# STDOUT: ---v---v---v---v---v--- ansible-playbook [core 2.16.0] config file = /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg configured module search path = ['/home/jenkins/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules'] ansible python module location = /opt/ansible-2.16/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ansible ansible collection location = /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection executable location = /opt/ansible-2.16/bin/ansible-playbook python version = 3.11.5 (main, Sep 7 2023, 00:00:00) [GCC 11.4.1 20230605 (Red Hat 11.4.1-2)] (/opt/ansible-2.16/bin/python) jinja version = 3.1.2 libyaml = True Using /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg as config file Skipping callback 'debug', as we already have a stdout callback. Skipping callback 'default', as we already have a stdout callback. Skipping callback 'minimal', as we already have a stdout callback. Skipping callback 'oneline', as we already have a stdout callback. PLAYBOOK: tests_route_table_nm.yml ********************************************* 6 plays in /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/tests_route_table_nm.yml PLAY [Run playbook 'playbooks/tests_route_table.yml' with nm as provider] ****** TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************* task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/tests_route_table_nm.yml:6 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:41 +0000 (0:00:00.011) 0:00:00.011 ********* ok: [sut] TASK [Include the task 'el_repo_setup.yml'] ************************************ task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/tests_route_table_nm.yml:9 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:42 +0000 (0:00:01.024) 0:00:01.035 ********* included: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/tasks/el_repo_setup.yml for sut TASK [Gather the minimum subset of ansible_facts required by the network role test] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/tasks/el_repo_setup.yml:3 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:42 +0000 (0:00:00.011) 0:00:01.047 ********* ok: [sut] TASK [Check if system is ostree] *********************************************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/tasks/el_repo_setup.yml:17 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:42 +0000 (0:00:00.416) 0:00:01.463 ********* ok: [sut] => { "changed": false, "stat": { "exists": false } } TASK [Set flag to indicate system is ostree] *********************************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/tasks/el_repo_setup.yml:22 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:43 +0000 (0:00:00.292) 0:00:01.755 ********* ok: [sut] => { "ansible_facts": { "__network_is_ostree": false }, "changed": false } TASK [Fix CentOS6 Base repo] *************************************************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/tasks/el_repo_setup.yml:26 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:43 +0000 (0:00:00.013) 0:00:01.769 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "ansible_distribution == 'CentOS'", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Include the task 'enable_epel.yml'] ************************************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/tasks/el_repo_setup.yml:51 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:43 +0000 (0:00:00.007) 0:00:01.777 ********* included: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/tasks/enable_epel.yml for sut TASK [Create EPEL 39] ********************************************************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/tasks/enable_epel.yml:8 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:43 +0000 (0:00:00.021) 0:00:01.798 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "ansible_distribution in ['RedHat', 'CentOS']", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Install yum-utils package] *********************************************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/tasks/enable_epel.yml:24 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:43 +0000 (0:00:00.008) 0:00:01.806 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "ansible_distribution in ['RedHat', 'CentOS']", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Enable EPEL 7] *********************************************************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/tasks/enable_epel.yml:30 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:43 +0000 (0:00:00.007) 0:00:01.813 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "ansible_distribution in ['RedHat', 'CentOS']", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Enable EPEL 8] *********************************************************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/tasks/enable_epel.yml:35 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:43 +0000 (0:00:00.007) 0:00:01.821 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "ansible_distribution in ['RedHat', 'CentOS']", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Enable EPEL 6] *********************************************************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/tasks/enable_epel.yml:40 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:43 +0000 (0:00:00.007) 0:00:01.828 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "ansible_distribution in ['RedHat', 'CentOS']", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Set network provider to 'nm'] ******************************************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/tests_route_table_nm.yml:11 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:43 +0000 (0:00:00.007) 0:00:01.836 ********* ok: [sut] => { "ansible_facts": { "network_provider": "nm" }, "changed": false } PLAY [Play for testing route table] ******************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************* task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tests_route_table.yml:3 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:43 +0000 (0:00:00.015) 0:00:01.851 ********* ok: [sut] TASK [Set type=veth and interface=ethtest0] ************************************ task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tests_route_table.yml:11 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:43 +0000 (0:00:00.801) 0:00:02.653 ********* ok: [sut] => { "ansible_facts": { "interface": "ethtest0", "type": "veth" }, "changed": false } TASK [Include the task 'show_interfaces.yml'] ********************************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tests_route_table.yml:15 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:43 +0000 (0:00:00.014) 0:00:02.667 ********* included: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/show_interfaces.yml for sut TASK [Include the task 'get_current_interfaces.yml'] *************************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/show_interfaces.yml:3 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:44 +0000 (0:00:00.019) 0:00:02.687 ********* included: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/get_current_interfaces.yml for sut TASK [Gather current interface info] ******************************************* task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/get_current_interfaces.yml:3 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:44 +0000 (0:00:00.011) 0:00:02.698 ********* ok: [sut] => { "changed": false, "cmd": [ "ls", "-1" ], "delta": "0:00:00.003842", "end": "2024-07-27 13:15:44.294811", "rc": 0, "start": "2024-07-27 13:15:44.290969" } STDOUT: bonding_masters eth0 lo TASK [Set current_interfaces] ************************************************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/get_current_interfaces.yml:9 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:44 +0000 (0:00:00.298) 0:00:02.997 ********* ok: [sut] => { "ansible_facts": { "current_interfaces": [ "bonding_masters", "eth0", "lo" ] }, "changed": false } TASK [Show current_interfaces] ************************************************* task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/show_interfaces.yml:5 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:44 +0000 (0:00:00.010) 0:00:03.007 ********* ok: [sut] => {} MSG: current_interfaces: ['bonding_masters', 'eth0', 'lo'] TASK [Include the task 'manage_test_interface.yml'] **************************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tests_route_table.yml:17 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:44 +0000 (0:00:00.010) 0:00:03.018 ********* included: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml for sut TASK [Ensure state in ["present", "absent"]] *********************************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:3 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:44 +0000 (0:00:00.020) 0:00:03.038 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "state not in [\"present\", \"absent\"]", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Ensure type in ["dummy", "tap", "veth"]] ********************************* task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:8 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:44 +0000 (0:00:00.008) 0:00:03.047 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "type not in [\"dummy\", \"tap\", \"veth\"]", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Include the task 'show_interfaces.yml'] ********************************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:13 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:44 +0000 (0:00:00.007) 0:00:03.054 ********* included: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/show_interfaces.yml for sut TASK [Include the task 'get_current_interfaces.yml'] *************************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/show_interfaces.yml:3 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:44 +0000 (0:00:00.011) 0:00:03.066 ********* included: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/get_current_interfaces.yml for sut TASK [Gather current interface info] ******************************************* task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/get_current_interfaces.yml:3 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:44 +0000 (0:00:00.012) 0:00:03.079 ********* ok: [sut] => { "changed": false, "cmd": [ "ls", "-1" ], "delta": "0:00:00.003738", "end": "2024-07-27 13:15:44.615909", "rc": 0, "start": "2024-07-27 13:15:44.612171" } STDOUT: bonding_masters eth0 lo TASK [Set current_interfaces] ************************************************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/get_current_interfaces.yml:9 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:44 +0000 (0:00:00.239) 0:00:03.318 ********* ok: [sut] => { "ansible_facts": { "current_interfaces": [ "bonding_masters", "eth0", "lo" ] }, "changed": false } TASK [Show current_interfaces] ************************************************* task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/show_interfaces.yml:5 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:44 +0000 (0:00:00.010) 0:00:03.329 ********* ok: [sut] => {} MSG: current_interfaces: ['bonding_masters', 'eth0', 'lo'] TASK [Install iproute] ********************************************************* task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:16 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:44 +0000 (0:00:00.010) 0:00:03.339 ********* ok: [sut] => { "attempts": 1, "changed": false, "rc": 0, "results": [] } MSG: Nothing to do lsrpackages: iproute TASK [Create veth interface ethtest0] ****************************************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:27 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:47 +0000 (0:00:02.368) 0:00:05.708 ********* ok: [sut] => (item=ip link add ethtest0 type veth peer name peerethtest0) => { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "cmd": [ "ip", "link", "add", "ethtest0", "type", "veth", "peer", "name", "peerethtest0" ], "delta": "0:00:00.005696", "end": "2024-07-27 13:15:47.250285", "item": "ip link add ethtest0 type veth peer name peerethtest0", "rc": 0, "start": "2024-07-27 13:15:47.244589" } ok: [sut] => (item=ip link set peerethtest0 up) => { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "cmd": [ "ip", "link", "set", "peerethtest0", "up" ], "delta": "0:00:00.004143", "end": "2024-07-27 13:15:47.543138", "item": "ip link set peerethtest0 up", "rc": 0, "start": "2024-07-27 13:15:47.538995" } ok: [sut] => (item=ip link set ethtest0 up) => { "ansible_loop_var": "item", "changed": false, "cmd": [ "ip", "link", "set", "ethtest0", "up" ], "delta": "0:00:00.004910", "end": "2024-07-27 13:15:47.773477", "item": "ip link set ethtest0 up", "rc": 0, "start": "2024-07-27 13:15:47.768567" } TASK [Set up veth as managed by NetworkManager] ******************************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:35 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:47 +0000 (0:00:00.768) 0:00:06.476 ********* ok: [sut] => { "changed": false, "cmd": [ "nmcli", "d", "set", "ethtest0", "managed", "true" ], "delta": "0:00:00.024163", "end": "2024-07-27 13:15:48.036720", "rc": 0, "start": "2024-07-27 13:15:48.012557" } TASK [Delete veth interface ethtest0] ****************************************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:43 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:48 +0000 (0:00:00.268) 0:00:06.745 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "type == 'veth' and state == 'absent' and interface in current_interfaces", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Create dummy interface ethtest0] ***************************************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:49 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:48 +0000 (0:00:00.009) 0:00:06.755 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "type == 'dummy' and state == 'present' and interface not in current_interfaces", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Delete dummy interface ethtest0] ***************************************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:54 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:48 +0000 (0:00:00.009) 0:00:06.764 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "type == 'dummy' and state == 'absent' and interface in current_interfaces", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Create tap interface ethtest0] ******************************************* task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:60 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:48 +0000 (0:00:00.009) 0:00:06.773 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "type == 'tap' and state == 'present' and interface not in current_interfaces", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Delete tap interface ethtest0] ******************************************* task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:65 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:48 +0000 (0:00:00.008) 0:00:06.782 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "type == 'tap' and state == 'absent' and interface in current_interfaces", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Include the task 'assert_device_present.yml'] **************************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tests_route_table.yml:21 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:48 +0000 (0:00:00.008) 0:00:06.791 ********* included: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/assert_device_present.yml for sut TASK [Include the task 'get_interface_stat.yml'] ******************************* task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/assert_device_present.yml:3 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:48 +0000 (0:00:00.019) 0:00:06.810 ********* included: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/get_interface_stat.yml for sut TASK [Get stat for interface ethtest0] ***************************************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/get_interface_stat.yml:3 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:48 +0000 (0:00:00.011) 0:00:06.821 ********* ok: [sut] => { "changed": false, "stat": { "atime": 1722086147.2488005, "block_size": 4096, "blocks": 0, "ctime": 1722086147.2488005, "dev": 23, "device_type": 0, "executable": true, "exists": true, "gid": 0, "gr_name": "root", "inode": 38577, "isblk": false, "ischr": false, "isdir": false, "isfifo": false, "isgid": false, "islnk": true, "isreg": false, "issock": false, "isuid": false, "lnk_source": "/sys/devices/virtual/net/ethtest0", "lnk_target": "../../devices/virtual/net/ethtest0", "mode": "0777", "mtime": 1722086147.2488005, "nlink": 1, "path": "/sys/class/net/ethtest0", "pw_name": "root", "readable": true, "rgrp": true, "roth": true, "rusr": true, "size": 0, "uid": 0, "wgrp": true, "woth": true, "writeable": true, "wusr": true, "xgrp": true, "xoth": true, "xusr": true } } TASK [Assert that the interface is present - 'ethtest0'] *********************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/assert_device_present.yml:5 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:48 +0000 (0:00:00.238) 0:00:07.060 ********* ok: [sut] => { "changed": false } MSG: All assertions passed TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Ensure ansible_facts used by role] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:4 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:48 +0000 (0:00:00.011) 0:00:07.071 ********* included: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml for sut TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Ensure ansible_facts used by role are present] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:3 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:48 +0000 (0:00:00.017) 0:00:07.089 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Check if system is ostree] *********** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:12 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:48 +0000 (0:00:00.019) 0:00:07.108 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "not __network_is_ostree is defined", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Set flag to indicate system is ostree] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:17 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:48 +0000 (0:00:00.012) 0:00:07.121 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "not __network_is_ostree is defined", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Check which services are running] **** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:21 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:48 +0000 (0:00:00.011) 0:00:07.133 ********* ok: [sut] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Check which packages are installed] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:26 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:50 +0000 (0:00:02.391) 0:00:09.524 ********* ok: [sut] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Print network provider] ************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:7 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:51 +0000 (0:00:01.020) 0:00:10.545 ********* ok: [sut] => {} MSG: Using network provider: nm TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Abort applying the network state configuration if using the `network_state` variable with the initscripts provider] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:11 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:51 +0000 (0:00:00.021) 0:00:10.567 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "network_state != {}", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Abort applying the network state configuration if the system version of the managed host is below 8] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:18 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:51 +0000 (0:00:00.021) 0:00:10.588 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "network_state != {}", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Abort applying teaming configuration if the system version of the managed host is EL10 or later] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:25 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:51 +0000 (0:00:00.019) 0:00:10.608 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "ansible_distribution in __network_rh_distros", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Check if updates for network packages are available through the DNF package manager due to wireless or team interfaces] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:36 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:51 +0000 (0:00:00.030) 0:00:10.639 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "__network_wireless_connections_defined or __network_team_connections_defined", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Check if updates for network packages are available through the YUM package manager due to wireless or team interfaces] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:48 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:52 +0000 (0:00:00.054) 0:00:10.693 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "ansible_distribution_major_version | int < 8", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Ask user's consent to restart NetworkManager due to wireless or team interfaces] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:60 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:52 +0000 (0:00:00.028) 0:00:10.721 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "__network_wireless_connections_defined or __network_team_connections_defined", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Install packages] ******************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:73 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:52 +0000 (0:00:00.033) 0:00:10.755 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "not network_packages is subset(ansible_facts.packages.keys())", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Install NetworkManager and nmstate when using network_state variable] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:85 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:52 +0000 (0:00:00.053) 0:00:10.808 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "network_state != {}", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Install python3-libnmstate when using network_state variable] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:96 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:52 +0000 (0:00:00.019) 0:00:10.828 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "network_state != {}", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Restart NetworkManager due to wireless or team interfaces] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:109 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:52 +0000 (0:00:00.019) 0:00:10.848 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "__network_wireless_connections_defined or __network_team_connections_defined", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Enable and start NetworkManager] ***** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:122 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:52 +0000 (0:00:00.035) 0:00:10.883 ********* ok: [sut] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Enable and start wpa_supplicant] ***** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:133 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:52 +0000 (0:00:00.633) 0:00:11.517 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "__network_wpa_supplicant_required", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Enable network service] ************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:142 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:52 +0000 (0:00:00.042) 0:00:11.560 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Ensure initscripts network file dependency is present] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:150 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:52 +0000 (0:00:00.047) 0:00:11.608 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "network_provider == \"initscripts\"", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Configure networking connection profiles] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:159 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:52 +0000 (0:00:00.029) 0:00:11.637 ********* changed: [sut] => { "_invocation": { "module_args": { "__debug_flags": "", "__header": "#\n# Ansible managed\n#\n# system_role:network\n", "connections": [ { "autoconnect": true, "interface_name": "ethtest0", "ip": { "address": [ "" ], "dhcp4": false, "route": [ { "gateway": "", "metric": 2, "network": "", "prefix": 26, "table": 30400 }, { "gateway": "", "metric": 4, "network": "", "prefix": 26, "table": 30200 } ] }, "name": "ethtest0", "state": "up", "type": "ethernet" } ], "force_state_change": false, "ignore_errors": false, "provider": "nm" } }, "changed": true } STDERR: [003] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'ethtest0': add connection ethtest0, 9efd938a-23ef-4af0-9c21-7c7e584d1cd9 [004] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'ethtest0': up connection ethtest0, 9efd938a-23ef-4af0-9c21-7c7e584d1cd9 (not-active) TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Configure networking state] ********** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:171 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:53 +0000 (0:00:00.660) 0:00:12.298 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "network_state != {}", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Show stderr messages for the network_connections] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:177 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:53 +0000 (0:00:00.020) 0:00:12.318 ********* ok: [sut] => { "__network_connections_result.stderr_lines": [ "[003] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'ethtest0': add connection ethtest0, 9efd938a-23ef-4af0-9c21-7c7e584d1cd9", "[004] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'ethtest0': up connection ethtest0, 9efd938a-23ef-4af0-9c21-7c7e584d1cd9 (not-active)" ] } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Show debug messages for the network_connections] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:181 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:53 +0000 (0:00:00.022) 0:00:12.341 ********* ok: [sut] => { "__network_connections_result": { "_invocation": { "module_args": { "__debug_flags": "", "__header": "#\n# Ansible managed\n#\n# system_role:network\n", "connections": [ { "autoconnect": true, "interface_name": "ethtest0", "ip": { "address": [ "" ], "dhcp4": false, "route": [ { "gateway": "", "metric": 2, "network": "", "prefix": 26, "table": 30400 }, { "gateway": "", "metric": 4, "network": "", "prefix": 26, "table": 30200 } ] }, "name": "ethtest0", "state": "up", "type": "ethernet" } ], "force_state_change": false, "ignore_errors": false, "provider": "nm" } }, "changed": true, "failed": false, "stderr": "[003] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'ethtest0': add connection ethtest0, 9efd938a-23ef-4af0-9c21-7c7e584d1cd9\n[004] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'ethtest0': up connection ethtest0, 9efd938a-23ef-4af0-9c21-7c7e584d1cd9 (not-active)\n", "stderr_lines": [ "[003] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'ethtest0': add connection ethtest0, 9efd938a-23ef-4af0-9c21-7c7e584d1cd9", "[004] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'ethtest0': up connection ethtest0, 9efd938a-23ef-4af0-9c21-7c7e584d1cd9 (not-active)" ] } } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Show debug messages for the network_state] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:186 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:53 +0000 (0:00:00.025) 0:00:12.366 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "false_condition": "network_state != {}" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Re-test connectivity] **************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:192 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:53 +0000 (0:00:00.019) 0:00:12.386 ********* ok: [sut] => { "changed": false, "ping": "pong" } TASK [Get the routes from the route table 30200] ******************************* task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tests_route_table.yml:50 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:54 +0000 (0:00:00.379) 0:00:12.765 ********* ok: [sut] => { "changed": false, "cmd": [ "ip", "route", "show", "table", "30200" ], "delta": "0:00:00.004194", "end": "2024-07-27 13:15:54.306918", "rc": 0, "start": "2024-07-27 13:15:54.302724" } STDOUT: via dev ethtest0 proto static metric 4 TASK [Get the routes from the route table 