Using /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg as config file [WARNING]: running playbook inside collection fedora.linux_system_roles PLAY [Ensure that the role can share tangd.socket.d directory with other files] *** TASK [Create the tangd.socket.d directory] ************************************* Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:25 -0400 (0:00:00.022) 0:00:00.022 ********* changed: [managed_node1] => { "ansible_facts": { "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python" }, "changed": true, "gid": 0, "group": "root", "mode": "0775", "owner": "root", "path": "/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d", "secontext": "unconfined_u:object_r:systemd_unit_file_t:s0", "size": 4096, "state": "directory", "uid": 0 } TASK [Create a customization systemd file] ************************************* Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:26 -0400 (0:00:00.544) 0:00:00.567 ********* changed: [managed_node1] => { "changed": true, "checksum": "05987691cc309e84627f31fa0d1680a3b3b2c4b2", "dest": "/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d/override2.conf", "gid": 0, "group": "root", "md5sum": "fb9de2e8557683271457053efbe78252", "mode": "0664", "owner": "root", "secontext": "system_u:object_r:tangd_unit_file_t:s0", "size": 28, "src": "/root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1721935826.36-12088-195889330900465/source", "state": "file", "uid": 0 } TASK [Run role] **************************************************************** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:27 -0400 (0:00:00.801) 0:00:01.368 ********* TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Set version specific variables] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:27 -0400 (0:00:00.024) 0:00:01.393 ********* included: /var/ARTIFACTS/work-generalgyj4pjdo/plans/general/tree/tmp.hDM9NGFo9m/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/nbde_server/tasks/set_vars.yml for managed_node1 TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Ensure ansible_facts used by role] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:27 -0400 (0:00:00.029) 0:00:01.422 ********* ok: [managed_node1] TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Check if system is ostree] ******* Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:27 -0400 (0:00:00.652) 0:00:02.074 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "stat": { "exists": false } } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Set flag to indicate system is ostree] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:28 -0400 (0:00:00.333) 0:00:02.408 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "ansible_facts": { "__nbde_server_is_ostree": false }, "changed": false } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Set platform/version specific variables] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:28 -0400 (0:00:00.042) 0:00:02.450 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "ansible_facts": { "__nbde_server_cachedir": "/var/cache/tang", "__nbde_server_group": "tang", "__nbde_server_keydir": "/var/db/tang", "__nbde_server_keygen": "/usr/libexec/tangd-keygen", "__nbde_server_packages": [ "tang" ], "__nbde_server_services": [ "tangd.socket" ], "__nbde_server_update": "/usr/libexec/tangd-update", "__nbde_server_user": "tang" }, "ansible_included_var_files": [ "/var/ARTIFACTS/work-generalgyj4pjdo/plans/general/tree/tmp.hDM9NGFo9m/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/nbde_server/vars/default.yml" ], "changed": false } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Include the appropriate provider tasks] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:28 -0400 (0:00:00.047) 0:00:02.498 ********* included: /var/ARTIFACTS/work-generalgyj4pjdo/plans/general/tree/tmp.hDM9NGFo9m/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/nbde_server/tasks/main-tang.yml for managed_node1 TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Ensure tang is installed] ******** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:28 -0400 (0:00:00.051) 0:00:02.550 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "rc": 0, "results": [ "tang-6-2.el7.x86_64 providing tang is already installed" ] } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Ensure keys are rotated] ********* Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:29 -0400 (0:00:01.085) 0:00:03.635 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Ensure we have keys] ************* Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:29 -0400 (0:00:00.039) 0:00:03.674 ********* changed: [managed_node1] => { "arguments": { "cachedir": "/var/cache/tang", "force": false, "keydir": "/var/db/tang", "keygen": "/usr/libexec/tangd-keygen", "keys_to_deploy_dir": null, "state": "keys-created", "update": "/usr/libexec/tangd-update" }, "changed": true, "state": "keys-created" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Perform key management (fetch/deploy) tasks] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:29 -0400 (0:00:00.421) 0:00:04.095 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Manage firewall and SELinux for port] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:29 -0400 (0:00:00.038) 0:00:04.133 ********* included: /var/ARTIFACTS/work-generalgyj4pjdo/plans/general/tree/tmp.hDM9NGFo9m/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/nbde_server/tasks/tangd-custom-port.yml for managed_node1 TASK [Ensure tang port is labeled tangd_port_t for SELinux] ******************** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:29 -0400 (0:00:00.043) 0:00:04.177 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Stat the tangd custom port systemd directory] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:29 -0400 (0:00:00.018) 0:00:04.196 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "stat": { "atime": 1721935826.2458894, "attr_flags": "e", "attributes": [ "extents" ], "block_size": 4096, "blocks": 8, "charset": "binary", "ctime": 1721935827.0489068, "dev": 51713, "device_type": 0, "executable": true, "exists": true, "gid": 0, "gr_name": "root", "inode": 262414, "isblk": false, "ischr": false, "isdir": true, "isfifo": false, "isgid": false, "islnk": false, "isreg": false, "issock": false, "isuid": false, "mimetype": "inode/directory", "mode": "0775", "mtime": 1721935827.0489068, "nlink": 2, "path": "/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d", "pw_name": "root", "readable": true, "rgrp": true, "roth": true, "rusr": true, "size": 4096, "uid": 0, "version": "2067431227", "wgrp": true, "woth": false, "writeable": true, "wusr": true, "xgrp": true, "xoth": true, "xusr": true } } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Get a list of files in the tangd custom directory] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:30 -0400 (0:00:00.303) 0:00:04.500 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "examined": 1, "files": [ { "atime": 1721935827.0459068, "ctime": 1721935827.0489068, "dev": 51713, "gid": 0, "gr_name": "root", "inode": 262366, "isblk": false, "ischr": false, "isdir": false, "isfifo": false, "isgid": false, "islnk": false, "isreg": true, "issock": false, "isuid": false, "mode": "0664", "mtime": 1721935826.7319, "nlink": 1, "path": "/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d/override2.conf", "pw_name": "root", "rgrp": true, "roth": true, "rusr": true, "size": 28, "uid": 0, "wgrp": true, "woth": false, "wusr": true, "xgrp": false, "xoth": false, "xusr": false } ], "matched": 1 } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Manage tangd custom port systemd directory] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:30 -0400 (0:00:00.461) 0:00:04.961 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "gid": 0, "group": "root", "mode": "0775", "owner": "root", "path": "/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d", "secontext": "unconfined_u:object_r:systemd_unit_file_t:s0", "size": 4096, "state": "directory", "uid": 0 } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Creates the file with the port entry that we want tangd to listen to] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:31 -0400 (0:00:00.325) 0:00:05.287 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Set flag to to tell main that the port has changed] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:31 -0400 (0:00:00.016) 0:00:05.304 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "ansible_facts": { "__nbde_server_port_changed": false }, "changed": false } TASK [Ensure the desired port is added to firewalld] *************************** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:31 -0400 (0:00:00.024) 0:00:05.328 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Reload the daemons so the new changes take effect] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:31 -0400 (0:00:00.016) 0:00:05.344 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Ensure required services are enabled and at the right state] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:31 -0400 (0:00:00.018) 0:00:05.363 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => (item=tangd.socket) => { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "enabled": true, "item": "tangd.socket", "name": "tangd.socket", "state": "started", "status": { "Accept": "yes", "ActiveEnterTimestamp": "Thu 2024-07-25 15:29:38 EDT", "ActiveEnterTimestampMonotonic": "970464127", "ActiveExitTimestamp": "Thu 2024-07-25 15:29:38 EDT", "ActiveExitTimestampMonotonic": "970463820", "ActiveState": "active", "After": "-.slice", "AllowIsolate": "no", "AmbientCapabilities": "0", "AssertResult": "yes", "AssertTimestamp": "Thu 2024-07-25 15:29:38 EDT", "AssertTimestampMonotonic": "970463871", "Backlog": "128", "Before": "tangd@0.service", "BindIPv6Only": "default", "BlockIOAccounting": "no", "BlockIOWeight": "18446744073709551615", "Broadcast": "no", "CPUAccounting": "no", "CPUQuotaPerSecUSec": "infinity", "CPUSchedulingPolicy": "0", "CPUSchedulingPriority": "0", "CPUSchedulingResetOnFork": "no", "CPUShares": "18446744073709551615", "CanIsolate": "no", "CanReload": "no", "CanStart": "yes", "CanStop": "yes", "CapabilityBoundingSet": "18446744073709551615", "CollectMode": "inactive", "ConditionResult": "yes", "ConditionTimestamp": "Thu 2024-07-25 15:29:38 EDT", "ConditionTimestampMonotonic": "970463869", "Conflicts": "", "ControlPID": "0", "DefaultDependencies": "yes", "DeferAcceptUSec": "0", "Delegate": "no", "Description": "Tang Server socket", "DevicePolicy": "auto", "DirectoryMode": "0755", "FragmentPath": "/usr/lib/systemd/system/tangd.socket", "FreeBind": "no", "IOScheduling": "0", "IPTOS": "-1", "IPTTL": "-1", "Id": "tangd.socket", "IgnoreOnIsolate": "no", "IgnoreOnSnapshot": "no", "IgnoreSIGPIPE": "yes", "InactiveEnterTimestamp": "Thu 2024-07-25 15:29:38 EDT", "InactiveEnterTimestampMonotonic": "970463820", "InactiveExitTimestamp": "Thu 2024-07-25 15:29:38 EDT", "InactiveExitTimestampMonotonic": "970464127", "JobTimeoutAction": "none", "JobTimeoutUSec": "0", "KeepAlive": "no", "KeepAliveIntervalUSec": "0", "KeepAliveProbes": "0", "KeepAliveTimeUSec": "0", "KillMode": "control-group", "KillSignal": "15", "LimitAS": "18446744073709551615", "LimitCORE": "18446744073709551615", "LimitCPU": "18446744073709551615", "LimitDATA": "18446744073709551615", "LimitFSIZE": "18446744073709551615", "LimitLOCKS": "18446744073709551615", "LimitMEMLOCK": "65536", "LimitMSGQUEUE": "819200", "LimitNICE": "0", "LimitNOFILE": "4096", "LimitNPROC": "14311", "LimitRSS": "18446744073709551615", "LimitRTPRIO": "0", "LimitRTTIME": "18446744073709551615", "LimitSIGPENDING": "14311", "LimitSTACK": "18446744073709551615", "ListenStream": "[::]:80", "LoadState": "loaded", "Mark": "-1", "MaxConnections": "64", "MemoryAccounting": "no", "MemoryCurrent": "18446744073709551615", "MemoryLimit": "18446744073709551615", "MountFlags": "0", "NAccepted": "0", "NConnections": "0", "Names": "tangd.socket", "NeedDaemonReload": "yes", "Nice": "0", "NoDelay": "no", "NoNewPrivileges": "no", "NonBlocking": "no", "OOMScoreAdjust": "0", "OnFailureJobMode": "replace", "PassCredentials": "no", "PassSecurity": "no", "PipeSize": "0", "Priority": "-1", "PrivateDevices": "no", "PrivateNetwork": "no", "PrivateTmp": "no", "ProtectHome": "no", "ProtectSystem": "no", "ReceiveBuffer": "0", "RefuseManualStart": "no", "RefuseManualStop": "no", "RemoveOnStop": "no", "Requires": "-.slice", "Result": "success", "ReusePort": "no", "RuntimeDirectoryMode": "0755", "SameProcessGroup": "no", "SecureBits": "0", "SendBuffer": "0", "SendSIGHUP": "no", "SendSIGKILL": "yes", "SocketMode": "0666", "StandardError": "inherit", "StandardInput": "null", "StandardOutput": "journal", "StartupBlockIOWeight": "18446744073709551615", "StartupCPUShares": "18446744073709551615", "StopWhenUnneeded": "no", "SubState": "listening", "SyslogLevelPrefix": "yes", "SyslogPriority": "30", "SystemCallErrorNumber": "0", "TTYReset": "no", "TTYVHangup": "no", "TTYVTDisallocate": "no", "TasksAccounting": "no", "TasksCurrent": "18446744073709551615", "TasksMax": "18446744073709551615", "TimeoutUSec": "1min 30s", "TimerSlackNSec": "50000", "Transient": "no", "Transparent": "no", "Triggers": "tangd@0.service", "UMask": "0022", "UnitFilePreset": "disabled", "UnitFileState": "enabled", "WantedBy": "" } } TASK [Check tangd socket dir] ************************************************** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:32 -0400 (0:00:00.910) 0:00:06.274 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "failed_when_result": false, "stat": { "atime": 1721935830.636985, "attr_flags": "e", "attributes": [ "extents" ], "block_size": 4096, "blocks": 8, "charset": "binary", "ctime": 1721935827.0489068, "dev": 51713, "device_type": 0, "executable": true, "exists": true, "gid": 0, "gr_name": "root", "inode": 262414, "isblk": false, "ischr": false, "isdir": true, "isfifo": false, "isgid": false, "islnk": false, "isreg": false, "issock": false, "isuid": false, "mimetype": "inode/directory", "mode": "0775", "mtime": 1721935827.0489068, "nlink": 2, "path": "/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d", "pw_name": "root", "readable": true, "rgrp": true, "roth": true, "rusr": true, "size": 4096, "uid": 0, "version": "2067431227", "wgrp": true, "woth": false, "writeable": true, "wusr": true, "xgrp": true, "xoth": true, "xusr": true } } TASK [Check custom file] ******************************************************* Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:32 -0400 (0:00:00.309) 0:00:06.583 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "failed_when_result": false, "stat": { "atime": 1721935827.0459068, "attr_flags": "e", "attributes": [ "extents" ], "block_size": 4096, "blocks": 8, "charset": "us-ascii", "checksum": "05987691cc309e84627f31fa0d1680a3b3b2c4b2", "ctime": 1721935827.0489068, "dev": 51713, "device_type": 0, "executable": false, "exists": true, "gid": 0, "gr_name": "root", "inode": 262366, "isblk": false, "ischr": false, "isdir": false, "isfifo": false, "isgid": false, "islnk": false, "isreg": true, "issock": false, "isuid": false, "mimetype": "text/plain", "mode": "0664", "mtime": 1721935826.7319, "nlink": 1, "path": "/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d/override2.conf", "pw_name": "root", "readable": true, "rgrp": true, "roth": true, "rusr": true, "size": 28, "uid": 0, "version": "2067431233", "wgrp": true, "woth": false, "writeable": true, "wusr": true, "xgrp": false, "xoth": false, "xusr": false } } TASK [Verify role reported no changes] ***************************************** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:32 -0400 (0:00:00.316) 0:00:06.900 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false } MSG: All assertions passed TASK [Run the role with a custom port] ***************************************** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:32 -0400 (0:00:00.019) 0:00:06.920 ********* TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Set version specific variables] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:32 -0400 (0:00:00.029) 0:00:06.949 ********* included: /var/ARTIFACTS/work-generalgyj4pjdo/plans/general/tree/tmp.hDM9NGFo9m/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/nbde_server/tasks/set_vars.yml for managed_node1 TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Ensure ansible_facts used by role] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:32 -0400 (0:00:00.021) 0:00:06.970 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Check if system is ostree] ******* Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:32 -0400 (0:00:00.017) 0:00:06.988 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Set flag to indicate system is ostree] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:32 -0400 (0:00:00.020) 0:00:07.008 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Set platform/version specific variables] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:32 -0400 (0:00:00.016) 0:00:07.024 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "ansible_facts": { "__nbde_server_cachedir": "/var/cache/tang", "__nbde_server_group": "tang", "__nbde_server_keydir": "/var/db/tang", "__nbde_server_keygen": "/usr/libexec/tangd-keygen", "__nbde_server_packages": [ "tang" ], "__nbde_server_services": [ "tangd.socket" ], "__nbde_server_update": "/usr/libexec/tangd-update", "__nbde_server_user": "tang" }, "ansible_included_var_files": [ "/var/ARTIFACTS/work-generalgyj4pjdo/plans/general/tree/tmp.hDM9NGFo9m/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/nbde_server/vars/default.yml" ], "changed": false } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Include the appropriate provider tasks] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:32 -0400 (0:00:00.031) 0:00:07.055 ********* included: /var/ARTIFACTS/work-generalgyj4pjdo/plans/general/tree/tmp.hDM9NGFo9m/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/nbde_server/tasks/main-tang.yml for managed_node1 TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Ensure tang is installed] ******** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:32 -0400 (0:00:00.028) 0:00:07.084 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "rc": 0, "results": [ "tang-6-2.el7.x86_64 providing tang is already installed" ] } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Ensure keys are rotated] ********* Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:33 -0400 (0:00:00.888) 0:00:07.973 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Ensure we have keys] ************* Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:33 -0400 (0:00:00.016) 0:00:07.989 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "arguments": { "cachedir": "/var/cache/tang", "force": false, "keydir": "/var/db/tang", "keygen": "/usr/libexec/tangd-keygen", "keys_to_deploy_dir": null, "state": "keys-created", "update": "/usr/libexec/tangd-update" }, "changed": false, "state": "keys-created" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Perform key management (fetch/deploy) tasks] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:34 -0400 (0:00:00.304) 0:00:08.294 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Manage firewall and SELinux for port] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:34 -0400 (0:00:00.017) 0:00:08.311 ********* included: /var/ARTIFACTS/work-generalgyj4pjdo/plans/general/tree/tmp.hDM9NGFo9m/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/nbde_server/tasks/tangd-custom-port.yml for managed_node1 TASK [Ensure tang port is labeled tangd_port_t for SELinux] ******************** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:34 -0400 (0:00:00.026) 0:00:08.338 ********* TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Set ansible_facts required by role and install packages] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:34 -0400 (0:00:00.061) 0:00:08.399 ********* included: /var/ARTIFACTS/work-generalgyj4pjdo/plans/general/tree/tmp.hDM9NGFo9m/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/selinux/tasks/set_facts_packages.yml for managed_node1 TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Ensure ansible_facts used by role] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:34 -0400 (0:00:00.033) 0:00:08.432 ********* ok: [managed_node1] TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Ensure SELinux packages] ************* Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:34 -0400 (0:00:00.398) 0:00:08.831 ********* included: /var/ARTIFACTS/work-generalgyj4pjdo/plans/general/tree/tmp.hDM9NGFo9m/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/selinux/tasks/ensure_selinux_packages.yml for managed_node1 TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Check if system is ostree] *********** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:34 -0400 (0:00:00.037) 0:00:08.869 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "stat": { "exists": false } } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Set flag to indicate system is ostree] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:34 -0400 (0:00:00.317) 0:00:09.186 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "ansible_facts": { "__selinux_is_ostree": false }, "changed": false } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Check if transactional-update exists in /sbin] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:34 -0400 (0:00:00.023) 0:00:09.210 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "stat": { "exists": false } } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Set flag if transactional-update exists] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:35 -0400 (0:00:00.306) 0:00:09.517 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "ansible_facts": { "__selinux_is_transactional": false }, "changed": false } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Install SELinux python2 tools] ******* Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:35 -0400 (0:00:00.025) 0:00:09.542 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "rc": 0, "results": [ "libselinux-python-2.5-15.el7.x86_64 providing libselinux-python is already installed", "policycoreutils-python-2.5-34.el7.x86_64 providing policycoreutils-python is already installed" ] } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Install SELinux python3 tools] ******* Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:36 -0400 (0:00:00.887) 0:00:10.430 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Install SELinux python3 tools] ******* Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:36 -0400 (0:00:00.018) 0:00:10.448 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Install SELinux tool semanage] ******* Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:36 -0400 (0:00:00.020) 0:00:10.469 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Notify user that reboot is needed to apply changes] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:36 -0400 (0:00:00.020) 0:00:10.490 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => {} TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Reboot transactional update systems] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:36 -0400 (0:00:00.019) 0:00:10.509 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Fail if reboot is needed and not set] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:36 -0400 (0:00:00.017) 0:00:10.527 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Refresh facts] *********************** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:36 -0400 (0:00:00.020) 0:00:10.547 ********* ok: [managed_node1] TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Set permanent SELinux state if enabled] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:36 -0400 (0:00:00.554) 0:00:11.102 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Set permanent SELinux state if disabled] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:36 -0400 (0:00:00.019) 0:00:11.121 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Set selinux_reboot_required] ********* Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:36 -0400 (0:00:00.020) 0:00:11.142 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "ansible_facts": { "selinux_reboot_required": false }, "changed": false } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Fail if reboot is required] ********** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:36 -0400 (0:00:00.022) 0:00:11.164 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Warn if SELinux is disabled] ********* Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:36 -0400 (0:00:00.012) 0:00:11.177 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => {} TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Drop all local modifications] ******** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:36 -0400 (0:00:00.016) 0:00:11.194 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Purge all SELinux boolean local modifications] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:36 -0400 (0:00:00.019) 0:00:11.213 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Purge all SELinux file context local modifications] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:36 -0400 (0:00:00.016) 0:00:11.229 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Purge all SELinux port local modifications] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:36 -0400 (0:00:00.017) 0:00:11.247 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Purge all SELinux login local modifications] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:36 -0400 (0:00:00.019) 0:00:11.266 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Set SELinux booleans] **************** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:37 -0400 (0:00:00.017) 0:00:11.283 ********* TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Set SELinux file contexts] *********** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:37 -0400 (0:00:00.016) 0:00:11.300 ********* TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Set an SELinux label on a port] ****** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:37 -0400 (0:00:00.018) 0:00:11.318 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => (item={u'setype': u'tangd_port_t', u'proto': u'tcp', u'local': True, u'state': u'present', u'ports': 7500}) => { "__selinux_item": { "local": true, "ports": 7500, "proto": "tcp", "setype": "tangd_port_t", "state": "present" }, "ansible_loop_var": "__selinux_item", "changed": false, "ports": [ "7500" ], "proto": "tcp", "setype": "tangd_port_t", "state": "present" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Set linux user to SELinux user mapping] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:37 -0400 (0:00:00.574) 0:00:11.892 ********* TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Get SELinux modules facts] *********** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:37 -0400 (0:00:00.017) 0:00:11.909 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "ansible_facts": { "selinux_checksums": false, "selinux_installed_modules": { "abrt": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "accountsd": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "acct": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "afs": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "aiccu": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "aide": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "ajaxterm": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "alsa": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "amanda": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "amtu": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "anaconda": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "antivirus": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "apache": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "apcupsd": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "apm": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "application": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "arpwatch": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "asterisk": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "auditadm": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "authconfig": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "authlogin": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "automount": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "avahi": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "awstats": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "bacula": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "base": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "bcfg2": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "bind": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "bitlbee": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "blkmapd": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "blueman": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "bluetooth": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "boinc": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "boltd": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "bootloader": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "brctl": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "brltty": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "bugzilla": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "bumblebee": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "cachefilesd": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "calamaris": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "callweaver": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "canna": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "ccs": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "cdrecord": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "certmaster": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "certmonger": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "certwatch": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "cfengine": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "cgdcbxd": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "cgroup": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "chrome": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "chronyd": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "cinder": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "cipe": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "clock": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "clogd": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "cloudform": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "cmirrord": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "cobbler": { 