% -*- coding: utf-8 -*- \documentclass[oneside,11pt]{article} \usepackage[a4paper,margin=2cm]{geometry} \newcommand*{\myversion}{2025A} \newcommand*{\mydate}{Version \myversion\ (\the\year-\mylpad\month-\mylpad\day)} \newcommand*{\mylpad}[1]{\ifnum#1<10 0\the#1\else\the#1\fi} \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} \setlength{\parskip}{4pt plus 1pt minus 1pt} \usepackage{enumerate} \usepackage{codehigh} \usepackage{hyperref} \hypersetup{ colorlinks=true, urlcolor=blue3, linkcolor=green3, } %% The \oiint operator is defined with utopia font \usepackage[utopia]{mathdesign} \usepackage[mediummath]{nccmath} \usepackage{medmath} \booltrue{mdm@bare} \NewDocumentCommand\mypkg{m}{\textcolor{blue3}{\mbox{#1}}} \NewDocumentCommand\myopt{m}{\textcolor{yellow3}{\mbox{#1}}} \NewDocumentCommand\mycmd{m}{\textcolor{green3}{\ttfamily\fakeverb{#1}}} \begin{document} \title{\textsf{\color{green3}The \texttt{medmath} package}} \author{Jianrui Lyu (tolvjr@163.com)} \date{\mydate} \maketitle \section{Introduction} \subsection{The \texttt{mediummath} option in \texttt{nccmath} package} There are several problems with \myopt{mediummath} option in \mypkg{nccmath} package. \begin{enumerate} \item The big operators in superscripts and subscripts are too large. \begin{demohigh} \[A^{\sum_{0}^{1}x}=B\] \end{demohigh} \item The definite integrals inside \texttt{cases} environment sometimes cause infinite loops. \begin{codehigh} \[\begin{cases} a & \int_1^t \end{cases}\] \end{codehigh} \item The \verb!\oiint! operators are not scaled to medium size. \begin{demohigh} \[\oiint_{\Sigma}xyzdS=\frac{\sqrt{3}}{120}\] \end{demohigh} \end{enumerate} \subsection{The \texttt{medmath} package} \makeatletter \mdm@activate@all \makeatother The \mypkg{medmath} package started as a fork of \myopt{mediummath} code in \mypkg{nccmath} package, aiming to provide more stable and flexible medium-size math commands. \begin{enumerate} \item The big operators in superscripts and subscripts are in medium size. \begin{demohigh} \[A^{\sum_{0}^{1}x}=B\] \end{demohigh} \item The definite integrals inside \texttt{cases} environment always work. \begin{demohigh} \[\begin{cases} a & \int_1^t \end{cases}\] \end{demohigh} \item The \verb!\oiint! operators are scaled to medium size. \begin{demohigh} \[\oiint_{\Sigma}xyzdS=\frac{\sqrt{3}}{120}\] \end{demohigh} \end{enumerate} \section{Usage} Since \mypkg{medmath} package is a fork of \myopt{mediummath} option in \mypkg{nccmath} package, the usage is basically the same. Here is a minimal example: \begin{codehigh} \documentclass{article} \usepackage{medmath} \begin{document} Inline $\int_0^1x^2dx=\frac13$. Displayed \[ \int_0^1x^2dx=\frac13. \] \end{document} \end{codehigh} \vspace{0.5em}\hrule Inline $\int_0^1x^2dx=\frac13$. Displayed \[ \int_0^1x^2dx=\frac13. \] \hrule\vspace{0.5em} You will see that both integral symbols and both fractions are in medium size. You could see the differences if you remove \mycmd{\usepackage{medmath}} line. Since version 2024E, \mypkg{medmath} package is able to adjust \mycmd{\medintcorr} for some math fonts, hence integral operators with subscripts will look better. As a start, only three fonts (Computer Modern, Mathdesign Utopia, and Mathdesign Charter) are detected. \end{document}