\documentclass[twoside,10pt,ragged]{article} \PassOptionsToPackage{% a4paper,% landscape,% bindingoffset=3mm,% left=20mm,% textwidth=110mm,% marginparsep=10mm,% marginparwidth=55mm,% top=20mm,% bottom=20mm,% headsep=1\baselineskip,% footskip = 2\baselineskip,% includeall} {geometry}% \usepackage {geometry} \RequirePackage[utf8]{inputenc}\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[alerton, per=none]{sidenotesplus} \RequirePackage[svgnames,dvipsnames]{xcolor} \usepackage{lipsum} \usepackage{xcolor} %\setlipsum{% % par-before = \begingroup\color{gray}, % par-after = \endgroup, % sentence-before = \begingroup\color{gray}, % sentence-after = \endgroup %} %auto generate the bib file \usepackage{filecontents} % \begin{filecontents}{\jobname.bib} @book{Tufte1990, author = {Edward R. Tufte}, title = {Envisioning Information}, publisher = {Graphics Press}, year = {1990}, isbn = {0-9613921-1-8} } @book{Tufte2006, author = {Edward R. Tufte}, title = {Beautiful Evidence}, year = {2006}, publisher = {Graphics Press, {LLC}}, isbn = {0-9613921-7-7} } @BOOK{bringhurst:2002, title = {{T}he {E}lements of {T}ypographic {S}tyle}, publisher = {Hartley \& Marks Publishers}, year = {2013}, author = {Robert Bringhurst}, series = {Version 4.0: 20th Anniversary Edition}, address = {Point Roberts, WA, USA} } @Article{Einstein_str, author = {A. Einstein}, journal = {Annalen der Physik}, title = {Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Körper}, year = {1905}, number = {10}, pages = {891--921}, volume = {322}, doi = {10.1002/andp.19053221004}, file = {:Articles/Einstein_1905d - On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies.pdf:PDF;:Articles/Einstein_1905d - Zur Elektrodynamik Bewegter Körper.pdf:PDF}, groups = {Relativity}, publisher = {Wiley}, sorttitle = {a}, } @Article{Einstein_mc2, author = {A. Einstein}, journal = {Annalen der Physik}, title = {Ist die Trägheit eines Körpers von seinem Energieinhalt abhängig?}, year = {1905}, number = {13}, pages = {639--641}, volume = {323}, doi = {10.1002/andp.19053231314}, file = {:Articles/Einstein_1905e - Does the Inertia of a Body Depend upon its Energy-Content_.pdf:PDF;:Articles/Einstein_1905e - Ist Die Trägheit Eines Körpers Von Seinem Energieinhalt Abhängig_.pdf:PDF}, groups = {Relativity}, publisher = {Wiley}, sorttitle = {b}, } \end{filecontents} \usepackage{mwe} % -- language: English -- % \usepackage[english]{babel} % -- biblatex -- \PassOptionsToPackage{% backend=bibtex,bibencoding=ascii,% language=auto,% style=verbose-ibid, bibstyle=authoryear,dashed=false, sorting = anyvt, maxbibnames=10, % default: 3, et al. natbib=true, % natbib compatibility mode (\citep and \citet still work) urldate=iso,date=iso, isbn=false, doi=false, url=false, eprint=false, }{biblatex} \usepackage{biblatex} \addbibresource{\jobname.bib} \usepackage{listings} \lstset{ basicstyle=\sffamily, lineskip=0pt, aboveskip= 3pt, belowskip= 0pt, } \usepackage{tabularx} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{mathabx} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{calc} \usepackage{xspace} \captionsetup{font=small} % Requires Package{caption} loaded in sidenoteplus % Author info \title{\textbf{\textsf{sidenotesplus}} Example Pages} \author{Anton Vrba} \date{ \today} \PassOptionsToPackage{osf,sc}{mathpazo}% \RequirePackage{mathpazo} \linespread{1.05} % a bit more for Palatino \let\OldTexttt\texttt \renewcommand{\texttt}[1]{\OldTexttt{\color{MidnightBlue}{#1}}} \newcommand{\someimage}[3]{% Width, height, label \begin{tikzpicture}[x=1pt,y=1pt]% 4x3 \path [fill=black!25] (0,0) rectangle (#1,#2); \draw [thick,black!40] (0,0) -- (#1,#2) (#1,0) -- (0,#2) (0.5*#1,0) -- (0.5*#1,#2) (0,0.5*#2) -- (#1,0.5*#2) ; \path [draw,very thick] (0,0) rectangle (#1,#2); \node at (0.5*#1,0.5*#2) {\sffamily\Huge #3} ; \end{tikzpicture}% } \newcommand \describe \paragraph \begin{document} \maketitle \begin{abstract} \noindent Here we demonstrate the features of \textsf{sidenotesplus}, a \LaTeX\xspace package to manage the margin notes, figures, tables and captions. Also body text can be extended into the margin for wide figures, tables and equation. Twoside symmetry is preserved. For biblatex users, routines for side references are provided. \end{abstract} Please first read \textsf{sidenotesplus.pdf} for the descriptions and usage of this package. This document served as a test platform while developing the package, and uses the standard \verb"article" \LaTeX\xspace class. The above right margin note list the first view lines\sidenote|-200pt|{% \ttfamily\upshape\textbackslash documentclass[twoside,10pt]\textbraceleft article\textbraceright\\ \textbackslash PassOptionsToPackage\textbraceleft\\ \makebox[2ex]{} a4paper,\\ \makebox[2ex]{} bindingoffset=3mm,\\ \makebox[2ex]{} left=20mm,\\ \makebox[2ex]{} textwidth=110mm,\\ \makebox[2ex]{} marginparsep=10mm,\\ \makebox[2ex]{} marginparwidth=55mm,\\ \makebox[2ex]{} top=20mm, bottom=20mm,\\ \makebox[2ex]{} headsep=1\textbackslash baselineskip,\\ \makebox[2ex]{} footskip = 2\textbackslash baselineskip,\\ \makebox[2ex]{} includeall\textbraceright \textbraceleft geometry\textbraceright\\ \textbackslash usepackage \textbraceleft geometry\textbraceright\\ \textbackslash usepackage[alerton]\textbraceleft sidenotesplus\textbraceright\\ } of the document preamble. Here we have three \sidenote<-15pt>{\textsf{\upshape\textbackslash sidenote<-15pt>} Test up}% \sidenote!Blue!{\textsf{\upshape\textbackslash sidenote!Blue!} Test colour}% \sidenote|-12mm|{\textsf{\upshape\textbackslash sidenote|-12mm|} but cannot float past \textsuperscript d above} and the commas are inserted automatically between the text markers. But, if a line break is between the two \verb"\sidenote " commands, then that requires a \% sign before the line break. In many environments the floating option fails thus the fixed option is used. Example, a side note used in an equation: \begin{equation} \label{eq:123} a=b\quad \text{see\sidenote<0pt>{test} } \end{equation} an was coded \verb+a=b\quad\text{see\sidenote<0pt>{test}}+. in \eqref{eq:123} Important here is the option \verb/<0pt>/ with any valid length. Side notes can be placed without \sidenotetext*|-20.pt|{A sidenotetext without a mark. Also testing if the command \emph{sidepar} works. \sidepar And here we have a new paragraph. And here we have a new paragraph. And here we have a new paragraph} references by using the \verb"\sidenote*" option Similar to \verb"\footnotemark" and \verb"\footnotetext" the package provides macros \verb"\sidenotemark", \verb"\sidenotetext" and \verb"\sidenotetextbefore" with the same option set. In usage \verb"\sidenotemark" is followed by \verb"\sidenotetext", whereas \verb"\sidenotetextbefore" is followed by \verb"\sidenotemark". The side not is placed relative to the \verb"\sidenotetext" commands. \sidecitet*{bringhurst:2002} expertise is in typography, and the famous expression $E=mc^2$ was first presented with these papers\sidecite{Einstein_mc2, Einstein_str}. ~ \noindent The above paragraph was coded: \begin{verbatim} \sidecitet*{bringhurst:2002} expertise is in typography, and the famous expression $E=mc^2$ was first presented with these papers\sidecite{Einstein_mc2, Einstein_str}. \end{verbatim} The command \verb"\sidealert" provides a temporary margin notes rendered in red or by the user’s defined \verb"!colour!". The alert mark\sidealert{This paragraph needs to be expanded} has zero