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"svnserve": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "swift": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "sysadm": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "sysadm_secadm": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "sysnetwork": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "sysstat": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "systemd": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "tangd": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "targetd": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "tcpd": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "tcsd": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "telepathy": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "telnet": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "tftp": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "tgtd": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "thin": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "thumb": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "tlp": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "tmpreaper": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "tomcat": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "tor": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "tuned": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "tvtime": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "udev": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "ulogd": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "uml": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "unconfined": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "unconfineduser": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "unlabelednet": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "unprivuser": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "updfstab": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "usbmodules": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "usbmuxd": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "userdomain": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "userhelper": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "usermanage": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "usernetctl": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "uucp": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "uuidd": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "varnishd": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "vdagent": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "vhostmd": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "virt": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "vlock": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "vmtools": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "vmware": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "vnstatd": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "vpn": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "w3c": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "watchdog": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "wdmd": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "webadm": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "webalizer": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "wine": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "wireshark": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "xen": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "xguest": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "xserver": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "zabbix": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "zarafa": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "zebra": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "zoneminder": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } }, "zosremote": { "100": { "checksum": "", "enabled": 1 } } }, "selinux_priorities": true }, "changed": false } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Load SELinux modules] **************** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:41 -0400 (0:00:03.463) 0:00:15.373 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Restore SELinux labels on filesystem tree] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:41 -0400 (0:00:00.041) 0:00:15.414 ********* TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Restore SELinux labels on filesystem tree in check mode] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:41 -0400 (0:00:00.035) 0:00:15.449 ********* TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Stat the tangd custom port systemd directory] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:41 -0400 (0:00:00.036) 0:00:15.486 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "stat": { "atime": 1721935830.636985, "attr_flags": "e", "attributes": [ "extents" ], "block_size": 4096, "blocks": 8, "charset": "binary", "ctime": 1721935827.0489068, "dev": 51713, "device_type": 0, "executable": true, "exists": true, "gid": 0, "gr_name": "root", "inode": 262414, "isblk": false, "ischr": false, "isdir": true, "isfifo": false, "isgid": false, "islnk": false, "isreg": false, "issock": false, "isuid": false, "mimetype": "inode/directory", "mode": "0775", "mtime": 1721935827.0489068, "nlink": 2, "path": "/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d", "pw_name": "root", "readable": true, "rgrp": true, "roth": true, "rusr": true, "size": 4096, "uid": 0, "version": "2067431227", "wgrp": true, "woth": false, "writeable": true, "wusr": true, "xgrp": true, "xoth": true, "xusr": true } } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Get a list of files in the tangd custom directory] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:41 -0400 (0:00:00.335) 0:00:15.822 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Manage tangd custom port systemd directory] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:41 -0400 (0:00:00.040) 0:00:15.862 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "gid": 0, "group": "root", "mode": "0775", "owner": "root", "path": "/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d", "secontext": "unconfined_u:object_r:systemd_unit_file_t:s0", "size": 4096, "state": "directory", "uid": 0 } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Creates the file with the port entry that we want tangd to listen to] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:41 -0400 (0:00:00.340) 0:00:16.203 ********* changed: [managed_node1] => { "changed": true, "checksum": "cab519df8c21e60fd06ac780e2c7bd41ad441042", "dest": "/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d/override.conf", "gid": 0, "group": "root", "md5sum": "fc727969e0bd264a9cc7f9c6bc56714c", "mode": "0644", "owner": "root", "secontext": "system_u:object_r:tangd_unit_file_t:s0", "size": 90, "src": "/root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1721935841.99-12413-253384364384402/source", "state": "file", "uid": 0 } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Set flag to to tell main that the port has changed] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:42 -0400 (0:00:00.645) 0:00:16.848 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "ansible_facts": { "__nbde_server_port_changed": true }, "changed": false } TASK [Ensure the desired port is added to firewalld] *************************** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:42 -0400 (0:00:00.077) 0:00:16.926 ********* TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.firewall : Setup firewalld] ******************** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:42 -0400 (0:00:00.130) 0:00:17.056 ********* included: /var/ARTIFACTS/work-generalgyj4pjdo/plans/general/tree/tmp.hDM9NGFo9m/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/firewall/tasks/firewalld.yml for managed_node1 TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.firewall : Ensure ansible_facts used by role] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:42 -0400 (0:00:00.076) 0:00:17.133 ********* ok: [managed_node1] TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.firewall : Check if system is ostree] ********** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:43 -0400 (0:00:00.427) 0:00:17.560 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "stat": { "exists": false } } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.firewall : Set flag to indicate system is ostree] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:43 -0400 (0:00:00.340) 0:00:17.901 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "ansible_facts": { "__firewall_is_ostree": false }, "changed": false } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.firewall : Check if transactional-update exists in /sbin] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:43 -0400 (0:00:00.045) 0:00:17.946 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "stat": { "exists": false } } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.firewall : Set flag if transactional-update exists] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:43 -0400 (0:00:00.325) 0:00:18.272 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "ansible_facts": { "__firewall_is_transactional": false }, "changed": false } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.firewall : Install firewalld] ****************** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:44 -0400 (0:00:00.044) 0:00:18.317 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "rc": 0, "results": [ "firewalld-0.6.3-13.el7_9.noarch providing firewalld is already installed" ] } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.firewall : Notify user that reboot is needed to apply changes] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:44 -0400 (0:00:00.930) 0:00:19.248 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => {} TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.firewall : Reboot transactional update systems] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:45 -0400 (0:00:00.037) 0:00:19.285 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.firewall : Fail if reboot is needed and not set] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:45 -0400 (0:00:00.039) 0:00:19.325 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.firewall : Collect service facts] ************** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:45 -0400 (0:00:00.039) 0:00:19.364 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.firewall : Attempt to stop and disable conflicting services] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:45 -0400 (0:00:00.037) 0:00:19.402 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => (item=nftables) => { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "item": "nftables", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } skipping: [managed_node1] => (item=iptables) => { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "item": "iptables", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } skipping: [managed_node1] => (item=ufw) => { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "item": "ufw", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.firewall : Unmask firewalld service] *********** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:45 -0400 (0:00:00.053) 0:00:19.455 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "name": "firewalld", "status": { "ActiveEnterTimestamp": "Thu 2024-07-25 15:29:11 EDT", "ActiveEnterTimestampMonotonic": "942835938", "ActiveExitTimestampMonotonic": "0", "ActiveState": "active", "After": "dbus.service system.slice polkit.service", "AllowIsolate": "no", "AmbientCapabilities": "0", "AssertResult": "yes", "AssertTimestamp": "Thu 2024-07-25 15:29:10 EDT", "AssertTimestampMonotonic": "941916773", "Before": "", "BlockIOAccounting": "no", "BlockIOWeight": "18446744073709551615", "BusName": "org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1", "CPUAccounting": "no", "CPUQuotaPerSecUSec": "infinity", "CPUSchedulingPolicy": "0", "CPUSchedulingPriority": "0", "CPUSchedulingResetOnFork": "no", "CPUShares": "18446744073709551615", "CanIsolate": "no", "CanReload": "yes", "CanStart": "yes", "CanStop": "yes", "CapabilityBoundingSet": "18446744073709551615", "CollectMode": "inactive", "ConditionResult": "yes", "ConditionTimestamp": "Thu 2024-07-25 15:29:10 EDT", "ConditionTimestampMonotonic": "941916771", "Conflicts": "ipset.service iptables.service ebtables.service ip6tables.service", "ControlGroup": "/system.slice/firewalld.service", "ControlPID": "0", "DefaultDependencies": "yes", "Delegate": "no", "Description": "firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon", "DevicePolicy": "auto", "Documentation": "man:firewalld(1)", "EnvironmentFile": "/etc/sysconfig/firewalld (ignore_errors=yes)", "ExecMainCode": "0", "ExecMainExitTimestampMonotonic": "0", "ExecMainPID": "9112", "ExecMainStartTimestamp": "Thu 2024-07-25 15:29:10 EDT", "ExecMainStartTimestampMonotonic": "941919276", "ExecMainStatus": "0", "ExecReload": "{ path=/bin/kill ; argv[]=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID ; ignore_errors=no ; start_time=[n/a] ; stop_time=[n/a] ; pid=0 ; code=(null) ; status=0/0 }", "ExecStart": "{ path=/usr/sbin/firewalld ; argv[]=/usr/sbin/firewalld --nofork --nopid $FIREWALLD_ARGS ; ignore_errors=no ; start_time=[n/a] ; stop_time=[n/a] ; pid=0 ; code=(null) ; status=0/0 }", "FailureAction": "none", "FileDescriptorStoreMax": "0", "FragmentPath": "/usr/lib/systemd/system/firewalld.service", "GuessMainPID": "yes", "IOScheduling": "0", "Id": "firewalld.service", "IgnoreOnIsolate": "no", "IgnoreOnSnapshot": "no", "IgnoreSIGPIPE": "yes", "InactiveEnterTimestampMonotonic": "0", "InactiveExitTimestamp": "Thu 2024-07-25 15:29:10 EDT", "InactiveExitTimestampMonotonic": "941919320", "JobTimeoutAction": "none", "JobTimeoutUSec": "0", "KillMode": "mixed", "KillSignal": "15", "LimitAS": "18446744073709551615", "LimitCORE": "18446744073709551615", "LimitCPU": "18446744073709551615", "LimitDATA": "18446744073709551615", "LimitFSIZE": "18446744073709551615", "LimitLOCKS": "18446744073709551615", "LimitMEMLOCK": "65536", "LimitMSGQUEUE": "819200", "LimitNICE": "0", "LimitNOFILE": "4096", "LimitNPROC": "14311", "LimitRSS": "18446744073709551615", "LimitRTPRIO": "0", "LimitRTTIME": "18446744073709551615", "LimitSIGPENDING": "14311", "LimitSTACK": "18446744073709551615", "LoadState": "loaded", "MainPID": "9112", "MemoryAccounting": "no", "MemoryCurrent": "18446744073709551615", "MemoryLimit": "18446744073709551615", "MountFlags": "0", "Names": "firewalld.service", "NeedDaemonReload": "no", "Nice": "0", "NoNewPrivileges": "no", "NonBlocking": "no", "NotifyAccess": "none", "OOMScoreAdjust": "0", "OnFailureJobMode": "replace", "PermissionsStartOnly": "no", "PrivateDevices": "no", "PrivateNetwork": "no", "PrivateTmp": "no", "ProtectHome": "no", "ProtectSystem": "no", "RefuseManualStart": "no", "RefuseManualStop": "no", "RemainAfterExit": "no", "Requires": " system.slice", "Restart": "no", "RestartUSec": "100ms", "Result": "success", "RootDirectoryStartOnly": "no", "RuntimeDirectoryMode": "0755", "SameProcessGroup": "no", "SecureBits": "0", "SendSIGHUP": "no", "SendSIGKILL": "yes", "Slice": "system.slice", "StandardError": "null", "StandardInput": "null", "StandardOutput": "null", "StartLimitAction": "none", "StartLimitBurst": "5", "StartLimitInterval": "10000000", "StartupBlockIOWeight": "18446744073709551615", "StartupCPUShares": "18446744073709551615", "StatusErrno": "0", "StopWhenUnneeded": "no", "SubState": "running", "SyslogLevelPrefix": "yes", "SyslogPriority": "30", "SystemCallErrorNumber": "0", "TTYReset": "no", "TTYVHangup": "no", "TTYVTDisallocate": "no", "TasksAccounting": "no", "TasksCurrent": "18446744073709551615", "TasksMax": "18446744073709551615", "TimeoutStartUSec": "1min 30s", "TimeoutStopUSec": "1min 30s", "TimerSlackNSec": "50000", "Transient": "no", "Type": "dbus", "UMask": "0022", "UnitFilePreset": "enabled", "UnitFileState": "enabled", "WantedBy": "", "Wants": "", "WatchdogTimestamp": "Thu 2024-07-25 15:29:11 EDT", "WatchdogTimestampMonotonic": "942835877", "WatchdogUSec": "0" } } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.firewall : Enable and start firewalld service] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:45 -0400 (0:00:00.495) 0:00:19.951 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "enabled": true, "name": "firewalld", "state": "started", "status": { "ActiveEnterTimestamp": "Thu 2024-07-25 15:29:11 EDT", "ActiveEnterTimestampMonotonic": "942835938", "ActiveExitTimestampMonotonic": "0", "ActiveState": "active", "After": "dbus.service system.slice polkit.service", "AllowIsolate": "no", "AmbientCapabilities": "0", "AssertResult": "yes", "AssertTimestamp": "Thu 2024-07-25 15:29:10 EDT", "AssertTimestampMonotonic": "941916773", "Before": "", "BlockIOAccounting": "no", "BlockIOWeight": "18446744073709551615", "BusName": "org.fedoraproject.FirewallD1", "CPUAccounting": "no", "CPUQuotaPerSecUSec": "infinity", "CPUSchedulingPolicy": "0", "CPUSchedulingPriority": "0", "CPUSchedulingResetOnFork": "no", "CPUShares": "18446744073709551615", "CanIsolate": "no", "CanReload": "yes", "CanStart": "yes", "CanStop": "yes", "CapabilityBoundingSet": "18446744073709551615", "CollectMode": "inactive", "ConditionResult": "yes", "ConditionTimestamp": "Thu 2024-07-25 15:29:10 EDT", "ConditionTimestampMonotonic": "941916771", "Conflicts": "ipset.service iptables.service ebtables.service ip6tables.service", "ControlGroup": "/system.slice/firewalld.service", "ControlPID": "0", "DefaultDependencies": "yes", "Delegate": "no", "Description": "firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon", "DevicePolicy": "auto", "Documentation": "man:firewalld(1)", "EnvironmentFile": "/etc/sysconfig/firewalld (ignore_errors=yes)", "ExecMainCode": "0", "ExecMainExitTimestampMonotonic": "0", "ExecMainPID": "9112", "ExecMainStartTimestamp": "Thu 2024-07-25 15:29:10 EDT", "ExecMainStartTimestampMonotonic": "941919276", "ExecMainStatus": "0", "ExecReload": "{ path=/bin/kill ; argv[]=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID ; ignore_errors=no ; start_time=[n/a] ; stop_time=[n/a] ; pid=0 ; code=(null) ; status=0/0 }", "ExecStart": "{ path=/usr/sbin/firewalld ; argv[]=/usr/sbin/firewalld --nofork --nopid $FIREWALLD_ARGS ; ignore_errors=no ; start_time=[n/a] ; stop_time=[n/a] ; pid=0 ; code=(null) ; status=0/0 }", "FailureAction": "none", "FileDescriptorStoreMax": "0", "FragmentPath": "/usr/lib/systemd/system/firewalld.service", "GuessMainPID": "yes", "IOScheduling": "0", "Id": "firewalld.service", "IgnoreOnIsolate": "no", "IgnoreOnSnapshot": "no", "IgnoreSIGPIPE": "yes", "InactiveEnterTimestampMonotonic": "0", "InactiveExitTimestamp": "Thu 2024-07-25 15:29:10 EDT", "InactiveExitTimestampMonotonic": "941919320", "JobTimeoutAction": "none", "JobTimeoutUSec": "0", "KillMode": "mixed", "KillSignal": "15", "LimitAS": "18446744073709551615", "LimitCORE": "18446744073709551615", "LimitCPU": "18446744073709551615", "LimitDATA": "18446744073709551615", "LimitFSIZE": "18446744073709551615", "LimitLOCKS": "18446744073709551615", "LimitMEMLOCK": "65536", "LimitMSGQUEUE": "819200", "LimitNICE": "0", "LimitNOFILE": "4096", "LimitNPROC": "14311", "LimitRSS": "18446744073709551615", "LimitRTPRIO": "0", "LimitRTTIME": "18446744073709551615", "LimitSIGPENDING": "14311", "LimitSTACK": "18446744073709551615", "LoadState": "loaded", "MainPID": "9112", "MemoryAccounting": "no", "MemoryCurrent": "18446744073709551615", "MemoryLimit": "18446744073709551615", "MountFlags": "0", "Names": "firewalld.service", "NeedDaemonReload": "no", "Nice": "0", "NoNewPrivileges": "no", "NonBlocking": "no", "NotifyAccess": "none", "OOMScoreAdjust": "0", "OnFailureJobMode": "replace", "PermissionsStartOnly": "no", "PrivateDevices": "no", "PrivateNetwork": "no", "PrivateTmp": "no", "ProtectHome": "no", "ProtectSystem": "no", "RefuseManualStart": "no", "RefuseManualStop": "no", "RemainAfterExit": "no", "Requires": " system.slice", "Restart": "no", "RestartUSec": "100ms", "Result": "success", "RootDirectoryStartOnly": "no", "RuntimeDirectoryMode": "0755", "SameProcessGroup": "no", "SecureBits": "0", "SendSIGHUP": "no", "SendSIGKILL": "yes", "Slice": "system.slice", "StandardError": "null", "StandardInput": "null", "StandardOutput": "null", "StartLimitAction": "none", "StartLimitBurst": "5", "StartLimitInterval": "10000000", "StartupBlockIOWeight": "18446744073709551615", "StartupCPUShares": "18446744073709551615", "StatusErrno": "0", "StopWhenUnneeded": "no", "SubState": "running", "SyslogLevelPrefix": "yes", "SyslogPriority": "30", "SystemCallErrorNumber": "0", "TTYReset": "no", "TTYVHangup": "no", "TTYVTDisallocate": "no", "TasksAccounting": "no", "TasksCurrent": "18446744073709551615", "TasksMax": "18446744073709551615", "TimeoutStartUSec": "1min 30s", "TimeoutStopUSec": "1min 30s", "TimerSlackNSec": "50000", "Transient": "no", "Type": "dbus", "UMask": "0022", "UnitFilePreset": "enabled", "UnitFileState": "enabled", "WantedBy": "", "Wants": "", "WatchdogTimestamp": "Thu 2024-07-25 15:29:11 EDT", "WatchdogTimestampMonotonic": "942835877", "WatchdogUSec": "0" } } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.firewall : Check if previous replaced is defined] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:46 -0400 (0:00:00.423) 0:00:20.374 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "ansible_facts": { "__firewall_previous_replaced": false, "__firewall_python_cmd": "/usr/bin/python", "__firewall_report_changed": true }, "changed": false } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.firewall : Get config files, checksums before and remove] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:46 -0400 (0:00:00.046) 0:00:20.421 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.firewall : Tell firewall module it is able to report changed] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:46 -0400 (0:00:00.040) 0:00:20.461 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.firewall : Configure firewall] ***************** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:46 -0400 (0:00:00.040) 0:00:20.502 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => (item={u'state': u'enabled', u'permanent': True, u'immediate': True, u'port': u'7500/tcp', u'zone': u'public'}) => { "__firewall_changed": false, "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "item": { "immediate": true, "permanent": true, "port": "7500/tcp", "state": "enabled", "zone": "public" } } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.firewall : Gather firewall config information] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:47 -0400 (0:00:00.792) 0:00:21.294 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => (item={u'state': u'enabled', u'permanent': True, u'immediate': True, u'port': u'7500/tcp', u'zone': u'public'}) => { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "item": { "immediate": true, "permanent": true, "port": "7500/tcp", "state": "enabled", "zone": "public" }, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.firewall : Update firewalld_config fact] ******* Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:47 -0400 (0:00:00.060) 0:00:21.355 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.firewall : Gather firewall config if no arguments] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:47 -0400 (0:00:00.048) 0:00:21.403 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.firewall : Update firewalld_config fact] ******* Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:47 -0400 (0:00:00.039) 0:00:21.443 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.firewall : Get config files, checksums after] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:47 -0400 (0:00:00.041) 0:00:21.485 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.firewall : Calculate what has changed] ********* Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:47 -0400 (0:00:00.040) 0:00:21.525 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.firewall : Show diffs] ************************* Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:47 -0400 (0:00:00.039) 0:00:21.565 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => {} TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Reload the daemons so the new changes take effect] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:47 -0400 (0:00:00.038) 0:00:21.603 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "name": null, "status": {} } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Ensure required services are enabled and at the right state] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:47 -0400 (0:00:00.480) 0:00:22.084 ********* changed: [managed_node1] => (item=tangd.socket) => { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": true, "enabled": true, "item": "tangd.socket", "name": "tangd.socket", "state": "started", "status": { "Accept": "yes", "ActiveEnterTimestamp": "Thu 2024-07-25 15:29:38 EDT", "ActiveEnterTimestampMonotonic": "970464127", "ActiveExitTimestamp": "Thu 2024-07-25 15:29:38 EDT", "ActiveExitTimestampMonotonic": "970463820", "ActiveState": "active", "After": " -.slice", "AllowIsolate": "no", "AmbientCapabilities": "0", "AssertResult": "yes", "AssertTimestamp": "Thu 2024-07-25 15:29:38 EDT", "AssertTimestampMonotonic": "970463871", "Backlog": "128", "Before": "tangd@0.service", "BindIPv6Only": "default", "BlockIOAccounting": "no", "BlockIOWeight": "18446744073709551615", "Broadcast": "no", "CPUAccounting": "no", "CPUQuotaPerSecUSec": "infinity", "CPUSchedulingPolicy": "0", "CPUSchedulingPriority": "0", "CPUSchedulingResetOnFork": "no", "CPUShares": "18446744073709551615", "CanIsolate": "no", "CanReload": "no", "CanStart": "yes", "CanStop": "yes", "CapabilityBoundingSet": "18446744073709551615", "CollectMode": "inactive", "ConditionResult": "yes", "ConditionTimestamp": "Thu 2024-07-25 15:29:38 EDT", "ConditionTimestampMonotonic": "970463869", "Conflicts": "", "ControlPID": "0", "DefaultDependencies": "yes", "DeferAcceptUSec": "0", "Delegate": "no", "Description": "Tang Server socket", "DevicePolicy": "auto", "DirectoryMode": "0755", "DropInPaths": "/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d/override.conf /etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d/override2.conf", "FragmentPath": "/usr/lib/systemd/system/tangd.socket", "FreeBind": "no", "IOScheduling": "0", "IPTOS": "-1", "IPTTL": "-1", "Id": "tangd.socket", "IgnoreOnIsolate": "no", "IgnoreOnSnapshot": "no", "IgnoreSIGPIPE": "yes", "InactiveEnterTimestamp": "Thu 2024-07-25 15:29:38 EDT", "InactiveEnterTimestampMonotonic": "970463820", "InactiveExitTimestamp": "Thu 2024-07-25 15:29:38 EDT", "InactiveExitTimestampMonotonic": "970464127", "JobTimeoutAction": "none", "JobTimeoutUSec": "0", "KeepAlive": "no", "KeepAliveIntervalUSec": "0", "KeepAliveProbes": "0", "KeepAliveTimeUSec": "0", "KillMode": "control-group", "KillSignal": "15", "LimitAS": "18446744073709551615", "LimitCORE": "18446744073709551615", "LimitCPU": "18446744073709551615", "LimitDATA": "18446744073709551615", "LimitFSIZE": "18446744073709551615", "LimitLOCKS": "18446744073709551615", "LimitMEMLOCK": "65536", "LimitMSGQUEUE": "819200", "LimitNICE": "0", "LimitNOFILE": "4096", "LimitNPROC": "14311", "LimitRSS": "18446744073709551615", "LimitRTPRIO": "0", "LimitRTTIME": "18446744073709551615", "LimitSIGPENDING": "14311", "LimitSTACK": "18446744073709551615", "ListenStream": "[::]:7500", "LoadState": "loaded", "Mark": "-1", "MaxConnections": "128", "MemoryAccounting": "no", "MemoryCurrent": "18446744073709551615", "MemoryLimit": "18446744073709551615", "MountFlags": "0", "NAccepted": "0", "NConnections": "0", "Names": "tangd.socket", "NeedDaemonReload": "no", "Nice": "0", "NoDelay": "no", "NoNewPrivileges": "no", "NonBlocking": "no", "OOMScoreAdjust": "0", "OnFailureJobMode": "replace", "PassCredentials": "no", "PassSecurity": "no", "PipeSize": "0", "Priority": "-1", "PrivateDevices": "no", "PrivateNetwork": "no", "PrivateTmp": "no", "ProtectHome": "no", "ProtectSystem": "no", "ReceiveBuffer": "0", "RefuseManualStart": "no", "RefuseManualStop": "no", "RemoveOnStop": "no", "Requires": " -.slice", "Result": "success", "ReusePort": "no", "RuntimeDirectoryMode": "0755", "SameProcessGroup": "no", "SecureBits": "0", "SendBuffer": "0", "SendSIGHUP": "no", "SendSIGKILL": "yes", "SocketMode": "0666", "StandardError": "inherit", "StandardInput": "null", "StandardOutput": "journal", "StartupBlockIOWeight": "18446744073709551615", "StartupCPUShares": "18446744073709551615", "StopWhenUnneeded": "no", "SubState": "listening", "SyslogLevelPrefix": "yes", "SyslogPriority": "30", "SystemCallErrorNumber": "0", "TTYReset": "no", "TTYVHangup": "no", "TTYVTDisallocate": "no", "TasksAccounting": "no", "TasksCurrent": "18446744073709551615", "TasksMax": "18446744073709551615", "TimeoutUSec": "1min 