rules must be updatedRules must be added to %s too:Sample WP-Cache config file (%s) does not exist.Verify you installation.SaveSave FilesSave StringsSave UA StringsSearch PagesSet the expiry date on supercached pages. Visitors may not see new pages when they refresh or leave comments without this module.Set the plugin to half on mode and enable mobile support.SettingsSingle PostsSorry. My blog is locked down. Updates will appear shortlyStale Super Cached FilesStale WP-Cached FilesStrings in the HTTP ’User Agent’ header that prevent WP-Cache from caching bot, spiders, and crawlers’ requests. Note that super cached files are still sent to these agents if they already exists.Super Cache CompressionSuper Cache Disabled, only legacy WP-Cache caching.Super Cache compression is now disabled.Super Cache compression is now enabled.TagsText to search for on your front page. If this text is missing the cache will be cleared. Leave blank to disable.Thank you for upgrading.Thanks in advance!The WP Super Cache configuration file is %s/wp-cache-config.php and cannot be modified. That file must be writeable by the webserver to make any changes.The cache on your blog has been cleared because the front page of your site is missing the text "%2$s". Please visit %1$s to verify the cache has been cleared.The cache on your blog has been cleared because the front page of your site is now downloading. Please visit %s to verify the cache has been cleared.The file %s.htaccess cannot be modified by the web server. Please correct this using the chmod command or your ftp client.The following Apache modules are missing. The plugin will work in half-on mode without them. In full Supercache mode, your visitors may see corrupted pages or out of date content however.The mod_rewrite rules changed since you last installed this plugin. Unfortunately you must remove the old supercache rules before the new ones are updated. Refresh this page when you have edited your .htaccess file. If you wish to manually upgrade, change the following line: %1$s so it looks like this: %2$s The only changes are "HTTP_COOKIE" becomes "HTTP:Cookie" and "wordpressuser" becomes "wordpress". This is a WordPress 2.5 change but it’s backwards compatible with older versions if you’re brave enough to use them.The rewrite rules required by this plugin have changed or are missing. This will have no affect on ordinary users but mobile users will see uncached pages.To serve static html files your server must have the correct mod_rewrite rules added to a file called %s.htaccessTrailing slash check required.URIUnfortunately WordPress cannot find the file wp-cron.php. This script is required for the the correct operation of garbage collection by this plugin, WordPress scheduled posts as well as other critical activities.Unfortunately the rewrite rules cannot be updated automatically