NEWS File for multiClust This file will contain information about updates for multiClust 2-11-16 -Packaged changed to version 0.99.4 -Revised the code in the vignette -Added explanation of using RNA-seq data with package in vignette -Revised code documentation for probe_ranking function 2-13-16 -Package version changed to 0.99.5 -Added option to specify FDR cutoff when using the Adaptive GMM method in the number_probes function. -Updated documentation in the vignette 3-2-16 -Package version pushed to 0.99.6 -Added Biobase, GEOquery, and preprocessCore to package suggests -Minor revisions in the package vignette 6-19-16 -Package version pushed to 1.0.3 -Updated package title and abstract to reflect that of publication in Cancer Informatics DOI: 10.4137/CIN.S38000.