Data::RecordStore - Simple and fast record based data store

     use Data::RecordStore;

     $store = Data::RecordStore->open_store( $directory );
     $data = "TEXT OR BINARY DATA";

     ### Without transactions ###

     my $id = $store->stow( $data );

     my $new_or_recycled_id = $store->next_id;
     $store->stow( $new_data, $new_or_recycled_id );

     my $val = $store->fetch( $some_id );

     my $count = $store->entry_count;

     $store->delete_record( $del_id );

     $store->recycle_id( $del_id );

     my $has_id = $store->has_id( $someother_id );

     $store->empty_recycler; #all recycled ids are gone

     $store->empty; # clears out store completely

     ### Using Transactions ###

     my $transaction = $store->create_transaction;

     print join(",", $transaction->get_update_time,
                     $transaction->get_id );

     my $new_id = $transaction->stow( $data );

     my $new_or_recycled_id = $store->next_id;

     $transaction->stow( "MORE DATA", $new_or_recycled_id );

     $transaction->delete_record( $someid );

     $transaction->recycle_id( $dead_id );

     if( $is_good ) {
     } else {

     ### Transaction maintenance ###

     # Get a list of transactions that are old and probably stale.
     for my $trans ($store->list_transactions) {

       next if $trans->get_udpate_time > $too_old;

       if( $trans->get_state == Data::RecordStore::Transaction::TRA_IN_COMMIT
         || $trans->get_state == Data::RecordStore::Transaction::TRA_CLEANUP_COMMIT )
       elsif( $trans->get_state == Data::RecordStore::Transaction::TRA_IN_ROLLBACK
         || $trans->get_state == Data::RecordStore::Transaction::TRA_CLEANUP_ROLLBACK )
       elsif( $trans->get_state == Data::RecordStore::Transaction::TRA_ACTIVE )
          # commit or rollback, depending on preference

    A simple and fast way to store arbitrary text or byte data. It is written
    entirely in perl with no non-core dependencies. It is designed to be both
    easy to set up and easy to use.

    Transactions allow the RecordStore to protect data. Transactions can
    collect stow, delete_record and recycle_id actions. Data stowed this way
    is stored in the record store, but indexed to only by the transaction.
    Upon a transaction commit, the indexes are updated and discarded data
    removed. Destructive actions are only performed once the transaction
    updates the indexes.

    Data is stored in fixed record file silos. This applies to index data,
    recycling data, payload data and transaction data. These silos are self
    vaccuuming. Entries that are removed either by deletion or recycling have
    their space in the file replaced by a live entry.

    This is not a server or daemon, this is a direct operation on the file
    system. Only meta data such as directories, file location and fixed
    calculated values are stored as state. That means this is not thread safe.
    It can be used in a thread safe manner if a program using it provides
    locking mechanisms.

    Data::RecordStore is not thread safe. Thread coordination and locking can
    be done on a level above Data::RecordStore.

  open_store( directory )
    Takes a single argument - a directory, and constructs the data store in
    it. The directory must be writeable or creatible. If a RecordStore already
    exists there, it opens it, otherwise it creates a new one.

    Creates and returns a transaction object

    Returns a list of currently existing transaction objects that are not
    marked TRA_DONE.

  stow( data, optionalID )
    This saves the text or byte data to the record store. If an id is passed
    in, this saves the data to the record for that id, overwriting what was
    there. If an id is not passed in, it creates a new record store.

    Returns the id of the record written to.

  fetch( id )
    Returns the record associated with the ID. If the ID has no record
    associated with it, undef is returned.

    Returns how many active ids have been assigned in this store. If an ID was
    assigned but not used, it still counts towards the number of entries.

  delete_record( id )
    Removes the entry with the given id from the store, freeing up its space.
    It does not reuse the id.

  has_id( id )
      Returns true if an record with this id exists in the record store.

    This sets up a new empty record and returns the id for it.

    This empties out the entire record store completely. Use only if you mean

      Clears out all data from the recycler

  recycle( id, keep_data_flag )
      Ads the id to the recycler, so it will be returned when next_id is called.
      This removes the data occupied by the id, freeing up space unles keep_data_flag
      is set to true.

  open( direcdtory )
    Alias to open_store

  delete( id )
    Alias to delete_record

    Data::RecordStore relies on two helper packages that are useful in their
    own right and are documented here.


