% \iffalse meta-comment % % File: unisc.dtx % ------------------------------------------------------- % Package: unisc % Version: v0.2 (29 April, 2022) % Author: निरंजन % Description: Unicode small caps with Xe/LuaLaTeX. % Repository: https://puszcza.gnu.org.ua/projects/unisc % License: GPLv3+, GFDLv1.3+ % ------------------------------------------------------- % % The LaTeX Package unisc v0.2 % Copyright © 2022 निरंजन % % This program is free software: you can redistribute it % and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public % License as published by the Free Software Foundation, % either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any % later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be % useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied % warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR % PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more % details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public % License along with this program. If not, see % <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. % % The current maintainer of this work is निरंजन. % % This work consists of the files unisc.dtx % unisc.ins % and the derived file unisc.sty. % \fi % \iffalse %<*internal> \iffalse %</internal> %<*readme> ------------------------------------------------------- Package: unisc Version: v0.2 (29 April, 2022) Author: निरंजन Description: Unicode small caps with Xe/LuaLaTeX. Repository: https://puszcza.gnu.org.ua/projects/unisc License: GPLv3+, GFDLv1.3+ ------------------------------------------------------- %</readme> %<*internal> \fi %</internal> %<*driver|package> \def\uniscname{unisc} \def\uniscversion{0.2} \def\uniscdate{2022-04-29} \def\uniscdescription{% Unicode small caps with Xe/LuaLaTeX.% } %</driver|package> %<*driver> \documentclass{l3doc} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{fontawesome5} \usepackage{hologo} \DeclareRobustCommand\XeLaTeX{\hologo{XeLaTeX}} \usepackage{unisc} \usepackage{hyperref,hyperxmp} \hypersetup{% unicode,% colorlinks,% urlcolor=blue!60!black,% linkcolor=red!60!black,% citecolor=green!60!black,% pdftitle={The unisc package},% pdfauthor={निरंजन},% pdfsubject={\uniscdescription},% pdfcreator={निरंजन},% pdfkeywords={Unicode, small caps, LaTeX},% pdfcopyright={% The LaTeX package unisc\textLF Copyright © 2022 निरंजन\textLF Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled “GNU Free Documentation Licenseâ€.% },% pdflicenseurl={https://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl-1.3.txt}% } \ExplSyntaxOn \pdf_version_gset:n{2.0} \ExplSyntaxOff \usepackage{mdframed} \usepackage{fontspec} \newfontfamily\charissil{CharisSIL} \newfontfamily\devanagari[% Script=Devanagari,% Scale=0.8% ]% {Shobhika} \NewCommandCopy\oldamp\& \def\&{\textit{\oldamp}} \begin{document} \DocInput{\uniscname.dtx} \end{document} %</driver> % \fi % \title{The \pkg{\uniscname} package} % \author{^^A % {\devanagari निरंजन}\thanks{^^A % \href{mailto:hi.niranjan@pm.me}^^A % {\faIcon{envelope} \texttt{hi.niranjan@pm.me}}^^A % }^^A % } % \date{^^A % Version \uniscversion\ --- \uniscdate\\[1ex]^^A % {^^A % \small % \faIcon{globe}^^A % \quad % \url{https://puszcza.gnu.org.ua/projects/unisc}\\[0.5ex]^^A % \faIcon{bug}^^A % \quad % \url{https://puszcza.gnu.org.ua/bugs/?group=unisc}^^A % }^^A % } % % \maketitle % % \begin{documentation} % \begin{abstract} % \LaTeX\ produces small caps with % \cs{textsc}\marg{text} or \cs{scshape}. Both of these % commands don't produce small caps in Unicode. If the % output text is copied and pasted somewhere it shows % the same characters used in the input. This package % aims to internally convert all the characters provided % to the commands mentioned above. It assumes that the % file using this package is compiled with Lua/\XeLaTeX\ % \& a good Unicode font which has the small caps % characters, e.g., % \href{https://ctan.org/pkg/charissil}{Charis % SIL}. Please note that as there are no Unicode slots % allotted to upper case small caps, both the lower case % and upper case input will be converted to only one % relevant Unicode character in the output, e.g., % \verb|\textsc{Hh}| will produce the same character % twice unlike \verb|\oldtextsc{Hh}|. % \end{abstract} % % \tableofcontents % % \vfill % % {^^A % \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % The \LaTeX\ package \pkg{unisc} % % Copyright © 2022 {\devanagari निरंजन} % % Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or % modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free % Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later % version published by the Free Software Foundation; % with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and % no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included % in the section entitled ``GNU Free Documentation % License''.^^A % }^^A % % \newpage % % \section{Documentation} % % This package provides the following two macros. % % \subsection{Macros} % % This package renews two basic \LaTeX\ commands, i.e., % \cs{scshape} \& \cs{textsc}. To keep the original % definitions available for the users, I have copied the % old commands \& provided two of the following macros % which behave exactly like their old variants. % % \begin{function}{\oldscshape} % \begin{syntax} % \{\cs{oldscshape} \meta{text}\} % \end{syntax} % \end{function} % % \begin{function}{\oldtextsc} % \begin{syntax} % \cs{oldtextsc}\marg{text} % \end{syntax} % \end{function} % % \subsection{The \enquote*{x} factor} % % This package doesn't support the small capital shape % of the character \enquote*{x} as there is no Unicode % number allotted for a \enquote*{small capital x} as of % now. The package simply prints the small x (for both % \verb|\textsc{x}| \& \verb|\textsc{X}|) as it is of % the same height of the other small capital letters % along with a warning message that warns the users % about this deviation. % % \subsection{Example} % % \begin{mdframed} % \begin{verbatim} % \documentclass{article} % \usepackage{unisc} % \usepackage{fontspec} % \setmainfont{CharisSIL}% https://ctan.org/pkg/charissil % \begin{document} % \noindent\textbf{Fake small caps:} % {\oldscshape hello world} \oldtextsc{hello world}. % \noindent\textbf{Unicode small caps:} % {\scshape hello world} \textsc{hello world}. % \end{document} % \end{verbatim} % \end{mdframed} % % This produces the following: % % \begin{mdframed} % \charissil % \noindent\textbf{Fake small caps:} % {\oldscshape hello world} \oldtextsc{hello world}. % % \noindent\textbf{Unicode small caps:} % {\scshape hello world} \textsc{hello world}. % \end{mdframed} % \end{documentation} % % \newpage % % \begin{implementation} % \section{Implementation} % Provide package with its basic information. % \begin{macrocode} %<@@=unisc> %<*package> \ProvidesPackage{unisc}[2022/04/29 v0.2 Unicode small caps with Lua/XeLaTeX.] % \end{macrocode} % Load the necessary packages. % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{pgfparser} \RequirePackage{xpatch} % \end{macrocode} % Make copies of old commands. % \begin{macrocode} \NewCommandCopy\oldtextsc\textsc \NewCommandCopy\oldscshape\scshape % \end{macrocode} % As pointed out by Florent Rougon in % \href{https://topanswers.xyz/transcript?room=2050&id=138859#c138859}% % {this} comment; the definition of \cs{oldtextsc} uses % \cs{scshape} twice which needs to be replaced with % \cs{oldscshape}. For that the following patching is done % \& the old definition is retained. % \begin{macrocode} \xpatchcmd{\oldtextsc}{\scshape}{\oldscshape}{}{\ERROR} \xpatchcmd{\oldtextsc}{\scshape}{\oldscshape}{}{\ERROR} % \end{macrocode} % The following code is kindly provided by Jonathan P.\ % Spratte on the following thread: % \url{https://topanswers.xyz/tex?q=2005}. I have modified % it a bit as per my needs and my indentation style. % \begin{macrocode} \protected\long\def\unisc@output#1{% \xdef\unisc@outputcontainer{% \unexpanded\expandafter{% \unisc@outputcontainer\unexpanded{#1}% }% }% } \protected\long\def\unisc@outputexpanded#1{% \xdef\unisc@outputcontainer{% \unexpanded\expandafter{\unisc@outputcontainer#1% }% }% } \providecommand\@gobbletwo[2]{} \pgfparserdefunknown{scparser}{initial}{% \let\unisc@initiated\@empty \pgfparserswitch{initiated}% \pgfparserreinsert } \pgfparserset{scparser/silent=true} \pgfparserdefunknown{scparser}{all}{% \expandafter\unisc@output\expandafter{\pgfparserletter}% } \newcommand*\unisc@bgroup{\expandafter{\iffalse}\fi} \newcommand*\unisc@egroup{\iffalse{\fi}} \pgfparserdef{scparser}{all}\begingroup {\begingroup\unisc@outputexpanded\begingroup} \pgfparserdef{scparser}{all}\endgroup {\unisc@checkend\endgroup} \pgfparserdef{scparser}{all}{\meaning\bgroup}{% \unisc@bgroup\unisc@outputexpanded\unisc@bgroup } \pgfparserdef{scparser}{all}{\meaning\egroup} {\unisc@checkend\unisc@egroup} \newcommand\unisc@savedefinition[1] {\unexpanded{\def#1}{\unexpanded\expandafter{#1}}} \protected\def\unisc@checkend#1{% \expanded{% \unexpanded{#1}% \unexpanded{\ifdefined\unisc@initiated}% \unisc@savedefinition\pgfparserstate \unexpanded{\unisc@outputexpanded#1}% \unexpanded{\else}% \unexpanded{\pgfparserswitch{final}}% \unisc@savedefinition\pgfparser@current \unisc@savedefinition\pgfparser@usersname \unexpanded{\fi}% }% } % \end{macrocode} % Following is the code for the replacements of the % regular characters with the Unicode ones. % \begin{macrocode} %% LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL A \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}a% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"1D00}}} \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}A% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"1D00}}} %% LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL B \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}b% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"0299}}} \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}B% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"0299}}} %% LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL C \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}c% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"1D04}}} \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}C% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"1D04}}} %% LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL D \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}d% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"1D05}}} \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}D% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"1D05}}} %% LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL E \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}e% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"1D07}}} \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}E% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"1D07}}} %% LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL F \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}f% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"A730}}} \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}F% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"A730}}} %% LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL G \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}g% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"0262}}} \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}G% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"0262}}} %% LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL H \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}h% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"029C}}} \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}H% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"029C}}} %% LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL I \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}i% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"026A}}} \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}I% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"026A}}} %% LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL J \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}j% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"1D0A}}} \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}J% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"1D0A}}} %% LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL K \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}k% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"1D0B}}} \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}K% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"1D0B}}} %% LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL L \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}l% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"029F}}} \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}L% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"029F}}} %% LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL M \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}m% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"1D0D}}} \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}M% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"1D0D}}} %% LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL N \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}n% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"0274}}} \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}N% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"0274}}} %% LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL O \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}o% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"1D0F}}} \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}O% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"1D0F}}} %% LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL P \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}p% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"1D18}}} \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}P% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"1D18}}} %% LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL Q \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}q% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"A7AF}}} \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}Q% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"A7AF}}} %% LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL R \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}r% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"0280}}} \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}R% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"0280}}} %% LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL S \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}s% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"A731}}} \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}S% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"A731}}} %% LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL T \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}t% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"1D1B}}} \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}T% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"1D1B}}} %% LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL U \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}u% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"1D1C}}} \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}U% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"1D1C}}} %% LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL V \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}v% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"1D20}}} \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}V% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"1D20}}} %% LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL W \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}w% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"1D21}}} \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}W% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"1D21}}} %% LATIN LETTER X \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}x{% \unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"0078}}% \PackageWarning{unisc}{% You have used the unsupported character `x' with the\MessageBreak \string\textsc\space or \string\scshape\space command% }% } \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}X{% \unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"0078}}% \PackageWarning{unisc}{% You have used the unsupported character `X' in the\MessageBreak argument of \string\textsc }% } %% No Unicode number for small capital x as of now. %% \textsc{X} == \textsc{x} for size-consistency. %% LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL Y \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}y% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"028F}}} \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}Y% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"028F}}} %% LATIN LETTER SMALL CAPITAL Z \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}z% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"1D22}}} \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}Z% {\unisc@outputexpanded{\symbol{"1D22}}} %% BLANK SPACE \pgfparserdef{scparser}{initiated}{blank space}% {\unisc@outputexpanded{ }} %% END OF INPUT CHARACTERS \pgfparserdeffinal{scparser}% {\expanded{\unisc@outputcontainer}} % \end{macrocode} % Renew the definitions of \cs{textsc} \& \cs{scshape} % commands. % \begin{macrocode} \AddToHook{begindocument/end}{% \RenewDocumentCommand\scshape{ }{% \ifdefined\unisc@initiated \PackageError{unisc}{Nested use not allowed}{% \string\unisc@initiated\space already defined, this shouldn't happen. Aborting.% }% \expandafter\@gobbletwo \else \global\let\unisc@outputcontainer\@empty \fi \pgfparserparse{scparser}% } \RenewDocumentCommand\textsc{ m }{% \begingroup\scshape #1\endgroup }% } % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macrocode} %</package> % \end{macrocode} % \end{implementation} % \newpage % \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{^^A % GNU Free Documentation License^^A % } % \include{gfdl-tex.tex} % \Finale