Bug 276538. Ant console output seems to imply that parameter can be set but really it should not be
Bug 283312. ANT Client gen- message missing server name subst. variable
Bug 283399. Web Services > Server & Runtime preference undefined
Bug 286859. EJB Projects created by web Service Wizards does not add the ejbModule as a source folder
Bug 285933. SOAPElementSaxHandler to create text nodes results in null return for char size 1
Bug 291075. remove auto build join calls
Bug 291143. Mechanism to expose WEB-INF/lib classpath component dependencies
Bug 291225. Output folder support in JavaEE projects
Bug 292571. JavaEE EMF content provider improperly synchronizing during notification
Bug 293497. Utility jars removed from the properties
Bug 299059. Check for Main-Class in MANIFEST.MF should not always occur
Bug 299432. J2EE Deployment framework doesn't allow facet exclusions
Bug 299764. Exception from JEE5ContentProvider
Bug 300098. 'In Lib Dir' checkbox being ignored when a jar dependency is added to an EAR
Bug 302009. ClassCastException when org.eclipse.wst.ws.ifile2uriconverter plugged in
Bug 304385. Allow users to disable copying axis jars
Bug 320134. Java facet version changes