30s", "TimerSlackNSec": "50000", "Transient": "no", "Transparent": "no", "Triggers": "tangd@0.service", "UMask": "0022", "UnitFilePreset": "disabled", "UnitFileState": "enabled", "WantedBy": "" } } TASK [Check tangd socket dir] ************************************************** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:48 -0400 (0:00:00.499) 0:00:22.584 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "failed_when_result": false, "stat": { "atime": 1721935847.7083569, "attr_flags": "e", "attributes": [ "extents" ], "block_size": 4096, "blocks": 8, "charset": "binary", "ctime": 1721935842.5062435, "dev": 51713, "device_type": 0, "executable": true, "exists": true, "gid": 0, "gr_name": "root", "inode": 262414, "isblk": false, "ischr": false, "isdir": true, "isfifo": false, "isgid": false, "islnk": false, "isreg": false, "issock": false, "isuid": false, "mimetype": "inode/directory", "mode": "0775", "mtime": 1721935842.5062435, "nlink": 2, "path": "/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d", "pw_name": "root", "readable": true, "rgrp": true, "roth": true, "rusr": true, "size": 4096, "uid": 0, "version": "2067431227", "wgrp": true, "woth": false, "writeable": true, "wusr": true, "xgrp": true, "xoth": true, "xusr": true } } TASK [Check custom file] ******************************************************* Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:48 -0400 (0:00:00.336) 0:00:22.921 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "failed_when_result": false, "stat": { "atime": 1721935832.561027, "attr_flags": "e", "attributes": [ "extents" ], "block_size": 4096, "blocks": 8, "charset": "us-ascii", "checksum": "05987691cc309e84627f31fa0d1680a3b3b2c4b2", "ctime": 1721935827.0489068, "dev": 51713, "device_type": 0, "executable": false, "exists": true, "gid": 0, "gr_name": "root", "inode": 262366, "isblk": false, "ischr": false, "isdir": false, "isfifo": false, "isgid": false, "islnk": false, "isreg": true, "issock": false, "isuid": false, "mimetype": "text/plain", "mode": "0664", "mtime": 1721935826.7319, "nlink": 1, "path": "/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d/override2.conf", "pw_name": "root", "readable": true, "rgrp": true, "roth": true, "rusr": true, "size": 28, "uid": 0, "version": "2067431233", "wgrp": true, "woth": false, "writeable": true, "wusr": true, "xgrp": false, "xoth": false, "xusr": false } } TASK [Verify role reported no changes] ***************************************** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:49 -0400 (0:00:00.361) 0:00:23.282 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false } MSG: All assertions passed TASK [Check for ansible_managed, fingerprint in generated files] *************** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:49 -0400 (0:00:00.041) 0:00:23.324 ********* included: /var/ARTIFACTS/work-generalgyj4pjdo/plans/general/tree/tmp.hDM9NGFo9m/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/tests/nbde_server/tasks/check_header.yml for managed_node1 TASK [Get file] **************************************************************** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:49 -0400 (0:00:00.100) 0:00:23.425 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "content": "IwojIEFuc2libGUgbWFuYWdlZAojCiMgc3lzdGVtX3JvbGU6bmJkZV9zZXJ2ZXIKCltTb2NrZXRdCkxpc3RlblN0cmVhbT0KTGlzdGVuU3RyZWFtPTc1MDAK", "encoding": "base64", "source": "/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d/override.conf" } TASK [Check for presence of ansible managed header, fingerprint] *************** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:49 -0400 (0:00:00.413) 0:00:23.838 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false } MSG: All assertions passed TASK [Remove custom file] ****************************************************** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:49 -0400 (0:00:00.092) 0:00:23.930 ********* changed: [managed_node1] => { "changed": true, "path": "/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d/override2.conf", "state": "absent" } TASK [Run the role with default port] ****************************************** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:50 -0400 (0:00:00.372) 0:00:24.303 ********* TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Set version specific variables] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:50 -0400 (0:00:00.068) 0:00:24.372 ********* included: /var/ARTIFACTS/work-generalgyj4pjdo/plans/general/tree/tmp.hDM9NGFo9m/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/nbde_server/tasks/set_vars.yml for managed_node1 TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Ensure ansible_facts used by role] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:50 -0400 (0:00:00.061) 0:00:24.433 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Check if system is ostree] ******* Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:50 -0400 (0:00:00.051) 0:00:24.484 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Set flag to indicate system is ostree] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:50 -0400 (0:00:00.038) 0:00:24.523 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Set platform/version specific variables] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:50 -0400 (0:00:00.038) 0:00:24.561 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "ansible_facts": { "__nbde_server_cachedir": "/var/cache/tang", "__nbde_server_group": "tang", "__nbde_server_keydir": "/var/db/tang", "__nbde_server_keygen": "/usr/libexec/tangd-keygen", "__nbde_server_packages": [ "tang" ], "__nbde_server_services": [ "tangd.socket" ], "__nbde_server_update": "/usr/libexec/tangd-update", "__nbde_server_user": "tang" }, "ansible_included_var_files": [ "/var/ARTIFACTS/work-generalgyj4pjdo/plans/general/tree/tmp.hDM9NGFo9m/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/nbde_server/vars/default.yml" ], "changed": false } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Include the appropriate provider tasks] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:50 -0400 (0:00:00.073) 0:00:24.635 ********* included: /var/ARTIFACTS/work-generalgyj4pjdo/plans/general/tree/tmp.hDM9NGFo9m/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/nbde_server/tasks/main-tang.yml for managed_node1 TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Ensure tang is installed] ******** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:50 -0400 (0:00:00.071) 0:00:24.706 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "rc": 0, "results": [ "tang-6-2.el7.x86_64 providing tang is already installed" ] } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Ensure keys are rotated] ********* Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:51 -0400 (0:00:00.929) 0:00:25.636 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Ensure we have keys] ************* Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:51 -0400 (0:00:00.039) 0:00:25.675 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "arguments": { "cachedir": "/var/cache/tang", "force": false, "keydir": "/var/db/tang", "keygen": "/usr/libexec/tangd-keygen", "keys_to_deploy_dir": null, "state": "keys-created", "update": "/usr/libexec/tangd-update" }, "changed": false, "state": "keys-created" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Perform key management (fetch/deploy) tasks] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:51 -0400 (0:00:00.342) 0:00:26.018 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Manage firewall and SELinux for port] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:51 -0400 (0:00:00.040) 0:00:26.058 ********* included: /var/ARTIFACTS/work-generalgyj4pjdo/plans/general/tree/tmp.hDM9NGFo9m/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/nbde_server/tasks/tangd-custom-port.yml for managed_node1 TASK [Ensure tang port is labeled tangd_port_t for SELinux] ******************** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:51 -0400 (0:00:00.066) 0:00:26.125 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Stat the tangd custom port systemd directory] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:51 -0400 (0:00:00.041) 0:00:26.166 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "stat": { "atime": 1721935847.7083569, "attr_flags": "e", "attributes": [ "extents" ], "block_size": 4096, "blocks": 8, "charset": "binary", "ctime": 1721935849.925405, "dev": 51713, "device_type": 0, "executable": true, "exists": true, "gid": 0, "gr_name": "root", "inode": 262414, "isblk": false, "ischr": false, "isdir": true, "isfifo": false, "isgid": false, "islnk": false, "isreg": false, "issock": false, "isuid": false, "mimetype": "inode/directory", "mode": "0775", "mtime": 1721935849.925405, "nlink": 2, "path": "/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d", "pw_name": "root", "readable": true, "rgrp": true, "roth": true, "rusr": true, "size": 4096, "uid": 0, "version": "2067431227", "wgrp": true, "woth": false, "writeable": true, "wusr": true, "xgrp": true, "xoth": true, "xusr": true } } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Get a list of files in the tangd custom directory] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:52 -0400 (0:00:00.339) 0:00:26.505 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "examined": 1, "files": [], "matched": 0 } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Manage tangd custom port systemd directory] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:52 -0400 (0:00:00.338) 0:00:26.844 ********* changed: [managed_node1] => { "changed": true, "path": "/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d", "state": "absent" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Creates the file with the port entry that we want tangd to listen to] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:52 -0400 (0:00:00.383) 0:00:27.227 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Set flag to to tell main that the port has changed] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:52 -0400 (0:00:00.038) 0:00:27.266 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "ansible_facts": { "__nbde_server_port_changed": true }, "changed": false } TASK [Ensure the desired port is added to firewalld] *************************** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:53 -0400 (0:00:00.043) 0:00:27.310 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Reload the daemons so the new changes take effect] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:53 -0400 (0:00:00.039) 0:00:27.350 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "name": null, "status": {} } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Ensure required services are enabled and at the right state] *** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:53 -0400 (0:00:00.472) 0:00:27.822 ********* changed: [managed_node1] => (item=tangd.socket) => { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": true, "enabled": true, "item": "tangd.socket", "name": "tangd.socket", "state": "started", "status": { "Accept": "yes", "ActiveEnterTimestamp": "Thu 2024-07-25 15:30:48 EDT", "ActiveEnterTimestampMonotonic": "1039991890", "ActiveExitTimestamp": "Thu 2024-07-25 15:30:48 EDT", "ActiveExitTimestampMonotonic": "1039991611", "ActiveState": "active", "After": "-.slice", "AllowIsolate": "no", "AmbientCapabilities": "0", "AssertResult": "yes", "AssertTimestamp": "Thu 2024-07-25 15:30:48 EDT", "AssertTimestampMonotonic": "1039991662", "Backlog": "128", "Before": " tangd@0.service", "BindIPv6Only": "default", "BlockIOAccounting": "no", "BlockIOWeight": "18446744073709551615", "Broadcast": "no", "CPUAccounting": "no", "CPUQuotaPerSecUSec": "infinity", "CPUSchedulingPolicy": "0", "CPUSchedulingPriority": "0", "CPUSchedulingResetOnFork": "no", "CPUShares": "18446744073709551615", "CanIsolate": "no", "CanReload": "no", "CanStart": "yes", "CanStop": "yes", "CapabilityBoundingSet": "18446744073709551615", "CollectMode": "inactive", "ConditionResult": "yes", "ConditionTimestamp": "Thu 2024-07-25 15:30:48 EDT", "ConditionTimestampMonotonic": "1039991660", "Conflicts": "", "ControlPID": "0", "DefaultDependencies": "yes", "DeferAcceptUSec": "0", "Delegate": "no", "Description": "Tang Server socket", "DevicePolicy": "auto", "DirectoryMode": "0755", "FragmentPath": "/usr/lib/systemd/system/tangd.socket", "FreeBind": "no", "IOScheduling": "0", "IPTOS": "-1", "IPTTL": "-1", "Id": "tangd.socket", "IgnoreOnIsolate": "no", "IgnoreOnSnapshot": "no", "IgnoreSIGPIPE": "yes", "InactiveEnterTimestamp": "Thu 2024-07-25 15:30:48 EDT", "InactiveEnterTimestampMonotonic": "1039991611", "InactiveExitTimestamp": "Thu 2024-07-25 15:30:48 EDT", "InactiveExitTimestampMonotonic": "1039991890", "JobTimeoutAction": "none", "JobTimeoutUSec": "0", "KeepAlive": "no", "KeepAliveIntervalUSec": "0", "KeepAliveProbes": "0", "KeepAliveTimeUSec": "0", "KillMode": "control-group", "KillSignal": "15", "LimitAS": "18446744073709551615", "LimitCORE": "18446744073709551615", "LimitCPU": "18446744073709551615", "LimitDATA": "18446744073709551615", "LimitFSIZE": "18446744073709551615", "LimitLOCKS": "18446744073709551615", "LimitMEMLOCK": "65536", "LimitMSGQUEUE": "819200", "LimitNICE": "0", "LimitNOFILE": "4096", "LimitNPROC": "14311", "LimitRSS": "18446744073709551615", "LimitRTPRIO": "0", "LimitRTTIME": "18446744073709551615", "LimitSIGPENDING": "14311", "LimitSTACK": "18446744073709551615", "ListenStream": "[::]:80", "LoadState": "loaded", "Mark": "-1", "MaxConnections": "64", "MemoryAccounting": "no", "MemoryCurrent": "18446744073709551615", "MemoryLimit": "18446744073709551615", "MountFlags": "0", "NAccepted": "0", "NConnections": "0", "Names": "tangd.socket", "NeedDaemonReload": "no", "Nice": "0", "NoDelay": "no", "NoNewPrivileges": "no", "NonBlocking": "no", "OOMScoreAdjust": "0", "OnFailureJobMode": "replace", "PassCredentials": "no", "PassSecurity": "no", "PipeSize": "0", "Priority": "-1", "PrivateDevices": "no", "PrivateNetwork": "no", "PrivateTmp": "no", "ProtectHome": "no", "ProtectSystem": "no", "ReceiveBuffer": "0", "RefuseManualStart": "no", "RefuseManualStop": "no", "RemoveOnStop": "no", "Requires": "-.slice", "Result": "success", "ReusePort": "no", "RuntimeDirectoryMode": "0755", "SameProcessGroup": "no", "SecureBits": "0", "SendBuffer": "0", "SendSIGHUP": "no", "SendSIGKILL": "yes", "SocketMode": "0666", "StandardError": "inherit", "StandardInput": "null", "StandardOutput": "journal", "StartupBlockIOWeight": "18446744073709551615", "StartupCPUShares": "18446744073709551615", "StopWhenUnneeded": "no", "SubState": "listening", "SyslogLevelPrefix": "yes", "SyslogPriority": "30", "SystemCallErrorNumber": "0", "TTYReset": "no", "TTYVHangup": "no", "TTYVTDisallocate": "no", "TasksAccounting": "no", "TasksCurrent": "18446744073709551615", "TasksMax": "18446744073709551615", "TimeoutUSec": "1min 30s", "TimerSlackNSec": "50000", "Transient": "no", "Transparent": "no", "Triggers": "tangd@0.service", "UMask": "0022", "UnitFilePreset": "disabled", "UnitFileState": "enabled", "WantedBy": "" } } TASK [Check tangd socket dir is absent] **************************************** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:54 -0400 (0:00:00.489) 0:00:28.312 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "failed_when_result": false, "stat": { "exists": false } } TASK [Debug] ******************************************************************* Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:54 -0400 (0:00:00.325) 0:00:28.638 ********* ok: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "cmd": [ "journalctl", "-ex" ], "delta": "0:00:00.040468", "end": "2024-07-25 15:30:54.746506", "rc": 0, "start": "2024-07-25 15:30:54.706038" } STDOUT: -- Logs begin at Thu 2024-07-25 15:13:30 EDT, end at Thu 2024-07-25 15:30:54 EDT. -- Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: acpi PNP0A03:00: _OSC failed (AE_NOT_FOUND); disabling ASPM Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: acpi PNP0A03:00: fail to add MMCONFIG information, can't access extended PCI configuration space under this bridge. Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: acpiphp: Slot [0] registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: acpiphp: Slot [3] registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: acpiphp: Slot [4] registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: acpiphp: Slot [5] registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: acpiphp: Slot [6] registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: acpiphp: Slot [7] registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: acpiphp: Slot [8] registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: acpiphp: Slot [9] registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: acpiphp: Slot [10] registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: acpiphp: Slot [11] registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: acpiphp: Slot [12] registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: acpiphp: Slot [13] registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: acpiphp: Slot [14] registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: acpiphp: Slot [15] registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: acpiphp: Slot [16] registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: acpiphp: Slot [17] registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: acpiphp: Slot [18] registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: acpiphp: Slot [19] registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: acpiphp: Slot [20] registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: acpiphp: Slot [21] registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: acpiphp: Slot [22] registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: acpiphp: Slot [23] registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: acpiphp: Slot [24] registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: acpiphp: Slot [25] registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: acpiphp: Slot [26] registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: acpiphp: Slot [27] registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: acpiphp: Slot [28] registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: acpiphp: Slot [29] registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: acpiphp: Slot [30] registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: acpiphp: Slot [31] registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io 0x0000-0x0cf7 window] Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io 0x0d00-0xffff window] Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff window] Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0xf0000000-0xfbffffff window] Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [bus 00-ff] Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pci 0000:00:00.0: [8086:1237] type 00 class 0x060000 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pci 0000:00:01.0: [8086:7000] type 00 class 0x060100 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pci 0000:00:01.1: [8086:7010] type 00 class 0x010180 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pci 0000:00:01.1: reg 0x20: [io 0xc100-0xc10f] Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pci 0000:00:01.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x10: [io 0x01f0-0x01f7] Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pci 0000:00:01.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x14: [io 0x03f6] Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pci 0000:00:01.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x18: [io 0x0170-0x0177] Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pci 0000:00:01.1: legacy IDE quirk: reg 0x1c: [io 0x0376] Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pci 0000:00:01.3: [8086:7113] type 00 class 0x068000 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: * Found PM-Timer Bug on the chipset. Due to workarounds for a bug, * this clock source is slow. Consider trying other clock sources Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pci 0000:00:01.3: quirk: [io 0xb000-0xb03f] claimed by PIIX4 ACPI Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pci 0000:00:02.0: [1013:00b8] type 00 class 0x030000 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pci 0000:00:02.0: reg 0x10: [mem 0xf0000000-0xf1ffffff pref] Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pci 0000:00:02.0: reg 0x14: [mem 0xf3000000-0xf3000fff] Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pci 0000:00:03.0: [5853:0001] type 00 class 0xff8000 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pci 0000:00:03.0: reg 0x10: [io 0xc000-0xc0ff] Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pci 0000:00:03.0: reg 0x14: [mem 0xf2000000-0xf2ffffff pref] Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKA] (IRQs *5 10 11) Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKB] (IRQs 5 *10 11) Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKC] (IRQs 5 10 *11) Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKD] (IRQs *5 10 11) Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: xen:balloon: Initialising balloon driver Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: vgaarb: device added: PCI:0000:00:02.0,decodes=io+mem,owns=io+mem,locks=none Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: vgaarb: loaded Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: vgaarb: bridge control possible 0000:00:02.0 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: SCSI subsystem initialized Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: ACPI: bus type USB registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver hub Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: usbcore: registered new device driver usb Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: EDAC MC: Ver: 3.0.0 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: PCI: Using ACPI for IRQ routing Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: PCI: pci_cache_line_size set to 64 bytes Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: e820: reserve RAM buffer [mem 0x0009e000-0x0009ffff] Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: NetLabel: Initializing Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: NetLabel: domain hash size = 128 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: NetLabel: protocols = UNLABELED CIPSOv4 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: NetLabel: unlabeled traffic allowed by default Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: HPET: 3 timers in total, 0 timers will be used for per-cpu timer Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: hpet0: at MMIO 0xfed00000, IRQs 2, 8, 0 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: hpet0: 3 comparators, 64-bit 62.500000 MHz counter Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: amd_nb: Cannot enumerate AMD northbridges Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: Switched to clocksource xen Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pnp: PnP ACPI init Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: ACPI: bus type PNP registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: system 00:00: [mem 0x00000000-0x0009ffff] could not be reserved Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: system 00:00: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c02 (active) Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: system 00:01: [io 0x08a0-0x08a3] has been reserved Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: system 00:01: [io 0x0cc0-0x0ccf] has been reserved Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: system 00:01: [io 0x04d0-0x04d1] has been reserved Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: system 00:01: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c02 (active) Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: xen: --> pirq=16 -> irq=8 (gsi=8) Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pnp 00:02: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0b00 (active) Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: xen: --> pirq=17 -> irq=12 (gsi=12) Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pnp 00:03: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0f13 (active) Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: xen: --> pirq=18 -> irq=1 (gsi=1) Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pnp 00:04: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0303 PNP030b (active) Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: xen: --> pirq=19 -> irq=6 (gsi=6) Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pnp 00:05: [dma 2] Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pnp 00:05: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0700 (active) Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: xen: --> pirq=20 -> irq=4 (gsi=4) Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pnp 00:06: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0501 (active) Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: system 00:07: [io 0x10c0-0x1141] has been reserved Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: system 00:07: [io 0xb044-0xb047] has been reserved Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: system 00:07: Plug and Play ACPI device, IDs PNP0c02 (active) Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pnp: PnP ACPI: found 8 devices Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: ACPI: bus type PNP unregistered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: resource 4 [io 0x0000-0x0cf7 window] Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: resource 5 [io 0x0d00-0xffff window] Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: resource 6 [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff window] Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pci_bus 0000:00: resource 7 [mem 0xf0000000-0xfbffffff window] Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 2 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: TCP established hash table entries: 32768 (order: 6, 262144 bytes) Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: TCP bind hash table entries: 32768 (order: 7, 524288 bytes) Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: TCP: Hash tables configured (established 32768 bind 32768) Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: TCP: reno registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: UDP hash table entries: 2048 (order: 4, 65536 bytes) Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: UDP-Lite hash table entries: 2048 (order: 4, 65536 bytes) Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 1 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pci 0000:00:00.0: Limiting direct PCI/PCI transfers Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pci 0000:00:01.0: PIIX3: Enabling Passive Release Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pci 0000:00:01.0: Activating ISA DMA hang workarounds Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pci 0000:00:02.0: Boot video device Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: PCI: CLS 0 bytes, default 64 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: Unpacking initramfs... Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: Freeing initrd memory: 19688k freed Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: RAPL PMU: API unit is 2^-32 Joules, 3 fixed counters, 655360 ms ovfl timer Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: RAPL PMU: hw unit of domain pp0-core 2^-14 Joules Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: RAPL PMU: hw unit of domain package 2^-14 Joules Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: RAPL PMU: hw unit of domain dram 2^-16 Joules Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: sha1_ssse3: Using AVX2 optimized SHA-1 implementation Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: sha256_ssse3: Using AVX2 optimized SHA-256 implementation Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: futex hash table entries: 4096 (order: 6, 262144 bytes) Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: Initialise system trusted keyring Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: audit: initializing netlink socket (disabled) Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: type=2000 audit(1721934809.434:1): initialized Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: HugeTLB registered 1 GB page size, pre-allocated 0 pages Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: HugeTLB registered 2 MB page size, pre-allocated 0 pages Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: zpool: loaded Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: zbud: loaded Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: VFS: Disk quotas dquot_6.5.2 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: Dquot-cache hash table entries: 512 (order 0, 4096 bytes) Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: Key type big_key registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: SELinux: Registering netfilter hooks Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 38 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: Key type asymmetric registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: Asymmetric key parser 'x509' registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 248) Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: io scheduler noop registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: io scheduler deadline registered (default) Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: io scheduler cfq registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: io scheduler mq-deadline registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: io scheduler kyber registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pci_hotplug: PCI Hot Plug PCI Core version: 0.5 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: pciehp: PCI Express Hot Plug Controller Driver version: 0.4 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: shpchp: Standard Hot Plug PCI Controller Driver version: 0.4 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: intel_idle: does not run on family 6 model 63 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: input: Power Button as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXPWRBN:00/input/input0 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: ACPI: Power Button [PWRF] Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: input: Sleep Button as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSLPBN:00/input/input1 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: ACPI: Sleep Button [SLPF] Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: GHES: HEST is not enabled! Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: xen: --> pirq=21 -> irq=28 (gsi=28) Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: xen:grant_table: Grant tables using version 1 layout Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: Grant table initialized Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: Cannot get hvm parameter CONSOLE_EVTCHN (18): -22! Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 4 ports, IRQ sharing enabled Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: 00:06: ttyS0 at I/O 0x3f8 (irq = 4) is a 16550A Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: Non-volatile memory driver v1.3 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: Linux agpgart interface v0.103 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: crash memory driver: version 1.1 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: rdac: device handler registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: hp_sw: device handler registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: emc: device handler registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: alua: device handler registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: libphy: Fixed MDIO Bus: probed Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: ehci-pci: EHCI PCI platform driver Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: ohci_hcd: USB 1.1 'Open' Host Controller (OHCI) Driver Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: ohci-pci: OHCI PCI platform driver Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: uhci_hcd: USB Universal Host Controller Interface driver Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial_generic Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: usbserial: USB Serial support registered for generic Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: i8042: PNP: PS/2 Controller [PNP0303:PS2K,PNP0f13:PS2M] at 0x60,0x64 irq 1,12 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: serio: i8042 KBD port at 0x60,0x64 irq 1 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: serio: i8042 AUX port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: mousedev: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: rtc_cmos 00:02: rtc core: registered rtc_cmos as rtc0 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: input: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard as /devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input2 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: rtc_cmos 00:02: alarms up to one day, 114 bytes nvram, hpet irqs Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: cpuidle: using governor menu Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: hidraw: raw HID events driver (C) Jiri Kosina Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: usbhid: USB HID core driver Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: drop_monitor: Initializing network drop monitor service Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: Netfilter messages via NETLINK v0.30. Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: TCP: cubic registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: Initializing XFRM netlink socket Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 10 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: NET: Registered protocol family 17 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: mpls_gso: MPLS GSO support Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: intel_rdt: Intel RDT L3 allocation detected Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: mce: Using 2 MCE banks Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: PM: Hibernation image not present or could not be loaded. Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: Loading compiled-in X.509 certificates Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: Loaded X.509 cert 'CentOS Linux kpatch signing key: ea0413152cde1d98ebdca3fe6f0230904c9ef717' Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: Loaded X.509 cert 'CentOS Linux Driver update signing key: 7f421ee0ab69461574bb358861dbe77762a4201b' Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: Loaded X.509 cert 'CentOS Linux kernel signing key: 68ea103f2c90a8dc0bb0446c06d14561f29e1172' Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: registered taskstats version 1 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: page_owner is disabled Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: Key type trusted registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: Key type encrypted registered Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: IMA: No TPM chip found, activating TPM-bypass! (rc=-19) Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: BERT: Boot Error Record Table support is disabled. Enable it by using bert_enable as kernel parameter. Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: xenbus_probe_frontend: Device with no driver: device/vbd/768 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: xenbus_probe_frontend: Device with no driver: device/vif/0 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: Magic number: 0:71:244 Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: acpi device:87: hash matches Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: acpi device:5a: hash matches Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: rtc_cmos 00:02: setting system clock to 2024-07-25 19:13:30 UTC (1721934810) Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: Freeing unused kernel memory: 2176k freed Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: Write protecting the kernel read-only data: 12288k Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: Freeing unused kernel memory: 192k freed Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: Freeing unused kernel memory: 524k freed Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: systemd 219 running in system mode. (+PAM +AUDIT +SELINUX +IMA -APPARMOR +SMACK +SYSVINIT +UTMP +LIBCRYPTSETUP +GCRYPT +GNUTLS +ACL +XZ +LZ4 -SECCOMP +BLKID +ELFUTILS +KMOD +IDN) Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Detected virtualization xen. Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Detected architecture x86-64. Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Running in initial RAM disk. Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Set hostname to . Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Created slice Root Slice. Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Listening on udev Kernel Socket. Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Reached target Local File Systems. Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Reached target Swap. Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Created slice System Slice. Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Reached target Slices. Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Reached target Timers. Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Listening on Journal Socket. Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Journal Service... Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain systemd-journal[97]: Journal started -- Subject: The journal has been started -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- The system journal process has started up, opened the journal -- files for writing and is now ready to process requests. Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting dracut cmdline hook... Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Setup Virtual Console... Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Listening on udev Control Socket. Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain kernel: tsc: Refined TSC clocksource calibration: 2900.009 MHz Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Reached target Sockets. Jul 25 15:13:30 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Apply Kernel Variables... Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Create list of required static device nodes for the current kernel... Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Journal Service. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started dracut cmdline hook. -- Subject: Unit dracut-cmdline.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit dracut-cmdline.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Setup Virtual Console. -- Subject: Unit systemd-vconsole-setup.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-vconsole-setup.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Apply Kernel Variables. -- Subject: Unit systemd-sysctl.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-sysctl.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Create list of required static device nodes for the current kernel. -- Subject: Unit kmod-static-nodes.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit kmod-static-nodes.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Create Static Device Nodes in /dev... -- Subject: Unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting dracut pre-udev hook... -- Subject: Unit dracut-pre-udev.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit dracut-pre-udev.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Create Static Device Nodes in /dev. -- Subject: Unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started dracut pre-udev hook. -- Subject: Unit dracut-pre-udev.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit dracut-pre-udev.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting udev Kernel Device Manager... -- Subject: Unit systemd-udevd.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-udevd.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd-udevd[208]: starting version 219 Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd-udevd[208]: Network interface NamePolicy= disabled on kernel command line, ignoring. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started udev Kernel Device Manager. -- Subject: Unit systemd-udevd.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-udevd.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting udev Coldplug all Devices... -- Subject: Unit systemd-udev-trigger.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-udev-trigger.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Mounting Configuration File System... -- Subject: Unit sys-kernel-config.mount has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit sys-kernel-config.mount has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Mounted Configuration File System. -- Subject: Unit sys-kernel-config.mount has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit sys-kernel-config.mount has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started udev Coldplug all Devices. -- Subject: Unit systemd-udev-trigger.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-udev-trigger.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting dracut initqueue hook... -- Subject: Unit dracut-initqueue.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit dracut-initqueue.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Show Plymouth Boot Screen... -- Subject: Unit plymouth-start.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit plymouth-start.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain kernel: FDC 0 is a S82078B Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain kernel: input: ImExPS/2 Generic Explorer Mouse as /devices/platform/i8042/serio1/input/input3 Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Reached target System Initialization. -- Subject: Unit has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain kernel: xen_netfront: Initialising Xen virtual ethernet driver Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Show Plymouth Boot Screen. -- Subject: Unit plymouth-start.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit plymouth-start.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Reached target Paths. -- Subject: Unit has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Forward Password Requests to Plymouth Directory Watch. -- Subject: Unit systemd-ask-password-plymouth.path has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-ask-password-plymouth.path has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Reached target Basic System. -- Subject: Unit has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain kernel: libata version 3.00 loaded. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain kernel: blkfront: xvda: barrier or flush: disabled; persistent grants: disabled; indirect descriptors: enabled; Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain kernel: xvda: xvda1 Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain kernel: ata_piix 0000:00:01.1: version 2.13 Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain kernel: scsi host0: ata_piix Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain kernel: scsi host1: ata_piix Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain kernel: ata1: PATA max MWDMA2 cmd 0x1f0 ctl 0x3f6 bmdma 0xc100 irq 14 Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain kernel: ata2: PATA max MWDMA2 cmd 0x170 ctl 0x376 bmdma 0xc108 irq 15 Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Found device /dev/disk/by-uuid/c7b7d6a5-fd01-4b9b-bcca-153eaff9d312. -- Subject: Unit dev-disk-by\x2duuid-c7b7d6a5\x2dfd01\x2d4b9b\x2dbcca\x2d153eaff9d312.device has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit dev-disk-by\x2duuid-c7b7d6a5\x2dfd01\x2d4b9b\x2dbcca\x2d153eaff9d312.device has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/c7b7d6a5-fd01-4b9b-bcca-153eaff9d312... -- Subject: Unit systemd-fsck-root.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-fsck-root.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started dracut initqueue hook. -- Subject: Unit dracut-initqueue.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit dracut-initqueue.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Reached target Remote File Systems (Pre). -- Subject: Unit has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Reached target Remote File Systems. -- Subject: Unit has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd-fsck[256]: /dev/xvda1: clean, 63819/262144 files, 527174/1048320 blocks Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started File System Check on /dev/disk/by-uuid/c7b7d6a5-fd01-4b9b-bcca-153eaff9d312. -- Subject: Unit systemd-fsck-root.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-fsck-root.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Mounting /sysroot... -- Subject: Unit sysroot.mount has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit sysroot.mount has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain kernel: EXT4-fs (xvda1): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null) Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Mounted /sysroot. -- Subject: Unit sysroot.mount has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit sysroot.mount has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Reached target Initrd Root File System. -- Subject: Unit has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Reload Configuration from the Real Root... -- Subject: Unit initrd-parse-etc.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit initrd-parse-etc.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Reloading. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Reload Configuration from the Real Root. -- Subject: Unit initrd-parse-etc.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit initrd-parse-etc.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Reached target Initrd File Systems. -- Subject: Unit has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Reached target Initrd Default Target. -- Subject: Unit has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:31 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting dracut pre-pivot and cleanup hook... -- Subject: Unit dracut-pre-pivot.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit dracut-pre-pivot.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:32 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started dracut pre-pivot and cleanup hook. -- Subject: Unit dracut-pre-pivot.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit dracut-pre-pivot.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:32 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Cleaning Up and Shutting Down Daemons... -- Subject: Unit initrd-cleanup.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit initrd-cleanup.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:32 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Stopped dracut pre-pivot and cleanup hook. -- Subject: Unit dracut-pre-pivot.service has finished shutting down -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit dracut-pre-pivot.service has finished shutting down. Jul 25 15:13:32 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Stopped target Timers. -- Subject: Unit has finished shutting down -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit has finished shutting down. Jul 25 15:13:32 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Plymouth switch root service... -- Subject: Unit plymouth-switch-root.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit plymouth-switch-root.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:32 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Stopped target Remote File Systems. -- Subject: Unit has finished shutting down -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit has finished shutting down. Jul 25 15:13:32 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Stopped target Remote File Systems (Pre). -- Subject: Unit has finished shutting down -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit has finished shutting down. Jul 25 15:13:32 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Stopped dracut initqueue hook. -- Subject: Unit dracut-initqueue.service has finished shutting down -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit dracut-initqueue.service has finished shutting down. Jul 25 15:13:32 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Stopped target Initrd Default Target. -- Subject: Unit has finished shutting down -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit has finished shutting down. Jul 25 15:13:32 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Stopped target Basic System. -- Subject: Unit has finished shutting down -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit has finished shutting down. Jul 25 15:13:32 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Stopped target System Initialization. -- Subject: Unit has finished shutting down -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit has finished shutting down. Jul 25 15:13:32 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Stopped target Local File Systems. -- Subject: Unit has finished shutting down -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit has finished shutting down. Jul 25 15:13:32 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Stopped Apply Kernel Variables. -- Subject: Unit systemd-sysctl.service has finished shutting down -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-sysctl.service has finished shutting down. Jul 25 15:13:32 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Stopped udev Coldplug all Devices. -- Subject: Unit systemd-udev-trigger.service has finished shutting down -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-udev-trigger.service has finished shutting down. Jul 25 15:13:32 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Stopped target Swap. -- Subject: Unit has finished shutting down -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit has finished shutting down. Jul 25 15:13:32 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Stopped target Slices. -- Subject: Unit has finished shutting down -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit has finished shutting down. Jul 25 15:13:32 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Stopped target Sockets. -- Subject: Unit has finished shutting down -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit has finished shutting down. Jul 25 15:13:32 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Stopped target Paths. -- Subject: Unit has finished shutting down -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit has finished shutting down. Jul 25 15:13:32 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Stopping udev Kernel Device Manager... -- Subject: Unit systemd-udevd.service has begun shutting down -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-udevd.service has begun shutting down. Jul 25 15:13:32 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Stopped udev Kernel Device Manager. -- Subject: Unit systemd-udevd.service has finished shutting down -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-udevd.service has finished shutting down. Jul 25 15:13:32 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Cleaning Up and Shutting Down Daemons. -- Subject: Unit initrd-cleanup.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit initrd-cleanup.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:32 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Stopped Create Static Device Nodes in /dev. -- Subject: Unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service has finished shutting down -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service has finished shutting down. Jul 25 15:13:32 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Stopped Create list of required static device nodes for the current kernel. -- Subject: Unit kmod-static-nodes.service has finished shutting down -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit kmod-static-nodes.service has finished shutting down. Jul 25 15:13:32 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Stopped dracut pre-udev hook. -- Subject: Unit dracut-pre-udev.service has finished shutting down -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit dracut-pre-udev.service has finished shutting down. Jul 25 15:13:32 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Stopped dracut cmdline hook. -- Subject: Unit dracut-cmdline.service has finished shutting down -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit dracut-cmdline.service has finished shutting down. Jul 25 15:13:32 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Closed udev Kernel Socket. -- Subject: Unit systemd-udevd-kernel.socket has finished shutting down -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-udevd-kernel.socket has finished shutting down. Jul 25 15:13:32 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Closed udev Control Socket. -- Subject: Unit systemd-udevd-control.socket has finished shutting down -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-udevd-control.socket has finished shutting down. Jul 25 15:13:32 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Cleanup udevd DB... -- Subject: Unit initrd-udevadm-cleanup-db.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit initrd-udevadm-cleanup-db.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:32 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Cleanup udevd DB. -- Subject: Unit initrd-udevadm-cleanup-db.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit initrd-udevadm-cleanup-db.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:32 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Reached target Switch Root. -- Subject: Unit has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:32 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Plymouth switch root service. -- Subject: Unit plymouth-switch-root.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit plymouth-switch-root.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:32 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Switch Root... -- Subject: Unit initrd-switch-root.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit initrd-switch-root.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:32 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Switching root. Jul 25 15:13:32 localhost.localdomain unknown[97]: Journal stopped -- Subject: The journal has been stopped -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- The system journal process has shut down and closed all currently -- active journal files. Jul 25 15:13:42 localhost.localdomain systemd-journal[344]: Runtime journal is using 8.0M (max allowed 180.0M, trying to leave 270.0M free of 1.7G available → current limit 180.0M). Jul 25 15:13:42 localhost.localdomain systemd-journald[97]: Received SIGTERM from PID 1 (systemd). Jul 25 15:13:42 localhost.localdomain kernel: random: crng init done Jul 25 15:13:42 localhost.localdomain kernel: type=1404 audit(1721934814.897:2): enforcing=1 old_enforcing=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 Jul 25 15:13:42 localhost.localdomain kernel: SELinux: 2048 avtab hash slots, 112757 rules. Jul 25 15:13:42 localhost.localdomain kernel: SELinux: 2048 avtab hash slots, 112757 rules. Jul 25 15:13:42 localhost.localdomain kernel: SELinux: 8 users, 14 roles, 5049 types, 316 bools, 1 sens, 1024 cats Jul 25 15:13:42 localhost.localdomain kernel: SELinux: 130 classes, 112757 rules Jul 25 15:13:42 localhost.localdomain kernel: SELinux: Completing initialization. Jul 25 15:13:42 localhost.localdomain kernel: SELinux: Setting up existing superblocks. Jul 25 15:13:42 localhost.localdomain kernel: type=1403 audit(1721934816.406:3): policy loaded auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 Jul 25 15:13:42 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Successfully loaded SELinux policy in 1.584415s. Jul 25 15:13:42 localhost.localdomain kernel: ip_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team Jul 25 15:13:42 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Inserted module 'ip_tables' Jul 25 15:13:42 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Relabelled /dev, /run and /sys/fs/cgroup in 11.686ms. Jul 25 15:13:42 localhost.localdomain kernel: EXT4-fs (xvda1): re-mounted. Opts: (null) Jul 25 15:13:42 localhost.localdomain systemd-journal[344]: Journal started -- Subject: The journal has been started -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- The system journal process has started up, opened the journal -- files for writing and is now ready to process requests. Jul 25 15:13:38 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: systemd 219 running in system mode. (+PAM +AUDIT +SELINUX +IMA -APPARMOR +SMACK +SYSVINIT +UTMP +LIBCRYPTSETUP +GCRYPT +GNUTLS +ACL +XZ +LZ4 -SECCOMP +BLKID +ELFUTILS +KMOD +IDN) Jul 25 15:13:38 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Detected virtualization xen. Jul 25 15:13:38 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Detected architecture x86-64. Jul 25 15:13:38 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Set hostname to . Jul 25 15:13:38 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Initializing machine ID from random generator. Jul 25 15:13:38 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Installed transient /etc/machine-id file. Jul 25 15:13:42 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Flush Journal to Persistent Storage... -- Subject: Unit systemd-journal-flush.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-journal-flush.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:42 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Create Static Device Nodes in /dev. -- Subject: Unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:42 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting udev Kernel Device Manager... -- Subject: Unit systemd-udevd.