when running WordPress MU. Please open your .htaccess and add the following mod_rewrite rules above any other rules in that file.Uninstall using the uninstall script to remove files and directories created by the plugin. (Please see readme.txt for instructions on uninstalling this script.)Update CompressionUpdate Direct PagesUpdate Mod_Rewrite RulesUpdate StatusUse object cache to store cached files.View Mod_Rewrite RulesWP Cache and Super Cache disabledWP Cache and Super Cache enabledWP Super Cache ManagerWP Super Cache StatusWP Super Cache has checked the front page of your blog. Please visit %s if you would like to disable this.WP Super Cache is disabled. Please go to the plugin admin page to enable caching.WP Super Cache mod rewrite rules were detected in your %s.htaccess file.
    Click the following link to see the lines added to that file. If you have upgraded the plugin make sure these rules match.WP Super Cache must be configured. Go to the admin page to enable and configure the plugin.WP-CacheWP-Super-CacheWarningWarning!Warning! %s is writeable!Warning! PHP Safe Mode Enabled!Warning! Your hostname "%s" resolves to %sWhyWhy your configuration may not be changedWordPress MU DetectedWordPress is locked down. Super Cache static files will not be deleted when new comments are made.WordPress is not locked down. New comments will refresh Super Cache static files as normal.Writeable:You can edit the file yourself add the following rules.You can see where the rules go and examine the complete rules by clicking the "View mod_rewrite rules" link below.You may experience problems running this plugin because SAFE MODE is enabled.You must edit the file yourself add the following rules.You must have BEGIN and END markers in %s.htaccess for the auto update to work. They look like this and surround the main WordPress mod_rewrite rules:You must make %s writable to enable this feature. As this is a security risk please make it readonly after your page is generated.You or an administrator may be able to make it work by changing the group owner of the plugin scripts to match that of the web server user. The group owner of the %s/cache/ directory must also be changed. See the safe mode manual page for further details.You or an administrator must disable this. See the safe mode manual page for further details. This cannot be disabled in a .htaccess file unfortunately. It must be done in the php.ini config file.You should change the permissions on %s and make it more restrictive. Use your ftp client, or the following command to fix things:Your %s.htaccess is not writable by the webserver and must be updated with the necessary mod_rewrite rules. The new rules go above the regular WordPress rules as shown in the code below:Your WP-Cache config file (%s) is out of date and not writable by the Web server.Please delete it and refresh