<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- -*- XML -*- -->

<!DOCTYPE pkconfig PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD PolicyKit Configuration 1.0//EN"


This is the default PolicyKit.conf file for GNOME SlackBuild 2.26.  Some
default settings have been configured here as example.  Feel free to 
change them as suits your needs. For example, to allow all users of your 
system to mount and unmount removable media, you could add:

   <match action="org.freedesktop.hal.storage.mount-removable">
      <return result="yes" />

We have configured the default admin group as "adm".  You will need to 
add users to this group in order for them to authorise some PolicyKit
configured applications which use auth_admin.

For more information and the file format, please see the manual page 
PolicyKit.conf(5) for the file format.


<config version="0.1">

   <!-- By default, prevent PulseAudio from acquiring high priority -->
   <!-- You can make PulseAudio ask for an admin rights by configuring
        the return result="auth_admin" -->
   <match action="org.pulseaudio.acquire-high-priority">
      <return result="no" />
   <match action="org.pulseaudio.acquire-real-time">
      <return result="no" />
   <!-- Users in the group "power" must enter their password before they
        are allowed to change the CPU frequency. -->
   <match action="org.gnome.cpufreqselector">
      <define_admin_auth group="power"/>
      <return result="auth_self_keep_session" />

   <!-- Only root can change system-wide GConf settings. -->
   <match action="org.gnome.gconf.defaults.set-system">
      <return result="auth_admin" />
   <match action="org.gnome.gconf.defaults.set-mandatory">
      <return result="auth_admin" />

   <!-- Users in the group "netdev" must enter their password before they
        are allowed to change the network settings through NetworkManager -->
   <match action="org.freedesktop.network-manager-settings.system.modify">
      <define_admin_auth group="netdev"/>
      <return result="auth_self_keep_session" />

   <match user="root">
       <return result="yes"/>
   <define_admin_auth group="adm"/>