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-udevd.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:42 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Reached target Local File Systems (Pre). -- Subject: Unit has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:43 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Configure read-only root support. -- Subject: Unit rhel-readonly.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit rhel-readonly.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:43 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Reached target Local File Systems. -- Subject: Unit has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:43 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data... -- Subject: Unit plymouth-read-write.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit plymouth-read-write.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:43 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Commit a transient machine-id on disk... -- Subject: Unit systemd-machine-id-commit.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-machine-id-commit.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:43 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Import network configuration from initramfs... -- Subject: Unit rhel-import-state.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit rhel-import-state.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:43 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Preprocess NFS configuration... -- Subject: Unit nfs-config.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit nfs-config.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:43 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Load/Save Random Seed... -- Subject: Unit systemd-random-seed.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-random-seed.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:43 localhost.localdomain systemd-udevd[371]: starting version 219 Jul 25 15:13:43 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Flush Journal to Persistent Storage. -- Subject: Unit systemd-journal-flush.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-journal-flush.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:43 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Preprocess NFS configuration. -- Subject: Unit nfs-config.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit nfs-config.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:43 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Commit a transient machine-id on disk. -- Subject: Unit systemd-machine-id-commit.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-machine-id-commit.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:43 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Load/Save Random Seed. -- Subject: Unit systemd-random-seed.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-random-seed.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:43 localhost.localdomain systemd-udevd[371]: Network interface NamePolicy= disabled on kernel command line, ignoring. Jul 25 15:13:43 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Tell Plymouth To Write Out Runtime Data. -- Subject: Unit plymouth-read-write.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit plymouth-read-write.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:43 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Import network configuration from initramfs. -- Subject: Unit rhel-import-state.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit rhel-import-state.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:43 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Create Volatile Files and Directories... -- Subject: Unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:43 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Create Volatile Files and Directories. -- Subject: Unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:43 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Mounting RPC Pipe File System... -- Subject: Unit var-lib-nfs-rpc_pipefs.mount has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit var-lib-nfs-rpc_pipefs.mount has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:43 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Security Auditing Service... -- Subject: Unit auditd.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit auditd.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:44 localhost.localdomain kernel: RPC: Registered named UNIX socket transport module. Jul 25 15:13:44 localhost.localdomain kernel: RPC: Registered udp transport module. Jul 25 15:13:44 localhost.localdomain kernel: RPC: Registered tcp transport module. Jul 25 15:13:44 localhost.localdomain kernel: RPC: Registered tcp NFSv4.1 backchannel transport module. Jul 25 15:13:44 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Mounted RPC Pipe File System. -- Subject: Unit var-lib-nfs-rpc_pipefs.mount has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit var-lib-nfs-rpc_pipefs.mount has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:44 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Reached target -- Subject: Unit has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:44 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started udev Kernel Device Manager. -- Subject: Unit systemd-udevd.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-udevd.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:44 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Found device /dev/ttyS0. -- Subject: Unit dev-ttyS0.device has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit dev-ttyS0.device has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:44 localhost.localdomain auditd[418]: Started dispatcher: /sbin/audispd pid: 420 Jul 25 15:13:44 localhost.localdomain audispd[420]: No plugins found, exiting Jul 25 15:13:44 localhost.localdomain kernel: cryptd: max_cpu_qlen set to 1000 Jul 25 15:13:44 localhost.localdomain kernel: input: PC Speaker as /devices/platform/pcspkr/input/input4 Jul 25 15:13:44 localhost.localdomain kernel: type=1305 audit(1721934824.796:4): audit_pid=418 old=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295 subj=system_u:system_r:auditd_t:s0 res=1 Jul 25 15:13:44 localhost.localdomain kernel: piix4_smbus 0000:00:01.3: SMBus base address uninitialized - upgrade BIOS or use force_addr=0xaddr Jul 25 15:13:44 localhost.localdomain auditd[418]: Init complete, auditd 2.8.5 listening for events (startup state enable) Jul 25 15:13:44 localhost.localdomain kernel: AVX2 version of gcm_enc/dec engaged. Jul 25 15:13:44 localhost.localdomain kernel: AES CTR mode by8 optimization enabled Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain kernel: alg: No test for __gcm-aes-aesni (__driver-gcm-aes-aesni) Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain kernel: alg: No test for __generic-gcm-aes-aesni (__driver-generic-gcm-aes-aesni) Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain kernel: ppdev: user-space parallel port driver Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain kernel: [TTM] Zone kernel: Available graphics memory: 1843226 kiB Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain kernel: [TTM] Initializing pool allocator Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain kernel: [TTM] Initializing DMA pool allocator Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain kernel: [drm] fb mappable at 0xF0000000 Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain kernel: [drm] vram aper at 0xF0000000 Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain kernel: [drm] size 33554432 Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain kernel: [drm] fb depth is 16 Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain kernel: [drm] pitch is 2048 Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain kernel: EDAC sbridge: Seeking for: PCI ID 8086:2fa0 Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain kernel: EDAC sbridge: Ver: 1.1.2 Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain kernel: fbcon: cirrusdrmfb (fb0) is primary device Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain augenrules[422]: /sbin/augenrules: No change Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain augenrules[422]: No rules Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain augenrules[422]: enabled 1 Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain augenrules[422]: failure 1 Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain augenrules[422]: pid 418 Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain augenrules[422]: rate_limit 0 Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain augenrules[422]: backlog_limit 8192 Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain augenrules[422]: lost 0 Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain augenrules[422]: backlog 1 Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain augenrules[422]: enabled 1 Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain augenrules[422]: failure 1 Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain augenrules[422]: pid 418 Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain augenrules[422]: rate_limit 0 Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain augenrules[422]: backlog_limit 8192 Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain augenrules[422]: lost 0 Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain augenrules[422]: backlog 1 Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Security Auditing Service. -- Subject: Unit auditd.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit auditd.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain kernel: Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 128x48 Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain kernel: cirrus 0000:00:02.0: fb0: cirrusdrmfb frame buffer device Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown... -- Subject: Unit systemd-update-utmp.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-update-utmp.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain kernel: [drm] Initialized cirrus 1.0.0 20110418 for 0000:00:02.0 on minor 0 Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Update UTMP about System Boot/Shutdown. -- Subject: Unit systemd-update-utmp.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-update-utmp.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Reached target System Initialization. -- Subject: Unit has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Listening on D-Bus System Message Bus Socket. -- Subject: Unit dbus.socket has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit dbus.socket has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Initial cloud-init job (pre-networking)... -- Subject: Unit cloud-init-local.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit cloud-init-local.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Daily Cleanup of Temporary Directories. -- Subject: Unit systemd-tmpfiles-clean.timer has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-tmpfiles-clean.timer has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Reached target Timers. -- Subject: Unit has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Listening on RPCbind Server Activation Socket. -- Subject: Unit rpcbind.socket has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit rpcbind.socket has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Reached target Sockets. -- Subject: Unit has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Reached target Basic System. -- Subject: Unit has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started irqbalance daemon. -- Subject: Unit irqbalance.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit irqbalance.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Authorization Manager... -- Subject: Unit polkit.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit polkit.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Login Service... -- Subject: Unit systemd-logind.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-logind.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:45 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started D-Bus System Message Bus. -- Subject: Unit dbus.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit dbus.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:47 localhost.localdomain dbus[500]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.systemd1' Jul 25 15:13:47 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Dump dmesg to /var/log/dmesg... -- Subject: Unit rhel-dmesg.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit rhel-dmesg.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:47 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Hardware RNG Entropy Gatherer Daemon. -- Subject: Unit rngd.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit rngd.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:47 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting GSSAPI Proxy Daemon... -- Subject: Unit gssproxy.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit gssproxy.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:47 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting NTP client/server... -- Subject: Unit chronyd.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit chronyd.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:47 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting RPC bind service... -- Subject: Unit rpcbind.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit rpcbind.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:47 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Login Service. -- Subject: Unit systemd-logind.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-logind.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:47 localhost.localdomain systemd-logind[499]: New seat seat0. -- Subject: A new seat seat0 is now available -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- Documentation: -- -- A new seat seat0 has been configured and is now available. Jul 25 15:13:47 localhost.localdomain systemd-logind[499]: Watching system buttons on /dev/input/event0 (Power Button) Jul 25 15:13:47 localhost.localdomain systemd-logind[499]: Watching system buttons on /dev/input/event1 (Sleep Button) Jul 25 15:13:47 localhost.localdomain chronyd[515]: chronyd version 3.4 starting (+CMDMON +NTP +REFCLOCK +RTC +PRIVDROP +SCFILTER +SIGND +ASYNCDNS +SECHASH +IPV6 +DEBUG) Jul 25 15:13:47 localhost.localdomain polkitd[498]: Started polkitd version 0.112 Jul 25 15:13:47 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Dump dmesg to /var/log/dmesg. -- Subject: Unit rhel-dmesg.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit rhel-dmesg.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:47 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started RPC bind service. -- Subject: Unit rpcbind.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit rpcbind.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:47 localhost.localdomain chronyd[515]: Frequency 0.000 +/- 1000000.000 ppm read from /var/lib/chrony/drift Jul 25 15:13:47 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started NTP client/server. -- Subject: Unit chronyd.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit chronyd.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:47 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started GSSAPI Proxy Daemon. -- Subject: Unit gssproxy.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit gssproxy.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:47 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Reached target NFS client services. -- Subject: Unit has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:47 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Reached target Remote File Systems (Pre). -- Subject: Unit has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:47 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Reached target Remote File Systems. -- Subject: Unit has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:47 localhost.localdomain polkitd[498]: Loading rules from directory /etc/polkit-1/rules.d Jul 25 15:13:47 localhost.localdomain polkitd[498]: Loading rules from directory /usr/share/polkit-1/rules.d Jul 25 15:13:47 localhost.localdomain polkitd[498]: Finished loading, compiling and executing 2 rules Jul 25 15:13:47 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Authorization Manager. -- Subject: Unit polkit.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit polkit.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:47 localhost.localdomain polkitd[498]: Acquired the name org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1 on the system bus Jul 25 15:13:48 localhost.localdomain rngd[503]: Initalizing available sources Jul 25 15:13:48 localhost.localdomain rngd[503]: Failed to init entropy source 0: Hardware RNG Device Jul 25 15:13:48 localhost.localdomain rngd[503]: Enabling RDRAND rng support Jul 25 15:13:48 localhost.localdomain rngd[503]: Initalizing entropy source Intel RDRAND Instruction RNG Jul 25 15:13:50 localhost.localdomain rngd[503]: Enabling JITTER rng support Jul 25 15:13:50 localhost.localdomain rngd[503]: Initalizing entropy source JITTER Entropy generator Jul 25 15:13:54 localhost.localdomain cloud-init[517]: Cloud-init v. 0.7.9 running 'init-local' at Thu, 25 Jul 2024 19:13:54 +0000. Up 26.53 seconds. Jul 25 15:13:56 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Initial cloud-init job (pre-networking). -- Subject: Unit cloud-init-local.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit cloud-init-local.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:56 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Reached target Network (Pre). -- Subject: Unit has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:56 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Network Manager... -- Subject: Unit NetworkManager.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit NetworkManager.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:56 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934836.7020] NetworkManager (version 1.18.8-2.el7_9) is starting... (for the first time) Jul 25 15:13:56 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934836.7028] Read config: /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf (lib: 10-slaves-order.conf) Jul 25 15:13:56 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Network Manager. -- Subject: Unit NetworkManager.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit NetworkManager.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:56 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934836.7140] bus-manager: acquired D-Bus service "org.freedesktop.NetworkManager" Jul 25 15:13:56 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Network Manager Wait Online... -- Subject: Unit NetworkManager-wait-online.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit NetworkManager-wait-online.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:56 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934836.7217] manager[0x5642f6953090]: monitoring kernel firmware directory '/lib/firmware'. Jul 25 15:13:56 localhost.localdomain dbus[500]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.hostname1' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.hostname1.service' Jul 25 15:13:56 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Hostname Service... -- Subject: Unit systemd-hostnamed.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-hostnamed.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:56 localhost.localdomain dbus[500]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.hostname1' Jul 25 15:13:56 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Hostname Service. -- Subject: Unit systemd-hostnamed.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-hostnamed.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:56 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934836.8639] hostname: hostname: using hostnamed Jul 25 15:13:56 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934836.8641] hostname: hostname changed from (none) to "localhost.localdomain" Jul 25 15:13:56 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934836.8652] dns-mgr[0x5642f693b220]: init: dns=default,systemd-resolved rc-manager=file Jul 25 15:13:56 localhost.localdomain dbus[500]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.nm_dispatcher' unit='dbus-org.freedesktop.nm-dispatcher.service' Jul 25 15:13:56 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Starting Network Manager Script Dispatcher Service... -- Subject: Unit NetworkManager-dispatcher.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit NetworkManager-dispatcher.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:56 localhost.localdomain dbus[500]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.freedesktop.nm_dispatcher' Jul 25 15:13:56 localhost.localdomain systemd[1]: Started Network Manager Script Dispatcher Service. -- Subject: Unit NetworkManager-dispatcher.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit NetworkManager-dispatcher.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:56 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934836.9944] settings: Loaded settings plugin: SettingsPluginIfcfg ("/usr/lib64/NetworkManager/1.18.8-2.el7_9/") Jul 25 15:13:56 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934836.9955] settings: Loaded settings plugin: NMSIbftPlugin ("/usr/lib64/NetworkManager/1.18.8-2.el7_9/") Jul 25 15:13:56 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934836.9956] settings: Loaded settings plugin: NMSKeyfilePlugin (internal) Jul 25 15:13:56 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934836.9999] ifcfg-rh: new connection /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 (5fb06bd0-0bb0-7ffb-45f1-d6edd65f3e03,"System eth0") Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.0032] manager: rfkill: Wi-Fi enabled by radio killswitch; enabled by state file Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.0033] manager: rfkill: WWAN enabled by radio killswitch; enabled by state file Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.0034] manager: Networking is enabled by state file Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain nm-dispatcher[580]: req:1 'hostname': new request (4 scripts) Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain nm-dispatcher[580]: req:1 'hostname': start running ordered scripts... Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.0055] dhcp-init: Using DHCP client 'dhclient' Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.1359] Loaded device plugin: NMTeamFactory (/usr/lib64/NetworkManager/1.18.8-2.el7_9/ Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.1372] device (lo): carrier: link connected Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.1375] manager: (lo): new Generic device (/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/1) Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.1388] manager: (eth0): new Ethernet device (/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Devices/2) Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.1413] device (eth0): state change: unmanaged -> unavailable (reason 'managed', sys-iface-state: 'external') Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.1475] device (eth0): carrier: link connected Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain kernel: IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain nm-dispatcher[580]: req:2 'connectivity-change': new request (4 scripts) Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain nm-dispatcher[580]: req:2 'connectivity-change': start running ordered scripts... Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.1664] device (eth0): state change: unavailable -> disconnected (reason 'none', sys-iface-state: 'managed') Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.1719] policy: auto-activating connection 'System eth0' (5fb06bd0-0bb0-7ffb-45f1-d6edd65f3e03) Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.1758] device (eth0): Activation: starting connection 'System eth0' (5fb06bd0-0bb0-7ffb-45f1-d6edd65f3e03) Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.1768] device (eth0): state change: disconnected -> prepare (reason 'none', sys-iface-state: 'managed') Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.1806] manager: NetworkManager state is now CONNECTING Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.1828] device (eth0): state change: prepare -> config (reason 'none', sys-iface-state: 'managed') Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.1857] device (eth0): state change: config -> ip-config (reason 'none', sys-iface-state: 'managed') Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.1889] dhcp4 (eth0): activation: beginning transaction (timeout in 45 seconds) Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.1920] dhcp4 (eth0): dhclient started with pid 613 Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain dhclient[613]: DHCPDISCOVER on eth0 to port 67 interval 7 (xid=0x3b073993) Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain dhclient[613]: DHCPREQUEST on eth0 to port 67 (xid=0x3b073993) Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain dhclient[613]: DHCPOFFER from Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain dhclient[613]: DHCPACK from (xid=0x3b073993) Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.7383] dhcp4 (eth0): address Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.7384] dhcp4 (eth0): plen 22 ( Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.7384] dhcp4 (eth0): gateway Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.7384] dhcp4 (eth0): lease time 3600 Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.7384] dhcp4 (eth0): hostname 'ip-10-31-8-30' Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.7384] dhcp4 (eth0): nameserver '' Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.7384] dhcp4 (eth0): nameserver '' Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.7384] dhcp4 (eth0): nameserver '' Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.7385] dhcp4 (eth0): domain name '' Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.7385] dhcp4 (eth0): state changed unknown -> bound Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.7398] device (eth0): state change: ip-config -> ip-check (reason 'none', sys-iface-state: 'managed') Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.7410] device (eth0): state change: ip-check -> secondaries (reason 'none', sys-iface-state: 'managed') Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.7412] device (eth0): state change: secondaries -> activated (reason 'none', sys-iface-state: 'managed') Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.7418] manager: NetworkManager state is now CONNECTED_LOCAL Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain dhclient[613]: bound to -- renewal in 1392 seconds. Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.7488] manager: NetworkManager state is now CONNECTED_SITE Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.7497] policy: set 'System eth0' (eth0) as default for IPv4 routing and DNS Jul 25 15:13:57 localhost.localdomain NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.7505] policy: set-hostname: set hostname to 'ip-10-31-8-30' (from DHCPv4) Jul 25 15:13:57 ip-10-31-8-30 systemd-hostnamed[579]: Changed host name to 'ip-10-31-8-30' Jul 25 15:13:57 ip-10-31-8-30 NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.7557] device (eth0): Activation: successful, device activated. Jul 25 15:13:57 ip-10-31-8-30 NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.7573] manager: NetworkManager state is now CONNECTED_GLOBAL Jul 25 15:13:57 ip-10-31-8-30 NetworkManager[574]: [1721934837.7578] manager: startup complete Jul 25 15:13:57 ip-10-31-8-30 nm-dispatcher[580]: req:3 'up' [eth0]: new request (4 scripts) Jul 25 15:13:57 ip-10-31-8-30 nm-dispatcher[580]: req:3 'up' [eth0]: start running ordered scripts... Jul 25 15:13:57 ip-10-31-8-30 nm-dispatcher[580]: req:4 'connectivity-change': new request (4 scripts) Jul 25 15:13:57 ip-10-31-8-30 nm-dispatcher[580]: req:5 'hostname': new request (4 scripts) Jul 25 15:13:57 ip-10-31-8-30 systemd[1]: Started Network Manager Wait Online. -- Subject: Unit NetworkManager-wait-online.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit NetworkManager-wait-online.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:57 ip-10-31-8-30 systemd[1]: Starting LSB: Bring up/down networking... -- Subject: Unit network.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit network.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:58 ip-10-31-8-30 nm-dispatcher[580]: req:4 'connectivity-change': start running ordered scripts... Jul 25 15:13:58 ip-10-31-8-30 nm-dispatcher[580]: req:5 'hostname': start running ordered scripts... Jul 25 15:13:58 ip-10-31-8-30 network[640]: Bringing up loopback interface: [ OK ] Jul 25 15:13:58 ip-10-31-8-30 network[640]: Bringing up interface eth0: [ OK ] Jul 25 15:13:58 ip-10-31-8-30 systemd[1]: Started LSB: Bring up/down networking. -- Subject: Unit network.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit network.