#!/usr/bin/env perl
#(c) Copyright 1998-2009   Apostolos Syropoulos
#                          asyropoulos@yahoo.com
# The LaTeX Project Public License (lppl) 
# This software is copyright but you are granted a license which gives you, 
# the "user" of the software, legal permission to copy, distribute, and/or 
# modify the software. However, if you modify the software and then distribute 
# it (even just locally) you must change the name of the software, or use other 
# technical means to avoid confusion. 
$makeindex = "makeindex"; #name of the index generation utility
sub g2e
   $word = $_[0];
   $tword = "";
   foreach $_ (split(//, $word))
     if    (/^a|^A|^á|^Á|^Ü|^\xA2|^\xB6/) { $tword .= "a";}
     elsif (/^b|^B|^â|^Â/)                { $tword .= "b"; }
     elsif (/^d|^D|^ä|^Ä/)                { $tword .= "d"; } 
     elsif (/^e|^E|^å|^Å|^Ý|^ļ/)          { $tword .= "e"; }
     elsif (/^i|^I|^é|^É|^ß|^š|^Ā/)       { $tword .= "i"; }
     elsif (/^o|^O|^ï|^Ï|^ü|^ž/)          { $tword .= "o"; } 
     elsif (/^p|^P|^ð|^Ð/)                { $tword .= "p"; }
     elsif (/^g|^G|^ã|^Ã/)                { $tword .= "c"; }
     elsif (/^z|^Z|^æ|^Æ/)                { $tword .= "f"; }
     elsif (/^h|^H|^į|^Į|^Þ|^đ/)          { $tword .= "g"; }
     elsif (/^j|^J|^č|^Č/)                { $tword .= "h"; }
     elsif (/^k|^K|^ę|^Ę/)                { $tword .= "j"; }
     elsif (/^l|^L|^ë|^Ë/)                { $tword .= "k"; }
     elsif (/^m|^M|^ė|^Ė/)                { $tword .= "l"; }
     elsif (/^n|^N|^í|^Í/)                { $tword .= "m"; }
     elsif (/^x|^X|^î|^Î/)                { $tword .= "n"; }
     elsif (/^r|^R|^ņ|^Ņ/)                { $tword .= "q"; }
     elsif (/^s|^c|^S|^ó|^ō|^Ó/)          { $tword .= "r"; }
     elsif (/^t|^T|^ô|^Ô/)                { $tword .= "s"; }
     elsif (/^u|^U|^õ|^Õ|^ý|^ū|^ā/)       { $tword .= "t"; }
     elsif (/^f|^F|^ö|^Ö/)                { $tword .= "u"; }
     elsif (/^q|^Q|^ũ|^Ũ/)                { $tword .= "v"; }
     elsif (/^y|^Y|^ø|^Ø/)                { $tword .= "w"; }
     elsif (/^w|^W|^ų|^Ų|^þ|^ŋ/)          { $tword .= "x"; }
     elsif (/^'|^`|^~|^<|^>/)             {                }
     else                                 { $tword .= $_   }
   return $tword;

$argc = @ARGV;

if ($argc == 0 || $argc > 4 ) # no command line arguments or more than 3
{                             # arguments
   die "Usage: mkgrkindex.pl [-s A|a] [-l] index\n";
   print "This is mkgrkindex (previously known as mkindex) version 2.2\n";
      $style = 0;
      $is_latin = 0;
         while($_ = $ARGV[0])
            if (/^-s/)
               if ($ARGV[0] eq "a")
                  $style = -1;
               elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "A")
                  $style = 1;
                  die "$ARGV[0]: Illegal argument for switch -s\n";
            elsif (/^-l/)
               $is_latin = 1;
            elsif (/^-\w+/)
               die "$_: Illegal command line switch!\n";
               $file = $_;
         die "No index file name specified!\n" if $file eq "";
         if (! (-e $file))
             die "$file: no such file!\n" if $file =~ /.+\..+/;
             die "$file.idx: no such file!\n" if (! (-e "$file.idx"));
             $index_file = "$file.idx";
             $index_file = $file;
             $file = $1 if $index_file =~ /(.+)\..+/; 