width so it does not alter the main text layout and is also rendered in colour The package option \verb"alerton" needs to be specified in the document preamble, if omitted the alerts are not printed. \newpage \subsection*{Figure demonstration page A} \begin{figure}[h] \centering \someimage{0.75*\textwidth}{70pt}{A}% \caption{A: Short caption} \label{imageA} \end{figure} \lipsum[3][4-8] \begin{figure}[h] \centering \someimage{0.75*\textwidth}{70pt}{B}% \caption[A: Long caption] {A: \emph{Long caption} \lipsum[3][1-3]} \label{imageB} \end{figure} % % \begin{marginfigure}|-500pt|% \someimage{\marginparwidth}{70pt}{C}%% \margincaption {A: small rectangle in the margin.\label{rectangle1}}% \end{marginfigure}% % % \begin{margintable}|-500pt| \upshape \begin{tabularx}{\marginparwidth}{c X} \hline \multicolumn{2}{c}{Long Table Heading}\\ Item&Description\\ \hline one& The width of this column depends on the width of the table.\\ \hline \end{tabularx} \vskip-1.8ex \margincaption{A: Some description \label{mtable1}} \end{margintable} % % \begin{marginfigure}|-500pt|% \someimage{\marginparwidth}{70pt}{D}%% \margincaption[A: Second margin]{A: Second margin figure with a very long label to take many lines.\label{rectangle2}}% \end{marginfigure}% % % \sidenote*|-40pt|{The gaps between the above floats can be increase by setting the length of {\upshape \textbackslash \textsf{marginparpush} }, e.g {\upshape 15pt}. The effect is visible on next page} \setlength{\marginparpush}{15pt} % % \begin{figure}[h] \raggedinner \sidecaption[A: Side caption]{A: \emph{Side caption} with raggedinner command in figure ennvironment with a lengthy text \lipsum[7][4-5] } \label{imageD} \someimage{0.75*\textwidth}{70pt}{E}% \end{figure} % % \begin{figure*}[h] \centering \someimage{\linewidth}{100pt}{Full width figure}% \caption[A: Full width] {\emph{Full width} \lipsum[12][1-5]} \label{imagefw} \end{figure*} \lipsum[3][4-6]\sidenote<-10pt>{\lipsum[3][1-2]}\par\lipsum[7][4-9] \newpage \subsection*{Figure demonstration page B} \begin{figure}[h] \centering \someimage{0.75*\textwidth}{70pt}{A}% \caption{B: Short caption} \label{imageA} \end{figure} \lipsum[3][4-8] \begin{figure}[h] \centering \someimage{0.75*\textwidth}{70pt}{B}% \caption[B: Long caption] {B: \emph{Long caption} \lipsum[3][1-3]} \label{imageB} \end{figure} % % \begin{marginfigure}|-500pt|% \someimage{\marginparwidth}{70pt}{C}%% \margincaption {B: small rectangle in the margin.\label{rectangle1}}% \end{marginfigure}% % % \begin{margintable}|-500pt| \upshape \begin{tabularx}{\marginparwidth}{c X} \hline \multicolumn{2}{c}{Long Table Heading}\\ Item&Description\\ \hline one& The width of this column depends on the width of the table.\\ \hline \end{tabularx} \vskip-1.8ex \margincaption{B: Some description \label{mtable1}} \end{margintable} % % \begin{marginfigure}|-500pt|% \someimage{\marginparwidth}{70pt}{D}%% \margincaption[B: Second margin]{B: Second margin figure with a very long label to take many lines.\label{rectangle2}}% \end{marginfigure}% % % \sidenote*|-40pt|{Note the larger gaps between the above floats as {\upshape \textbackslash \textsf{marginparpush} } was set to {\upshape 15pt}.} % % \begin{figure}[h] \raggedinner \sidecaption[B: Side caption]{B: \emph{Side caption} with raggedinner command in figure ennvironment \lipsum[7][4-5]} \label{imageD} \someimage{0.75*\textwidth}{70pt}{E}% \end{figure} % % \begin{figure*}[h] \centering \someimage{\linewidth}{100pt}{Full width figure}% \caption[B: Full width] {\emph{Full width} \lipsum[12][1-5]} \label{imagefw} \end{figure*} \lipsum[3][4-6]\sidenote<-10pt>{\lipsum[3][1-2]}\par\lipsum[7][4-9] \newpage \newpage And a final check \listoffigures \listoftables \end{document}