autofs-5.0.9 - amd-lookup skip sss source for amd lookups

From: Ian Kent <>

Looks like we won't be able to provide sss as a map source for
amd maps. There's no way to tell sss to use a different schema
for different map formats.
 daemon/lookup.c |   14 ++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+)

diff --git a/daemon/lookup.c b/daemon/lookup.c
index 40fe459..999be9d 100644
--- a/daemon/lookup.c
+++ b/daemon/lookup.c
@@ -636,6 +636,13 @@ int lookup_nss_read_map(struct autofs_point *ap, struct map_source *source, time
 		list_for_each(p, head) {
 			this = list_entry(p, struct nss_source, list);
+			if (map->flags & MAP_FLAG_FORMAT_AMD &&
+			    !strcmp(this->source, "sss")) {
+				warn(ap->logopt,
+				     "source sss is not available for amd maps.");
+				continue;
+			}
 			      "reading map %s %s", this->source, map->argv[0]);
@@ -1156,6 +1163,13 @@ int lookup_nss_mount(struct autofs_point *ap, struct map_source *source, const c
 		list_for_each(p, head) {
 			this = list_entry(p, struct nss_source, list);
+			if (map->flags & MAP_FLAG_FORMAT_AMD &&
+			    !strcmp(this->source, "sss")) {
+				warn(ap->logopt,
+				     "source sss is not available for amd maps.");
+				continue;
+			}
 			result = lookup_map_name(this, ap, map, name, name_len);
 			if (result == NSS_STATUS_UNKNOWN)