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:58 ip-10-31-8-30 systemd[1]: Reached target Network. -- Subject: Unit has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:13:58 ip-10-31-8-30 systemd[1]: Starting Postfix Mail Transport Agent... -- Subject: Unit postfix.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit postfix.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:58 ip-10-31-8-30 systemd[1]: Starting Dynamic System Tuning Daemon... -- Subject: Unit tuned.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit tuned.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:58 ip-10-31-8-30 systemd[1]: Starting Initial cloud-init job (metadata service crawler)... -- Subject: Unit cloud-init.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit cloud-init.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:13:58 ip-10-31-8-30 cloud-init[846]: Cloud-init v. 0.7.9 running 'init' at Thu, 25 Jul 2024 19:13:58 +0000. Up 30.42 seconds. Jul 25 15:13:58 ip-10-31-8-30 cloud-init[846]: ci-info: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Net device info++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Jul 25 15:13:58 ip-10-31-8-30 cloud-init[846]: ci-info: +--------+------+------------+---------------+-------+-------------------+ Jul 25 15:13:58 ip-10-31-8-30 cloud-init[846]: ci-info: | Device | Up | Address | Mask | Scope | Hw-Address | Jul 25 15:13:58 ip-10-31-8-30 cloud-init[846]: ci-info: +--------+------+------------+---------------+-------+-------------------+ Jul 25 15:13:58 ip-10-31-8-30 cloud-init[846]: ci-info: | lo: | True | | | . | . | Jul 25 15:13:58 ip-10-31-8-30 cloud-init[846]: ci-info: | lo: | True | . | . | d | . | Jul 25 15:13:58 ip-10-31-8-30 cloud-init[846]: ci-info: | eth0: | True | | | . | 12:6d:c1:09:0a:41 | Jul 25 15:13:58 ip-10-31-8-30 cloud-init[846]: ci-info: | eth0: | True | . | . | d | 12:6d:c1:09:0a:41 | Jul 25 15:13:58 ip-10-31-8-30 cloud-init[846]: ci-info: +--------+------+------------+---------------+-------+-------------------+ Jul 25 15:13:58 ip-10-31-8-30 cloud-init[846]: ci-info: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Route IPv4 info++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Jul 25 15:13:58 ip-10-31-8-30 cloud-init[846]: ci-info: +-------+-------------+-----------+---------------+-----------+-------+ Jul 25 15:13:58 ip-10-31-8-30 cloud-init[846]: ci-info: | Route | Destination | Gateway | Genmask | Interface | Flags | Jul 25 15:13:58 ip-10-31-8-30 cloud-init[846]: ci-info: +-------+-------------+-----------+---------------+-----------+-------+ Jul 25 15:13:58 ip-10-31-8-30 cloud-init[846]: ci-info: | 0 | | | | eth0 | UG | Jul 25 15:13:58 ip-10-31-8-30 cloud-init[846]: ci-info: | 1 | | | | eth0 | U | Jul 25 15:13:58 ip-10-31-8-30 cloud-init[846]: ci-info: +-------+-------------+-----------+---------------+-----------+-------+ Jul 25 15:14:00 ip-10-31-8-30 kernel: EXT4-fs (xvda1): resizing filesystem from 1048320 to 65535739 blocks Jul 25 15:14:00 ip-10-31-8-30 systemd[1]: Started Dynamic System Tuning Daemon. -- Subject: Unit tuned.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit tuned.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:14:00 ip-10-31-8-30 postfix/postfix-script[1174]: starting the Postfix mail system Jul 25 15:14:00 ip-10-31-8-30 postfix/master[1182]: daemon started -- version 2.10.1, configuration /etc/postfix Jul 25 15:14:00 ip-10-31-8-30 systemd[1]: Started Postfix Mail Transport Agent. -- Subject: Unit postfix.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit postfix.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:14:00 ip-10-31-8-30 kernel: EXT4-fs (xvda1): resized filesystem to 65535739 Jul 25 15:14:01 systemd-hostnamed[579]: Changed static host name to '' Jul 25 15:14:01 systemd-hostnamed[579]: Changed host name to '' Jul 25 15:14:01 NetworkManager[574]: [1721934841.1491] hostname: hostname changed from "localhost.localdomain" to "" Jul 25 15:14:01 nm-dispatcher[580]: req:6 'hostname': new request (4 scripts) Jul 25 15:14:01 nm-dispatcher[580]: req:6 'hostname': start running ordered scripts... Jul 25 15:14:01 NetworkManager[574]: [1721934841.1605] policy: set-hostname: set hostname to '' (from system configuration) Jul 25 15:14:01 nm-dispatcher[580]: req:7 'hostname': new request (4 scripts) Jul 25 15:14:01 nm-dispatcher[580]: req:7 'hostname': start running ordered scripts... Jul 25 15:14:01 systemd[1]: Started Initial cloud-init job (metadata service crawler). -- Subject: Unit cloud-init.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit cloud-init.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:14:01 systemd[1]: Reached target Cloud-config availability. -- Subject: Unit has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:14:01 systemd[1]: Reached target Network is Online. -- Subject: Unit has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:14:01 systemd[1]: Starting Notify NFS peers of a restart... -- Subject: Unit rpc-statd-notify.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit rpc-statd-notify.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:14:01 systemd[1]: Starting System Logging Service... -- Subject: Unit rsyslog.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit rsyslog.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:14:01 systemd[1]: Starting The restraint harness.... -- Subject: Unit restraintd.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit restraintd.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:14:01 systemd[1]: Starting Apply the settings specified in cloud-config... -- Subject: Unit cloud-config.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit cloud-config.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:14:01 systemd[1]: Starting Crash recovery kernel arming... -- Subject: Unit kdump.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit kdump.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:14:01 systemd[1]: Starting Permit User Sessions... -- Subject: Unit systemd-user-sessions.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-user-sessions.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:14:01 systemd[1]: Starting OpenSSH server daemon... -- Subject: Unit sshd.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit sshd.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:14:01 sm-notify[1215]: Version 1.3.0 starting Jul 25 15:14:01 systemd[1]: Started Permit User Sessions. -- Subject: Unit systemd-user-sessions.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-user-sessions.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:14:01 systemd[1]: Started Command Scheduler. -- Subject: Unit crond.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit crond.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:14:01 systemd[1]: Starting Terminate Plymouth Boot Screen... -- Subject: Unit plymouth-quit.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit plymouth-quit.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:14:01 systemd[1]: Starting Wait for Plymouth Boot Screen to Quit... -- Subject: Unit plymouth-quit-wait.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit plymouth-quit-wait.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:14:01 systemd[1]: Started Notify NFS peers of a restart. -- Subject: Unit rpc-statd-notify.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit rpc-statd-notify.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:14:01 systemd[1]: Received SIGRTMIN+21 from PID 230 (plymouthd). Jul 25 15:14:01 crond[1232]: (CRON) INFO (RANDOM_DELAY will be scaled with factor 38% if used.) Jul 25 15:14:01 systemd[1]: Started Terminate Plymouth Boot Screen. -- Subject: Unit plymouth-quit.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit plymouth-quit.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:14:01 systemd[1]: Started Wait for Plymouth Boot Screen to Quit. -- Subject: Unit plymouth-quit-wait.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit plymouth-quit-wait.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:14:01 systemd[1]: Started Serial Getty on ttyS0. -- Subject: Unit serial-getty@ttyS0.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit serial-getty@ttyS0.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:14:01 systemd[1]: Started Getty on tty1. -- Subject: Unit getty@tty1.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit getty@tty1.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:14:01 systemd[1]: Reached target Login Prompts. -- Subject: Unit has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:14:01 systemd[1]: Started The restraint harness.. -- Subject: Unit restraintd.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit restraintd.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:14:01 rsyslogd[1217]: [origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="8.24.0-57.el7_9.3" x-pid="1217" x-info=""] start Jul 25 15:14:01 systemd[1]: Started System Logging Service. -- Subject: Unit rsyslog.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit rsyslog.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:14:01 cloud-init[1219]: Cloud-init v. 0.7.9 running 'modules:config' at Thu, 25 Jul 2024 19:14:01 +0000. Up 33.44 seconds. Jul 25 15:14:01 sshd[1222]: Server listening on port 22. Jul 25 15:14:01 systemd[1]: Started OpenSSH server daemon. -- Subject: Unit sshd.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit sshd.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:14:01 sshd[1222]: Server listening on :: port 22. Jul 25 15:14:01 sshd[1222]: Received signal 15; terminating. Jul 25 15:14:01 systemd[1]: Stopping OpenSSH server daemon... -- Subject: Unit sshd.service has begun shutting down -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit sshd.service has begun shutting down. Jul 25 15:14:01 systemd[1]: Stopped OpenSSH server daemon. -- Subject: Unit sshd.service has finished shutting down -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit sshd.service has finished shutting down. Jul 25 15:14:01 systemd[1]: Starting OpenSSH server daemon... -- Subject: Unit sshd.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit sshd.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:14:01 sshd[1290]: Server listening on port 22. Jul 25 15:14:01 systemd[1]: Started OpenSSH server daemon. -- Subject: Unit sshd.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit sshd.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:14:01 restraintd[1239]: Listening on http://localhost:8081 Jul 25 15:14:01 sshd[1290]: Server listening on :: port 22. Jul 25 15:14:01 systemd[1]: Started Apply the settings specified in cloud-config. -- Subject: Unit cloud-config.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit cloud-config.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:14:01 systemd[1]: Starting Execute cloud user/final scripts... -- Subject: Unit cloud-final.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit cloud-final.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:14:01 crond[1232]: (CRON) INFO (running with inotify support) Jul 25 15:14:01 kdumpctl[1220]: No kdump initial ramdisk found. Jul 25 15:14:01 kdumpctl[1220]: Rebuilding /boot/initramfs-3.10.0-1160.119.1.el7.x86_64kdump.img Jul 25 15:14:02 cloud-init[1294]: Cloud-init v. 0.7.9 running 'modules:final' at Thu, 25 Jul 2024 19:14:02 +0000. Up 34.02 seconds. Jul 25 15:14:02 ec2[1514]: Jul 25 15:14:02 ec2[1514]: ############################################################# Jul 25 15:14:02 ec2[1514]: -----BEGIN SSH HOST KEY FINGERPRINTS----- Jul 25 15:14:02 ec2[1514]: 256 SHA256:6XI06CKZZBRV/e3/IgrDLqYzZkOtPFSrZnF8OajHEho no comment (ECDSA) Jul 25 15:14:02 ec2[1514]: 256 SHA256:JrbbBdywcMOrldKxyOAXBx69rlIzfdGLj+pLfM+mDE0 no comment (ED25519) Jul 25 15:14:02 ec2[1514]: 2048 SHA256:PpouZOZBkzpae6L06EXka+DhqyUqJ1ceG3xB7C5VtE0 no comment (RSA) Jul 25 15:14:02 ec2[1514]: -----END SSH HOST KEY FINGERPRINTS----- Jul 25 15:14:02 ec2[1514]: ############################################################# Jul 25 15:14:02 cloud-init[1294]: Cloud-init v. 0.7.9 finished at Thu, 25 Jul 2024 19:14:02 +0000. Datasource DataSourceEc2. Up 34.27 seconds Jul 25 15:14:02 systemd[1]: Started Execute cloud user/final scripts. -- Subject: Unit cloud-final.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit cloud-final.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:14:02 systemd[1]: Reached target Multi-User System. -- Subject: Unit has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:14:02 systemd[1]: Starting Update UTMP about System Runlevel Changes... -- Subject: Unit systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:14:02 systemd[1]: Started Update UTMP about System Runlevel Changes. -- Subject: Unit systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-update-utmp-runlevel.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:14:02 dracut[1550]: dracut-033-572.el7 Jul 25 15:14:02 dracut[1552]: Executing: /usr/sbin/dracut --quiet --hostonly --hostonly-cmdline --hostonly-i18n --hostonly-mode strict -o "plymouth dash resume ifcfg" --mount "/dev/disk/by-uuid/c7b7d6a5-fd01-4b9b-bcca-153eaff9d312 /sysroot ext4 defaults" --no-hostonly-default-device -f /boot/initramfs-3.10.0-1160.119.1.el7.x86_64kdump.img 3.10.0-1160.119.1.el7.x86_64 Jul 25 15:14:03 dracut[1552]: dracut module 'busybox' will not be installed, because command 'busybox' could not be found! Jul 25 15:14:03 dracut[1552]: dracut module 'ifcfg' will not be installed, because it's in the list to be omitted! Jul 25 15:14:03 dracut[1552]: dracut module 'plymouth' will not be installed, because it's in the list to be omitted! Jul 25 15:14:03 dracut[1552]: dracut module 'crypt' will not be installed, because command 'cryptsetup' could not be found! Jul 25 15:14:03 dracut[1552]: dracut module 'dmraid' will not be installed, because command 'dmraid' could not be found! Jul 25 15:14:03 dracut[1552]: dracut module 'dmsquash-live-ntfs' will not be installed, because command 'ntfs-3g' could not be found! Jul 25 15:14:03 dracut[1552]: dracut module 'lvm' will not be installed, because command 'lvm' could not be found! Jul 25 15:14:03 dracut[1552]: dracut module 'mdraid' will not be installed, because command 'mdadm' could not be found! Jul 25 15:14:03 dracut[1552]: dracut module 'multipath' will not be installed, because command 'multipath' could not be found! Jul 25 15:14:03 dracut[1552]: dracut module 'cifs' will not be installed, because command 'mount.cifs' could not be found! Jul 25 15:14:03 dracut[1552]: dracut module 'iscsi' will not be installed, because command 'iscsistart' could not be found! Jul 25 15:14:03 dracut[1552]: dracut module 'iscsi' will not be installed, because command 'iscsi-iname' could not be found! Jul 25 15:14:03 dracut[1552]: dracut module 'resume' will not be installed, because it's in the list to be omitted! Jul 25 15:14:03 chronyd[515]: Selected source Jul 25 15:14:03 dracut[1552]: dracut module 'busybox' will not be installed, because command 'busybox' could not be found! Jul 25 15:14:03 dracut[1552]: dracut module 'crypt' will not be installed, because command 'cryptsetup' could not be found! Jul 25 15:14:03 dracut[1552]: dracut module 'dmraid' will not be installed, because command 'dmraid' could not be found! Jul 25 15:14:03 dracut[1552]: dracut module 'dmsquash-live-ntfs' will not be installed, because command 'ntfs-3g' could not be found! Jul 25 15:14:03 dracut[1552]: dracut module 'lvm' will not be installed, because command 'lvm' could not be found! Jul 25 15:14:03 dracut[1552]: dracut module 'mdraid' will not be installed, because command 'mdadm' could not be found! Jul 25 15:14:03 dracut[1552]: dracut module 'multipath' will not be installed, because command 'multipath' could not be found! Jul 25 15:14:03 dracut[1552]: dracut module 'cifs' will not be installed, because command 'mount.cifs' could not be found! Jul 25 15:14:03 dracut[1552]: dracut module 'iscsi' will not be installed, because command 'iscsistart' could not be found! Jul 25 15:14:03 dracut[1552]: dracut module 'iscsi' will not be installed, because command 'iscsi-iname' could not be found! Jul 25 15:14:04 dracut[1552]: *** Including module: bash *** Jul 25 15:14:04 dracut[1552]: *** Including module: nss-softokn *** Jul 25 15:14:04 dracut[1552]: *** Including module: i18n *** Jul 25 15:14:04 dracut[1552]: *** Including module: drm *** Jul 25 15:14:05 dracut[1552]: *** Including module: kernel-modules *** Jul 25 15:14:15 dracut[1552]: *** Including module: fstab-sys *** Jul 25 15:14:15 dracut[1552]: *** Including module: rootfs-block *** Jul 25 15:14:15 dracut[1552]: *** Including module: terminfo *** Jul 25 15:14:15 dracut[1552]: *** Including module: udev-rules *** Jul 25 15:14:15 dracut[1552]: Skipping udev rule: 40-redhat-cpu-hotplug.rules Jul 25 15:14:15 dracut[1552]: Skipping udev rule: 91-permissions.rules Jul 25 15:14:15 dracut[1552]: *** Including module: biosdevname *** Jul 25 15:14:15 dracut[1552]: *** Including module: systemd *** Jul 25 15:14:16 dracut[1552]: *** Including module: usrmount *** Jul 25 15:14:16 dracut[1552]: *** Including module: base *** Jul 25 15:14:16 dracut[1552]: *** Including module: fs-lib *** Jul 25 15:14:16 dracut[1552]: *** Including module: kdumpbase *** Jul 25 15:14:17 dracut[1552]: *** Including module: microcode_ctl-fw_dir_override *** Jul 25 15:14:17 dracut[1552]: microcode_ctl module: mangling fw_dir Jul 25 15:14:17 dracut[1552]: microcode_ctl: reset fw_dir to "/lib/firmware/updates /lib/firmware" Jul 25 15:14:17 dracut[1552]: microcode_ctl: processing data directory "/usr/share/microcode_ctl/ucode_with_caveats/intel"... Jul 25 15:14:17 dracut[1552]: microcode_ctl: intel: caveats check for kernel version "3.10.0-1160.119.1.el7.x86_64" passed, adding "/usr/share/microcode_ctl/ucode_with_caveats/intel" to fw_dir variable Jul 25 15:14:17 dracut[1552]: microcode_ctl: processing data directory "/usr/share/microcode_ctl/ucode_with_caveats/intel-06-2d-07"... Jul 25 15:14:17 dracut[1552]: microcode_ctl: configuration "intel-06-2d-07" is ignored Jul 25 15:14:17 dracut[1552]: microcode_ctl: processing data directory "/usr/share/microcode_ctl/ucode_with_caveats/intel-06-4e-03"... Jul 25 15:14:17 dracut[1552]: microcode_ctl: configuration "intel-06-4e-03" is ignored Jul 25 15:14:17 dracut[1552]: microcode_ctl: processing data directory "/usr/share/microcode_ctl/ucode_with_caveats/intel-06-4f-01"... Jul 25 15:14:17 dracut[1552]: microcode_ctl: configuration "intel-06-4f-01" is ignored Jul 25 15:14:17 dracut[1552]: microcode_ctl: processing data directory "/usr/share/microcode_ctl/ucode_with_caveats/intel-06-55-04"... Jul 25 15:14:17 dracut[1552]: microcode_ctl: configuration "intel-06-55-04" is ignored Jul 25 15:14:17 dracut[1552]: microcode_ctl: processing data directory "/usr/share/microcode_ctl/ucode_with_caveats/intel-06-5e-03"... Jul 25 15:14:17 dracut[1552]: microcode_ctl: configuration "intel-06-5e-03" is ignored Jul 25 15:14:17 dracut[1552]: microcode_ctl: processing data directory "/usr/share/microcode_ctl/ucode_with_caveats/intel-06-8c-01"... Jul 25 15:14:17 dracut[1552]: microcode_ctl: configuration "intel-06-8c-01" is ignored Jul 25 15:14:17 dracut[1552]: microcode_ctl: final fw_dir: "/usr/share/microcode_ctl/ucode_with_caveats/intel /lib/firmware/updates /lib/firmware" Jul 25 15:14:17 dracut[1552]: *** Including module: shutdown *** Jul 25 15:14:17 dracut[1552]: *** Including modules done *** Jul 25 15:14:18 dracut[1552]: *** Installing kernel module dependencies and firmware *** Jul 25 15:14:18 dracut[1552]: *** Installing kernel module dependencies and firmware done *** Jul 25 15:14:18 dracut[1552]: *** Resolving executable dependencies *** Jul 25 15:14:19 dracut[1552]: *** Resolving executable dependencies done*** Jul 25 15:14:19 dracut[1552]: *** Hardlinking files *** Jul 25 15:14:19 dracut[1552]: *** Hardlinking files done *** Jul 25 15:14:19 dracut[1552]: *** Stripping files *** Jul 25 15:14:20 dracut[1552]: *** Stripping files done *** Jul 25 15:14:20 dracut[1552]: *** Generating early-microcode cpio image contents *** Jul 25 15:14:20 dracut[1552]: *** Constructing GenuineIntel.bin **** Jul 25 15:14:20 dracut[1552]: *** Store current command line parameters *** Jul 25 15:14:20 dracut[1552]: *** Creating image file *** Jul 25 15:14:20 dracut[1552]: *** Creating microcode section *** Jul 25 15:14:20 dracut[1552]: *** Created microcode section *** Jul 25 15:14:25 dracut[1552]: *** Creating image file done *** Jul 25 15:14:25 dracut[1552]: *** Creating initramfs image file '/boot/initramfs-3.10.0-1160.119.1.el7.x86_64kdump.img' done *** Jul 25 15:14:26 kdumpctl[1220]: kexec: loaded kdump kernel Jul 25 15:14:26 kdumpctl[1220]: Starting kdump: [OK] Jul 25 15:14:26 systemd[1]: Started Crash recovery kernel arming. -- Subject: Unit kdump.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit kdump.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:14:26 systemd[1]: Startup finished in 2.359s (kernel) + 4.287s (initrd) + 51.461s (userspace) = 58.108s. -- Subject: System start-up is now complete -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- All system services necessary queued for starting at boot have been -- successfully started. Note that this does not mean that the machine is -- now idle as services might still be busy with completing start-up. -- -- Kernel start-up required 2359558 microseconds. -- -- Initial RAM disk start-up required 4287265 microseconds. -- -- Userspace start-up required 51461540 microseconds. Jul 25 15:20:58 sshd[7771]: Accepted publickey for root from port 42470 ssh2: RSA SHA256:W3cSdmPJK+d9RwU97ardijPXIZnxHswrpTHWW9oYtEU Jul 25 15:20:58 systemd[1]: Created slice User Slice of root. -- Subject: Unit user-0.slice has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit user-0.slice has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:20:58 systemd-logind[499]: New session 1 of user root. -- Subject: A new session 1 has been created for user root -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- Documentation: -- -- A new session with the ID 1 has been created for the user root. -- -- The leading process of the session is 7771. Jul 25 15:20:58 systemd[1]: Started Session 1 of user root. -- Subject: Unit session-1.scope has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit session-1.scope has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:20:58 sshd[7771]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0) Jul 25 15:20:58 sshd[7771]: Received disconnect from port 42470:11: disconnected by user Jul 25 15:20:58 sshd[7771]: Disconnected from port 42470 Jul 25 15:20:58 sshd[7771]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session closed for user root Jul 25 15:20:58 systemd-logind[499]: Removed session 1. -- Subject: Session 1 has been terminated -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- Documentation: -- -- A session with the ID 1 has been terminated. Jul 25 15:20:58 systemd[1]: Removed slice User Slice of root. -- Subject: Unit user-0.slice has finished shutting down -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit user-0.slice has finished shutting down. Jul 25 15:24:51 chronyd[515]: Selected source Jul 25 15:25:22 sshd[7785]: Accepted publickey for root from port 35002 ssh2: RSA SHA256:W3cSdmPJK+d9RwU97ardijPXIZnxHswrpTHWW9oYtEU Jul 25 15:25:22 sshd[7786]: Accepted publickey for root from port 35014 ssh2: RSA SHA256:W3cSdmPJK+d9RwU97ardijPXIZnxHswrpTHWW9oYtEU Jul 25 15:25:22 systemd[1]: Created slice User Slice of root. -- Subject: Unit user-0.slice has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit user-0.slice has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:25:22 systemd-logind[499]: New session 3 of user root. -- Subject: A new session 3 has been created for user root -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- Documentation: -- -- A new session with the ID 3 has been created for the user root. -- -- The leading process of the session is 7785. Jul 25 15:25:22 systemd[1]: Started Session 3 of user root. -- Subject: Unit session-3.scope has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit session-3.scope has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:25:22 systemd[1]: Started Session 2 of user root. -- Subject: Unit session-2.scope has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit session-2.scope has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:25:22 systemd-logind[499]: New session 2 of user root. -- Subject: A new session 2 has been created for user root -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- Documentation: -- -- A new session with the ID 2 has been created for the user root. -- -- The leading process of the session is 7786. Jul 25 15:25:22 sshd[7785]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0) Jul 25 15:25:22 sshd[7786]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0) Jul 25 15:25:22 sshd[7786]: Received disconnect from port 35014:11: disconnected by user Jul 25 15:25:22 sshd[7786]: Disconnected from port 35014 Jul 25 15:25:22 sshd[7786]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session closed for user root Jul 25 15:25:22 systemd-logind[499]: Removed session 2. -- Subject: Session 2 has been terminated -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- Documentation: -- -- A session with the ID 2 has been terminated. Jul 25 15:28:23 sshd[8014]: Accepted publickey for root from port 60356 ssh2: RSA SHA256:9j1blwt3wcrRiGYZQ7ZGu9axm3cDklH6/z4c+Ee8CzE Jul 25 15:28:24 systemd-logind[499]: New session 4 of user root. -- Subject: A new session 4 has been created for user root -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- Documentation: -- -- A new session with the ID 4 has been created for the user root. -- -- The leading process of the session is 8014. Jul 25 15:28:24 systemd[1]: Started Session 4 of user root. -- Subject: Unit session-4.scope has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit session-4.scope has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:28:24 sshd[8014]: pam_unix(sshd:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0) Jul 25 15:28:24 ansible-setup[8071]: Invoked with filter=* gather_subset=['all'] fact_path=/etc/ansible/facts.d gather_timeout=10 Jul 25 15:28:25 ansible-stat[8145]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/run/ostree-booted get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:28:26 ansible-yum[8194]: Invoked with lock_timeout=30 update_cache=False disable_excludes=None exclude=[] allow_downgrade=False disable_gpg_check=False conf_file=None use_backend=auto state=present disablerepo=[] releasever=None skip_broken=False autoremove=False download_dir=None enable_plugin=[] installroot=/ install_weak_deps=True name=['tang'] download_only=False bugfix=False list=None install_repoquery=True update_only=False disable_plugin=[] enablerepo=[] security=False validate_certs=True Jul 25 15:28:49 yum[8222]: Installed: libjose-10-1.el7.x86_64 Jul 25 15:28:49 systemd[1]: Starting Cleanup of Temporary Directories... -- Subject: Unit systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:28:49 systemd[1]: Started Cleanup of Temporary Directories. -- Subject: Unit systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit systemd-tmpfiles-clean.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:28:49 yum[8222]: Installed: jose-10-1.el7.x86_64 Jul 25 15:28:50 yum[8222]: Installed: http-parser-2.7.1-9.el7.x86_64 Jul 25 15:28:50 groupadd[8235]: group added to /etc/group: name=tang, GID=994 Jul 25 15:28:50 groupadd[8235]: group added to /etc/gshadow: name=tang Jul 25 15:28:50 groupadd[8235]: new group: name=tang, GID=994 Jul 25 15:28:50 useradd[8240]: new user: name=tang, UID=997, GID=994, home=/var/cache/tang, shell=/sbin/nologin Jul 25 15:28:50 systemd[1]: Reloading. Jul 25 15:28:50 yum[8222]: Installed: tang-6-2.el7.x86_64 Jul 25 15:28:51 ansible-fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server_tang[8310]: Invoked with force=False keys_to_deploy_dir=None update=/usr/libexec/tangd-update keygen=/usr/libexec/tangd-keygen state=keys-created cachedir=/var/cache/tang keydir=/var/db/tang Jul 25 15:28:52 ansible-stat[8368]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/run/ostree-booted get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:28:52 ansible-stat[8417]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/sbin/transactional-update get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:28:53 ansible-yum[8466]: Invoked with lock_timeout=30 update_cache=False disable_excludes=None exclude=[] allow_downgrade=False disable_gpg_check=False conf_file=None use_backend=auto state=present disablerepo=[] releasever=None skip_broken=False autoremove=False download_dir=None enable_plugin=[] installroot=/ install_weak_deps=True name=['libselinux-python', 'policycoreutils-python'] download_only=False bugfix=False list=None install_repoquery=True update_only=False disable_plugin=[] enablerepo=[] security=False validate_certs=True Jul 25 15:28:53 ansible-setup[8519]: Invoked with filter=ansible_selinux gather_subset=['all'] fact_path=/etc/ansible/facts.d gather_timeout=10 Jul 25 15:28:55 ansible-fedora.linux_system_roles.local_seport[8593]: Invoked with proto=tcp state=present ignore_selinux_state=False reload=True setype=tangd_port_t local=True ports=['7500'] Jul 25 15:28:59 kernel: SELinux: 2048 avtab hash slots, 112757 rules. Jul 25 15:28:59 kernel: SELinux: 2048 avtab hash slots, 112757 rules. Jul 25 15:28:59 kernel: SELinux: 8 users, 14 roles, 5049 types, 316 bools, 1 sens, 1024 cats Jul 25 15:28:59 kernel: SELinux: 130 classes, 112757 rules Jul 25 15:28:59 kernel: SELinux: Converting 2268 SID table entries... Jul 25 15:29:01 dbus[500]: [system] Reloaded configuration Jul 25 15:29:01 ansible-fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux_modules_facts[8646]: Invoked Jul 25 15:29:05 ansible-stat[8695]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:29:06 ansible-file[8744]: Invoked with directory_mode=None force=False remote_src=None _original_basename=None path=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d owner=None follow=True group=None unsafe_writes=False state=directory content=NOT_LOGGING_PARAMETER serole=None selevel=None setype=None access_time=None access_time_format=%Y%m%d%H%M.