this page.Your cache directory ($cache_path) did not exist and couldn’t be created by the web server. Check %s permissions.Your cache directory (%1$s) or %2$s need to be writable for this plugin to work. Double-check it.Your server is set up to check the owner of PHP scripts before allowing them to read and write files.Your server thinks your hostname resolves to %s. Some services such as garbage collection by this plugin, and WordPress scheduled posts may not operate correctly.Zlib Output Compression Enabled![%s] Front page check![%s] Front page is gzipped! Cache Cleared![%s] Front page is gzipped! Please clear cache![%s] Front page is not correct! Cache Cleared![%s] Front page is not correct! Please clear cache!disabledenabledfilesecondsProject-Id-Version: WP Super Cache Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: http://wordpress.org/tag/wp-super-cache POT-Creation-Date: 2010-02-08 14:22+0000 PO-Revision-Date: Last-Translator: tomchen1989 Language-Team: tomchen1989 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit X-Poedit-Language: Chinese X-Poedit-Country: CHINA X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8 确认它们出现在任何已存在的 WordPress 规则之前。%1$s 使用的缓存程序为 %2$s%1$s 的开发者是 %2$s ,来自各方的捐赠使得插件得以维持和继续开发。%1$s 真的让您的博客更快。*通过购买 Amazon Gift Card 并把它捐赠给 "%3$s",让您的博客变得更快!那怕只是一分钱的帮助!%s 个页面已缓存%s 个页面已过期%s 可写入。由于这牵涉到一个安全风险,请在您的网页产生后把它设为只读。%s 已移除!%s.htaccess 已更新必要的 mod_rewrite 规则。请确保它们是正确的。它们应该像这样:%s/advanced-cache.php 文件不存在或是无法更新。(1 = 低,5 = 更多,可能会导致严重的服务器负载)(测试版)(只支持半启用缓存,停用压缩,Bad Behavior 路径必须为 "%s/plugins/bad-behavior/")(在忙碌的网站上未必准确)(仅记录来自此IP地址的请求。您的 IP 是 %s)(必须有 friendsadverts.php)1. 如果它已经存在,请先删除。2. 请使用您的FTP程序或服务器软件,以chmod指令使%1$s可写入。(chmod 777 %1$s),并刷新此页面。这只是暂时这样做,您之后需在把它更改为只读。(使用前面的指令将权限从 777 更改为 755)3. 刷新此页面以更新 %s/advanced-cache.phpNo Adverts for Friends 插件 %s

    WP_CACHE 不断被新增到 wp-config.php

    如果您一直都能看到这条警告讯息,请参阅 FAQ 第五条。源代码中 WP_CACHE 所在行必须前移。

  • 1. 以文字编辑器开启 %1$s$wp_cache_file
  • 2. 将 CACHEHOME 更改为 %2$s
  • 3. 保存文件并复制为 %3$s,然后刷新此页面。
  • 错误:在您的 wp-config.php 文件里 WP_CACHE 是停用状态,且无法修改。垃圾收集
    上次垃圾收集于 %s 分钟前
    警告! 您尝试启用压缩,但是 zlib.output_compression 已启用。参见 readme 文件的 #21 疑难详解部分。插件需要一个自定义的URL或固定链接结构方可运行正确。请至 固定链接设置页 来设置您的固定链接。最简单的方式是使用CHMOD指令或通过FTP程序来更改权限。请确保它们正确并可以写入。接受的文件名称 & 拒绝的URI新增直接页面:在下方输入框内新增字串(不是文件名称),控制页面是否被缓存。例如,如果您的URL中包含年份,且您不想缓存去年的文章,那么就指定年份,例如 ’/2004/’ 。WP-Cache 将会搜索这个字串是否包含在URL之中,如果是的话则不缓存这个页面。这里是可以被缓存的文件名,即使它们与上方设置的拒绝字串相符时也仍将被缓存。自行加入规则。编辑 %s.htaccess 并找到 # BEGIN WPSuperCache and # END WPSuperCache 源代码区段。这两部分看起来非常相似。只要在 %{HTTP:Cookie} !^.*(comment_author_|wordpress|wp-postpass_).*$ 下方新增这一行(这动作要做两次,一个区段一次):高级选项年或者,您可以手动编辑 %s.htaccess 文件并加入以下源代码(在任何 WordPress 规则前):存档找不到 Bad Behaviour. 请检查您的安装。Bad Behaviour 插件支持为 %s缓存内容缓存插件缓存重建。当一个新文件正在产生时传送 suprecache 文件给未登录用户。推荐评论非常多或非常繁忙的网站使用。这个选项会让"直接缓存网页"和"锁定模式"失效。%s 秒前缓存缓存页面自 %1$s :%2$s无法继续… 请先解决前面的问题然后重试。无法更新 .htaccess分类更改过期时限每五分钟检查一次首页检查和删除过期文件代价高昂,但把这些文件留在那里一样不是个好办法。