{{Header}} '''{{free}}''' {{mbox | type = notice | image = [[File:Ambox_warning_pn.svg.png|40px]] | text = Note: By proceeding, you acknowledge that you have read, understood and agreed to our [[Terms of Service|Terms of Service]] and [[License Agreement|License Agreement]]. [[File:Ambox_warning_pn.svg.png|40px]] }} '''1.''' Install git. {{CodeSelect|code= sudo apt update && sudo apt install git }} '''2.''' Get the source code including git submodules. Optional git parameters: * --depth=1: Used to speed up the download. * --branch {{VersionNew}}-stable: Usability. Used to speed up the download. * --jobs=4: Used to speed up the download. * --recurse-submodules --shallow-submodules: Usability. Knowledgeable git users are free to drop any of these optional parameters. Alternatively, this can be achieved with the following commands in several steps. This is useful if network issues arise. * Over HTTPS: ** {{CodeSelect|code= git clone --depth=1 --branch {{VersionNew}}-stable https://github.com/{{project_name_short}}/derivative-maker.git }} * Over SSH. ** Might work better over slow networks but requires a GitHub account and a configured SSH public key at GitHub. See footnote [A] below. ** {{CodeSelect|code= git clone --depth=1 --branch {{VersionNew}}-stable git@github.com:{{project_name_short}}/derivative-maker.git }} {{CodeSelect|code= cd derivative-maker }} {{CodeSelect|code= git submodule update --init --recursive --progress --jobs=4 }} ---- [A] GitHub SSH public key setup. '''1.''' You need to create an SSH public key. Undocumented. '''2.''' You view your your SSH public key. {{CodeSelect|code= cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub }} '''3.''' Copy it. '''4.''' And paste your the SSH public key on GitHub. https://github.com/settings/keys Note: Replace {{VersionNew}}-stable with the actual tag you want to build. {{CodeSelect|code= git clone --depth=1 --branch {{VersionNew}}-stable --jobs=4 --recurse-submodules --shallow-submodules https://github.com/{{project_name_short}}/derivative-maker.git }} '''3.''' Check if above command succeeded. If there have been errors such as:
fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/.../': Could not resolve host: github.com
fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/.../': gnutls_handshake() failed: The TLS connection was non-properly terminated. 
Then the download probably failed. Checking if the download failed or succeeded can be done by checking the exit code. Choose your shell. {{Tab |type=controller |content= {{Tab |title= ==Zsh in Kicksecure or Derivatives== |type=section |addToClass=info-box |active=true |content= If the last line contains something such as the following.
zsh: exit 1
Then do not proceed and see footnote. Delete the derivative-maker source code folder and retry.
sudo rm -r derivative-maker
}} {{Tab |title= ==bash and other Shells== |type=section |addToClass=info-box |active=false |content= Show the exit code. {{CodeSelect|code= echo $? }} Output should show.
If any other exit code is shown, do not proceed and see footnote. }} }} '''4.''' Done. Git repository cloning has been completed. = Footnotes = {{Footer}} [[Category:MultiWiki]]