# Shell-Var-Reader

Lets say '/usr/local/etc/someconfig.conf' which is basically a shell
config and read via include in a sh or bash script, this can be used
for getting a hash ref conttaining them.

Similarly on systems like FreeBSD, this is also useful for reading

As it currently stands, it does not understand bash arrays.

use Shell::Var::Reader;
use Data::Dumper;

my $found_vars=Shell::Var::Reader->read_in('/usr/local/etc/someconfig.conf');

print Dumper($found_vars);

## bin/shell_var_reader

This script allows for easy reading of a shells script/config and then
outputing it in a desired format.

-r <file>     File to read/run
-o <format>   Output formats
              Default: json
              Formats: json,yaml,toml,dumper(Data::Dumper)
-p            Pretty print
-s            Sort

-h/--help     Help
-v/--version  Version

## Install

### FreeBSD

pkg install p5-YAML p5-JSON p5-TOML p5-Data-Dumper \
    p5-String-ShellQuote p5-File-Slurp p5-App-cpanm
cpanm Shell::Var::Reader

### Debian

apt-get install libfile-slurp-perl libjson-perl libyaml-perl \
        libtoml-perl libstring-shellquote-perl cpanminus
cpanm Shell::Var::Reader

### Source

perl Makefile.PL
make test
make install