## ----style, echo = FALSE, results = 'asis'------------------------------- BiocStyle::markdown() ## ----functions, include=FALSE-------------------------------------------- # A function for captioning and referencing images fig <- local({ i <- 0 ref <- list() list( cap=function(refName, text) { i <<- i + 1 ref[[refName]] <<- i #paste("Figure ", i, ": ", text, sep="") paste(text, sep="") }, ref=function(refName) { ref[[refName]] }) }) ## ----echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE, message = FALSE--------------------------- library(AllelicImbalance) ## ----echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE-------------------------------------------- searchArea <- GRanges(seqnames = c("17"), ranges = IRanges(79478301, 79478361)) pathToFiles <- system.file("extdata/ERP000101_subset", package = "AllelicImbalance") reads <- impBamGAL(pathToFiles, searchArea, verbose = FALSE) heterozygotePositions <- scanForHeterozygotes(reads, verbose = FALSE) countList <- getAlleleCounts(reads, heterozygotePositions, verbose = FALSE) a.simple <- ASEsetFromCountList(heterozygotePositions, countList) a.simple ## ----echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE, warning = FALSE--------------------------- library(VariantAnnotation) pathToVcf <- paste(pathToFiles,"/ERP000101.vcf",sep="") VCF <- readVcf(pathToVcf,"hg19") gr <- granges(VCF) #only use bi-allelic positions gr.filt <- gr[width(mcols(gr)[,"REF"]) == 1 | unlist(lapply(mcols(gr)[,"ALT"],width))==1] countList <- getAlleleCounts(reads, gr.filt, verbose=FALSE) a.vcf <- ASEsetFromCountList(rowRanges = gr, countList) ## ----echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE-------------------------------------------- BcfGR <- impBcfGR(pathToFiles,searchArea,verbose=FALSE) countListBcf <- getAlleleCounts(reads, BcfGR,verbose=FALSE) a.bcf <- ASEsetFromCountList(BcfGR, countListBcf) ## ----echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE-------------------------------------------- plus <- getAlleleCounts(reads, heterozygotePositions, strand="+",verbose=F) minus <- getAlleleCounts(reads, heterozygotePositions, strand="-",verbose=F) a.stranded <- ASEsetFromCountList( heterozygotePositions, countListPlus=plus, countListMinus=minus ) a.stranded ## ----echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE, message = FALSE, results = 'hide'--------- #Getting searchArea from genesymbol library(org.Hs.eg.db ) searchArea<-getAreaFromGeneNames("ACTG1",org.Hs.eg.db) #Getting rs-IDs library(SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP144.GRCh37) gr <- rowRanges(a.simple) updatedGRanges<-getSnpIdFromLocation(gr, SNPlocs.Hsapiens.dbSNP144.GRCh37) rowRanges(a.simple)<-updatedGRanges ## ----echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE------------------------------------------------ #simulate phenotype data pdata <- DataFrame( Treatment=sample(c("ChIP", "Input"),length(reads),replace=TRUE), Gender=sample(c("male", "female"),length(reads),replace=TRUE), row.names=paste("individual",1:length(reads),sep="")) #make new ASEset with pdata a.new <- ASEsetFromCountList( heterozygotePositions, countList, colData=pdata) #add to existing object colData(a.simple) <- pdata ## ----echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE------------------------------------------------ #infer and add genotype require declaration of the reference allele ref(a.simple) <- randomRef(a.simple) genotype(a.simple) <- inferGenotypes(a.simple) #access to genotype information requires not only the information about the #reference allele but also the alternative allele alt(a.simple) <- inferAltAllele(a.simple) genotype(a.simple)[,1:4] ## ----echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE------------------------------------------------ #construct an example phase matrix set.seed(1) rows <-nrow(a.simple) cols <- ncol(a.simple) p1 <- matrix(sample(c(1,0),replace=TRUE, size=rows*cols), nrow=rows, ncol=cols) p2 <- matrix(sample(c(1,0),replace=TRUE, size=rows*cols), nrow=rows, ncol=cols) phase.mat <- matrix(paste(p1,sample(c("|","|","/"), size=rows*cols, replace=TRUE), p2, sep=""), nrow=rows, ncol=cols) phase(a.simple) <- phase.mat ## ----echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE------------------------------------------------ #load VariantAnnotation and use the phase information from a Vcf file pathToVcf <- system.file("extdata/ERP000101_subset/ERP000101.vcf", package = "AllelicImbalance") p <- readGT(pathToVcf) #The example Vcf file contains only 19 out of our 20 samples #So we have to subset and order a.subset <- a.simple[,colnames(a.simple) %in% colnames(p)] p.subset <- p[, colnames(p) %in% colnames(a.subset)] p.ordered <- p.subset[ , match(colnames(a.subset), colnames(p.subset))] ## ----echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE------------------------------------------------ #from simulated data ref(a.simple) <- c("G","T","C") #infer and set alternative allele alt <- inferAltAllele(a.simple) alt(a.simple) <- alt #from reference genome data(ASEset.sim) fasta <- system.file('extdata/hg19.chr17.subset.fa', package='AllelicImbalance') ref <- refAllele(ASEset.sim,fasta=fasta) ref(ASEset.sim) <- ref ## ----echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE------------------------------------------------ #make an example countList including a global sample of SNPs set.seed(1) countListUnknown <- list() samples <- paste(rep("sample",10),1:10,sep="") snps <- 1000 for(snp in 1:snps){ count<-matrix(0, nrow=length(samples), ncol=4, dimnames=list(samples, c('A','T','G','C'))) alleles <- sample(1:4, 2) for(sample in 1:length(samples)){ count[sample, alleles] <- as.integer(rnorm(2,mean=50,sd=10)) } countListUnknown[[snp]] <- count } #make example rowRanges for the corresponding information gr <- GRanges( seqnames = Rle(sample(paste("chr",1:22,sep=""),snps, replace=TRUE)), ranges = IRanges(1:snps, width = 1, names= paste("snp",1:snps,sep="")), strand="*" ) #make ASEset a <- ASEsetFromCountList(gr, countListUnknown=countListUnknown) #set a random allele as reference ref(a) <- randomRef(a) genotype(a) <- inferGenotypes(a) #get the fraction of the reference allele refFrac <- fraction(a, top.fraction.criteria="ref") #check mean mean(refFrac) ## ----echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE------------------------------------------------ #set ref allele ref(a.stranded) <- c("G","T","C") #binomial test binom.test(a.stranded[,5:8], "+") #chi-square test chisq.test(a.stranded[,5:8], "-") ## ----echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, message=FALSE--------------------------------- # in this example every snp is on separate exons region <- granges(a.simple) rs <- regionSummary(a.simple, region) rs basic(rs) ## ----echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, fig.cap=fig$cap("barplotPlusStrandDefault", "The red bars show how many reads with the G-allele that overlaps the snp at position chr17:79478331, and the green bars show how many reads with the T allele that overlaps.")---- barplot(a.stranded[2], strand="+", xlab.text="", legend.interspace=2) ## ----echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, fig.cap=fig$cap("barplotPlusStrandPsub", "Here the default chi-square p-values have been replaced by p-values from binomial tests.")---- #use another source of p-values btp <- binom.test(a.stranded[1],"+") barplot(a.stranded[2], strand="+", testValue=t(btp), xlab.text="", legend.interspace=2) ## ----echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE------------------------------------------------ init <- c(15,20) for(i in c(1,2,4,6)){ bp <- signif(binom.test(init*i, p=0.5)$p.value,3) cp <- signif(chisq.test(init*i, p=c(0.5,0.5))$p.value, 3) cat(paste("A: ", init[1]*i , " B: ", init[2]*i, " binom p: ", bp, "chisq p: ", cp,"\n")) } ## ----echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, fig.cap=fig$cap("barplotFraction", "A barplot with type='fraction'. Each bar represents one sample and by default the most expressed allele over all samples is on the top, here in green. The black line denotes 1:1 expression of the alleles.")---- barplot(a.simple[2], type="fraction", cex.main = 0.7) ## ----echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, fig.cap=fig$cap("barplotSampleColour", "A barplot with allele fractions, additionally colored by gender.")