30400] ******************************* task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tests_route_table.yml:56 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:54 +0000 (0:00:00.263) 0:00:13.028 ********* ok: [sut] => { "changed": false, "cmd": [ "ip", "route", "show", "table", "30400" ], "delta": "0:00:00.003862", "end": "2024-07-27 13:15:54.577264", "rc": 0, "start": "2024-07-27 13:15:54.573402" } STDOUT: via dev ethtest0 proto static metric 2 TASK [Assert that the route table 30200 contains the specified route] ********** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tests_route_table.yml:62 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:54 +0000 (0:00:00.261) 0:00:13.290 ********* ok: [sut] => { "changed": false } MSG: All assertions passed TASK [Assert that the route table 30400 contains the specified route] ********** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tests_route_table.yml:69 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:54 +0000 (0:00:00.024) 0:00:13.314 ********* ok: [sut] => { "changed": false } MSG: All assertions passed TASK [Create a dedicated test file in `/etc/iproute2/rt_tables.d/` and add a new routing table] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tests_route_table.yml:75 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:54 +0000 (0:00:00.023) 0:00:13.338 ********* changed: [sut] => { "backup": "", "changed": true } MSG: line added TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Ensure ansible_facts used by role] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:4 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:54 +0000 (0:00:00.315) 0:00:13.654 ********* included: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml for sut TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Ensure ansible_facts used by role are present] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:3 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:55 +0000 (0:00:00.037) 0:00:13.691 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Check if system is ostree] *********** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:12 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:55 +0000 (0:00:00.040) 0:00:13.732 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "not __network_is_ostree is defined", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Set flag to indicate system is ostree] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:17 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:55 +0000 (0:00:00.027) 0:00:13.759 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "not __network_is_ostree is defined", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Check which services are running] **** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:21 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:55 +0000 (0:00:00.026) 0:00:13.785 ********* ok: [sut] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Check which packages are installed] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:26 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:57 +0000 (0:00:02.323) 0:00:16.108 ********* ok: [sut] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Print network provider] ************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:7 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:58 +0000 (0:00:00.872) 0:00:16.981 ********* ok: [sut] => {} MSG: Using network provider: nm TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Abort applying the network state configuration if using the `network_state` variable with the initscripts provider] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:11 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:58 +0000 (0:00:00.048) 0:00:17.029 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "network_state != {}", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Abort applying the network state configuration if the system version of the managed host is below 8] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:18 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:58 +0000 (0:00:00.019) 0:00:17.049 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "network_state != {}", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Abort applying teaming configuration if the system version of the managed host is EL10 or later] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:25 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:58 +0000 (0:00:00.020) 0:00:17.069 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "ansible_distribution in __network_rh_distros", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Check if updates for network packages are available through the DNF package manager due to wireless or team interfaces] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:36 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:58 +0000 (0:00:00.029) 0:00:17.099 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "__network_wireless_connections_defined or __network_team_connections_defined", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Check if updates for network packages are available through the YUM package manager due to wireless or team interfaces] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:48 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:58 +0000 (0:00:00.035) 0:00:17.134 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "ansible_distribution_major_version | int < 8", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Ask user's consent to restart NetworkManager due to wireless or team interfaces] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:60 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:58 +0000 (0:00:00.028) 0:00:17.163 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "__network_wireless_connections_defined or __network_team_connections_defined", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Install packages] ******************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:73 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:58 +0000 (0:00:00.034) 0:00:17.197 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "not network_packages is subset(ansible_facts.packages.keys())", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Install NetworkManager and nmstate when using network_state variable] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:85 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:58 +0000 (0:00:00.053) 0:00:17.251 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "network_state != {}", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Install python3-libnmstate when using network_state variable] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:96 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:58 +0000 (0:00:00.021) 0:00:17.273 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "network_state != {}", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Restart NetworkManager due to wireless or team interfaces] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:109 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:58 +0000 (0:00:00.022) 0:00:17.295 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "__network_wireless_connections_defined or __network_team_connections_defined", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Enable and start NetworkManager] ***** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:122 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:58 +0000 (0:00:00.036) 0:00:17.332 ********* ok: [sut] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Enable and start wpa_supplicant] ***** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:133 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:59 +0000 (0:00:00.469) 0:00:17.801 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "__network_wpa_supplicant_required", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Enable network service] ************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:142 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:59 +0000 (0:00:00.035) 0:00:17.837 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Ensure initscripts network file dependency is present] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:150 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:59 +0000 (0:00:00.019) 0:00:17.856 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "network_provider == \"initscripts\"", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Configure networking connection profiles] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:159 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:59 +0000 (0:00:00.018) 0:00:17.875 ********* changed: [sut] => { "_invocation": { "module_args": { "__debug_flags": "", "__header": "#\n# Ansible managed\n#\n# system_role:network\n", "connections": [ { "autoconnect": true, "interface_name": "ethtest0", "ip": { "address": [ "" ], "dhcp4": false, "route": [ { "gateway": "", "metric": 2, "network": "", "prefix": 26, "table": "custom" }, { "gateway": "", "metric": 4, "network": "", "prefix": 26, "table": "custom" } ] }, "name": "ethtest0", "state": "up", "type": "ethernet" } ], "force_state_change": false, "ignore_errors": false, "provider": "nm" } }, "changed": true } STDERR: [003] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'ethtest0': update connection ethtest0, 9efd938a-23ef-4af0-9c21-7c7e584d1cd9 [004] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'ethtest0': up connection ethtest0, 9efd938a-23ef-4af0-9c21-7c7e584d1cd9 (is-modified) [005] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'ethtest0': connection reapplied TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Configure networking