--[[ File l3build-clean.lua Copyright (C) 2018-2025 The LaTeX Project It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL), either version 1.3c of this license or (at your option) any later version. The latest version of this license is in the file https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt This file is part of the "l3build bundle" (The Work in LPPL) and all files in that bundle must be distributed together. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- The development version of the bundle can be found at https://github.com/latex3/l3build for those people who are interested. --]] local pairs = pairs local ipairs = ipairs local insert = table.insert -- Remove all generated files function clean() -- To make sure that distribdir never contains any stray subdirs, -- it is entirely removed then recreated rather than simply deleting -- all of the files local errorlevel = rmdir(distribdir) + mkdir(distribdir) + cleandir(localdir) + cleandir(testdir) + cleandir(typesetdir) + cleandir(unpackdir) if errorlevel ~= 0 then return errorlevel end for _,dir in pairs(remove_duplicates({maindir,sourcefiledir,docfiledir})) do local clean_list = {} local flags = {} for _,glob in pairs(cleanfiles) do for _,p in ipairs(tree(dir,glob)) do insert(clean_list, p.src) flags[p.src] = true end end for _,glob in pairs(sourcefiles) do for _,p in ipairs(tree(dir,glob)) do flags[p.src] = nil end end for i = #clean_list, 1, -1 do local p_src = clean_list[i] if flags[p_src] then errorlevel = rm(dir,p_src) if errorlevel ~= 0 then return errorlevel end end end end return 0 end function bundleclean() local errorlevel = call(modules, "clean") for _,i in ipairs(cleanfiles) do errorlevel = rm(currentdir, i) + errorlevel end return errorlevel + rmdir(ctandir) + rmdir(tdsdir) end