Version 1.81.2 -------------- - New JavaScript features! This version of GJS is based on SpiderMonkey 128, an upgrade from the previous ESR (Extended Support Release) of SpiderMonkey 115. Here are the highlights of the new JavaScript features. For more information, look them up on MDN or * New APIs + The new `Object.groupBy()` and `Map.groupBy()` static methods group the elements of an iterable according to the return value of a key function. + The new `Promise.withResolvers()` static method returns a Promise as well as its resolve and reject functions, shorthand for a common pattern used when promisifying event-based APIs. + Strings have gained the `isWellFormed()` and `toWellFormed()` methods which help when interoperating with strings that may have unpaired Unicode surrogates. This usually does not come up in the GNOME platform. + ArrayBuffers have gained the `transfer()` and `transferToFixedLength()` methods, which transfer ownership of a data buffer to a new ArrayBuffer object, without copying it, and invalidating ("detaching") any existing references to the buffer. There is also a new property, `detached`, which allows checking whether an ArrayBuffer is in the detached state. + The new `Intl.Segmenter` class allows splitting a string into graphemes, words, or sentences, in a locale-aware way. + `Intl.NumberFormat` has gained `formatRange()` and `formatRangeToParts()` methods, which allow formatting number ranges, like "3–5". + `Intl.PluralRules` has gained a `selectRange()` method, which allows selecting the proper plural form based on a range of numbers, like "30–50 feral hogs". * New behaviour + The `Intl.NumberFormat` and `Intl.PluralRules` constructors support new options: `roundingIncrement`, `roundingMode`, `roundingPriority`, and `trailingZeroDisplay`. + The `Intl.NumberFormat` constructor also supports the new option `useGrouping`. * Backwards-incompatible changes + The behaviour of `Date.parse()` has been changed to be more consistent with other JavaScript engines. (But don't use `Date.parse()`.) - Closed bugs and merge requests: * Invalid search paths cause failed assertions when printing [#629, !935, Gary Li] * SpiderMonkey 128 [#630, !936, !945, Philip Chimento] * Pretty-printing byte array in gjs-console throws a type conversion error [#434, !937, Gary Li] * js: Add gjs_debug_callable() debug function [!940, Philip Chimento] * build: Build Cairo from subproject if not found [!941, Philip Chimento] * Bump CI image to Fedora 40 [!942, Philip Chimento] * CI tools updates [!943, Philip Chimento]