state] ********** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:171 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:59 +0000 (0:00:00.492) 0:00:18.367 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "network_state != {}", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Show stderr messages for the network_connections] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:177 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:59 +0000 (0:00:00.019) 0:00:18.387 ********* ok: [sut] => { "__network_connections_result.stderr_lines": [ "[003] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'ethtest0': update connection ethtest0, 9efd938a-23ef-4af0-9c21-7c7e584d1cd9", "[004] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'ethtest0': up connection ethtest0, 9efd938a-23ef-4af0-9c21-7c7e584d1cd9 (is-modified)", "[005] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'ethtest0': connection reapplied" ] } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Show debug messages for the network_connections] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:181 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:59 +0000 (0:00:00.051) 0:00:18.439 ********* ok: [sut] => { "__network_connections_result": { "_invocation": { "module_args": { "__debug_flags": "", "__header": "#\n# Ansible managed\n#\n# system_role:network\n", "connections": [ { "autoconnect": true, "interface_name": "ethtest0", "ip": { "address": [ "" ], "dhcp4": false, "route": [ { "gateway": "", "metric": 2, "network": "", "prefix": 26, "table": "custom" }, { "gateway": "", "metric": 4, "network": "", "prefix": 26, "table": "custom" } ] }, "name": "ethtest0", "state": "up", "type": "ethernet" } ], "force_state_change": false, "ignore_errors": false, "provider": "nm" } }, "changed": true, "failed": false, "stderr": "[003] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'ethtest0': update connection ethtest0, 9efd938a-23ef-4af0-9c21-7c7e584d1cd9\n[004] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'ethtest0': up connection ethtest0, 9efd938a-23ef-4af0-9c21-7c7e584d1cd9 (is-modified)\n[005] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'ethtest0': connection reapplied\n", "stderr_lines": [ "[003] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'ethtest0': update connection ethtest0, 9efd938a-23ef-4af0-9c21-7c7e584d1cd9", "[004] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'ethtest0': up connection ethtest0, 9efd938a-23ef-4af0-9c21-7c7e584d1cd9 (is-modified)", "[005] #0, state:up persistent_state:present, 'ethtest0': connection reapplied" ] } } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Show debug messages for the network_state] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:186 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:59 +0000 (0:00:00.025) 0:00:18.464 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "false_condition": "network_state != {}" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Re-test connectivity] **************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:192 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:15:59 +0000 (0:00:00.019) 0:00:18.484 ********* ok: [sut] => { "changed": false, "ping": "pong" } TASK [Get the routes from the named route table 'custom'] ********************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tests_route_table.yml:108 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:00 +0000 (0:00:00.251) 0:00:18.736 ********* ok: [sut] => { "changed": false, "cmd": [ "ip", "route", "show", "table", "custom" ], "delta": "0:00:00.003957", "end": "2024-07-27 13:16:00.272513", "rc": 0, "start": "2024-07-27 13:16:00.268556" } STDOUT: via dev ethtest0 proto static metric 4 via dev ethtest0 proto static metric 2 TASK [Assert that the named route table 'custom' contains the specified route] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tests_route_table.yml:114 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:00 +0000 (0:00:00.249) 0:00:18.985 ********* ok: [sut] => { "changed": false } MSG: All assertions passed TASK [Remove the dedicated test file in `/etc/iproute2/rt_tables.d/`] ********** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tests_route_table.yml:121 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:00 +0000 (0:00:00.036) 0:00:19.022 ********* changed: [sut] => { "changed": true, "path": "/etc/iproute2/rt_tables.d/table.conf", "state": "absent" } PLAY [Set down {{ profile }}] ************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************* task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/down_profile.yml:3 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:00 +0000 (0:00:00.432) 0:00:19.454 ********* ok: [sut] TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Ensure ansible_facts used by role] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:4 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:01 +0000 (0:00:00.862) 0:00:20.317 ********* included: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml for sut TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Ensure ansible_facts used by role are present] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:3 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:01 +0000 (0:00:00.067) 0:00:20.384 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Check if system is ostree] *********** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:12 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:01 +0000 (0:00:00.034) 0:00:20.419 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "not __network_is_ostree is defined", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Set flag to indicate system is ostree] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:17 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:01 +0000 (0:00:00.026) 0:00:20.446 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "not __network_is_ostree is defined", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Check which services are running] **** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:21 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:01 +0000 (0:00:00.025) 0:00:20.471 ********* ok: [sut] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Check which packages are installed] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:26 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:04 +0000 (0:00:02.386) 0:00:22.858 ********* ok: [sut] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Print network provider] ************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:7 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:05 +0000 (0:00:00.845) 0:00:23.703 ********* ok: [sut] => {} MSG: Using network provider: nm TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Abort applying the network state configuration if using the `network_state` variable with the initscripts provider] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:11 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:05 +0000 (0:00:00.024) 0:00:23.727 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "network_state != {}", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Abort applying the network state configuration if the system version of the managed host is below 8] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:18 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:05 +0000 (0:00:00.020) 0:00:23.747 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "network_state != {}", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Abort applying teaming configuration if the system version of the managed host is EL10 or later] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:25 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:05 +0000 (0:00:00.019) 0:00:23.767 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "ansible_distribution in __network_rh_distros", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Check if updates for network packages are available through the DNF package manager due to wireless or team interfaces] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:36 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:05 +0000 (0:00:00.028) 0:00:23.795 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "__network_wireless_connections_defined or __network_team_connections_defined", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Check if updates for network packages are available through the YUM package manager due to wireless or team interfaces] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:48 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:05 +0000 (0:00:00.036) 0:00:23.832 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "ansible_distribution_major_version | int < 8", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Ask user's consent to restart NetworkManager due to wireless or team interfaces] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:60 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:05 +0000 (0:00:00.029) 0:00:23.861 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "__network_wireless_connections_defined or __network_team_connections_defined", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Install packages] ******************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:73 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:05 +0000 (0:00:00.034) 0:00:23.895 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "not network_packages is subset(ansible_facts.packages.keys())", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Install NetworkManager and nmstate when using network_state variable] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:85 