%% This maps consonants entered via a US keyboard into Hebrew %% equivalents. It also takes care of some special characters %% (punctuation, etc) and the fine-tuning (finagling) material. input: 1; output: 1; aliases: U = 95 % underscore ; C = 94 % circumflex ; COMMA = 44 ; SEMI = 59 % semicolon ; OKALPH = (`b'|`c'|`d'|`i'|`m'|`n'|`p'|`s'|`t') ; % only these needed to specify units (bp, cm, pt, etc) ARG = (43|45|46|48-57|{OKALPH} ) % digits, -, +, OK letters are valid ; expressions: %% In this first section, we present patterns/sequences that must be %% exempted from further processing. In all cases, the user is %% responsible for ensuring that these inclusions are properly %% formed. %% %% First let's do the accent fine-tuning. Fine Tuning consists of a %% pair of dimens, which are used as coordinates to adjust the %% placement of an accent or cantillation mark. Tunings can consist %% of a PAIR of coordinates. In case a letter has both an accent and %% a trope, the first pair applies to the vowel+trope unit, while the %% second applies to the displacement of the second diacrit from the %% first. %% {U} {ARG}<1,9>{COMMA}{ARG}<1,9>{SEMI}{ARG}<1,9>{COMMA}{ARG}<1,9> {U} => "{\clearocplists\lowertuning[" \(* + 1 - 1) "]}" ; {C} {ARG}<1,9>{COMMA}{ARG}<1,9>{SEMI}{ARG}<1,9>{COMMA}{ARG}<1,9> {C} => "{\clearocplists\uppertuning[" \(* + 1 - 1) "]}" ; {U} {ARG}<1,9>{COMMA}{ARG}<1,9> {U} => "{\clearocplists\lowertune[" \(* + 1 - 1) "]}" ; {C} {ARG}<1,9>{COMMA}{ARG}<1,9> {C} => "{\clearocplists\uppertune[" \(* + 1 - 1) "]}" ; %% An adjustment is a single number, with or without a decimal, which %% represents the fraction of the width of the glyph by which the %% accent is displaced. It is much less powerful than a tuning, but %% is sometimes useful. %% {U} {ARG}<1,9> {U} => "{\clearocplists\loweradj{" \(* + 1 - 1) "}}" ; {C} {ARG}<1,9> {C} => "{\clearocplists\upperadj{" \(* + 1 - 1) "}}" ; %% ODDMENTS, PUNCTUATION, etc.: `-'`-'`-' => 143 % em-dash ; `-'`-' => 127 % en-dash ; %% CONSONANTS: 3+ char inputs... `s' `h' `^' => 176 % shin plus upperdot ; `^' `s' `h' => 177 % upperdot plus sin ; %% CONSONANTS: 2 char inputs `^' `s' => 177 % alternative upperdot plus sin ; `c' `h' => 103 % chet ; `s' `h' => 121 % shin ; `t' `s' => 118 % tsadi ; `k' `h' => 107 % chaf ; `t' `h' => 122 % saf ; `.' `t' => 104 % tet ; `.' `s' => 113 % samekh ; `?' `!' => 188 % interrobang ; `!' `?' => 188 % interrobang; alt encoding ; `*'`*' => 139 % new shekel symbol ; %% CONSONANTS: single-char inputs: %% (The case of alef is handles by m2aleph.otp!) %% `v' => 97 % vet ; `b' => 145 % bet ; `g' =>98 % gimel ; `d' => 99 % dalet ; `h' => 100 % he ; `w' => 101 % vav ; `z' => 102 % zayin ; `y' => 105 % yod ; `k' => 155 % kaf ; `m' => 110 % mem ; `n' => 112 % nun ; 96 => 114 % left single quote maps to ayin. ; `f' => 116 % fe ; `p' => 164 % pe ; `q' => 119 % qof ; `r' => 120 % resh ; `s' => 122 % alternative coding for sav ; `t' => 170 % tav ; %%PUNCTUATION, SPECIAL SYMS, and other single-char inputs... 32 => 32 % space ; `-' => 78 % rafe ; `=' => 45 % hyphen ; %% Some other chars map to themselves... 209-225=> \1 % trope ; 227-239=> \1 % more trope ; 65-77 => \1 % vowels ; 182-187=> \1 % meteg vowels ; 80 => \1 % paseq ; 85 => \1 % holam ; 149 => \1 % shuruk ; 78 => \1 % rafe ; 45 => \1 % hyphen ; (108|156|140|172) => \1 % (bent) lamed, dagesh ; 33-59 => \1 ; 61 => \1 ; 63 => \1 ; 91-95 => \1 ; 254 => \1 ; (128-135) => \1 % Yiddish consonants ; 101 => \1 % the already-mapped vav ; %% Everything else is invalid... . => \1 208 % generic box is a sign of invalidity... ;