#! /bin/sh
# Update kernel page(s).
set -e
# KDIR=~/devel/kernel
# # Takes patch file, name and output filename
# extract_description()
# {
# echo "
Rusty's Linux Kernel Page: $2" > $3
# echo '' >> $3
# echo "Description: $NAME
" >> $3
# # Print after headers, from line preceeding "--- xxxx".
# zcat $1 | awk '/^--- / { DONTPRINT=1 } { if (NR > 1 && BODY && !DONTPRINT) print LASTLINE; LASTLINE=$0; } /^$/ { BODY=1 }' |
# sed -e 's/\</g' -e 's/>/\>/g' -e 's/^ *$//' -e 's:^ \(.*\):
:' >> $3
# echo "" >> $3
# }
# # Sort these patches so that dependencies come before those that
# # depend on them. Ignore dependencies in other directories.
# sort_patches()
# {
# for sp; do
# for dep in $(zcat $sp | grep '^Depends:' | cut -d: -f2-); do
# if [ patches/$(dirname $dep) = $(dirname $sp) ]; then
# echo patches/$dep $sp
# fi
# done
# echo DUMMY $sp
# done | tsort | grep -v -x DUMMY
# }
# # Takes a patch file, prints out dependencies.
# print_depends()
# {
# for dep in $(zcat $1 | grep '^Depends:' | cut -d: -f2-); do
# DEPNAME=$(zcat patches/$dep | grep '^Name:' | cut -d: -f2-)
# echo "
Needs: $DEPNAME"
# done
# }
# # Find the patch with latest mtime (most likely least broken one)
# latest_patch()
# {
# ls -t `dirname $1`/`basename $1 .gz`*.gz | head -1
# }
# status_to_color()
# {
# case "$1" in
# BROKEN) echo "#FF3F3F";;
# APPLIES) echo "#3FFF3F";;
# *) echo "#FFFFFF";;
# esac
# }
# # Handle args...
# for arg; do
# case "$arg" in
# --kernel=*) KERNELS=$(echo "$arg" | cut -d= -f2-);;
# --compile) EXTRA_ARGS="$EXTRA_ARGS --compile";;
# --boot) EXTRA_ARGS="$EXTRA_ARGS --boot";;
# --patch=*) PATCHES=$(echo "$arg" | cut -d= -f2-); ONE_PATCH="$PATCHES";;
# --dir=*) PATCHES=$(echo $(echo "$arg" | cut -d= -f2-)/*.patch.gz);;
# *) echo Unknown arg "$arg" >&2; exit 1;;
# esac
# done
# [ x"$KERNELS" != x ] || KERNELS=$(latest-kernel-version; latest-kernel-version -mm; echo ppc64-2.5)
# # What patches do we have
# [ x"$PATCHES" != x ] ||
# PATCHES=$(for d in patches/[A-Z]*; do ALL=$(sort_patches $d/*.patch.gz); zcat $ALL | gzip -9 > $(dirname $d)/all-$(basename $d).patch.gz; echo $ALL; done)
# # Clean out obsoleted results.
# for k in $KERNELS; do
# for p in $PATCHES; do
# STATUSFILE=status/$(basename $p)-$k
# # If there's been a new patch since then, retry.
# for f in "$(echo $p | sed 's/.gz$//')".*gz; do
# if [ "$f" -nt "$STATUSFILE" ]; then
# echo Recalculating status for $k $p...
# break
# fi
# done
# done
# done
# for k in $KERNELS; do
# # For each patch, see if it applies.
# for p in $PATCHES; do
# STATUSFILE=status/$(basename $p)-$k
# STATUSLINE=$(tail -1 $STATUSFILE 2>/dev/null)
# if [ x"$STATUSLINE" = x ] || [ x"$ONE_PATCH" = x$p ]; then
# # Remove any old result.
# echo Testing $p on $k...
# STATUSLINE=$(scripts/try_patch $p $KDIR/linux-$k $k $EXTRA_ARGS)
# rm -rf $KDIR/.$$-$k
# fi
# done
# done
# # Now, generate table.
# exec > index.html.new
# LINE=$(fgrep -xn '' template-index.html | cut -d: -f1)
# # Prepend...
# head -$(($LINE - 1)) template-index.html
# # Actual table.
# echo '"
# # Append...
# tail +$LINE template-index.html
# cp index.html index.html.old
# mv index.html.new index.html
# # Delete old status files
# find status -type f -mtime +30 | xargs -r rm
# Annotate series files with descriptions from patch names.
for f in */series; do
rm -f $f.new
while read LINE; do
case $LINE in
\#*) if [ $STARTED -eq 0 ]; then echo "$LINE" >> $f.new; fi;;
"") STARTED=1; echo >> $f.new;;
PATCH=`dirname $f`/$LINE
zcat $PATCH | sed -n 's/^Name:/#/p' >> $f.new
echo $LINE >> $f.new
done < $f
mv $f.new $f
# Create megapatches
for f in */series; do
for p in $(grep -v '^#' $f); do zcat `dirname $f`/$p; echo; done | gzip -9 > `dirname $f`/ALL.patch.gz