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:05 +0000 (0:00:00.113) 0:00:24.009 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "network_state != {}", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Install python3-libnmstate when using network_state variable] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:96 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:05 +0000 (0:00:00.020) 0:00:24.029 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "network_state != {}", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Restart NetworkManager due to wireless or team interfaces] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:109 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:05 +0000 (0:00:00.019) 0:00:24.049 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "__network_wireless_connections_defined or __network_team_connections_defined", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Enable and start NetworkManager] ***** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:122 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:05 +0000 (0:00:00.035) 0:00:24.084 ********* ok: [sut] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Enable and start wpa_supplicant] ***** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:133 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:05 +0000 (0:00:00.472) 0:00:24.556 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "__network_wpa_supplicant_required", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Enable network service] ************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:142 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:05 +0000 (0:00:00.038) 0:00:24.594 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Ensure initscripts network file dependency is present] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:150 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:05 +0000 (0:00:00.021) 0:00:24.616 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "network_provider == \"initscripts\"", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Configure networking connection profiles] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:159 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:05 +0000 (0:00:00.020) 0:00:24.636 ********* changed: [sut] => { "_invocation": { "module_args": { "__debug_flags": "", "__header": "#\n# Ansible managed\n#\n# system_role:network\n", "connections": [ { "name": "ethtest0", "state": "down" } ], "force_state_change": false, "ignore_errors": false, "provider": "nm" } }, "changed": true } STDERR: TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Configure networking state] ********** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:171 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:06 +0000 (0:00:00.498) 0:00:25.134 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "network_state != {}", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Show stderr messages for the network_connections] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:177 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:06 +0000 (0:00:00.030) 0:00:25.164 ********* ok: [sut] => { "__network_connections_result.stderr_lines": [ "" ] } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Show debug messages for the network_connections] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:181 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:06 +0000 (0:00:00.031) 0:00:25.196 ********* ok: [sut] => { "__network_connections_result": { "_invocation": { "module_args": { "__debug_flags": "", "__header": "#\n# Ansible managed\n#\n# system_role:network\n", "connections": [ { "name": "ethtest0", "state": "down" } ], "force_state_change": false, "ignore_errors": false, "provider": "nm" } }, "changed": true, "failed": false, "stderr": "\n", "stderr_lines": [ "" ] } } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Show debug messages for the network_state] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:186 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:06 +0000 (0:00:00.024) 0:00:25.221 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "false_condition": "network_state != {}" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Re-test connectivity] **************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:192 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:06 +0000 (0:00:00.026) 0:00:25.248 ********* ok: [sut] => { "changed": false, "ping": "pong" } PLAY [Delete the interface] **************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************* task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/down_profile+delete_interface.yml:5 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:06 +0000 (0:00:00.332) 0:00:25.580 ********* ok: [sut] TASK [Include the task 'delete_interface.yml'] ********************************* task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/down_profile+delete_interface.yml:8 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:07 +0000 (0:00:00.862) 0:00:26.442 ********* included: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/delete_interface.yml for sut TASK [Remove test interface if necessary] ************************************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/delete_interface.yml:3 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:07 +0000 (0:00:00.032) 0:00:26.475 ********* ok: [sut] => { "changed": false, "cmd": [ "ip", "link", "del", "ethtest0" ], "delta": "0:00:00.019954", "end": "2024-07-27 13:16:08.028643", "rc": 0, "start": "2024-07-27 13:16:08.008689" } PLAY [Remove {{ profile }}] **************************************************** TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************* task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/remove_profile.yml:3 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:08 +0000 (0:00:00.324) 0:00:26.799 ********* ok: [sut] TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Ensure ansible_facts used by role] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:4 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:08 +0000 (0:00:00.830) 0:00:27.630 ********* included: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml for sut TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Ensure ansible_facts used by role are present] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:3 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:09 +0000 (0:00:00.068) 0:00:27.698 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Check if system is ostree] *********** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:12 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:09 +0000 (0:00:00.041) 0:00:27.739 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "not __network_is_ostree is defined", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Set flag to indicate system is ostree] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:17 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:09 +0000 (0:00:00.023) 0:00:27.763 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "not __network_is_ostree is defined", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Check which services are running] **** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:21 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:09 +0000 (0:00:00.022) 0:00:27.786 ********* ok: [sut] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Check which packages are installed] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:26 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:11 +0000 (0:00:02.314) 0:00:30.100 ********* ok: [sut] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Print network provider] ************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:7 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:12 +0000 (0:00:00.838) 0:00:30.938 ********* ok: [sut] => {} MSG: Using network provider: nm TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Abort applying the network state configuration if using the `network_state` variable with the initscripts provider] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:11 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:12 +0000 (0:00:00.023) 0:00:30.962 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "network_state != {}", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Abort applying the network state configuration if the system version of the managed host is below 8] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:18 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:12 +0000 (0:00:00.020) 0:00:30.983 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "network_state != {}", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Abort applying teaming configuration if the system version of the managed host is EL10 or later] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:25 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:12 +0000 (0:00:00.021) 0:00:31.005 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "ansible_distribution in __network_rh_distros", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Check if updates for network packages are available through the DNF package manager due to wireless or team interfaces] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:36 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:12 +0000 (0:00:00.030) 0:00:31.036 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "__network_wireless_connections_defined or __network_team_connections_defined", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Check if updates for network packages are available through the YUM package manager due to wireless or team