%(c) 1990,91 by Joel M. Hoffman %vowels.tex. Version 1.0. %updated 5/13/91 by JMH %Use of this material in a commercial venture of any sort requires %permission from me. Otherwise, you are free to use this for any %legal, non-destructive purpose. If you find this useful, a %contribution to charity will be most appreciated. %This file provides the following commands: % \patach{ let } % These are the basic vowel-commands. Each % \kamatz{ let } % puts a vowel under the letter _let_. Each % \segol{ let } % also has a corresponding \chatafxxxxxx % \kibutz{ let } % command (e.g., \chatafpatach) for a chataf- % \chiriq{ let } % vowel -- even when the vowel doesn't exist. % \kamatzkatan{ let } % (There's a \chatafchiriq.) Additionally, % \shva{ let } % each has a capitalized version (\Patach, etc.) % \meteg{ let } % which puts a meteg with the vowel. There % \tzere{ let } % is no way to put a meteg with a chataf-vowel. %All of the above use the general \hvowel macro, which puts a vowel under %any letter. \hvowel automatically adjusts the vowel for certain letters %(_resh_ and _daled_ require a horizontal adjustment, _final chaf_ a %veritcal one.), and repalces \ayin with \vowelayin (which doesn't %descend). Unfortunately, \Daled (a \daled with a _dagesh_) isn't yet %handled correctly. %BITNET: hoffman@nyuacf.BITNET <-- this will change soon %CompuServe: 72700,402 -or- 72700.402@compuserve.com %SNAIL: Joel M. Hoffman % 19 Hillcrest Lane % Rye, NY 10580 % U.S.A. %usage: \hvowel{letter}{vowel(s)} \def\hvowel#1#2{\def\l{#1}% \def was \let \def\hadjust{0}\def\vadjust{0}% \if\l\ayin \let\l=\vowelayin\fi% \if\l\fchaf \def\vadjust{.75}\fi% \if\l\resh \def\hadjust{.2}\fi% \if\l\daled \def\hadjust{.2}\fi% \if\l\koof \def\hadjust{.1}\fi% \hbox{\setbox0=\hbox{\l}% \setbox1=\hbox to \wd0{\hss #2\hss}% \kern\hadjust\wd0\raise\vadjust\ht0\box1\kern-\hadjust\wd0\kern-\wd0\box0}} \def\patach#1{\hvowel#1{\char001}} \def\kamatz#1{\hvowel#1{\char002}} \def\segol#1{\hvowel{#1}{\char003}} \def\kibutz#1{\hvowel{#1}{\char004}} \def\chiriq#1{\hvowel{#1}{\char005}} \def\kamatzkatan#1{\hvowel{#1}{\char006}} \def\shva#1{\hvowel{#1}{\char007}} \def\meteg#1{\hvowel{#1}{\char008}} \def\tzere#1{\hvowel{#1}{\char009}} \def\chatafpatach#1{\hvowel{#1}{\hbox{\char001\char007}}} \def\chatafkamatz#1{\hvowel{#1}{\hbox{\char002\char007}}} \def\chatafsegol#1{\hvowel{#1}{\hbox{\char003\char007}}} \def\chatafkibutz#1{\hvowel{#1}{\hbox{\char004\char007}}} \def\chatafhiriq#1{\hvowel{#1}{\hbox{\char00\char0075}}}%this doesn't exist! \def\chatafkamatzkatan#1{\hvowel{#1}{\hbox{\char006\char007}}} \def\Patach#1{\hvowel{#1}{\hbox{\char008\char001}}} \def\Kamatz#1{\hvowel{#1}{\hbox{\char008\char002}}} \def\Segol#1{\hvowel{#1}{\hbox{\char008\char003}}} \def\Kibutz#1{\hvowel{#1}{\hbox{\char008\char004}}} \def\Chiriq#1{\hvowel{#1}{\hbox{\char008\char005}}} \def\Kamatzkatan#1{\hvowel{#1}{\hbox{\char008\char006}}} \def\Tzere#1{\hvowel{#1}{\hbox{\char008\char009}}}