---- #top and bottom colour sampleColour.top <-rep("palevioletred",ncol(a.simple)) sampleColour.top[colData(a.simple)[,"Gender"]%in%"male"] <- "darkgreen" sampleColour.bot <- rep("blue",ncol(a.simple)) sampleColour.bot[colData(a.simple)[,"Gender"]%in%"male"] <- "seashell2" barplot(a.simple[2], type="fraction", sampleColour.top=sampleColour.top, sampleColour.bot=sampleColour.bot, cex.main = 0.7) ## ----echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, message=FALSE, fig.cap=fig$cap("barplotAnnotation", "A barplot with Gene information extracted from the org.Hs.eg.db package")---- library(org.Hs.eg.db) barplot(a.simple[1],OrgDb=org.Hs.eg.db, cex.main = 0.7, xlab.text="", ypos.annotation = 0.08, annotation.interspace=1.3, legend.interspace=1.5 ) ## ----echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, message=FALSE, fig.cap=fig$cap("barplotRef", "A barplot with the reference allele as top fraction, top.fraction.criteria='ref' ")---- #load data data(ASEset) #using reference and alternative allele information alt(ASEset) <- inferAltAllele(ASEset) barplot(ASEset[1], type="fraction", strand="+", xlab.text="", top.fraction.criteria="ref", cex.main=0.7) ## ----echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, message=FALSE, fig.cap=fig$cap("barplotPhase", "A barplot with the maternal phase as top fraction, top.fraction.criteria='phase' ")---- #using phase information phase(ASEset) <- phase.mat barplot(ASEset[1], type="fraction", strand="+", xlab.text="", top.fraction.criteria="phase", cex.main=0.7) ## ----echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, message=FALSE, fig.cap=fig$cap("locationplotDefault", "A locationplot with countbars displaying a region of SNPs")---- # locationplot using count type a.stranded.sorted <- sort(a.stranded, decreasing=FALSE) locationplot(a.stranded.sorted, type="count", cex.main=0.7, cex.legend=0.4) ## ----echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, message=FALSE, fig.cap=fig$cap("locationplotAnnotation", "A locationplot with Gene and Transcript information extracted from the org.Hs.eg.db and TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene packages")---- # locationplot annotation library(TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene) locationplot(a.stranded.sorted, OrgDb=org.Hs.eg.db, TxDb=TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene) ## ----echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, message=FALSE, fig.cap=fig$cap("gbarplotcount", "A gbarplot with type='count'")---- #gbarplots with type "count" gbarplot(ASEset, type="count") ## ----echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, message=FALSE, fig.cap=fig$cap("gbarplotfraction", "A gbarplot with type='fraction'")---- # gbarplots with type "fraction" gbarplot(ASEset, type="fraction") ## ----echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, message=FALSE, fig.cap=fig$cap("glocationplot", "A glocationplot, showing the ASE of SNPs within a defined region")---- #remember to set the genome genome(ASEset) <- "hg19" glocationplot(ASEset, strand='+') ## ----echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE, message=FALSE, fig.cap=fig$cap("glocationplot", "A custom built Gviz plot using the ASEDAnnotationTrack, showing the ASE of SNPs within a defined region together with read coverage information")---- #load Gviz package library(Gviz) #subset ASEset and reads x <- ASEset[,1:2] r <- reads[1:2] seqlevels(r, force=TRUE) <- seqlevels(x) GR <- GRanges(seqnames=seqlevels(x), ranges=IRanges(start=min(start(x)), end=max(end(x))), strand='+', genome=genome(x)) deTrack <- ASEDAnnotationTrack(x, GR=GR, type='fraction', strand='+') covTracks <- CoverageDataTrack(x, BamList=r, strand='+') lst <- c(deTrack,covTracks) sizes <- c(0.5,rep(0.5/length(covTracks),length(covTracks))) plotTracks(lst, from=min(start(x)), to=max(end(x)), sizes=sizes, col.line = NULL, showId = FALSE, main = 'main', cex.main = 1, title.width = 1, type = 'histogram') ## ----echo = TRUE, eval = TRUE, message = FALSE--------------------------- data(ASEset.old) #this command doesnt work anymore, for some reason(Will ask the mail-list) #ASEset.new <- updateObject(ASEset.old) ## ----echo=TRUE, eval=TRUE------------------------------------------------ sessionInfo()