interfaces] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:48 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:12 +0000 (0:00:00.041) 0:00:31.077 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "ansible_distribution_major_version | int < 8", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Ask user's consent to restart NetworkManager due to wireless or team interfaces] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:60 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:12 +0000 (0:00:00.029) 0:00:31.107 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "__network_wireless_connections_defined or __network_team_connections_defined", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Install packages] ******************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:73 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:12 +0000 (0:00:00.035) 0:00:31.143 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "not network_packages is subset(ansible_facts.packages.keys())", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Install NetworkManager and nmstate when using network_state variable] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:85 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:12 +0000 (0:00:00.120) 0:00:31.264 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "network_state != {}", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Install python3-libnmstate when using network_state variable] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:96 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:12 +0000 (0:00:00.024) 0:00:31.288 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "network_state != {}", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Restart NetworkManager due to wireless or team interfaces] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:109 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:12 +0000 (0:00:00.029) 0:00:31.317 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "__network_wireless_connections_defined or __network_team_connections_defined", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Enable and start NetworkManager] ***** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:122 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:12 +0000 (0:00:00.048) 0:00:31.366 ********* ok: [sut] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Enable and start wpa_supplicant] ***** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:133 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:13 +0000 (0:00:00.474) 0:00:31.841 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "__network_wpa_supplicant_required", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Enable network service] ************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:142 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:13 +0000 (0:00:00.035) 0:00:31.877 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "censored": "the output has been hidden due to the fact that 'no_log: true' was specified for this result", "changed": false } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Ensure initscripts network file dependency is present] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:150 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:13 +0000 (0:00:00.019) 0:00:31.897 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "network_provider == \"initscripts\"", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Configure networking connection profiles] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:159 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:13 +0000 (0:00:00.020) 0:00:31.918 ********* changed: [sut] => { "_invocation": { "module_args": { "__debug_flags": "", "__header": "#\n# Ansible managed\n#\n# system_role:network\n", "connections": [ { "name": "ethtest0", "persistent_state": "absent" } ], "force_state_change": false, "ignore_errors": false, "provider": "nm" } }, "changed": true } STDERR: TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Configure networking state] ********** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:171 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:13 +0000 (0:00:00.461) 0:00:32.379 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "network_state != {}", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Show stderr messages for the network_connections] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:177 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:13 +0000 (0:00:00.020) 0:00:32.399 ********* ok: [sut] => { "__network_connections_result.stderr_lines": [ "" ] } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Show debug messages for the network_connections] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:181 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:13 +0000 (0:00:00.023) 0:00:32.422 ********* ok: [sut] => { "__network_connections_result": { "_invocation": { "module_args": { "__debug_flags": "", "__header": "#\n# Ansible managed\n#\n# system_role:network\n", "connections": [ { "name": "ethtest0", "persistent_state": "absent" } ], "force_state_change": false, "ignore_errors": false, "provider": "nm" } }, "changed": true, "failed": false, "stderr": "\n", "stderr_lines": [ "" ] } } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Show debug messages for the network_state] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:186 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:13 +0000 (0:00:00.024) 0:00:32.447 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "false_condition": "network_state != {}" } TASK [fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Re-test connectivity] **************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:192 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:13 +0000 (0:00:00.021) 0:00:32.469 ********* ok: [sut] => { "changed": false, "ping": "pong" } PLAY [Assert device and profile are absent] ************************************ TASK [Gathering Facts] ********************************************************* task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tests_route_table.yml:135 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:14 +0000 (0:00:00.330) 0:00:32.799 ********* ok: [sut] TASK [Include the task 'assert_profile_absent.yml'] **************************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tests_route_table.yml:138 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:14 +0000 (0:00:00.844) 0:00:33.643 ********* included: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/assert_profile_absent.yml for sut TASK [Include the task 'get_profile_stat.yml'] ********************************* task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/assert_profile_absent.yml:3 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:14 +0000 (0:00:00.033) 0:00:33.677 ********* included: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/get_profile_stat.yml for sut TASK [Initialize NM profile exist and ansible_managed comment flag] ************ task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/get_profile_stat.yml:3 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:15 +0000 (0:00:00.036) 0:00:33.713 ********* ok: [sut] => { "ansible_facts": { "lsr_net_profile_ansible_managed": false, "lsr_net_profile_exists": false, "lsr_net_profile_fingerprint": false }, "changed": false } TASK [Stat profile file] ******************************************************* task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/get_profile_stat.yml:9 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:15 +0000 (0:00:00.022) 0:00:33.736 ********* ok: [sut] => { "changed": false, "stat": { "exists": false } } TASK [Set NM profile exist flag based on the profile files] ******************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/get_profile_stat.yml:17 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:15 +0000 (0:00:00.243) 0:00:33.979 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "profile_stat.stat.exists", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Get NM profile info] ***************************************************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/get_profile_stat.yml:25 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:15 +0000 (0:00:00.026) 0:00:34.005 ********* fatal: [sut]: FAILED! => { "changed": false, "cmd": "nmcli -f NAME,FILENAME connection show |grep ethtest0 | grep /etc", "delta": "0:00:00.022530", "end": "2024-07-27 13:16:15.561407", "rc": 1, "start": "2024-07-27 13:16:15.538877" } MSG: non-zero return code ...ignoring TASK [Set NM profile exist flag and ansible_managed flag true based on the nmcli output] *** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/get_profile_stat.yml:35 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:15 +0000 (0:00:00.268) 0:00:34.274 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "nm_profile_exists.rc == 0", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Get the ansible_managed comment in ifcfg-ethtest0] *********************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/get_profile_stat.yml:49 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:15 +0000 (0:00:00.023) 0:00:34.297 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "profile_stat.stat.exists", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Verify the ansible_managed comment in ifcfg-ethtest0] ******************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/get_profile_stat.yml:56 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:15 +0000 (0:00:00.023) 0:00:34.320 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "profile_stat.stat.exists", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Get