This directory contains all the necessary stuff for making RWEB, the 
REDUCE version of WEB.

Currently I maintain two versions, one for the old REDUCE version 3.3
and one for the new version 3.4. It should be noted, however, that I only 
make improvements on the new 3.4 version. The main difference until
now in both versions, is the removing of underscores in the 3.3 version.

Along with these files you need a version of SPIDERY WEB, which can be
obtained by anonymous ftp from (

After you have installed SPIDERY WEB you know what it means to put the
files contained in this directory into a new directory $(WEBROOT)/reduce.
Do it. You might as well want to change the variable HOME in
$(WEBROOT)/reduce/Makefile (which is in fact an adapted version of

In order to make RWEB, go to $(WEBROOT)/reduce and type 'make weave',
'make tangle' or 'make web', if you want to make rweave, rtangle or
both. The documentation needed for using RWEB is

Have fun,

Old address:

Marcel Roelofs,
University of Twente,
Department of applied mathematics,
P.O. Box 217,
7500 AE Enschede,
The Netherlands.

New (941105)