%S modification_time=None regexp=None src=None seuser=None recurse=False _diff_peek=None delimiter=None mode=0755 modification_time_format=%Y%m%d%H%M.%S attributes=None backup=None Jul 25 15:29:06 ansible-stat[8793]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d/override.conf get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:29:06 ansible-copy[8829]: Invoked with directory_mode=None force=True remote_src=None _original_basename=tangd_socket_override.conf.j2 owner=None follow=False local_follow=None group=None unsafe_writes=False serole=None content=NOT_LOGGING_PARAMETER setype=None dest=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d/override.conf selevel=None regexp=None validate=None src=/root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1721935746.17-10182-162675553526791/source checksum=cab519df8c21e60fd06ac780e2c7bd41ad441042 seuser=None delimiter=None mode=0644 attributes=None backup=True Jul 25 15:29:07 ansible-stat[8878]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/run/ostree-booted get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:29:07 ansible-stat[8927]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/sbin/transactional-update get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:29:08 ansible-yum[8976]: Invoked with lock_timeout=30 update_cache=False disable_excludes=None exclude=[] allow_downgrade=False disable_gpg_check=False conf_file=None use_backend=auto state=present disablerepo=[] releasever=None skip_broken=False autoremove=False download_dir=None enable_plugin=[] installroot=/ install_weak_deps=True name=['firewalld'] download_only=False bugfix=False list=None install_repoquery=True update_only=False disable_plugin=[] enablerepo=[] security=False validate_certs=True Jul 25 15:29:09 ansible-systemd[9029]: Invoked with no_block=False force=None name=firewalld daemon_reexec=False enabled=None daemon_reload=False state=None user=None scope=None masked=False Jul 25 15:29:09 ansible-systemd[9082]: Invoked with no_block=False force=None name=firewalld daemon_reexec=False enabled=True daemon_reload=False state=started masked=None scope=None user=None Jul 25 15:29:10 polkitd[498]: Registered Authentication Agent for unix-process:9087:94181 (system bus name :1.26 [/usr/bin/pkttyagent --notify-fd 5 --fallback], object path /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_US.UTF-8) Jul 25 15:29:10 systemd[1]: Reloading. Jul 25 15:29:10 polkitd[498]: Unregistered Authentication Agent for unix-process:9087:94181 (system bus name :1.26, object path /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_US.UTF-8) (disconnected from bus) Jul 25 15:29:10 polkitd[498]: Registered Authentication Agent for unix-process:9106:94190 (system bus name :1.27 [/usr/bin/pkttyagent --notify-fd 5 --fallback], object path /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_US.UTF-8) Jul 25 15:29:10 systemd[1]: Starting firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon... -- Subject: Unit firewalld.service has begun start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit firewalld.service has begun starting up. Jul 25 15:29:11 polkitd[498]: Unregistered Authentication Agent for unix-process:9106:94190 (system bus name :1.27, object path /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_US.UTF-8) (disconnected from bus) Jul 25 15:29:11 systemd[1]: Started firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon. -- Subject: Unit firewalld.service has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit firewalld.service has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:29:11 kernel: ip6_tables: (C) 2000-2006 Netfilter Core Team Jul 25 15:29:11 kernel: Ebtables v2.0 registered Jul 25 15:29:11 firewalld[9112]: WARNING: AllowZoneDrifting is enabled. This is considered an insecure configuration option. It will be removed in a future release. Please consider disabling it now. Jul 25 15:29:11 kernel: ip_set: protocol 7 Jul 25 15:29:11 ansible-fedora.linux_system_roles.firewall_lib[9184]: Invoked with destination=[] protocol=[] ipset_type=None port=['7500/tcp'] icmp_block_inversion=None service=[] forward_port=[] set_default_zone=None firewalld_conf=None masquerade=None state=enabled permanent=True interface_pci_id=[] __report_changed=True rich_rule=[] ipset_entries=[] description=None ipset=None interface=[] target=None short=None zone=public helper_module=[] icmp_block=[] source=[] timeout=0 source_port=[] runtime=True Jul 25 15:29:12 kernel: nf_conntrack version 0.5.0 (16384 buckets, 65536 max) Jul 25 15:29:12 kernel: bridge: filtering via arp/ip/ip6tables is no longer available by default. Update your scripts to load br_netfilter if you need this. Jul 25 15:29:18 ansible-systemd[9302]: Invoked with no_block=False force=None name=None daemon_reexec=False enabled=None daemon_reload=True state=None user=None scope=None masked=None Jul 25 15:29:18 polkitd[498]: Registered Authentication Agent for unix-process:9305:95061 (system bus name :1.30 [/usr/bin/pkttyagent --notify-fd 5 --fallback], object path /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_US.UTF-8) Jul 25 15:29:18 systemd[1]: Reloading. Jul 25 15:29:18 polkitd[498]: Unregistered Authentication Agent for unix-process:9305:95061 (system bus name :1.30, object path /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_US.UTF-8) (disconnected from bus) Jul 25 15:29:19 ansible-systemd[9372]: Invoked with no_block=False force=None name=tangd.socket daemon_reexec=False enabled=True daemon_reload=False state=restarted masked=None scope=None user=None Jul 25 15:29:19 polkitd[498]: Registered Authentication Agent for unix-process:9377:95113 (system bus name :1.31 [/usr/bin/pkttyagent --notify-fd 5 --fallback], object path /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_US.UTF-8) Jul 25 15:29:19 systemd[1]: Reloading. Jul 25 15:29:19 polkitd[498]: Unregistered Authentication Agent for unix-process:9377:95113 (system bus name :1.31, object path /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_US.UTF-8) (disconnected from bus) Jul 25 15:29:19 polkitd[498]: Registered Authentication Agent for unix-process:9396:95120 (system bus name :1.32 [/usr/bin/pkttyagent --notify-fd 5 --fallback], object path /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_US.UTF-8) Jul 25 15:29:19 systemd[1]: Listening on Tang Server socket. -- Subject: Unit tangd.socket has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit tangd.socket has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:29:19 polkitd[498]: Unregistered Authentication Agent for unix-process:9396:95120 (system bus name :1.32, object path /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_US.UTF-8) (disconnected from bus) Jul 25 15:29:20 ansible-yum[9450]: Invoked with lock_timeout=30 update_cache=False disable_excludes=None exclude=[] allow_downgrade=False disable_gpg_check=False conf_file=None use_backend=auto state=present disablerepo=[] releasever=None skip_broken=False autoremove=False download_dir=None enable_plugin=[] installroot=/ install_weak_deps=True name=['iproute'] download_only=False bugfix=False list=None install_repoquery=True update_only=False disable_plugin=[] enablerepo=[] security=False validate_certs=True Jul 25 15:29:20 ansible-command[9503]: Invoked with creates=None executable=None _uses_shell=True strip_empty_ends=True _raw_params=set -euo pipefail ss -tulpn | grep ':7500 ' | \ awk -F' ' '{print $5}' removes=None argv=None warn=True chdir=None stdin_add_newline=True stdin=None Jul 25 15:29:21 ansible-command[9563]: Invoked with creates=None executable=None _uses_shell=True strip_empty_ends=True _raw_params=set -euo pipefail ss -tulpn | grep ':7500 ' | \ awk -F' ' '{print $1}' removes=None argv=None warn=True chdir=None stdin_add_newline=True stdin=None Jul 25 15:29:21 ansible-command[9616]: Invoked with creates=None executable=None _uses_shell=False strip_empty_ends=True _raw_params=firewall-cmd --zone public --query-port 7500/tcp removes=None argv=None warn=True chdir=None stdin_add_newline=True stdin=None Jul 25 15:29:22 ansible-slurp[9666]: Invoked with src=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d/override.conf path=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d/override.conf Jul 25 15:29:23 ansible-yum[9715]: Invoked with lock_timeout=30 update_cache=False disable_excludes=None exclude=[] allow_downgrade=False disable_gpg_check=False conf_file=None use_backend=auto state=present disablerepo=[] releasever=None skip_broken=False autoremove=False download_dir=None enable_plugin=[] installroot=/ install_weak_deps=True name=['tang'] download_only=False bugfix=False list=None install_repoquery=True update_only=False disable_plugin=[] enablerepo=[] security=False validate_certs=True Jul 25 15:29:23 ansible-fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server_tang[9768]: Invoked with force=False keys_to_deploy_dir=None update=/usr/libexec/tangd-update keygen=/usr/libexec/tangd-keygen state=keys-created cachedir=/var/cache/tang keydir=/var/db/tang Jul 25 15:29:25 ansible-yum[9817]: Invoked with lock_timeout=30 update_cache=False disable_excludes=None exclude=[] allow_downgrade=False disable_gpg_check=False conf_file=None use_backend=auto state=present disablerepo=[] releasever=None skip_broken=False autoremove=False download_dir=None enable_plugin=[] installroot=/ install_weak_deps=True name=['libselinux-python', 'policycoreutils-python'] download_only=False bugfix=False list=None install_repoquery=True update_only=False disable_plugin=[] enablerepo=[] security=False validate_certs=True Jul 25 15:29:25 ansible-setup[9870]: Invoked with filter=ansible_selinux gather_subset=['all'] fact_path=/etc/ansible/facts.d gather_timeout=10 Jul 25 15:29:26 ansible-fedora.linux_system_roles.local_seport[9944]: Invoked with proto=tcp state=present ignore_selinux_state=False reload=True setype=tangd_port_t local=True ports=['80'] Jul 25 15:29:27 kernel: SELinux: 2048 avtab hash slots, 112757 rules. Jul 25 15:29:27 kernel: SELinux: 2048 avtab hash slots, 112757 rules. Jul 25 15:29:27 kernel: SELinux: 8 users, 14 roles, 5049 types, 316 bools, 1 sens, 1024 cats Jul 25 15:29:27 kernel: SELinux: 130 classes, 112757 rules Jul 25 15:29:27 kernel: SELinux: Converting 2282 SID table entries... Jul 25 15:29:29 dbus[500]: [system] Reloaded configuration Jul 25 15:29:29 ansible-fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux_modules_facts[9997]: Invoked Jul 25 15:29:33 ansible-stat[10046]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:29:33 ansible-find[10097]: Invoked with excludes=['^override.conf$'] paths=['/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d'] file_type=any age=None contains=None recurse=False age_stamp=mtime patterns=[] depth=None get_checksum=False use_regex=True follow=False hidden=True size=None Jul 25 15:29:34 ansible-file[10146]: Invoked with directory_mode=None force=False remote_src=None _original_basename=None path=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d owner=None follow=True group=None unsafe_writes=False state=absent content=NOT_LOGGING_PARAMETER serole=None selevel=None setype=None access_time=None access_time_format=%Y%m%d%H%M.%S modification_time=None regexp=None src=None seuser=None recurse=False _diff_peek=None delimiter=None mode=0755 modification_time_format=%Y%m%d%H%M.%S attributes=None backup=None Jul 25 15:29:35 ansible-yum[10195]: Invoked with lock_timeout=30 update_cache=False disable_excludes=None exclude=[] allow_downgrade=False disable_gpg_check=False conf_file=None use_backend=auto state=present disablerepo=[] releasever=None skip_broken=False autoremove=False download_dir=None enable_plugin=[] installroot=/ install_weak_deps=True name=['firewalld'] download_only=False bugfix=False list=None install_repoquery=True update_only=False disable_plugin=[] enablerepo=[] security=False validate_certs=True Jul 25 15:29:36 ansible-systemd[10248]: Invoked with no_block=False force=None name=firewalld daemon_reexec=False enabled=None daemon_reload=False state=None user=None scope=None masked=False Jul 25 15:29:36 ansible-systemd[10301]: Invoked with no_block=False force=None name=firewalld daemon_reexec=False enabled=True daemon_reload=False state=started masked=None scope=None user=None Jul 25 15:29:37 ansible-fedora.linux_system_roles.firewall_lib[10354]: Invoked with destination=[] protocol=[] ipset_type=None port=['80/tcp'] icmp_block_inversion=None service=[] forward_port=[] set_default_zone=None firewalld_conf=None masquerade=None state=enabled permanent=True interface_pci_id=[] __report_changed=True rich_rule=[] ipset_entries=[] description=None ipset=None interface=[] target=None short=None zone=public helper_module=[] icmp_block=[] source=[] timeout=0 source_port=[] runtime=True Jul 25 15:29:38 ansible-systemd[10405]: Invoked with no_block=False force=None name=None daemon_reexec=False enabled=None daemon_reload=True state=None user=None scope=None masked=None Jul 25 15:29:38 polkitd[498]: Registered Authentication Agent for unix-process:10408:96993 (system bus name :1.35 [/usr/bin/pkttyagent --notify-fd 5 --fallback], object path /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_US.UTF-8) Jul 25 15:29:38 systemd[1]: Reloading. Jul 25 15:29:38 polkitd[498]: Unregistered Authentication Agent for unix-process:10408:96993 (system bus name :1.35, object path /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_US.UTF-8) (disconnected from bus) Jul 25 15:29:38 ansible-systemd[10475]: Invoked with no_block=False force=None name=tangd.socket daemon_reexec=False enabled=True daemon_reload=False state=restarted masked=None scope=None user=None Jul 25 15:29:38 polkitd[498]: Registered Authentication Agent for unix-process:10480:97045 (system bus name :1.36 [/usr/bin/pkttyagent --notify-fd 5 --fallback], object path /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_US.UTF-8) Jul 25 15:29:38 systemd[1]: Closed Tang Server socket. -- Subject: Unit tangd.socket has finished shutting down -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit tangd.socket has finished shutting down. Jul 25 15:29:38 systemd[1]: Stopping Tang Server socket. -- Subject: Unit tangd.socket has begun shutting down -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit tangd.socket has begun shutting down. Jul 25 15:29:38 systemd[1]: Listening on Tang Server socket. -- Subject: Unit tangd.socket has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit tangd.socket has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:29:38 polkitd[498]: Unregistered Authentication Agent for unix-process:10480:97045 (system bus name :1.36, object path /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_US.UTF-8) (disconnected from bus) Jul 25 15:29:38 ansible-command[10534]: Invoked with creates=None executable=None _uses_shell=True strip_empty_ends=True _raw_params=set -euo pipefail ss -tulpn | grep ':80 ' | awk -F' ' '{print $5}' removes=None argv=None warn=True chdir=None stdin_add_newline=True stdin=None Jul 25 15:29:39 ansible-command[10587]: Invoked with creates=None executable=None _uses_shell=True strip_empty_ends=True _raw_params=set -euo pipefail ss -tulpn | grep ':80 ' | awk -F' ' '{print $1}' removes=None argv=None warn=True chdir=None stdin_add_newline=True stdin=None Jul 25 15:29:39 ansible-command[10640]: Invoked with creates=None executable=None _uses_shell=False strip_empty_ends=True _raw_params=firewall-cmd --zone public --query-port 80/tcp removes=None argv=None warn=True chdir=None stdin_add_newline=True stdin=None Jul 25 15:29:40 ansible-command[10690]: Invoked with creates=None executable=None _uses_shell=True strip_empty_ends=True _raw_params=set -euxo pipefail if [ "false" = true ]; then rm -rf "/var/db/tang" else rm -rf "/var/db/tang"/* "/var/db/tang"/.* || : fi removes=None argv=None warn=True chdir=None stdin_add_newline=True stdin=None Jul 25 15:29:40 ansible-command[10741]: Invoked with creates=None executable=None _uses_shell=True strip_empty_ends=True _raw_params=set -euxo pipefail if [ "false" = true ]; then rm -rf "/var/cache/tang" else rm -rf "/var/cache/tang"/* "/var/cache/tang"/.* || : fi removes=None argv=None warn=True chdir=None stdin_add_newline=True stdin=None Jul 25 15:29:43 ansible-setup[10806]: Invoked with filter=* gather_subset=['all'] fact_path=/etc/ansible/facts.d gather_timeout=10 Jul 25 15:29:44 ansible-stat[10880]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/run/ostree-booted get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:29:45 ansible-yum[10929]: Invoked with lock_timeout=30 update_cache=False disable_excludes=None exclude=[] allow_downgrade=False disable_gpg_check=False conf_file=None use_backend=auto state=present disablerepo=[] releasever=None skip_broken=False autoremove=False download_dir=None enable_plugin=[] installroot=/ install_weak_deps=True name=['tang'] download_only=False bugfix=False list=None install_repoquery=True update_only=False disable_plugin=[] enablerepo=[] security=False validate_certs=True Jul 25 15:29:46 ansible-fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server_tang[10982]: Invoked with force=False keys_to_deploy_dir=None update=/usr/libexec/tangd-update keygen=/usr/libexec/tangd-keygen state=keys-created cachedir=/var/cache/tang keydir=/var/db/tang Jul 25 15:29:46 ansible-stat[11040]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:29:46 ansible-file[11089]: Invoked with directory_mode=None force=False remote_src=None _original_basename=None path=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d owner=None follow=True group=None unsafe_writes=False state=absent content=NOT_LOGGING_PARAMETER serole=None selevel=None setype=None access_time=None access_time_format=%Y%m%d%H%M.%S modification_time=None regexp=None src=None seuser=None recurse=False _diff_peek=None delimiter=None mode=0755 modification_time_format=%Y%m%d%H%M.%S attributes=None backup=None Jul 25 15:29:47 ansible-systemd[11138]: Invoked with no_block=False force=None name=tangd.socket daemon_reexec=False enabled=True daemon_reload=False state=started masked=None scope=None user=None Jul 25 15:29:48 ansible-find[11191]: Invoked with excludes=None paths=['/var/db/tang'] file_type=file age=None contains=None recurse=False age_stamp=mtime patterns=['*.jwk', '.*.jwk'] depth=None get_checksum=False use_regex=False follow=False hidden=True size=None Jul 25 15:29:48 ansible-yum[11240]: Invoked with lock_timeout=30 update_cache=False disable_excludes=None exclude=[] allow_downgrade=False disable_gpg_check=False conf_file=None use_backend=auto state=present disablerepo=[] releasever=None skip_broken=False autoremove=False download_dir=None enable_plugin=[] installroot=/ install_weak_deps=True name=['tang'] download_only=False bugfix=False list=None install_repoquery=True update_only=False disable_plugin=[] enablerepo=[] security=False validate_certs=True Jul 25 15:29:49 ansible-fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server_tang[11293]: Invoked with force=False keys_to_deploy_dir=None update=/usr/libexec/tangd-update keygen=/usr/libexec/tangd-keygen state=keys-created cachedir=/var/cache/tang keydir=/var/db/tang Jul 25 15:29:49 ansible-find[11342]: Invoked with excludes=None paths=['/var/db/tang'] file_type=file age=None contains=None recurse=False age_stamp=mtime patterns=['*.jwk', '.*.jwk'] depth=None get_checksum=False use_regex=False follow=False hidden=True size=None Jul 25 15:29:50 ansible-stat[11391]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=True path=/var/db/tang/l5OAm6tpdSYMeh-zZJgKKTlM1RI.jwk get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:29:50 ansible-stat[11447]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=True path=/var/db/tang/B3z81MTxDsr7AdUennSsU-lxlY8.jwk get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:29:51 ansible-stat[11503]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:29:51 ansible-file[11552]: Invoked with directory_mode=None force=False remote_src=None _original_basename=None path=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d owner=None follow=True group=None unsafe_writes=False state=absent content=NOT_LOGGING_PARAMETER serole=None selevel=None setype=None access_time=None access_time_format=%Y%m%d%H%M.%S modification_time=None regexp=None src=None seuser=None recurse=False _diff_peek=None delimiter=None mode=0755 modification_time_format=%Y%m%d%H%M.%S attributes=None backup=None Jul 25 15:29:52 ansible-systemd[11601]: Invoked with no_block=False force=None name=tangd.socket daemon_reexec=False enabled=True daemon_reload=False state=started masked=None scope=None user=None Jul 25 15:29:53 ansible-command[11654]: Invoked with creates=None executable=None _uses_shell=True strip_empty_ends=True _raw_params=set -euxo pipefail if [ "true" = true ]; then rm -rf "/tmp/nbde_server_fetch_keys_deploy_not_set_ZRQpq" else rm -rf "/tmp/nbde_server_fetch_keys_deploy_not_set_ZRQpq"/* "/tmp/nbde_server_fetch_keys_deploy_not_set_ZRQpq"/.* || : fi removes=None argv=None warn=True chdir=None stdin_add_newline=True stdin=None Jul 25 15:29:53 ansible-command[11705]: Invoked with creates=None executable=None _uses_shell=True strip_empty_ends=True _raw_params=set -euxo pipefail if [ "false" = true ]; then rm -rf "/var/db/tang" else rm -rf "/var/db/tang"/* "/var/db/tang"/.* || : fi removes=None argv=None warn=True chdir=None stdin_add_newline=True stdin=None Jul 25 15:29:54 ansible-command[11756]: Invoked with creates=None executable=None _uses_shell=True strip_empty_ends=True _raw_params=set -euxo pipefail if [ "false" = true ]; then rm -rf "/var/cache/tang" else rm -rf "/var/cache/tang"/* "/var/cache/tang"/.* || : fi removes=None argv=None warn=True chdir=None stdin_add_newline=True stdin=None Jul 25 15:29:56 ansible-setup[11821]: Invoked with filter=* gather_subset=['all'] fact_path=/etc/ansible/facts.d gather_timeout=10 Jul 25 15:29:57 ansible-stat[11895]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/run/ostree-booted get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:29:58 ansible-yum[11944]: Invoked with lock_timeout=30 update_cache=False disable_excludes=None exclude=[] allow_downgrade=False disable_gpg_check=False conf_file=None use_backend=auto state=present disablerepo=[] releasever=None skip_broken=False autoremove=False download_dir=None enable_plugin=[] installroot=/ install_weak_deps=True name=['tang'] download_only=False bugfix=False list=None install_repoquery=True update_only=False disable_plugin=[] enablerepo=[] security=False validate_certs=True Jul 25 15:29:59 ansible-fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server_tang[11997]: Invoked with force=False keys_to_deploy_dir=None update=/usr/libexec/tangd-update keygen=/usr/libexec/tangd-keygen state=keys-created cachedir=/var/cache/tang keydir=/var/db/tang Jul 25 15:29:59 ansible-stat[12055]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:30:00 ansible-file[12104]: Invoked with directory_mode=None force=False remote_src=None _original_basename=None path=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d owner=None follow=True group=None unsafe_writes=False state=absent content=NOT_LOGGING_PARAMETER serole=None selevel=None setype=None access_time=None access_time_format=%Y%m%d%H%M.%S modification_time=None regexp=None src=None seuser=None recurse=False _diff_peek=None delimiter=None mode=0755 modification_time_format=%Y%m%d%H%M.%S attributes=None backup=None Jul 25 15:30:00 ansible-systemd[12153]: Invoked with no_block=False force=None name=tangd.socket daemon_reexec=False enabled=True daemon_reload=False state=started masked=None scope=None user=None Jul 25 15:30:01 ansible-find[12206]: Invoked with excludes=None paths=['/var/db/tang'] file_type=file age=None contains=None recurse=False age_stamp=mtime patterns=['*.jwk', '.*.jwk'] depth=None get_checksum=False use_regex=False follow=False hidden=False size=None Jul 25 15:30:02 ansible-yum[12255]: Invoked with lock_timeout=30 update_cache=False disable_excludes=None exclude=[] allow_downgrade=False disable_gpg_check=False conf_file=None use_backend=auto state=present disablerepo=[] releasever=None skip_broken=False autoremove=False download_dir=None enable_plugin=[] installroot=/ install_weak_deps=True name=['tang'] download_only=False bugfix=False list=None install_repoquery=True update_only=False disable_plugin=[] enablerepo=[] security=False validate_certs=True Jul 25 15:30:02 ansible-fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server_tang[12308]: Invoked with force=False keys_to_deploy_dir=None update=/usr/libexec/tangd-update keygen=/usr/libexec/tangd-keygen state=keys-created cachedir=/var/cache/tang keydir=/var/db/tang Jul 25 15:30:03 ansible-stat[12357]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:30:03 ansible-file[12406]: Invoked with directory_mode=None force=False remote_src=None _original_basename=None path=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d owner=None follow=True group=None unsafe_writes=False state=absent content=NOT_LOGGING_PARAMETER serole=None selevel=None setype=None access_time=None access_time_format=%Y%m%d%H%M.%S modification_time=None regexp=None src=None seuser=None recurse=False _diff_peek=None delimiter=None mode=0755 modification_time_format=%Y%m%d%H%M.%S attributes=None backup=None Jul 25 15:30:03 ansible-systemd[12455]: Invoked with no_block=False force=None name=tangd.socket daemon_reexec=False enabled=True daemon_reload=False state=started masked=None scope=None user=None Jul 25 15:30:04 ansible-find[12508]: Invoked with excludes=None paths=['/var/db/tang'] file_type=file age=None contains=None recurse=False age_stamp=mtime patterns=['*.jwk', '.*.jwk'] depth=None get_checksum=False use_regex=False follow=False hidden=False size=None Jul 25 15:30:05 ansible-yum[12557]: Invoked with lock_timeout=30 update_cache=False disable_excludes=None exclude=[] allow_downgrade=False disable_gpg_check=False conf_file=None use_backend=auto state=present disablerepo=[] releasever=None skip_broken=False autoremove=False download_dir=None enable_plugin=[] installroot=/ install_weak_deps=True name=['tang'] download_only=False bugfix=False list=None install_repoquery=True update_only=False disable_plugin=[] enablerepo=[] security=False validate_certs=True Jul 25 15:30:05 ansible-fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server_tang[12610]: Invoked with force=False keys_to_deploy_dir=None update=/usr/libexec/tangd-update keygen=/usr/libexec/tangd-keygen state=keys-rotated cachedir=/var/cache/tang keydir=/var/db/tang Jul 25 15:30:05 ansible-stat[12668]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:30:06 ansible-file[12717]: Invoked with directory_mode=None force=False remote_src=None _original_basename=None path=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d owner=None follow=True group=None unsafe_writes=False state=absent content=NOT_LOGGING_PARAMETER serole=None selevel=None setype=None access_time=None access_time_format=%Y%m%d%H%M.%S modification_time=None regexp=None src=None seuser=None recurse=False _diff_peek=None delimiter=None mode=0755 modification_time_format=%Y%m%d%H%M.%S attributes=None backup=None Jul 25 15:30:06 ansible-systemd[12766]: Invoked with no_block=False force=None name=tangd.socket daemon_reexec=False enabled=True daemon_reload=False state=started masked=None scope=None user=None Jul 25 15:30:07 ansible-find[12819]: Invoked with excludes=None paths=['/var/db/tang'] file_type=file age=None contains=None recurse=False age_stamp=mtime patterns=['*.jwk', '.*.jwk'] depth=None get_checksum=False use_regex=False follow=False hidden=False size=None Jul 25 15:30:07 ansible-command[12868]: Invoked with creates=None executable=None _uses_shell=True strip_empty_ends=True _raw_params=set -euxo pipefail if [ "false" = true ]; then rm -rf "/var/db/tang" else rm -rf "/var/db/tang"/* "/var/db/tang"/.* || : fi removes=None argv=None warn=True chdir=None stdin_add_newline=True stdin=None Jul 25 15:30:07 ansible-command[12919]: Invoked with creates=None executable=None _uses_shell=True strip_empty_ends=True _raw_params=set -euxo pipefail if [ "false" = true ]; then rm -rf "/var/cache/tang" else rm -rf "/var/cache/tang"/* "/var/cache/tang"/.* || : fi removes=None argv=None warn=True chdir=None stdin_add_newline=True stdin=None Jul 25 15:30:10 ansible-setup[12984]: Invoked with filter=* gather_subset=['all'] fact_path=/etc/ansible/facts.d gather_timeout=10 Jul 25 15:30:11 ansible-stat[13058]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/run/ostree-booted get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:30:12 ansible-yum[13107]: Invoked with lock_timeout=30 update_cache=False disable_excludes=None exclude=[] allow_downgrade=False disable_gpg_check=False conf_file=None use_backend=auto state=present disablerepo=[] releasever=None skip_broken=False autoremove=False download_dir=None enable_plugin=[] installroot=/ install_weak_deps=True name=['tang'] download_only=False bugfix=False list=None install_repoquery=True update_only=False disable_plugin=[] enablerepo=[] security=False validate_certs=True Jul 25 15:30:12 ansible-fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server_tang[13160]: Invoked with force=False keys_to_deploy_dir=None update=/usr/libexec/tangd-update keygen=/usr/libexec/tangd-keygen state=keys-created cachedir=/var/cache/tang keydir=/var/db/tang Jul 25 15:30:13 ansible-stat[13218]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:30:13 ansible-file[13267]: Invoked with directory_mode=None force=False remote_src=None _original_basename=None path=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d owner=None follow=True group=None unsafe_writes=False state=absent content=NOT_LOGGING_PARAMETER serole=None selevel=None setype=None access_time=None access_time_format=%Y%m%d%H%M.