Changes in version 1.3.7: o Updates to vignette o Fix bug removing variants by name in variantCounts o Fixed argument legend.symbol.size being ignored in plotAlignmenta,DNAString-method. Changes in version 1.3.6: o Fix in new function mergeChimeras when no chimeras present Changes in version 1.3.5: o New option "minoverlap" in readsToTarget allows reads that do not span the target region to be considered o plotAlignments now works with character as well as DNAString objects o Merging of long gaps mapped as chimeras now possible Changes in version 1.3.4: o New function refFromAlns infers the reference sequence from aligned reads o Fixed bug causing an empty plot when plotting a single alignment with a large deletion o Changed annotateGenePlot from panel.margin to panel.spacing in accordance with recent ggplot2 versions o Added "create.plot" argument to plotAlignments for signature CrisprSet to make plot customisation easier. o Fixed bug in argument names when all alignments are chimeric o CrisprRun name now defaults to the coordinates when no name is provided Changes in version 1.3.3: o Fixed bug causing incorrect x-axis position in plotAlignments when strand unspecified Changes in version 1.1.6: o plotAlignments can now mark codon boundaries if codon frame is specified. o Added citation Changes in version 1.1.5: o More flexible specification of strand with new readsToTarget parameter 'orientation' o Fixed warning caused by implicit embedding of S4 objects o Added tests for 'plotAlignments' and 'annotateGenePlot' o Minor speedup and internal restructuring of 'annotateGenePlot' o Added CRISPR biocView o Changed NEWS to rd format Changes in version 1.1.4: o Fixed a bug that prevented SNV settings being used in some circumstances Changes in version 1.1.2: o new function consensusSeqs returns the consensus sequences of the variant alleles