    A fixed record store that uses perl pack and unpack templates to store
    identically sized sets of data and uses a set of files to do so.

     my $template = "LII"; # perl pack template. See perl pack/unpack.

     my $size; #required if the template does not have a definite size, like A*

     my $store = Data::RecordStore::Silo->open_silo( $template, $filename, $size );

     my $new_id = $store->next_id;

     $store->put_record( $new_id, [ 321421424243, 12, 345 ] );

     my $more_data = $store->get_record( $other_id );

     my $removed_last = $store->pop;

     my $last_id = $store->push( $data_for_the_end );

     my $entries = $store->entry_count;



  open_silo( template, filename, record_size )
    Opens or creates the directory for a group of files that represent one
    silo storing records of the given template and size. If a size is not
    given, it calculates the size from the template, if it can. This will die
    if a zero byte record size is given or calculated.

    This empties out the database, setting it to zero records.

    Returns the number of entries in this store. This is the same as the size
    of the file divided by the record size.

  get_record( idx )
    Returns an arrayref representing the record with the given id. The array
    in question is the unpacked template.

    adds an empty record and returns its id, starting with 1

    Remove the last record and return it.

    Return the last record.

  push( data )
    Add a record to the end of this store. Returns the id assigned to that
    record. The data must be a scalar or list reference. If a list reference,
    it should conform to the pack template assigned to this store.

  push( idx, data )
    Saves the data to the record and the record to the filesystem. The data
    must be a scalar or list reference. If a list reference, it should conform
    to the pack template assigned to this store.

    Removes the file for this record store entirely from the file system.

  open( direcdtory )
    Alias to open_silo


    A transaction that can collect actions on the record store and then writes
    them as a block.

    my $trans = $store->create_transaction;

    print join(",", $transaction->get_update_time,
    $transaction->get_process_id, $transaction->get_state,
    $transaction->get_id );

    my $new_id = $transaction->stow( $data );

    my $new_or_recycled_id = $store->next_id;

    $transaction->stow( "MORE DATA", $new_or_recycled_id );

    $transaction->delete_record( $someid ); $transaction->recycle_id( $dead_id

    if( $is_good ) { $transaction->commit; } else { $transaction->rollback; }
    # # Get a list of transactions that are old and probably stale. # for my
    $trans ($store->list_transactions) {

      next if $trans->get_udpate_time > $too_old;

      if( $trans->get_state == Data::RecordStore::Transaction::TRA_IN_COMMIT
        || $trans->get_state == Data::RecordStore::Transaction::TRA_CLEANUP_COMMIT )
      elsif( $trans->get_state == Data::RecordStore::Transaction::TRA_IN_ROLLBACK
        || $trans->get_state == Data::RecordStore::Transaction::TRA_CLEANUP_ROLLBACK )
      elsif( $trans->get_state == Data::RecordStore::Transaction::TRA_ACTIVE )
         # commit or rollback, depending on preference

    Returns the epoch time when the last time this was updated.

    Returns the process id that last wrote to this transaction.

    Returns the state of this process. Values are TRA_ACTIVE TRA_IN_COMMIT

    Returns the ID for this transaction, which is the same as its position in
    the transaction index plus one.

  stow( $data, $optional_id )
    Stores the data given. Returns the id that the data was stowed under. If
    the id is not given, this generates one from the record store. The data
    stored this way is really stored in the record store, but the index is not
    updated until a commit happens. That means it is not reachable from the
    store until the commit.

  delete_record( $id )
    Marks that the record associated with the id is to be deleted when the
    transaction commits.

  recycle_id( $id )
    Marks that the record associated with the id is to be deleted and its id
    recycled when the transaction commits.

    Commit applies

    Removes the file for this record store entirely from the file system.

       Eric Wolf
           Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Eric Wolf. All rights reserved.  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
           under the same terms as Perl itself.

       Version 3.13  (Dec 5, 2017))