在非常忙碌的网站,您应该将过期时限设置为 300 秒。尝试使用不同的数值,并注意这些页面一天里在不同时段产生多少过期文件,如果可能的话尽量不让缓存文件数多于500个。当有文章或页面发布时清除所有缓存。(可能会加重博客的负担)清除缓存时发生错误。粗略文件锁定。估计您不会用到这个功能,但如果您的服务器效能较差,开启后可能会有所帮助。警告!可能在少数情况下锁死您的服务器!评论审核已启用。您的评论可能需要一些时间才会显示。压缩默认为停用,因为某些主机在压缩文件时可能发生问题。启用或停用这项功能会清除缓存。在半启用模式下,压缩默认为启用。设置文件已更改。某些数值可能错误。再次从"设置"选单读取页面后重设它们。设置文件遗失,%1$s 目录(%2$s)也无法被服务器写入。请检查权限。当前记录到:Debug 设置正在 Debug删除删除缓存删除过期文件删除 Super Cache 缓存文件(在新视窗打开)删除缓存文件从 %s.htaccess 内删除 # BEGIN WPSuperCache and # END WPSuperCache 源代码区段的 mod_rewrite 规则,重新加载页面让插件可以再次产生它们。删除supercache文件:%s
    开发者:通过检查"WPLOCKDOWN",让您的插件与锁定功能相容。下面的源代码将确保您的插件遵守WPLOCKDOWN设置。直接缓存文件直接缓存文件是从您的博客目录 %s 直接产生的文件。这项功能仅当您预测到将会有从像 Digg 或 Slashdot 等的热门站点给某篇文章或页面带来大量流量时才有用。停用停用不缓存以下页面类型。查看附加标签文件对每个类型的完整讨论。不为已登录用户缓存页面。不再显示此提示编辑 %s 并加入以下源代码:
    define('WP_CACHE', true);
    否则,WP-Cache 将无法被 WordPress 核心执行。电子邮件当检查时发送电子邮件给网站管理员。(仅供测试)启用启用错误错误:GZIP压缩已启用,如果您想启用wp-cache,请停用它。已存在的直接页面过期时限:过期文件指存在超过 %s 秒钟的文件。它们仍然会被插件使用但是会定期删除。过期时限 & 垃圾收集Feed修复设置在这里使用插件Debug模式解决问题。它可以发送给您Debug电子邮件或在您的缓存目录内产生的日志文件。为了获得最好的效能,您应该启用"移动设备支持",或从您的 .htaccess 删除移动设备重写规则。找到包含 "2.0\ MMP|240x320" 的两行代码并将它们删除。举例来说:缓存 %1$sabout/,您应输入 %1$sabout/ 或 /about/ 。缓存文件将在下一个未登录用户访问该页面时产生。新 Super Cached 文件新 WP-Cached 文件首页首页文字在 WordPress 上GZIP压缩已启用,wp-cache将被绕过,除非您停用gzip压缩。垃圾收集%s.htaccess上Gzip规则建立。半启用开发者的博客为%1$s,相册在%2$s,希望他有更多的时间来放松及阅读。隐藏隐藏文件清单主页我99%地肯定,它们不是 WP Super Cache 的错误。它只会发生在极少数的情况下,但如果您担心的话,您可以每5分钟进行一次简单的检查,以确保您的网站是正常的。如果有问题,您将会收到电子邮件。IP地址如果您不使用 Amazon,也可以用 PayPal。点击下方的"捐赠"按钮或是瞟一眼我的愿望清单。如果过期时限大于1800秒(半个小时),垃圾回收会每10分钟进行一次,否则就会在默认到期时间的10秒后进行清理。如果无法工作,请确认 %s/advanced-cache.php 文件不存在:如果卸载这个插件,请确认目录 %s 可以被服务器写入,advanced-cache.phpcache-config.php 文件会自动删除。(确认这些文件也可写入,这样也不错)在极少数的博客上可能会出现两个问题:
    1. 在首页可能会以一个 zip 文件开始下载。
    2. 如果您的博客使用一个静态的首页,或以 /%category%/%postname%/ 作为固定链接架构的话,那么错误的页面有时候会变成首页的缓存画面。
    看来 mod_rewrite 没有安装。有时候这种检查并非 100% 可信,特别是当您不是使用 Apache 时。请重新检查 mod_rewrite 模组已经加载。执行 Super Cache 静态文件时必须要有它。但您仍然可以使用半启用模式。看起来您的博客URLs以"/"结束。不幸地在您安装这个插件后,在URLs不是以"/"结束的页面,发现了一个重复内容的bug,也就是相同的内容却不是被指向正确的URL。您必须修改您的 .htaccess 文件以修复这个问题,在两个 Super Cache 规则区段内新增下面两个规则:关键字列出所有缓存文件列出最新缓存页面(可能会使忙碌的网站更加繁忙,谨慎使用)锁定锁定:记录等级记录种类记录日志的话更容易些,但问题是:清除缓存将会同时清除日志文件。让 WordPress 更快速清空输入框,就能将它从直接页面清单中移除并删除缓存文件。Apache 模块遗失使用 WordPress Mobile Edition 来支持移动设备。移动设备重写规则检测移动设备支持必须在您的 .htaccess 文件里新增额外规则,或是您可以将插件设置为半启用模式。这是您的选择(根据个人需求):Mod Rewrite 规则Mod Rewrite 规则无法更新!Mod Rewrite 规则必须更新!Mod Rewrite 规则已更新!Mod rewrite 可能没有安装!需要帮助?请查看 Super Cache readme 文件。里面包含有安装文档、FAQ和疑难详解。您也可上 技术支持论坛 求助。我们会解答您的问题。最新的缓存页面:下次垃圾收集于 %s 分钟后备注:关闭启动正在使用缓存对象。无法列出缓存的页面。好吧,它没有让我的博客变快,但是您让插件的作者感到很高兴!PHP 正在压缩发送给您网站访客的数据。建议停用此功能,因为插件会压缩一遍页面,而不是一遍又一遍压缩相同的页面。同样参见 readme 文件的 #21 疑难详解部分。参见 此页面 了解如何修改您的 php.ini 文件。页面固定链接结构错误请以 wp-super-cache/wp-cache-config-sample.php 建立 %s /wp-cache-config.php在%s上向我问好!请参阅readme.txt第16项疑难详解部分请前往 %1$s 清除缓存,博客的首页不正确,遗失文字,"%2$s"!请前往 %s 清除缓存,网站的首页正在下载!如果您预测会有流量高峰到来时,可以启用锁定功能。