## ----setup, include=FALSE------------------------------------------------ knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) ## ---- eval=FALSE, message=FALSE------------------------------------------ # # to get the default CellbaseR object (human data, from genome GRCh37) # library(cellbaseR) # # A default cellbaseR object is created as follows # cb <- CellBaseR() ## ---- message=FALSE, warning=FALSE--------------------------------------- library(cellbaseR) cb <- CellBaseR() genes <- c("TP73","TET1") res <- getGene(object = cb, ids = genes, resource = "info") str(res,2) # as you can see the res dataframe also contains a transcripts column # which is in fact a list column of nested dataframes, to get the # trasnscripts data.frame for first gene TET1_transcripts <- res$transcripts[[1]] str(TET1_transcripts,1) ## ---- message=FALSE, warning=FALSE--------------------------------------- # making a query through cbRegion to get all the clinically relevant variants # in a specific region library(cellbaseR) cb <- CellBaseR() res <- getRegion(object=cb,ids="17:1000000-1005000", resource="clinical") # to get all conservation data in this region res <- getRegion(object=cb,ids="17:1000000-1005000", resource="conservation") #likewise to get all the regulatory data for the same region res <- getRegion(object=cb,ids="17:1000000-1005000", resource="regulatory") str(res,1) ## ---- eval=FALSE,message=FALSE, warning=FALSE---------------------------- # library(cellbaseR) # cb <- CellBaseR() # res2 <- getVariant(object=cb, ids="1:169549811:A:G", resource="annotation") # # to get the data # res2 <- cbData(res2) # str(res2, 1) ## ---- eval=TRUE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE---------------------------- library(cellbaseR) cb <- CellBaseR() # First we have to specify aour param, we do that by creating an object of # class CellbaseParam cbparam <- CellBaseParam(gene="TET1", genome="GRCh38") cbparam # Note that cbClinical does NOT require any Ids to be passed, only the param # and of course the CellbaseQuery object res <- getClinical(object=cb,param=cbparam) str(res,1) ## ----message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, eval=TRUE----------------------------- library(cellbaseR) cb <- CellBaseR() test <- createGeneModel(object = cb, region = "17:1500000-1550000") if(require("Gviz")){ testTrack <- Gviz::GeneRegionTrack(test) Gviz::plotTracks(testTrack, transcriptAnnotation='symbol') } ## ---- message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, eval=TRUE---------------------------- library(cellbaseR) library(VariantAnnotation) cb <- CellBaseR() fl <- system.file("extdata", "hapmap_exome_chr22_500.vcf.gz",package = "cellbaseR" ) res <- AnnotateVcf(object=cb, file=fl, BPPARAM = bpparam(workers=2)) vcf <- readVcf(fl, "hg19") samples(header(vcf)) length(rowRanges(vcf))==nrow(res) str(res,1)