the fingerprint comment in ifcfg-ethtest0] *************************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/get_profile_stat.yml:62 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:15 +0000 (0:00:00.051) 0:00:34.372 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "profile_stat.stat.exists", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Verify the fingerprint comment in ifcfg-ethtest0] ************************ task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/get_profile_stat.yml:69 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:15 +0000 (0:00:00.020) 0:00:34.392 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "profile_stat.stat.exists", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } TASK [Assert that the profile is absent - 'ethtest0'] ************************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/assert_profile_absent.yml:5 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:15 +0000 (0:00:00.021) 0:00:34.414 ********* ok: [sut] => { "changed": false } MSG: All assertions passed TASK [Include the task 'assert_device_absent.yml'] ***************************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tests_route_table.yml:142 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:15 +0000 (0:00:00.024) 0:00:34.439 ********* included: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/assert_device_absent.yml for sut TASK [Include the task 'get_interface_stat.yml'] ******************************* task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/assert_device_absent.yml:3 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:15 +0000 (0:00:00.032) 0:00:34.471 ********* included: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/get_interface_stat.yml for sut TASK [Get stat for interface ethtest0] ***************************************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/get_interface_stat.yml:3 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:15 +0000 (0:00:00.031) 0:00:34.503 ********* ok: [sut] => { "changed": false, "stat": { "exists": false } } TASK [Assert that the interface is absent - 'ethtest0'] ************************ task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/assert_device_absent.yml:5 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:16 +0000 (0:00:00.252) 0:00:34.755 ********* ok: [sut] => { "changed": false } MSG: All assertions passed TASK [Verify network state restored to default] ******************************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tests_route_table.yml:144 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:16 +0000 (0:00:00.022) 0:00:34.777 ********* included: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/check_network_dns.yml for sut TASK [Check routes and DNS] **************************************************** task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/check_network_dns.yml:6 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:16 +0000 (0:00:00.030) 0:00:34.808 ********* ok: [sut] => { "changed": false, "cmd": "set -euo pipefail\necho IP\nip a\necho IP ROUTE\nip route\necho IP -6 ROUTE\nip -6 route\necho RESOLV\nif [ -f /etc/resolv.conf ]; then\n cat /etc/resolv.conf\nelse\n echo NO /etc/resolv.conf\n ls -alrtF /etc/resolv.* || :\nfi\n", "delta": "0:00:00.009653", "end": "2024-07-27 13:16:16.349489", "rc": 0, "start": "2024-07-27 13:16:16.339836" } STDOUT: IP 1: lo: mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000 link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00 inet scope host lo valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever inet6 ::1/128 scope host noprefixroute valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 2: eth0: mtu 9001 qdisc mq state UP group default qlen 1000 link/ether 0a:ff:ff:f9:c9:f7 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff altname enX0 inet brd scope global dynamic noprefixroute eth0 valid_lft 3193sec preferred_lft 3193sec inet6 fe80::2e69:414:90d:1c4c/64 scope link noprefixroute valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever IP ROUTE default via dev eth0 proto dhcp src metric 100 dev eth0 proto kernel scope link src metric 100 IP -6 ROUTE fe80::/64 dev eth0 proto kernel metric 1024 pref medium RESOLV # This is /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf managed by man:systemd-resolved(8). # Do not edit. # # This file might be symlinked as /etc/resolv.conf. If you're looking at # /etc/resolv.conf and seeing this text, you have followed the symlink. # # This is a dynamic resolv.conf file for connecting local clients to the # internal DNS stub resolver of systemd-resolved. This file lists all # configured search domains. # # Run "resolvectl status" to see details about the uplink DNS servers # currently in use. # # Third party programs should typically not access this file directly, but only # through the symlink at /etc/resolv.conf. To manage man:resolv.conf(5) in a # different way, replace this symlink by a static file or a different symlink. # # See man:systemd-resolved.service(8) for details about the supported modes of # operation for /etc/resolv.conf. nameserver options edns0 trust-ad search us-east-1.aws.redhat.com TASK [Verify DNS and network connectivity] ************************************* task path: /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/check_network_dns.yml:24 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:16 +0000 (0:00:00.256) 0:00:35.064 ********* skipping: [sut] => { "changed": false, "false_condition": "ansible_facts[\"distribution\"] == \"CentOS\"", "skip_reason": "Conditional result was False" } PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* sut : ok=89 changed=6 unreachable=0 failed=0 skipped=92 rescued=0 ignored=1 Saturday 27 July 2024 13:16:16 +0000 (0:00:00.058) 0:00:35.123 ********* =============================================================================== fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Check which services are running ---- 2.39s /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:21 fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Check which services are running ---- 2.39s /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:21 Install iproute --------------------------------------------------------- 2.37s /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:16 fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Check which services are running ---- 2.32s /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:21 fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Check which services are running ---- 2.31s /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:21 Gathering Facts --------------------------------------------------------- 1.02s /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/tests_route_table_nm.yml:6 --------------- fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Check which packages are installed --- 1.02s /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:26 fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Check which packages are installed --- 0.87s /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:26 Gathering Facts --------------------------------------------------------- 0.86s /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/down_profile.yml:3 ------------- Gathering Facts --------------------------------------------------------- 0.86s /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/down_profile+delete_interface.yml:5 fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Check which packages are installed --- 0.85s /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:26 Gathering Facts --------------------------------------------------------- 0.84s /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tests_route_table.yml:135 ------ fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Check which packages are installed --- 0.84s /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/set_facts.yml:26 Gathering Facts --------------------------------------------------------- 0.83s /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/remove_profile.yml:3 ----------- Gathering Facts --------------------------------------------------------- 0.80s /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tests_route_table.yml:3 -------- Create veth interface ethtest0 ------------------------------------------ 0.77s /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/tests/playbooks/tasks/manage_test_interface.yml:27 fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Configure networking connection profiles --- 0.66s /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:159 fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Enable and start NetworkManager ----- 0.63s /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:122 fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Configure networking connection profiles --- 0.50s /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:159 fedora.linux_system_roles.network : Configure networking connection profiles --- 0.49s /WORKDIR/git-weekly-ciqzw5bjs5/.collection/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/roles/network/tasks/main.yml:159 ---^---^---^---^---^--- # STDERR: ---v---v---v---v---v--- [DEPRECATION WARNING]: ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATHS option, does not fit var naming standard, use the singular form ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATH instead. This feature will be removed from ansible-core in version 2.19. Deprecation warnings can be disabled by setting deprecation_warnings=False in ansible.cfg. ---^---^---^---^---^---