%S modification_time=None regexp=None src=None seuser=None recurse=False _diff_peek=None delimiter=None mode=0755 modification_time_format=%Y%m%d%H%M.%S attributes=None backup=None Jul 25 15:30:14 ansible-systemd[13316]: Invoked with no_block=False force=None name=tangd.socket daemon_reexec=False enabled=True daemon_reload=False state=started masked=None scope=None user=None Jul 25 15:30:14 ansible-find[13369]: Invoked with excludes=None paths=['/var/db/tang'] file_type=file age=None contains=None recurse=False age_stamp=mtime patterns=['*.jwk', '.*.jwk'] depth=None get_checksum=False use_regex=False follow=False hidden=True size=None Jul 25 15:30:15 ansible-yum[13418]: Invoked with lock_timeout=30 update_cache=False disable_excludes=None exclude=[] allow_downgrade=False disable_gpg_check=False conf_file=None use_backend=auto state=present disablerepo=[] releasever=None skip_broken=False autoremove=False download_dir=None enable_plugin=[] installroot=/ install_weak_deps=True name=['tang'] download_only=False bugfix=False list=None install_repoquery=True update_only=False disable_plugin=[] enablerepo=[] security=False validate_certs=True Jul 25 15:30:16 ansible-fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server_tang[13471]: Invoked with force=False keys_to_deploy_dir=None update=/usr/libexec/tangd-update keygen=/usr/libexec/tangd-keygen state=keys-created cachedir=/var/cache/tang keydir=/var/db/tang Jul 25 15:30:16 ansible-find[13520]: Invoked with excludes=None paths=['/var/db/tang'] file_type=file age=None contains=None recurse=False age_stamp=mtime patterns=['*.jwk', '.*.jwk'] depth=None get_checksum=False use_regex=False follow=False hidden=True size=None Jul 25 15:30:16 ansible-stat[13569]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=True path=/var/db/tang/i7KoahqpmdidICzVpEe0myd7798.jwk get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:30:17 ansible-stat[13625]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=True path=/var/db/tang/Jw4Ke_2CKSRoowNpaIRhIQa30xU.jwk get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:30:17 ansible-tempfile[13681]: Invoked with path=None prefix=ansible. suffix=nbde_server_keys state=directory Jul 25 15:30:18 ansible-stat[13730]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/tmp/ansible.qXkV5Ynbde_server_keys/i7KoahqpmdidICzVpEe0myd7798.jwk get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:30:18 ansible-copy[13766]: Invoked with directory_mode=None force=True remote_src=None _original_basename=i7KoahqpmdidICzVpEe0myd7798.jwk owner=tang follow=False local_follow=None group=tang unsafe_writes=False serole=None content=NOT_LOGGING_PARAMETER setype=None dest=/tmp/ansible.qXkV5Ynbde_server_keys/ selevel=None regexp=None validate=None src=/root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1721935817.85-11752-40652466360790/source checksum=976b53b70381160e1022c77fb206efcd829292d7 seuser=None delimiter=None mode=0400 attributes=None backup=False Jul 25 15:30:18 ansible-stat[13815]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/tmp/ansible.qXkV5Ynbde_server_keys/Jw4Ke_2CKSRoowNpaIRhIQa30xU.jwk get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:30:19 ansible-copy[13851]: Invoked with directory_mode=None force=True remote_src=None _original_basename=Jw4Ke_2CKSRoowNpaIRhIQa30xU.jwk owner=tang follow=False local_follow=None group=tang unsafe_writes=False serole=None content=NOT_LOGGING_PARAMETER setype=None dest=/tmp/ansible.qXkV5Ynbde_server_keys/ selevel=None regexp=None validate=None src=/root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1721935818.59-11752-159002961253188/source checksum=862990b00ab249be1d5e1468c3a884ec9ef81e72 seuser=None delimiter=None mode=0400 attributes=None backup=False Jul 25 15:30:19 ansible-fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server_tang[13900]: Invoked with force=False keys_to_deploy_dir=/tmp/ansible.qXkV5Ynbde_server_keys update=/usr/libexec/tangd-update keygen=/usr/libexec/tangd-keygen state=keys-deployed cachedir=/var/cache/tang keydir=/var/db/tang Jul 25 15:30:19 ansible-file[13949]: Invoked with directory_mode=None force=False remote_src=None _original_basename=None path=/tmp/ansible.qXkV5Ynbde_server_keys/ owner=None follow=True group=None unsafe_writes=False state=absent content=NOT_LOGGING_PARAMETER serole=None selevel=None setype=None access_time=None access_time_format=%Y%m%d%H%M.%S modification_time=None regexp=None src=None seuser=None recurse=False _diff_peek=None delimiter=None mode=None modification_time_format=%Y%m%d%H%M.%S attributes=None backup=None Jul 25 15:30:20 ansible-stat[13998]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:30:20 ansible-file[14047]: Invoked with directory_mode=None force=False remote_src=None _original_basename=None path=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d owner=None follow=True group=None unsafe_writes=False state=absent content=NOT_LOGGING_PARAMETER serole=None selevel=None setype=None access_time=None access_time_format=%Y%m%d%H%M.%S modification_time=None regexp=None src=None seuser=None recurse=False _diff_peek=None delimiter=None mode=0755 modification_time_format=%Y%m%d%H%M.%S attributes=None backup=None Jul 25 15:30:21 ansible-systemd[14096]: Invoked with no_block=False force=None name=tangd.socket daemon_reexec=False enabled=True daemon_reload=False state=started masked=None scope=None user=None Jul 25 15:30:22 ansible-stat[14149]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/var/db/tang/i7KoahqpmdidICzVpEe0myd7798.jwk get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:30:22 ansible-stat[14200]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/var/db/tang/Jw4Ke_2CKSRoowNpaIRhIQa30xU.jwk get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:30:23 ansible-command[14251]: Invoked with creates=None executable=None _uses_shell=True strip_empty_ends=True _raw_params=set -euxo pipefail if [ "true" = true ]; then rm -rf "/tmp/nbde_server_fetch_keys_deploy_setTg7Lqf" else rm -rf "/tmp/nbde_server_fetch_keys_deploy_setTg7Lqf"/* "/tmp/nbde_server_fetch_keys_deploy_setTg7Lqf"/.* || : fi removes=None argv=None warn=True chdir=None stdin_add_newline=True stdin=None Jul 25 15:30:23 ansible-command[14302]: Invoked with creates=None executable=None _uses_shell=True strip_empty_ends=True _raw_params=set -euxo pipefail if [ "false" = true ]; then rm -rf "/var/db/tang" else rm -rf "/var/db/tang"/* "/var/db/tang"/.* || : fi removes=None argv=None warn=True chdir=None stdin_add_newline=True stdin=None Jul 25 15:30:23 ansible-command[14353]: Invoked with creates=None executable=None _uses_shell=True strip_empty_ends=True _raw_params=set -euxo pipefail if [ "false" = true ]; then rm -rf "/var/cache/tang" else rm -rf "/var/cache/tang"/* "/var/cache/tang"/.* || : fi removes=None argv=None warn=True chdir=None stdin_add_newline=True stdin=None Jul 25 15:30:26 ansible-file[14418]: Invoked with directory_mode=None force=False remote_src=None _original_basename=None path=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d owner=None follow=True group=None unsafe_writes=False state=directory content=NOT_LOGGING_PARAMETER serole=None selevel=None setype=None access_time=None access_time_format=%Y%m%d%H%M.%S modification_time=None regexp=None src=None seuser=None recurse=False _diff_peek=None delimiter=None mode=0775 modification_time_format=%Y%m%d%H%M.%S attributes=None backup=None Jul 25 15:30:26 ansible-stat[14467]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d/override2.conf get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:30:27 ansible-copy[14503]: Invoked with directory_mode=None force=True remote_src=None _original_basename=tmpj89oWo owner=None follow=False local_follow=None group=None unsafe_writes=False setype=None content=NOT_LOGGING_PARAMETER serole=None dest=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d/override2.conf selevel=None regexp=None validate=None src=/root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1721935826.36-12088-195889330900465/source checksum=05987691cc309e84627f31fa0d1680a3b3b2c4b2 seuser=None delimiter=None mode=0664 attributes=None backup=False Jul 25 15:30:27 ansible-setup[14552]: Invoked with filter=* gather_subset=['!all', '!min', 'distribution', 'distribution_major_version', 'distribution_version', 'os_family'] fact_path=/etc/ansible/facts.d gather_timeout=10 Jul 25 15:30:28 ansible-stat[14605]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/run/ostree-booted get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:30:28 ansible-setup[14654]: Invoked with filter=ansible_pkg_mgr gather_subset=['!all'] fact_path=/etc/ansible/facts.d gather_timeout=10 Jul 25 15:30:29 ansible-yum[14684]: Invoked with lock_timeout=30 update_cache=False disable_excludes=None exclude=[] allow_downgrade=False disable_gpg_check=False conf_file=None use_backend=auto state=present disablerepo=[] releasever=None skip_broken=False autoremove=False download_dir=None enable_plugin=[] installroot=/ install_weak_deps=True name=['tang'] download_only=False bugfix=False list=None install_repoquery=True update_only=False disable_plugin=[] enablerepo=[] security=False validate_certs=True Jul 25 15:30:29 ansible-fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server_tang[14737]: Invoked with force=False keys_to_deploy_dir=None update=/usr/libexec/tangd-update keygen=/usr/libexec/tangd-keygen state=keys-created cachedir=/var/cache/tang keydir=/var/db/tang Jul 25 15:30:30 ansible-stat[14795]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:30:30 ansible-find[14846]: Invoked with excludes=['^override.conf$'] paths=['/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d'] file_type=any age=None contains=None recurse=False age_stamp=mtime patterns=[] depth=None get_checksum=False use_regex=True follow=False hidden=True size=None Jul 25 15:30:30 ansible-file[14895]: Invoked with directory_mode=None force=False remote_src=None _original_basename=None path=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d owner=None follow=True group=None unsafe_writes=False state=directory content=NOT_LOGGING_PARAMETER serole=None selevel=None setype=None access_time=None access_time_format=%Y%m%d%H%M.%S modification_time=None regexp=None src=None seuser=None recurse=False _diff_peek=None delimiter=None mode=0775 modification_time_format=%Y%m%d%H%M.%S attributes=None backup=None Jul 25 15:30:31 ansible-setup[14944]: Invoked with filter=ansible_service_mgr gather_subset=['!all'] fact_path=/etc/ansible/facts.d gather_timeout=10 Jul 25 15:30:31 ansible-systemd[14974]: Invoked with no_block=False force=None name=tangd.socket daemon_reexec=False enabled=True daemon_reload=False state=started masked=None scope=None user=None Jul 25 15:30:32 ansible-stat[15027]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:30:32 ansible-stat[15078]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d/override2.conf get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:30:33 ansible-setup[15129]: Invoked with filter=ansible_pkg_mgr gather_subset=['!all'] fact_path=/etc/ansible/facts.d gather_timeout=10 Jul 25 15:30:33 ansible-yum[15159]: Invoked with lock_timeout=30 update_cache=False disable_excludes=None exclude=[] allow_downgrade=False disable_gpg_check=False conf_file=None use_backend=auto state=present disablerepo=[] releasever=None skip_broken=False autoremove=False download_dir=None enable_plugin=[] installroot=/ install_weak_deps=True name=['tang'] download_only=False bugfix=False list=None install_repoquery=True update_only=False disable_plugin=[] enablerepo=[] security=False validate_certs=True Jul 25 15:30:33 ansible-fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server_tang[15212]: Invoked with force=False keys_to_deploy_dir=None update=/usr/libexec/tangd-update keygen=/usr/libexec/tangd-keygen state=keys-created cachedir=/var/cache/tang keydir=/var/db/tang Jul 25 15:30:34 ansible-setup[15261]: Invoked with filter=* gather_subset=['!all', '!min', 'distribution', 'distribution_major_version', 'python_version'] fact_path=/etc/ansible/facts.d gather_timeout=10 Jul 25 15:30:34 ansible-stat[15315]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/run/ostree-booted get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:30:35 ansible-stat[15364]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/sbin/transactional-update get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:30:35 ansible-setup[15413]: Invoked with filter=ansible_pkg_mgr gather_subset=['!all'] fact_path=/etc/ansible/facts.d gather_timeout=10 Jul 25 15:30:36 ansible-yum[15443]: Invoked with lock_timeout=30 update_cache=False disable_excludes=None exclude=[] allow_downgrade=False disable_gpg_check=False conf_file=None use_backend=auto state=present disablerepo=[] releasever=None skip_broken=False autoremove=False download_dir=None enable_plugin=[] installroot=/ install_weak_deps=True name=['libselinux-python', 'policycoreutils-python'] download_only=False bugfix=False list=None install_repoquery=True update_only=False disable_plugin=[] enablerepo=[] security=False validate_certs=True Jul 25 15:30:36 ansible-setup[15496]: Invoked with filter=ansible_selinux gather_subset=['all'] fact_path=/etc/ansible/facts.d gather_timeout=10 Jul 25 15:30:37 ansible-fedora.linux_system_roles.local_seport[15570]: Invoked with proto=tcp state=present ignore_selinux_state=False reload=True setype=tangd_port_t local=True ports=['7500'] Jul 25 15:30:37 ansible-fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux_modules_facts[15619]: Invoked Jul 25 15:30:41 ansible-stat[15668]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:30:41 ansible-file[15719]: Invoked with directory_mode=None force=False remote_src=None _original_basename=None path=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d owner=None follow=True group=None unsafe_writes=False state=directory content=NOT_LOGGING_PARAMETER serole=None selevel=None setype=None access_time=None access_time_format=%Y%m%d%H%M.%S modification_time=None regexp=None src=None seuser=None recurse=False _diff_peek=None delimiter=None mode=0775 modification_time_format=%Y%m%d%H%M.%S attributes=None backup=None Jul 25 15:30:42 ansible-stat[15768]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d/override.conf get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:30:42 ansible-copy[15804]: Invoked with directory_mode=None force=True remote_src=None _original_basename=tangd_socket_override.conf.j2 owner=None follow=False local_follow=None group=None unsafe_writes=False serole=None content=NOT_LOGGING_PARAMETER setype=None dest=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d/override.conf selevel=None regexp=None validate=None src=/root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1721935841.99-12413-253384364384402/source checksum=cab519df8c21e60fd06ac780e2c7bd41ad441042 seuser=None delimiter=None mode=0644 attributes=None backup=True Jul 25 15:30:43 ansible-setup[15853]: Invoked with filter=* gather_subset=['!all', '!min', 'python_version', 'service_mgr'] fact_path=/etc/ansible/facts.d gather_timeout=10 Jul 25 15:30:43 ansible-stat[15907]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/run/ostree-booted get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:30:43 ansible-stat[15956]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/sbin/transactional-update get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:30:44 ansible-setup[16005]: Invoked with filter=ansible_pkg_mgr gather_subset=['!all'] fact_path=/etc/ansible/facts.d gather_timeout=10 Jul 25 15:30:44 ansible-yum[16035]: Invoked with lock_timeout=30 update_cache=False disable_excludes=None exclude=[] allow_downgrade=False disable_gpg_check=False conf_file=None use_backend=auto state=present disablerepo=[] releasever=None skip_broken=False autoremove=False download_dir=None enable_plugin=[] installroot=/ install_weak_deps=True name=['firewalld'] download_only=False bugfix=False list=None install_repoquery=True update_only=False disable_plugin=[] enablerepo=[] security=False validate_certs=True Jul 25 15:30:45 ansible-systemd[16088]: Invoked with no_block=False force=None name=firewalld daemon_reexec=False enabled=None daemon_reload=False state=None user=None scope=None masked=False Jul 25 15:30:46 ansible-systemd[16141]: Invoked with no_block=False force=None name=firewalld daemon_reexec=False enabled=True daemon_reload=False state=started masked=None scope=None user=None Jul 25 15:30:46 ansible-fedora.linux_system_roles.firewall_lib[16194]: Invoked with destination=[] protocol=[] ipset_type=None port=['7500/tcp'] icmp_block_inversion=None service=[] forward_port=[] set_default_zone=None firewalld_conf=None masquerade=None state=enabled permanent=True interface_pci_id=[] __report_changed=True rich_rule=[] ipset_entries=[] description=None ipset=None interface=[] target=None short=None zone=public helper_module=[] icmp_block=[] source=[] timeout=0 source_port=[] runtime=True Jul 25 15:30:47 ansible-systemd[16243]: Invoked with no_block=False force=None name=None daemon_reexec=False enabled=None daemon_reload=True state=None user=None scope=None masked=None Jul 25 15:30:47 polkitd[498]: Registered Authentication Agent for unix-process:16246:103946 (system bus name :1.39 [/usr/bin/pkttyagent --notify-fd 5 --fallback], object path /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_US.UTF-8) Jul 25 15:30:47 systemd[1]: Reloading. Jul 25 15:30:47 polkitd[498]: Unregistered Authentication Agent for unix-process:16246:103946 (system bus name :1.39, object path /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_US.UTF-8) (disconnected from bus) Jul 25 15:30:48 ansible-systemd[16313]: Invoked with no_block=False force=None name=tangd.socket daemon_reexec=False enabled=True daemon_reload=False state=restarted masked=None scope=None user=None Jul 25 15:30:48 polkitd[498]: Registered Authentication Agent for unix-process:16318:103997 (system bus name :1.40 [/usr/bin/pkttyagent --notify-fd 5 --fallback], object path /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_US.UTF-8) Jul 25 15:30:48 systemd[1]: Closed Tang Server socket. -- Subject: Unit tangd.socket has finished shutting down -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit tangd.socket has finished shutting down. Jul 25 15:30:48 systemd[1]: Stopping Tang Server socket. -- Subject: Unit tangd.socket has begun shutting down -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit tangd.socket has begun shutting down. Jul 25 15:30:48 systemd[1]: Listening on Tang Server socket. -- Subject: Unit tangd.socket has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit tangd.socket has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:30:48 polkitd[498]: Unregistered Authentication Agent for unix-process:16318:103997 (system bus name :1.40, object path /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_US.UTF-8) (disconnected from bus) Jul 25 15:30:48 ansible-stat[16372]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:30:48 ansible-stat[16423]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d/override2.conf get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:30:49 ansible-slurp[16474]: Invoked with src=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d/override.conf path=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d/override.conf Jul 25 15:30:49 ansible-file[16523]: Invoked with directory_mode=None force=False remote_src=None _original_basename=None path=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d/override2.conf owner=None follow=True group=None unsafe_writes=False state=absent content=NOT_LOGGING_PARAMETER serole=None selevel=None setype=None access_time=None access_time_format=%Y%m%d%H%M.%S modification_time=None regexp=None src=None seuser=None recurse=False _diff_peek=None delimiter=None mode=None modification_time_format=%Y%m%d%H%M.%S attributes=None backup=None Jul 25 15:30:50 ansible-setup[16572]: Invoked with filter=ansible_pkg_mgr gather_subset=['!all'] fact_path=/etc/ansible/facts.d gather_timeout=10 Jul 25 15:30:51 ansible-yum[16602]: Invoked with lock_timeout=30 update_cache=False disable_excludes=None exclude=[] allow_downgrade=False disable_gpg_check=False conf_file=None use_backend=auto state=present disablerepo=[] releasever=None skip_broken=False autoremove=False download_dir=None enable_plugin=[] installroot=/ install_weak_deps=True name=['tang'] download_only=False bugfix=False list=None install_repoquery=True update_only=False disable_plugin=[] enablerepo=[] security=False validate_certs=True Jul 25 15:30:51 ansible-fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server_tang[16655]: Invoked with force=False keys_to_deploy_dir=None update=/usr/libexec/tangd-update keygen=/usr/libexec/tangd-keygen state=keys-created cachedir=/var/cache/tang keydir=/var/db/tang Jul 25 15:30:52 ansible-stat[16704]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:30:52 ansible-find[16755]: Invoked with excludes=['^override.conf$'] paths=['/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d'] file_type=any age=None contains=None recurse=False age_stamp=mtime patterns=[] depth=None get_checksum=False use_regex=True follow=False hidden=True size=None Jul 25 15:30:52 ansible-file[16804]: Invoked with directory_mode=None force=False remote_src=None _original_basename=None path=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d owner=None follow=True group=None unsafe_writes=False state=absent content=NOT_LOGGING_PARAMETER serole=None selevel=None setype=None access_time=None access_time_format=%Y%m%d%H%M.%S modification_time=None regexp=None src=None seuser=None recurse=False _diff_peek=None delimiter=None mode=0775 modification_time_format=%Y%m%d%H%M.%S attributes=None backup=None Jul 25 15:30:53 ansible-systemd[16853]: Invoked with no_block=False force=None name=None daemon_reexec=False enabled=None daemon_reload=True state=None user=None scope=None masked=None Jul 25 15:30:53 polkitd[498]: Registered Authentication Agent for unix-process:16856:104521 (system bus name :1.41 [/usr/bin/pkttyagent --notify-fd 5 --fallback], object path /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_US.UTF-8) Jul 25 15:30:53 systemd[1]: Reloading. Jul 25 15:30:53 polkitd[498]: Unregistered Authentication Agent for unix-process:16856:104521 (system bus name :1.41, object path /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_US.UTF-8) (disconnected from bus) Jul 25 15:30:53 ansible-systemd[16923]: Invoked with no_block=False force=None name=tangd.socket daemon_reexec=False enabled=True daemon_reload=False state=restarted masked=None scope=None user=None Jul 25 15:30:53 polkitd[498]: Registered Authentication Agent for unix-process:16928:104571 (system bus name :1.42 [/usr/bin/pkttyagent --notify-fd 5 --fallback], object path /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_US.UTF-8) Jul 25 15:30:53 systemd[1]: Closed Tang Server socket. -- Subject: Unit tangd.socket has finished shutting down -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit tangd.socket has finished shutting down. Jul 25 15:30:53 systemd[1]: Stopping Tang Server socket. -- Subject: Unit tangd.socket has begun shutting down -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit tangd.socket has begun shutting down. Jul 25 15:30:53 systemd[1]: Listening on Tang Server socket. -- Subject: Unit tangd.socket has finished start-up -- Defined-By: systemd -- Support: -- -- Unit tangd.socket has finished starting up. -- -- The start-up result is done. Jul 25 15:30:53 polkitd[498]: Unregistered Authentication Agent for unix-process:16928:104571 (system bus name :1.42, object path /org/freedesktop/PolicyKit1/AuthenticationAgent, locale en_US.UTF-8) (disconnected from bus) Jul 25 15:30:54 ansible-stat[16982]: Invoked with checksum_algorithm=sha1 get_checksum=True follow=False path=/etc/systemd/system/tangd.socket.d get_md5=False get_mime=True get_attributes=True Jul 25 15:30:54 ansible-command[17031]: Invoked with creates=None executable=None _uses_shell=False strip_empty_ends=True _raw_params=journalctl -ex removes=None argv=None warn=True chdir=None stdin_add_newline=True stdin=None TASK [Cleanup] ***************************************************************** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:54 -0400 (0:00:00.517) 0:00:29.156 ********* included: /var/ARTIFACTS/work-generalgyj4pjdo/plans/general/tree/tmp.hDM9NGFo9m/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/tests/nbde_server/tasks/cleanup.yml for managed_node1 TASK [Remove control node files/directories] *********************************** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:54 -0400 (0:00:00.070) 0:00:29.226 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => { "changed": false, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Remove managed node files/directories] *********************************** Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:54 -0400 (0:00:00.040) 0:00:29.267 ********* skipping: [managed_node1] => (item={u'path': u'', u'remove_dir': u'true'}) => { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "item": { "path": "", "remove_dir": "true" }, "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } changed: [managed_node1] => (item={u'path': u'/var/db/tang', u'remove_dir': u'false'}) => { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": true, "cmd": "set -euxo pipefail\nif [ \"false\" = true ]; then\n rm -rf \"/var/db/tang\"\nelse\n rm -rf \"/var/db/tang\"/* \"/var/db/tang\"/.* || :\nfi\n", "delta": "0:00:00.004751", "end": "2024-07-25 15:30:55.269000", "item": { "path": "/var/db/tang", "remove_dir": "false" }, "rc": 0, "start": "2024-07-25 15:30:55.264249" } STDERR: + '[' false = true ']' + rm -rf /var/db/tang/5B_3VDybiaBkTs0sPlXEzNV5wos.jwk /var/db/tang/x8InbGLuTGd2CFSclKwvvaR-EEM.jwk /var/db/tang/. /var/db/tang/.. rm: refusing to remove ‘.’ or ‘..’ directory: skipping ‘/var/db/tang/.’ rm: refusing to remove ‘.’ or ‘..’ directory: skipping ‘/var/db/tang/..’ + : changed: [managed_node1] => (item={u'path': u'/var/cache/tang', u'remove_dir': u'false'}) => { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": true, "cmd": "set -euxo pipefail\nif [ \"false\" = true ]; then\n rm -rf \"/var/cache/tang\"\nelse\n rm -rf \"/var/cache/tang\"/* \"/var/cache/tang\"/.* || :\nfi\n", "delta": "0:00:00.004501", "end": "2024-07-25 15:30:55.564805", "item": { "path": "/var/cache/tang", "remove_dir": "false" }, "rc": 0, "start": "2024-07-25 15:30:55.560304" } STDERR: + '[' false = true ']' + rm -rf '/var/cache/tang/*' '/var/cache/tang/.*' PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* managed_node1 : ok=77 changed=9 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=56 rescued=0 ignored=0 Thursday 25 July 2024 15:30:55 -0400 (0:00:00.630) 0:00:29.897 ********* =============================================================================== fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Get SELinux modules facts ----------- 3.46s fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Ensure tang is installed -------- 1.09s fedora.linux_system_roles.firewall : Install firewalld ------------------ 0.93s fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Ensure tang is installed -------- 0.93s fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Ensure required services are enabled and at the right state --- 0.91s fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Ensure tang is installed -------- 0.89s fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Install SELinux python2 tools ------- 0.89s Create a customization systemd file ------------------------------------- 0.80s fedora.linux_system_roles.firewall : Configure firewall ----------------- 0.79s fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Ensure ansible_facts used by role --- 0.65s fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Creates the file with the port entry that we want tangd to listen to --- 0.65s Remove managed node files/directories ----------------------------------- 0.63s fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Set an SELinux label on a port ------ 0.57s fedora.linux_system_roles.selinux : Refresh facts ----------------------- 0.55s Create the tangd.socket.d directory ------------------------------------- 0.54s Debug ------------------------------------------------------------------- 0.52s fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Ensure required services are enabled and at the right state --- 0.50s fedora.linux_system_roles.firewall : Unmask firewalld service ----------- 0.50s fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Ensure required services are enabled and at the right state --- 0.49s fedora.linux_system_roles.nbde_server : Reload the daemons so the new changes take effect --- 0.48s