当这个功能启用时,在文章里发布新评论将不会更新静态缓存文件。自豪地告诉全世界您的服务器已使用缓存!(在您的博客底部放置一段文字)只读模式。设置无法更改。只读:在权限修改后请刷新这个页面。当您已更新您的 .htaccess 文件后刷新此页。被拒绝的User Agent需要正确的supercache压缩文件。需要在supercache页面设置缓存讯息。IE7用户将会看到没有这个模块的旧页面。还原到默认选项Rewrite 规则必须更新规则也必须新增到%s:WP-Cache 设置文件范例(%s)不存在。请确认您的安装是否正确。保存保存文件保存字串保存UA字串搜索页设置supercached缓存过期时限。没有这个模块,访客在刷新或留言时可能看不到新页面。将插件设为半启用模式并开启移动设备支持。设置单篇文章抱歉。我的博客已经锁定。将会在短时间后更新。旧 Super Cached 文件旧 WP-Cached 文件HTTP User Agent;防止缓存机器人、蜘蛛或抓取器对于 WP-Cache 的请求。请注意,如果缓存文件已经存在,仍然会发送给这些代理。Super Cache 压缩停用 Super Cache,只保留 WP-Cache 缓存。Super Cache 压缩目前停用。Super Cache 压缩目前已启用。标签在您的首页里要搜索的文字。如果缺少这些文字,缓存将被清除。留空将停用此功能。感谢升级。由衷感谢您!WP Super Cache 设置文件 %s/wp-cache-config.php 无法修改。该文件必须可以从服务器端进行写入。您的博客已被清除缓存,因为您的博客首页缺少文字 "%2$s"。请前往 %1$s 确认缓存已被清除。您的博客缓存已被清除。因为您的博客首页正在下载,请前往 %s 确认缓存已被清除。%s.htaccess 文件无法被网页服务器更新。请使用 chmod 指令或通过 FTP 程序修正。下方的Apache模块遗失。没有它们插件将在半启用模式下工作。若在完整的Supercache模式,您的访客可能会看到损坏的网页或是过时的内容。从您上次安装此插件,mod_rewrite 规则已经更改。在新的supercache规则更新前,您必须先删除旧的supercache规则。在您修改您的 .htaccess 文件后刷新此页。如果您希望手动更新,更改以下几行:%1$s 使它看起来像这样:%2$s ,唯一改变的地方是 "HTTP_COOKIE" 变成 "HTTP:Cookie" 以及 "wordpressuser" 变成 "wordpress"。这是 WordPress 2.5 的改变,但如果您敢使用,它与旧版本相容。插件需要的 rewrite 规则被改动或已遗失。不会对一般用户造成任何影响,但移动设备用户将会看到未缓存的页面。为了使用静态的HTML文件,您的服务器上必须有正确的mod_rewrite规则,新增到一个名为 %s.htaccess 的文件。尾端斜线的检查是必须的。URI 网址很抱歉,WordPress 找不到 wp-cron.php 文件。插件必须要有这个程序才能正确执行垃圾回收、定时发布文章及其他重要活动。抱歉,当执行 WordPress MU 时重写规则无法自动更新。请开启您的 .htaccess,并在上述文件中任何位置加入下方的 mod_rewrite 规则。使用卸载程序来移除插件所建立的文件和文件夹。(请参考 readme.txt 以了解如何卸载此插件。)更新压缩更新直接页面更新 Mod_Rewrite 规则更新状态使用缓存对象来储存缓存的文件。查看 Mod_Rewrite 规则停用 WP Cache 与 Super Cache启用 WP Cache 与 Super CacheWP Super Cache 管理WP Super Cache 状态WP Super Cache 已检查过您博客的首页。如果您想停用这项功能,请前往 %s 。WP Super Cache 停用。请前往 插件管理页启用缓存。在您的%s.htaccess文件中已经检测到WP Super Cache重写规则。
    点选以下链接,查看新增到该文件的内容。如果您已经升级插件,请确保与这些规则相同。WP Super Cache 必须设置。请前往管理后台启用和设置插件。WP-CacheWP-Super-Cache警告警告!警告!%s 可写入!警告!PHP 安全模式已启用!警告!您的主机名称 "%s" 解析到 %s原因为什么您的设置可能不会更改WordPress MU 检测WordPress 已锁定。新的评论产生时将不会删除 Super Cache 静态缓存文件。WordPress 未锁定。新的评论产生时将会正常更新 Super Cache 静态缓存文件。可写入:您可以自行编辑并新增以下规则。您可以看到规则去向,通过点选下方的"查看 mod_rewrite 规则"链接来看到完整的规则在安全模式下,您的插件可能会遇到错误。您必须自行编辑并新增以下规则。要让它自动工作,您必须在 %s.htaccess 上有 BEGINEND 标记,它们看起来像这样,围绕 WordPress 的 mod_rewrite 规则:启用这项功能前必须确认 %s 是可写入状态。由于这牵涉到一个安全风险,请在您的网页产生后把它设为只读。您或网站管理员可以通过更改插件程序群组的所有者使其与服务器用户一致,进而让其工作。%s/cache/ 目录的所有者也必须更改。查看安全模式使用手册以取得更多说明。您或网站管理员必须先停用此项目。查看安全模式使用手册以取得更多说明。很抱歉,这无法在 .htaccess 文件里停用。它必须在 php.ini 设置文件中完成。您应该更改 %s 权限使其更加严密。使用您的FTP程序,或是按照以下指令来解决:您的%s.htaccess无法由服务器写入,必须更新 mod_rewrite 规则。新的规则必须在 WordPress 规则之上,如下面的源代码所示:您的 WP-Cache 设置文件(%s)已经过期,且无法由服务器端写入,请删除它并刷新此页面。您的缓存目录($cache_path)不存在,且无法从服务器端建立。请检查 %s 权限。您的缓存目录(%1$s)或 %2$s 必须使插件可写入才能正常工作。请重新检查。您的服务器设置为先检查 PHP 程序拥有者才可以存取文件。您的服务器认为您的主机名称解析到 %s. WP Super Cache 插件的某些服务,例如垃圾回收、WordPress 定时发布文章可能无法正常执行。Zlib 输出压缩功能已启用![%s] 首页检查![%s] 首页已使用gzip压缩!缓存已清除![%s] 首页已使用gzip压缩!请清除缓存![%s] 首页不正确!缓存已清除![%s] 首页不正确!请清除缓存!已停用已启用文件秒