if ($is_latin == 0)
   rename $index_file, $old_file;
   open(OLD, "<$old_file") || die "Can't open file $old_file\n";
   open(NEW, ">$index_file") || die "Can't open file $index_file\n";
   while (<OLD>)
       #\x7B = {, \x7D = },\x40 = @, \x7C = |, \x21 = !, \x28 = (, \x29 = )
       #Nikos Platis has suggested the replacement of the original code with a better
       #parsing method. The code that follows is essentially Nikos's code with
       #some minnor modifications, as explained in the documentation.
       $newentry = "";
       $fullentry = $1;
       $page = $2;
       ($indexentry, $format) = split(/(?<!")\x7C/, $fullentry);
       @entryparts = split(/(?<!")\x21/, $indexentry);
       $numparts = @entryparts;
       for ($i = 0; $i < $numparts; $i++)  {
         ($x, $y) = split(/(?<!")\x40/, @entryparts[$i]);
         if ($i > 0)  {
           $newentry .= "!"
         $tx = g2e($x);
         if ($y) {
           $newentry .= "$tx\@$y"
         else {
           $newentry .= "$tx\@$x";
       print NEW "\\indexentry{$newentry";
       if ($format) {
         print NEW "|$format"
       print NEW "}$page\n"

   close OLD;
   close NEW;
   unlink $old_file;

rename $index_file, $old_file;
open(OLD, "<$old_file") || die "Can't open file $old_file\n";
open(NEW, ">$index_file") || die "Can't open file $index_file\n";

    if (/\\indexentry\x7B(.+)\x7D\x7B\\textlatin\s*?\x7B(\w+)\x7D\x7D/)
       print NEW "\\indexentry{$1|textlatin}{$2}\n";
       print NEW "$_\n";

close OLD;
close NEW;
unlink $old_file;

if ($style < 0)
   system("$makeindex -s lowercase-headers.ist $file");
elsif ($style > 0)
   system("$makeindex -s uppercase-headers.ist $file");
   system("$makeindex $file");

if ($style != 0)
   %e2g = (
             'a' => 'á', 'A' => 'Á',
             'b' => 'â', 'B' => 'Â',
             'c' => 'ã', 'C' => 'Ã',
             'd' => 'ä', 'D' => 'Ä',
             'e' => 'å', 'E' => 'Å',
             'f' => 'æ', 'F' => 'Æ',
             'g' => 'į', 'G' => 'Į',
             'h' => 'č', 'H' => 'Č',
             'i' => 'é', 'I' => 'É',
             'j' => 'ę', 'J' => 'Ę',
             'k' => 'ë', 'K' => 'Ë',
             'l' => 'ė', 'L' => 'Ė',
             'm' => 'í', 'M' => 'Í',
             'n' => 'î', 'N' => 'Î',
             'o' => 'ï', 'O' => 'Ï',
             'p' => 'ð', 'P' => 'Ð',
             'q' => 'ņ', 'Q' => 'Ņ',
             'r' => 'óv', 'R' => 'Ó',
             's' => 'ô', 'S' => 'Ô',
             't' => 'õ', 'T' => 'Õ',
             'u' => 'ö', 'U' => 'Ö',
             'v' => 'ũ', 'V' => 'Ũ',
             'w' => 'ø', 'W' => 'Ø',
             'x' => 'ų', 'X' => 'Ų'

   $ind_file = "$file.ind";

   if ($is_latin == 0)
      rename $ind_file, $old_file;
      open(OLD, "<$old_file") || die "Can't open file $old_file\n";
      open(NEW, ">$ind_file") || die "Can't open file $ind_file\n";
      while (<OLD>)
           if (/^{\\hfil (\w?) \\hfil}/)
              $lettergr = $e2g{$1};
              print NEW "{\\hfil $lettergr \\hfil}\\nopagebreak\n";
              print NEW ;

      close OLD;
      close NEW;
      unlink $old_file;

   rename $ind_file, $old_file;
   open(OLD, "<$old_file") || die "Can't open file $old_file\n";
   open(NEW, ">$ind_file") || die "Can't open file $ind_file\n";
   while (<OLD>)
      if (/^\x7B\\hfil (\w)ymbols \\hfil\x7D/)
          if ($1 eq "s")
                 print NEW "{\\hfil \\textgreek{\\textbf{s'umbola}}";
                 print NEW "\\hfil}\\nopagebreak\n";
          elsif ($1 eq "S")
                 print NEW "{\\hfil \\textgreek{\\textbf{S'umbola}}";
                 print NEW "\\hfil}\\nopagebreak\n";
             die "Illegal header $1 in .ind file\n";
         print NEW;

   close OLD;
   close NEW;
   unlink $old_file;
