\subsubsection{\texorpdfstring{\ding{224} \itshape Decimal separator in numbers}{Decimal separator in numbers}}\vspace{6pt}% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Decimal separator \pgfPTMoption[\pgfPTnewinversion{2.1.5}]{4}{decimal separator}{.}{% Sets the decimal separator in the numeric values of quantities. \textit{If the separator character is a comma it must be provided between curly braces -- \{,\}}. \\ Note that the decimal separator key is used to perform a direct replacement of the dot with the specified character. Therefore, there is no validation and any character can be used as a decimal separator (usually a dot or a comma). }% \newpage%\\ [5pt] \pgfPTMmacrobox{pgfPT}[Z list={1,...,54},decimal separator={,}]% \\ [10pt]\makebox[\linewidth][c]{\scalebox{.6}{\pgfPT[Z list={1,...,54},decimal separator={,}]}}% \\ [0pt]\pgfPTendoption% \\ [5pt] \pgfPTMstyle[\pgfPTnewinversion{2.1.5}]{4}{comma separator}{no value}% {A style equivalent to \red{decimal separator=\{,\}}}% \\ [5pt]\pgfPTMmacrobox{pgfPT}[comma separator]% \\ [10pt]\makebox[\linewidth][c]{\scalebox{.6}{\pgfPT[comma separator]}}% \\ [0pt]\pgfPTendstyle% \\ [5pt] \pgfPTMstyle[\pgfPTnewinversion{2.1.5}]{4}{dot separator}{no value}% {A style equivalent to \red{decimal separator=.}}% \newpage%\\ [5pt] \pgfPTMmacrobox{pgfPT}[dot separator]% \\ [10pt]\makebox[\linewidth][c]{\scalebox{.6}{\pgfPT[dot separator]}}% \\ [0pt]\pgfPTendstyle% \endinput