function num = dspace2latex(dspacename,texname) %------------------------------------------------ %num = dspace2tex(data,xname,downsample,filename) %Function to export a dSPACE-mat-file to a tex-file for using NumericPlots. %dspace2latex is based on the function struct2tex and export2latex. %------------------------------------------------ %output: %num ...number of y-data exported %input: %dspacename ...dspace file name (optional, default io) %texname of the tex-file (optional, default io) % %author: Alexander Michel % date: 2010/08/09 % % function struct2latex.m required to convert structs to export2latex format. % function export2latex.m required to export datavectors to latex. % % Copyright 2010 Thomas König, Alexander Michel % % This file is part of NumericPlots. % % NumericPlots is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % any later version. % % NumericPlots is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with NumericPlots. If not, see . % choose dSpace File if(nargin<1) data = dspace2struct; else data = dspace2struct(dspacename); end % define begin, end and downsampling options.Resize='on'; options.WindowStyle='normal'; options.Interpreter='tex'; prompt={'t0','t1','downsampling'}; title=['define datapoints. sampling time = ' num2str(data.time(2)-data.time(1)) ' s']; numlines=1; defaultanswer={num2str(data.time(1)),num2str(data.time(end)),'1'}; answer=inputdlg(prompt,title,numlines,defaultanswer,options); starttime = str2double(answer{1}); endtime = str2double(answer{2}); downsample = str2double(answer{3}); % define downsampling istart = find(data.time<=starttime); istart = istart(end); iend = find(data.time<=endtime); iend = iend(end); idx = istart:downsample:iend; % choose data which should be exportet fnames = fieldnames(data); idxtimename = strmatch('time',fnames,'exact'); idxdatanames = setdiff(1:length(fnames),idxtimename); [iplots,selected] = listdlg('PromptString','choose data for export:','ListString',fnames(idxdatanames)); if (selected==0) error('no data chosen'); end dat.time = data.time; for ii = iplots dat = setfield(dat,fnames{ii},getfield(data,fnames{ii})); end % export data if(nargin<2) num = struct2latex(dat,'time',downsample); else num = struct2latex(dat,'time',downsample,texname); end