Why are you here? This is a good question. :) I hope my comments on the previous slide prove I'm not normal- I hope the comments on this one prove that what I'm about to say makes this relevant to very normal people. Or at least free software hackers.
*bugzilla makes writing software easier. I've mentioned mailing list traffic and offloading work onto a QA team. But in general, bugzilla can give you a great 'what do I do next' clue, which is always nice.
*bugzilla makes releasing software easier. I saw Andrew's list for the first time a few months ago. My first reaction was 'wow, the kernel guys are getting organized, cool!' and my second one was 'that must be a pain to maintain. They need a keyword.' With bugzilla, you know where you stand. If each item on Andrew's list was in bugzilla, a simple stored query could tell you what's been finished in the past week and what's been ignored. That's a win for everyone- Andrew has even more clue what's going on, people can say 'I'm interested in anything that is being dropped' and actually know at a glance that those bugs are, and everyone benefits when you can say 'we are X issues closer than we were on Friday.'
*I'm biased... I was a programmer and project maintainer before I found bugzilla. I think bugzilla makes software more fun, because it means that in the end I'm releasing better and less buggy software. And that, to me, is more fun.